FOUR WEST SIDE KNTEltrRISE, lNl'l'l'KNPENt'E, P1IKGON STRAIGHT TICKET. : . i: CK IVVRSIIAI.1.. H UVUin, ... West Side Enterprise.,.,.,,;., . mu. WI Kow .j oft he death oi ner mm.v v ,n uUMHn Kvt-nv tiiviwi'ay. .;.M I.YON. 'kwTOB X. I'KOl-H.KTOR. Subscrption Prbe. 50 Per V. TKl-KtMIOXK Wl. Hl'JiSllUniON RATK!. (SlTtclIy lo advance) - Lh never thought of suicide. l so frr year 75 HIX niniillin 06 ny .. mmuum HnelrHll- Act-oRiMsu to John Manning, district attorney at Portland, voters have until 5 o'clock Monday afternoon to register. May 15 is the l.uu P .. , i... !. since that day frti' on c i... xr. ",,! holds that the books can Wily be kept open on Monday following. To make sure, register iuu taf - .t.,nt I v nr.lict a heavy run of visitors and immigrants to Oregon .gain thw year The prospects are Independence will bo Citizens and Will n Open Campaign- -.1. ; n(0nn.nriirv. the lolk voumy .... f hmhlmcs for issue wan us . i n ,na,ie in me nuuifi i .-v.. OUerver in the matter of what composes he ,s- j buiU. SUe in this campaign and it, toaard the cs ioU (he order of the day. republican candidates generally. d for more buiKling9 is here and they In seeking an issue the Observer compares 1 a tune come the republican convention of this year ith the or exceeds lh, demand one of two years ago, saying (.oorge HaaLin. u wooU uer 0f the o'.d and not of the made it a point to see iiim r u.miu he loser since new h. minority was Given liberal recognition. ine l ., ,. nan n)w.,v8 i,e rented in preference to circumstances were not at all ' Jnh old one, Independence offer, a very inviting .rgnition in the field to capital that would inyest ,n wake-up of committees and in state delegates re- Hawlky, who works in connect Wed to bv the Observer was the result of a eom- Detk Sock, , ;mi.e. That recognition was granted to tne ion , - - " - ef Jetention Minority upon condition that Mr. Keyt s naine o ru - , Q wUh the shouldnotgo before the conven io n .- - m inaintained for boys. As I t0 tbe Hawkins be permitted to rece -. , hv Detectivo Uawlev its an easy mauer al Monmouth luesoay ,-. ... W acclamation. The course of the majority can-Uiewed by De e tn,e U n(jed3 . , m . , . , 110t be ascribed to compassion charUy or co to pro e9 f ? For tit t'"m,or ir, H. LAI UIIAUV. For Hprweiitallv I. L. KKYT. Fort'omit.v Jik'k1 K. J. t'OAP. Fort'ouidy t'lfk K. M. f MITIl. For hlrllV, M.MtlC 8CHAFKOHI. For ComndiwloiT, Wm. RIODKIX. For Amwi CAKL O.KAVFS. For SetuHtl HiUHTliaeiideid, l I.. HTAIM. For Twaiun-f. J. K. BKK7.1.KY. For Surveyor, JOHN vasousdki.i.. For Coroner, LINN CHAl'MAN. k .-'f iMtult with deadly " .... !utue weapon iw i , , " , i n.tniiniiett to uaoti loony " , f lwStWeek. TJ.e case grevv out of a frac8 that occurred... he saloon Sunday. omn - 8a. v:. ver the Ix'oJ struct oiio , lr and the droi..n ontbetloordiHcharH it. J- it i claimed. wi gou.K u.- Sent SinUh is under 500 Kind. CalifornU ad Jrl"";'i o nun and modwrn m"utiry will h-broiiRhtfrom wl.Kr nil roKir. .... .HefuUr developed. Tbi onening of Uhror ethHhn lf lt Hiai'Uiacior " ii would ! Hr"1 U,wl1 10 1 ol county. tuilnmd building will mam Ula preRreM In IndeH.ndme. Il will U. tl.n el'i.Mo of tli luilejK-iiJ. pneo and Monmouth motor lint from U l-fw-nt trinlnui to tlt river. A aurveyor U expected next week to Uy o th" ct,ur,B "ul r1, Ubliah th grade. It U tb pur ,o of th con.pny to extend tit , lo commit with the river at lh iu IndtfiMtiuleiici i itii wav. in "uu" 1 I gravei "ri . 'rl Tke. Stu.op Pi- I lo that gravel ... V I loaded on t "I'"" . ... c... nU.t i ..r it own line, th I. M. the Ladi Mann. tn - . , , i iha'-hleh. including preparation., will Further ..... " - .,; ' 4r f wf,rk. There I aid to t a KHd gr.vr U, i the rim opailw Im-w and tem vela will lh gravel from lh 'f Itllir liiiroveniMu v"ii Tie incoriK.raior- -"!