West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, May 12, 1904, Image 1

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    West Side Enterprise
i. II. Hawi.ky, V. ,. C.i
' I'rcHiilont.
I ha C. lWtxi., CanhiiT.
Vice rrcKiiKnt.
ria ciui, lao.ooo
IntK rnii J. II. lUwIny, !'. I,. ('ampUII, I. M. Simpson, J. II.
Uuller, Joint H. Stump, J. A. Withrow. K. H. Powell.
Trnn ' fi"iiril Nanking and Kii-hitnga Ihhi'md,
yniUhl throiigliixit lh Uniti-d Huti and Canada.
Drafts HuKI
CAPITAL, 8TOOK, tf50,000.00.
II HIKMIIiKliU, Itot.Ji'iit. A I'll AM N MOS Vli IWilcn
(3. W. IltVINK. CiMrr.
niKKlTOKH, II. llirMnf, t. W. rwr, H. V, fcmitli, J. I', lihewlt-f and
A. N p I 1 1 1 .
A runnr! Itnklnif and diaiiif bualnrm tmuwurtml. lmii mulo. Hi 1 la
dinoiiiiio.!. Commercial rrodiU graiiUHl. leMMiti nvUl tin rurri'iil nrrounl
Ball's Terry
The ferry boat is now in opcrtion,
day or night, roads good and driv
ing fine. Take the short cuts to
' points in Marion County.
fl. D. Pcilijobn, Proprietor
-- )!iqujrtrn Pur -i-
Fine Ggars, Tobaccos, Candies
" Independence of Indepen
dence" to be Launched at
Independence at the hour
of 8 o'clock in the
Hat Passed Inspection and
Capable of Carrying: 100 Pas
sengers. Her Limit
12 Tons.
F'lp In tndka vr1v from cob
to bntrroa and liiMrt Mchum.
&xU Fountain I of tbt hot dayi.
You rt alwayw w(com.
(Mr! Itig for Commercial Men a Social ty.
( JikmI accomtnixlation. Ilornws well fed. Fine
rig. I form boarded by day, week r month.
Tetrphone JVo. 2U.1
Inilrteittteurr, Oreyon
1L D. WHITMAN, Proprktor
47 A Home Industry Institutions
Work Called forTuaadar Delivered Saturday
Josse & Bice,
Fine Parlors in connection. Day or night
calls promptly attended to.
Day phone 273 Night 393
Main St, Independence, Ore
Vf. 1 uiCC Emualmer and Funeral Director.
Hovering mi tim river ban x. at
the HaU-r'a rll0, llio 'lnd-pelKkl)C:
uf independence," ('upturn Skin
ner ' new Itout is ready to lurch in
to me iiiitiiii iia turn claim a
place among I In river lleul.
She wan removed from the work
shop on Main i.lreH, where she wan
built, lo th ferry landing on C
street, the first uf the wwL and
will Ui launched in the morning
I ho trailer to her present resting
place was alluded by means of
rollers and a block and tackle, and
people had a good view of the little
craft as she made her way along
the streets. tihe was gracelul
enough in apM!srauce but it was
evident she was out of her clement.
It required Monday and part of
Tuenday lo get her to the river
bank. She will appear at her bast
in the water.
She hiii been Inspected by Deputy
Barnes of the custom service and
pronounced worthy and the neces
sary papers have beeu taken out by
Captain Skinner. The boats num
ber is 200ti o'J and it has a carrying
capacity of twelve tons. she
measurers 55 feet and 3 inches in
length and according- to Captaian j
Hkiuuer, will carry 1U0 passengers. !
Her olliceis will be pilot and engi
neer, Caplaiu Skinner being thl
former and his son, Claud, the
latter. I
There has been soni delay in get
ting the shaft from Dallas for the
profiler so it is possible that all
the preliminaries will not be com
plete by morning, but whether they
are or not the boat will be launched
at the time fixed tomorrow, (rn
day) morning. At 8 o'clock, the
blocks will be removed and as the
little boat glides into the water,
lady whose name has not yet been
disclosed, will break the bottle of
wine on the bow and thelndepend
. i i in i
enca oi juueDenaence win ue
Caotain Skinnir has no uuegiv
inss as to the success of his boat.
. ... i . i
It is announced she will maice me
triii to Palem next Wednesday for
the benefit of tnose woo aesire 10
Ht tpnri the circus, lhe bost will
nlv reffularlv between Indonenu
ence and Salem. The dates, of de
parture and arrival will be an
Gives His Views as to the Duties of
a District Attorney ani Passes
on to Other Fields.
