s WKSTSIDE ENTERrmSE. I N D E r E N I K N C E , TWO 1 1 ' i - I ! - f V, 1 ! i 4 s 1 Ft iwnFPFNnFNP.F SOCIAL BRIEFLET8 S I n II' . 1 .-v f 18 Henry Shafer was up from Port land over Suuday. Glenn Goodman of Corvallia was hero over Sunday. E. J. Dunn of Corvallia wat in the city Saturday. Ralph Davidson came down from Corvallta Saturday. Clyde Hill has returned from his mountain trip. Mrs. I. W. Dickinson has been ouite ill the past week. . 'ginning lo awaken to the fact that Mrs. Staiger of Salem, en ter ot( anJ neat Mrs. E. E. Paddock is ",n!dwellings are beginning to go up Jiere i.n rtVr tnwn Tha snirit of Droe- v,v w I Rav Walker returned to lor vallis Monday. Mrs. Helen D. Harford is talkin for local option in Polk county th wet'k. She has addressed audiencea in Independence and Mop mouth and will tomorrow night speak in Dallas. Dates yet to be filled are. Falls City, 7 and 8; Dallas again on the 9th; Buena Vista, 10; Airle, 11; McCoy, 12; Rickreal, 13; Mon mouth again on the 14th and 15th. Dallas is a busy and progressive .town. Men with cupilal are be- Mrs. Anna Culberson and Mrs. Oliver Locke of Salem attended the cantata. Miss Alda Fruni and Roy Frum. of Suver, were in Independence Tuesday. Mrs. Carl Rowe visiting Mrs. Will Cook this week. Mrs. W. P. Caraway of Van couver ia the guest of Mrs. Pad dock this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Wagoner and Miss Wagoner were in Port land the past week. Miss Grace Jones and Miss Edith Owen were Salem visitors the last of the week. Mifs Josie Wood left Saturday to teach the spring term of school in Blodgetts valley. Mrs. Prof. McAdams of Oregon City visited friends in Indepen dence the past week. Miss Paulie Kline and Mrs. E. R. Lake of Corvallis attended the cantata Friday evening. ress and civic pride seems to have taken a thorough hold upon the people, and private premises all over town are being improved and beautified. The greatest public improvement of all will be the sys tem of sewerage recently voted to and baby are be put in. and for the construction n Eugene' of which the city council has al ready advertised for bids. folk County Observer. There will be a social dance at the opera house Saturday night. Good music will be famished. Miss Lulu Spangler and Miss Danaman of Corvallis attended the Queen Esther cantata Saturday night. The family of L. J. Franklin from Tillamook county arrived the first of the week and will be at Grove's Hop yard until after the hop season. Moore's Hair Invigorator and tfewbro's Herpicide for dandruff and falling hair or diseased scalp sold in bulk, 50c 8 oz., or applied if necessary by J. 8. Moore, the barber on C street. J. B. Stump has sold a part of his flock of goats realizing it is re ported $2,750. The goats were sold to the secretary of the National Angora Goat Association, which epeaks well for the quality of an goras raised in Polk. Mayor Cooper is in receipt of a from Dr. James Withycombe of the state agricultu ral college offering his services for a farmers institute here as proposed by the Improvement League, lne communication is accompanied by samples of programs rendered at sum ilar institutes. Such institutes usually cover two days. Services next Sabbath at the Presbyterian church both morning and evening conducted by the pas tor. Dr. Thompson would like to meet his entire congregation at these services as he expects to start soon for the east to attend the Gen " eral Assembly of the Presbyterian church which convenes in Buffalo, N. Y. He will be absent five or six weeks during his absense his pulpit will be supplied by visiting clergymen. There were no services at the Presbyterian church last Sabbath ou account of Dr. Thompson being called to conduct the funeral of an old pioneer, Mr. Sylvanus Condit of Pleasant Grove, Marion county. Mr. Condit tad lived on the farm where he died, for fifty yeare and was a most highly esteemed citizen of Marion county. Several hund red people were present at hie fun eral to pay their tribute of respect to bis memory. He was every where and at all times an honorable citizen a good and godly man Several times he was honored with official positions in Marion county. On