-,. , , t. M Chac K. I.add, am A. I- ' . t Ul0 junction of the hn president of thn Vl ir-h ! Vllh lV.llir at Mon- bank of I'orlland. and U. Hr. lp J j,,....... . a to xr. I ...l.l I, oil iroiert.e h. ' HiJ. IHH. .Ul. .-" f . . . , . ... -.11 Ivll III Th. Uv. K. Ul n. nj - h union wfrtlm '. Mr. TilTany . uf .nJ will dual witn local option. . . .. lu .., nueiia V i"'" , . f .Ir.tnue. J. A. e" thit inorninn. " Olaine, as"! C5 years .. i ci... I. 1 1 to receintof a l.mniioru rim - - - , ....rfro.nnr.VViU.yco.uh ft.!. Agricultural loi- - - that ou U moniing ' l.lof3H,ludenti....d,vul ni .inch in Id ,",B" i"' Thlri-a. will be taken :w;;;;r,.,,rdwui!t:. deveKunuentof the f prospects on the r. ,,U, n.av bs exis ted so-n. ,ri!lrip.inr Uev. Arthur Allen had a smash p in an attempt to pass tbe motor t Monmouth Tuesday evening He was in ma miRiiy auo" , endeavoring to pans tho moving a I i,i imeoii run iiii ui nnsettina the bnsgy and throwing Uieilimiu, - - . , ...- .k.trHPk. Tie SHOCK Ujustasine mn.u..i, maintain the state s oaa girw. mr. v ,lim un. their part of it, . volunteered advice of Mr. Ilawley may have some ms for a time. The fright- This year the cmuesi w. - Uves in Portlaud, 'Ihere are ,ed h e d ,he t,uggy Cl. Unk but merely carrying oui t - . u;Anniaiiv for a state fair, the Portland aeiecuvw mentjustasthe minority delegates earned out biennuUjto. -tat Tins year uic a;Tnificanoe He 1 ves in t'ortiana. n ened horee draggea ui M - Kirkpatrick and Loughary for the state senate. 8,gmfica di- tom eide up over the .track, almort There was no offer nor thought of compromise on numerous ; oPP" but he can demolishing the veh.e e , , . .. ., .- ;-o hnwftver. ana ai veneu no & mianicm ''- ? ... . i Afras tub 1 1 i in ni icji v i , i i , rv ornru i i i i i tb it nin enner siue. . . ooa nnne but the appropnauon ior u "" and as it tell caugni uuue ,he cotton, ... of '.''"LTZ " The .UK Mr .pproP.m U ju.Hh. amoual b. man His"i : , .. j ;( fil rmioht under a nickel he eooventon. t.o of tb. minority c.nd.da.- . - he i";ii,i-1 , , , , miivL ill iiniiiicii tjMtfw-- ha tate deletion which were declined. As to wants. " , . and clark fair the ticket, at least .hree if SVP-rp-.. n. cannot see to the minority side and j;.' that one-tenth of the appropriation for a portage three others were friendly but took no road at The Dalles would give him as much But the Observer's review of the convention W" one-thtrd does not touch the issue before the voters Mr. lha State University, one- Hawkins is not the issue. He is supporting . one-fifth for members rennblican ticket or if not should be. He has oirtn ior ag fM tw4ce been nominated and elected to the legislature or neieu There bv the republicans of Polk county. He would be "ong the appropriations of . So would Mr. jurkpamcK or iui. mlt hv Mr Uawley but they do not bother mm. But tbe convention of this year and of two years out by Mr f f ,k8 that the 8tate aeo are of the past. The attitude of the majority I advantage than leuuo. u , , without serious injury and Hev ... . i t U main AI n 18 aOI w uo un PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. R.ALLIN.D. D. S. ...Dentist... Fa In lew Extraction 8pelulty. Couuer BnllUIni, InUi'lxnileiice, Or G. A. HURLEY, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. ag0 are of the past. The attitude of the majon y .dvantage than Collections Promptly Made toward the minority or minority toward majority can PP"Pid Society maiDtained in I-eHtigated. -Titles t ;oooo fr.r vnfnr.4 at this time ale iiui. iouvo .w Any error or oversight, if such there were on the part of any delegate this year or two years ago are not issues to be paraded before an intel TlrA is an issue and an import ant one. It is the endorsement or rejection of the ior a ioys uu "- iL 1 . F o r nb-Art e.UV WHre uciw v. fat and dispense gratis advice to the tax-payers through the daily press. East Side Main Street, Tmdependexce. -:- Oregon. "Rnrn ptt be rood to us ntn It is the endorsement or rejection oi me wiumuu , T..n-im?nUtrtion: Oreeonisto fire the until after election. ine sawyer,. 