WEST SIDE ENTERPRISE. INWENDKSCK, OKBdOX VIP.IIT Absolutely Pure Lead, Zinc an? Linseed Oil URE The Heaviest, Purest and Best Bodied Paint Made PAINT w PAINT BRUSHES, VARNISH BRUSHES, STRIPPING BRUSHES, ETC. e. ms, R. M. WADE &COrd 0re- I II 1 a a rial and Personal.;! Mrs. Frank Lucas is visiting in Portland this week. Mrs. W. W. Perciyal was a Dallas visitor Wednesday. Clarence Ireland was in the city the first of the week. Stock pastured by C. W. Leonard at Monmouth, Oregon. Hon. Frank Butler of Falls City, was in Independence Tuesday. Claude Fryer was a passenger on the north bound train Saturday. t Dr. Davidson and Mrs. Chappel went to Portland by boat Tuesday morning. John Young and son, Freddie, are visiting in Eastern Oregon and Washington this week. Miss Ella Robinson has a po Bition in W. A. Messner'a store Miss Gertrude Dickinion having resigned. Joseph Burbey and family, of North Yakama, arrived in this city yesterday and will locate ou , farm a mile north of here. Modish bricks of ice cream can be ordered at Simpson Eros., Mon mouth. Be sure and get the famous pure Hazel wood ice cream. j G. Van Orsdel, ex-sherifl of Polk-county, has purchased the electric light plant of Dallas. Ihe consideration was 18,500 and was sold by M. D. Ellis. The frost of the past week has left its effects on the young hop '-..w nn serious damage has Viueo vu -w - been done. The prune orchards have sustained some damage. Next Sabbath at the M. E. church Mr. Edmondson will preach in the morning at 11 o'clock, sub . i.tv,o Divinity of Work," in the evening at 8 o'clock-'Tbe Young Ruler." All are cordially invited to attend. Albert Hess and Mr. White have this week getting up been i" , - .... matter for an Independence edition ,.i. Portland Telegram. lne Telegram is exhibiting ; a spirit of commendable enier rite-UD(f this sections resources and poBSibilities may be expected. . A Startling Test ..,allfe. Dr. T. O. Merritt of Kfphoopany. Pa. madi a starting 7J " n. WnndM and II. L. Fenton of Dallas, wree in Iadepennence ed- nesday. Mrs. Gwinn of Portland visited friends here thin week. She has been down on the coast for the past two week. W. W. Percival shipped a car load of hogs to Portland Friday. The heavy weight; tipping 540 pounds was reserved for Sperling Brcs. Vance Butler formerly of this place was married in Lewistown, Mont., April 6, to Miss Alta Rash. Vance is working with a large min ing company at Kendal, Mont. Mrs. Gwinn who returned from her farm on the Yachats, reports w. Creffield. the holy roller called at the house of one of her neighbors there a few days ago. There is tip for the officer who wants the $100 reward. Mr. Skinner has heard from the machinery that he has been wait ing on so long tor bis boat and it is expected to arrive any day. The boat will be taken from the work shop Monday to the river bank and it is hoped the launching will take place soon. TK vinlin recital eiven by El more Rice Tues 'ay evening at the Presbyterian church in tnis city, was of brilliant character. That Mr. Rice is an artist, is shown in m . a 1 A his mastering of many ot tne Desi violin productions. Those tnat did not attend missed a rare treat. The social whist club was pleas antly entertained last evening at the home of Mr. aHd Mrs. Lj. Damon. It was the last of the afrits of earnes for this season. When the points were all counted it was found that Mrs. J. E. Kirk land and Joe Hubbard had won the gold pins, while Mrs. ueo Conkey and Will Walker claimed the booby prizes. The republican candidates met in Dallas Wednesday and decided to hold a number of public meetings in the county during tne campaign. The candidates are to attend a pic- . . . , n rr ' nic at Rickreal on the zist. mey will mfiet aeain at Ballston on the " o '28th, and at Bidders' Grove, June 4th. Dates will yet be arranged for Buell's Chapel, Douglas pre cinct, McCoy, Dallas, Independence, Falls City and Aulie. Sunny SUpa l'rograro. The school at Sunnv Slope closes Friday May 13th. An entertain ment will be given in the evening as follows: Bong, Happy Greetings to All. .School OpeDlng Address A. J. Shipley Invocation Wash My Dolly Up like That.... Nellie Shipley The Countersign was Mary Ina Flshback Duett Two Glm Ah Essay on Farming ..A. J. Shipley Flag Drill Girl Little Boy Blue Robert Shipley Preaching a Beruion Two Boys t i.n tw Maccie Herren Bolo. Ruth Hay dm Dialogue Two girl, ana . BUSINESS LOCALS. n.w Ulr School I Bong. Brook and River . ... . ,, k coU m.l.xrlia IV IUUII. """'" UI.I..I.. V Ai.wr.il Accident .('barley hl.lpley There Ouce waaaToper ....Utile Mihback Durtt.V.V.V.'.'.V.V. Two Hoy. necit.tum itt'ir'-y Dialogue Twolllrto Bong, l'eerlees Oregon Hotim.i Wlte Hunting Deacon.. Hatlle Herren Dlalogu. Two Olrl. The Knglneernian... .Leiinle Kluhback The Aiiflii'. .Hunuy tslo liirtet Closing Addirs.il. Supt. A. C. 8tarr c,. School Everybody welcome. E. Paddock, liul.-pendi'itw. Ti,- obtains the i'ghet price for wool. Wool lacks K. K. l'ttddoi i, lnucpimrvr. free. IMIU'K. Farmer are g-'ttln ul tkroutfh. with ibttir farm work. Willie Yoat of Florenc is work ing for bin brotht-r Jew in the hop yard. Harry Lacy floUheJ ir,lt hop Saturday. Dr. Luther of King Valtrv .. in our vUinitr the Ul of th Uv. Arnold of LeivilU kj k a I tftruf at Montgomery it ! day evening. , Mlo Yoiinir Again. One of Dr. King' nw lift lllt oltihl for two wiiki ha pit at It aj liwn again, write t. II. Turtwn l)iiyloii, Pa, Thy'r lb m lu tb world for liver, loruacb m bowot. I'urwly vgtal.W. grlia. Only t'xi at A. H. l.ackt't 4 lore. a Mn MMm a Iriw on Thanks. The membership of the Lewis & Clark Club take this means of thanking those who bo kindly as sisted by contributing time and tal- reuniting in a wonderful cure. He Father which was so sue- 'JJU-' cessfully given on April 29 and 30. I of the stomach. I bad often found . t?i trie Bitters excellent for acute Qae 0f the greatest blesnloKS a mod- El j trnnhlM no I Dre- ui m.nnin wish fnr in tood reliable etoooac notipnt pained from L hnu.pl If vou are not the happy ;hi tneui. "r- !'"' --- a hf. not had an attack in nnoneaBor of such a SSi and basnet bad an attack in tne Dittra in final- 14 months. - tlvely guaranteed for dyspepla. )nd' 2K constipation and kidney trou 2 Try them. Only 60c at A. 8. Locke's. DC t T,.D J nAABAar ef aiinh All Oil t fit VOU C&U lunococivi greatly improve the efficiency of those you have by the judicious use of Cham berlains stomach and liver tablets. They are pleasant to take and agreeable in effect. For sale by all druggists. Several ILines Wall Paper 8c per double roll Carpets 30e per yard All Wool Carpets (()(; per yard Iron Beds $2.25 each Lace Curtains 75c a pair Full Size 2ply Bed Spring 1.50 I If You Can't Buy Goods Cheap of Us, You Can't A -n Tr wTi prft Salem