Thursday of last week it rained so hard at Salem a baseball game scheduled to take place could not be pulled off. At Independence there was an alternation of thin clouds and sunshine all day with only a light mist for a few min tutes that would not wet one in his shirt sleeves. On the preceding Saturday it rained hard enough to makfl the roads muddy at Dallas while here there was no rain and dry roads. Clouds seem to travel down the Rickreall giving Dallas and Salem and intervening points alone its course, rain that Indepen dence and other higher points es cape. tlerbine Will overcome indigestion and dys pepsia; regulate tbe bowels and cure liver and kidney complaints, ll is me best blood enricner and icyigorator iu the world. It is purely vegetable, per fectly harmless, and should you be a sufferer from disease, you will use it if you are wise. ft. . Andrews, eaiior and manager Cocoa and KocKieage News, Cocoa, Fla., writes, I have used vnur Hurbine in my family aud hnd it xr-Pl lent medicine. Its effects upon myselt have been a marked bene fit. I recommeDd it uuuesuaungiy. 50c. Sold by A. 8. Locke. i BUSINESS lUUAlb, Get your wl sacka at Measners Voters, agister with G, A. liar ley. Take your wool and mohair to Messners. Rape seed at 4o a pound. R. M. Wade A Co. A new line of gloves at Mess ners; "2oc to 11.50 per-pair. Wanted Wool and mohair. Top prices paid in cash at Messners. Wool sacks can be had from the Teoples Cash Store, Independence. Wanted, wool Top cash price. Teoples Cash Store, Independence. Wo make a specialty of lace ctir curtains. CoryullU Steam Laundry.' Will you help us get ten car loads of wool? Peoples Cash Store, Independence. Messner wants all your chick ens and eggs. They are just as good as cash here. A good place to stop for a meal in Salem is at Strong's restaurant. Meals at all hours. , Don't ferget we will buy for cash all the wool you can bring us. Peoples Cash Store, Independence. Hazelwood ice cream, the famous pur kind that melts in your mouth and tastes better than any other. Mm. Chas. A. Rice, of Mon mouth, announces she will give les sons in oil, water color and China painting. Hazelwood ice cream has that velvety taste that everybody likes. On sale at Simpson Bros., Mon mouth. T-aundrv called lor and delivered at your door by the Corvallis Steam Laundry. Mondays and Tuesdays call days; delivery on Fridays. Clark & Parry vehicles are the best goods for the money. We bavs the largest 6tock to select from in Polk county. R. M. Wade & Co. The Corvallis Steam Laundry makes a specialty of gents laundry. Goods called for and delivered or orders may be left at Craven & Moore's. American field feuce is made of Bessemer steel wire with tension curve and patent hinge Btay wires. It is galvanized before and after making. R. M. Wade & Co. I have recently purchased the harness store in Independence of W. H. Craven and am prepared to do all kinds of repairing and oiling of harnesses. The business here tofore has been on the credit sys tem. Terms now are strictly cash. C. A. Kurkk. THE OLD RELIABLE fppl iffittn il g A Absolutely Pure ' THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE: Wagons for Sale. One new wide-tire 4-inch wagon, one old wagon and one second-hand buggy. Inquire at C. A. Kurre's harness shop. A Positive Necessity. Having to lay upon my bed for 14 days from a severely bruised leg, I on ly found relief when I used a bottle of liallard's snow liniment. I can cheer fully recommend it as the best medi cine for bruises ever sent to the afflict ed. It has now become a positive ne cessity upon myself. D. K. Byrnes, merchant, Doversvil'.e, Texas. 