Jiul(,' J. .'. Vhitny, candidate
fur district attorney addressed a
smiill-ki.ed audience at the opera
house in Independence Tuesday
eyening. Posters had been up for
several days announcing the
judge's coming, nod inviting J. II.
McXary the r'iublicnn cnudiduie,
to he present and take part in the
discussion if it muted his pleanure.
Judue Whitney confined his re
marks principally to his ideas of
the duties of a district attorney
and courts of justice. He endeav
ored to steer clear of politics, claim
ing that the portion of district at
torney was really not a political
one, but a position that should be
looked upon as a business propo
sition. The 1150 paid for the ser
vices of a district attorney and bis
demliee in this district, the judge
thinks is ample remuneration
without counties Using obliged to
hire a special attorney. Should he
be elected, Mr. Whitney promised
t pay for any epcial legal service
that it might become necessary to
Judtfe Whitney put himself to
record as opposed to the law abol
ishing in part the grand jury and
stated that, should he he district
attorney and the presiding judge
should fail to make an order con-
Stoll Case Disposed Of Giving
Defendent 30 days more in
Jail, Case as to Anna
Stoll Dismissed.
Mrs. Adkins Gets Damage From
City of Monmouth. Damage
case of Guthrie now on.
Circuit court department No. 1
convened .Monday Willi a Jigl
The only criminal case was that
of John George Stoll and Anna
Stoll, charged with lewd and las
civrous co habitation. etoll was
arraigned on Monday and through
hia attorney, J. L. Taugher, enter
ed a plea of guilty, waived time for
sentence and was sentenced to
term of 30 days in the county jail
state to recover costs and disburse
mente. Stoll bad already lain
about three months in jail in de
fault of bonds. The charge as to
Anna Stoll was dismissed.
Other caees were disposed of as
Caleb Hughes vs. Geo. . Lewis
et al; action for money; verdict for
plaintiff for $175.
O. L. Leet vs. Falls City Cured
Fruit Co; confirmation; sale con
firmed. J. V. Dennis vs. H. W. Bancroft
action for money ; settled and dis
T. J. Scroggin vs. C. O. Burgess;
actiou for money: settled.
Janeway & Co. vs. V. L. Bice,
lion need later.
Oilleliil liallot.
Secretary of State Dunbar has
made out the form of the oflicial
ballot for the state and Congres
sional district election and sent the
same to the several county clerks.
Th names of the candidates are
arranged in alphabetical order as
required by law. As the republi.
can state and Congressional cnndl
dates are certain of success, the
arrangement is of minor import
ance, but is often of considerable
consequence in county contests
where the eleotion is close. For
PnnareBs from the First District
the order is: II. Gould, Prohibition;
Binger Hermann, Republican; B"
F. Kamp, Booialist; R. M. Veatch,
Democratic . , .
Supreme Judge t. J. urigm,
Prohibition; 0. U. Miakeisen,
Socialist; F. A. Moore, Republican;
Thomas O'Day Democratic.
Food and Dairy Commissioner
r w i r. KeouDiican: ira v.
Berry, Prohibition; 8. M. Douglas,
na.nnorALuv JN. KaBIHUBSeu. ovwui-
Vote for Two Circuit Judges.
tiix years ago there were two circuit judges to
elect in the third judicial district, and the Republican
nominees were George II. Burnett and H. II. Hewitt.
Many voters did not understand that they should vote
for two. In , consequence of this mistake Judge
Hewitt was defeated. Again this year there are two )
judges to elect, and the Republican nominees are
ueorgo n. iurneu ana u. ju. j&uay.
Vote for both !
vening the grand jury, he would
ask for it.
Thejndge has been elected dis
trict attorney twice in this district,
serving from '74 to '76 and from
'78 to '80. In 1374 he secured the
nomination over Til Ford and Ford
bolted the democratic ticket and
made the race independent. N. B.
Humphrey was the republican
nominee, and Whitney was elected.
In 1878 Whitney was elected over
Hart Hurley, republican and also
over N. L. Butler who made the
race that year on the greenback
The judge spoke in Dallas Wed
nesday evening and will epeak at
Amity tonight, LaFayette tomorrow al; mandate entered
action for money; settled.
Mrs. John Montgomery vs. E. H,
Watkins and Arthur Walkins,
action for money; judgment by de
fault ai.d order to Bell attached
. John Montgomery vs. E. H.