2WU9C iCl cuu"- . i 1 Anmnai m-i I opening gun in the coming nauoxnu ? . porlland geverelv The result of the June election m ureguu rus.A - f yi8U : or, Rfate of the Union. Lut his foot with an axe. It is feared he will get 1 1 1 W." II. II !l I HLV 111 ,(WT I With a clean ticket, such as put out by the Polk it in the necK next. , .. v.;a trAor thero can I county repuoiicau couveuuuu be no mistake as to the issue of the campaign. It You Should Use SberuMn mil!Uia$ Pals! in made of I'ttre leaa, pure zinc ami puro lin m oil mixed by 8jKcittlly mado machinery. It in mado to j.aint buildingn, inside and outside. It wears longoat, lo'ks Wat anl ii tlio mobt economical to ue. FRAZER & RICE Independence, Oregon. K. T. 1IENKLE, Barber Shop. MAIN STREET. .1n. ooiilli rif Pilt. OfTlPH Fine Baths in connection with shop v .... Ct3 E-1AU Independence, m ma ha theorelicallv coed and S 10 Hie issue vi r o i i hat a ian "j " " . IT Jl . . 11 .H,,o-r,tQfl in rises supreme, it is tne lesi oi icfuu"v"u practically useless io " democratic strength in folic county auu tne registration law. that as between two sets of uuuviiJM"'" i - ml' i.HAvfl - . t t tt f Portland has sentencea a man JUDIil. iiuuuo vi to 60 days in jail for lying. Peddlers of campaign . . , prevarications, taice note. yoier uuuciai-tiuu . clean candidates the influence of his vote next month will be recorded for or against the .national administration. bv the Oregon OUH una - t 1 Dental Association to enjoin Dr. R. L. Lincoln o mWr rf the state dental board. jrom acuug u , . ria tVint. members oi tne The aeniai jaw yiui - board shall be appointed from a list of six names - . .i v.. tka oacnnifltiftn. submitted to tne goveruor uy - The list was submitted to Governor Chamberlain, but he elected to ignore it and appointed Dr. Lin coln. Congress having adjourned, Senators Mitchell and Fulton should hurry up on their Tray to Polk county to see how their garden is growing. They distributed in this county 928 I ii Plumb 1I.H. JASPEESON Undertaker, Embalmer, ana luoerul I 1irWlUI . JUuj rjoiomii . 1 x : 1 .noivna frfim i hft I whan flMil rH y- I-,n 1 T r 111 11 I. M II V I HO tt uuu j-w..w . T!T.r7"Lvi:. tliAip nftcks INDEPENDENCE - - - OREGON. state senate wnne oiuers ic u. "ft trying to get elected to tne same pmw. r., xTarinn nmmtv where a bie majority ja Hr. the candidates are busy as bird dogs. Polk county committee tase warning. T wr trUir thn Tracv editor of the Port- land Telegram, has widened his "Splashes column to 26 ems and seems to be equal to the occasion A eninrlav niirht. one of the Ore- In. They distributed in this county 928 Zl Atonies and one of seed packages each containing 1,432,274 seec g numerou8 occupations will be gone. mat tier a total iar uevuuu '" r- i L . .:afoP wi l have nassed. c . i me vime vj i OI lue ifi6v o OSCAR HAYTER, Attorney-at-Law, CAMPBELL BUILDING, DALLAS, OREGON. CARPET AND REG WEAVING. Parties wishing work done in this line will please call at my residence one block west and half block north of Palace Hotel. Carpet Weaving 10c per yard. Mr s. W. Jt. Mar tier, INDEPENDENCE, -:- ORRGON liia Dm. On Short notice Plows and all Hinds of edged Cools Ground While you mail I AND MONMOUTH " ' W 1 l aT a WATER and LIGHT CO. NDEPENDENCF, ..Subscribe for the Enterprise....