25c, 50c, $1, Hold by A. S. Locke. G. W. JOHNSON . CO. iNcoitroiiA i i i' Buy Your Spring Suit from the same oullav, with tl.y satisfaction of Wins l.,u' X to appoar in up-to-dato anpantl. lh Four-Wtoii &u Suit .hou .i m to picture will appeal to pood drei of tho merchant tailor ty It ha the broad shoulder and cho-t ellect which gives a full, substantial appear ance to the wearer without tha t titled and padded look e common in other lines of ready-made clothing. Think of buying a uit Hko this in any of tho popular spring fabric, at a pine SO LOW AS This is an ideal uit for busings men who know the value of "iookin pros perous." It is the product of tho art tailors of SCHLOSS BROS. & CO. whose goods we handle; and we have other lines for other men at other prices. Hefore you buy your Spring Suit, "drop in and let us talk it over." t- - mmm $ 1 2.50 t ev 7 : v V 1 niur br CLOTHING Outfitters Particular People " 0. &j. 3obn$on $ go. 257 Commercial Street $alea, Ore. Incorporated. For Sale. Sit cows, four giving milit and two will be fresh soon. Also one Empire separator. Enquire of M. M. Porterfield, Parker, Ore. Only Portland aud itcliirii 2.40. The Southern Pacific Co. is now selling round trip tickets to Pert land from Independence, lor $2.40, good going Saturday or Sunday, returning Sunday and Monday, giving ail day Sunday and Monday in Portland. The same arrange ment applies from Portland, giving Portland people a chance to vittit Valley points at greatly reduced ratee. Wanted, Special representatives in this county and adjoining territory, 'o reprosent and advrtiHe an old fS tablinhed business house of eolid financial standing. Salary $21 weekly, with expenses from head quarters. Horse and buggy fur nished when necessary; position permanent. Address Blew Bros. & Co., Monon Bldg., Chicago. III. Try forllealth 222 South Teoria St., Chicago, 111., Oct. 7, 1902. Eieht month rro I wis o ill that I was com welled to ho or sit down nearly all the time. Mr, stomach was so weak and npT that I could krp nothing on it and I vomited frequently. I could not urinate without great pain and I coughed so much that my throat and lungs were raw and sore. The ductors pro nounced it Bright' diseaw and others said it was consumption. It mattered little to me wtat they called it and I bad no de sire to live, A sister visited m from St. Louis and asked me if I had ever tried Wine of Cardui. I told her I had not and she bought a bottle. I believa that itsaved my life. I believemany women could save much suffer ing if they hut knew of its valuo. Don't you want freedom from pain ? Take Wine of Cardui and make one supreme effort to be well. You do not need to be a weak, helpless sufferer. You t can have a woman's health and doa woman's work in life. Why not secure a bottle of Wine of Cardui from your druggist to , day? lKBCORDUB Pi MOTOR LINE TIME TABLE. INDEPENDENCE & MONMOUTH RAILWAY CO. dn for Mon. uiuutli n! Altlta 7:1 . 111. S .IU p. III. l4-av Alrlln fur Monmouth and liiilt'lwmlunM'. . in. 4 vi p. m. Ir.i tHd.-w.tr ; ' ' '"J 11 on . m. 8:1) p. 111. L'vp Montnoulli for Alrlle. 7:V), hi. S.'iO p. III. 1,'vrn Moufiioiith for I 'ci I a. in. 6:.M p. in. epeulu ( p, m. 7: " l.'Vf. Moiiiiiotith for Intli'iwiulcne ll Hi a. m, I ,i p, in. l ft)'. " laVMi tnrlt'H.. lc lire for Mun, S:M p. m Ask (lie Affcnt for Tickets VIA Corvallis k Eastern U TO SPOKAM st. i,.i'i,I)i:l;tii,mi.nei,i)Ij.s,hiii:.(io ST. LOUIS AND ALL POINTS CAST AND SOUTH 2 OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY THE FLYER AND THE FAST MAI :2 TIMC CARD NO. 24 No. 2 Fur Yauuina: ..... i Lmvm Albany. .....12:UM OrvUi 2:00 r. Arrivet Yaquin.... 6:20 r.rf No. I Ilfturning : LfAvei Yaquina. . .. 6:i.ij Ivi- Corvulh lI:3Ui. Arrives Albany MS M No. 3 For Detroit: Leaves Albany : Arrives Detroit 12:20 r. No. A I rum Detroit: Leaves Detroit Iwf- Arrives Albany..... . Train No. 1 arrives in Albmj time lo connect with lit M smith bnund train, as well wf, . lhi int! two or tnree nur i hi f -ri" ilri iirtnri! of S. P. M bound train. Train No. 2 connect S. 1. trains at CVvnllinamU''1 j;ivitin direct service to f'f (ind adjacent lieflchen. Train.'! for Detroit, Y.mi and otlior mountain reorU I A'.lmny Ht 7:(X) a. tu., readiml j tn.it nl.out noon, giving a'nPlc to reneli the HnritiL'H sain" For further iiiforni.tliti JCi.wiM Stove Mnft'; T. TorKiiKi.t,, Atfnt, Alhanf- IF. II. Ciiosisa, Aaont. Corvl- Hl'l.l'.M.II. -1; n v i i: I r-TK-l.A'l K Kjl Ii-M 1ST m ;ti.ui:s i-.mi-i.ovks IMYUGHT TK. ACkOsH CAM CADKAMi kOf'KY MINH. Fortiekels, rat.-, fohh-rs and full n. rormation eallon or a-hln-ns II )f'K- Ka.rSl3rmel A'a"M M.f K. G. YKUKKS.C. W. . G12i,rHt Ave., heattlo, Wki-Ii. Geo. T. RodflcrsH WHOLESALE PAPER EVERYTHING Salsa - n