Watkins and Arthur Walkins,
action for money; same order as
The Miller Co., a corporation vs
E. H. Watkins fc Co., action for
money; judgment by default.
Stewart & Vant vs. Russell it
Dougherty, action for money; judg
ment by default and order to sell
attached property.
City of Dallas vs. R. P. Boise et
night and on Saturday will go with
Judge Galloway into Tillamook
county. He expects to get more
than his party vote in Linn coun
ty and has hopes of carrying Yamhill.
Governor Issues Pardon.
Governor Chamberlain has grant
ed a full pardon to Harlow C. Mes
inger. who was serving a 15-year
term in the penitentiary from Jack
son county for manslaughter. He
was received in 1902, and has been
model prisoner. The governor
assigns Beveral reasons for his par
don, one being that when the court
nstructed the jury it committed an
error, which was afterward reversed
in a similar case from the same
court. Another reason is mat nies
singer acted in self-defense, and has
been sufficiently punished for his
City of Dallas vs. Mary E
leek et al; mandate entered.
The cases of Laura Adkins vs.
the city of Monmouth, damages,
and of J. L. Guthrie vs. the Coast
Range Lumber Co. were tried be
fore juries.
In the Adkina cute the jury, after
several hours deliberation, found
for plaintiff in the sum of $2112.91
This had come to be a well-known
case. Mrs. Adkins sued the city of
Monmouth to recover damages for
injuries sustained from a fall which
she alleged was due to a defective
sidewalk. The case was tried out
before a jury once before and the
plaintiff awarded ISOO damages.
Upon motion of defendent the ver
dict was set aside and a new trial
ordered. Ne exceptions were saved
by attorneys for the city in the last
trial which precludes an appeal to
the supreme court. An effort might
be made, however, to have the ver
dict set aside aa in the former trial.
The Appearance of Main Street
Being- Transformed by New
Buildings, Painting; and
The improvement wave retently
set in motion la already showing
visible results and other evidences
of i Uf progress are yet to foJJow.
The work of tearing down the old
Stoll bakery building on Main
t-treet preparatory to replacing it
with a modern brick block, i i'iv
in progress. The new firm of Me-
Cready & Karhart, tuccesHora-to-be
of C. D. Calbreath, have secured a
lease on the new building and will
occupy it as soon as the workmen
can complete it.
One improvement calls for an
other, and II. Hirschberg expects
to tear out the old-fashioned fiont
of the building occupied by F.
Wilson as a grocery store, and put
in a modern glass front The drug
store building occupied by A. S.
Locke will be painted and re
touched in whatever particulars
appearances may require.
The building formerly, occupied
by H. E. Wagoner as a book store,
in the same locality and belonging
to Mr. Hirschberg has be leased
to T. J. Gilpin of Santa Roa, (Jul..
for saloon purposes and will be
overhauled and painted up nlo
right away.
Judge McGInu Writes a I'ollto
r Letter to Governor Cham
berlain Tendering
Judge Henry E McGinn hot? r-
siffned as memt er of the (date stri
ate. His reasons are set out in the'
following letter add ress-ed to the
PORTLAND. Or., Ma 7. 1!)4
Sir: I herewith transmit to Your
Excellency my resignation as State
Senator from Multnomah County
to the Oregon Legislature, to which
office I was elected at the general
election in June, 1902, for the full
period of four years. The reasons
which impel me to this course are
entirely of a business kind my
private affairs requne stricter at
tention than I could possibly give
them were I longer to continue a
member of the Senate. I haye
therefore taken the liberty of plac
ing my resignation in your hands
at this time to the end that the
necessary steps may lie taken to
choose my successor at the coming
general election in June, when,
without trouble or expense, this
may then be done. I am very re
spectfully your oledient servant,
Hon. George E. Chamberlain,
fllovernor of Oregon.
A party of active political work
ers ol Marion county did mis
sionary work in Missouri bottom
across the river yesterday and
passed through Independence on
their way home last night. The
party was composed of Judge
Good Roads Scott, with 1000 ma
jority staring him in the face for
re-election; Mr. Graham, majority
002; T. B Kay, majority 822,
for representative; C. A. Mur
phy, captain of the bet company
in the Oregon National Guard;
Prince of-Good-Fellow, Isaac Ike
stein Manning, recently from the
coffee plantations of Nicaragua but
now of the Satesman" force; H. H.
Turner, a newly married man and
Mr. Donaldson, chaperon e. They
left Independence in good order at
10 o'clock and 10 minutes last