West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, April 28, 1904, Image 1

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    West Side Enterprise
J. 11. H aw i ky,
Jit. C, lWm,, ()aliitr.
I'. I.. Cami uki.i,,
. . .
in? rn'HKiciit.
PI4 CiUI, so.ooo
niKK'MK J- Hawlny. I'. I.. 'ei.U.II, I. M. Hiinpson, J. M. V,
ftulUr, John H. Htump, J- A Withrow, F, M. IWH.
Tr.nimcU Cr(irt lUnklw and Exchange InminrM.
. . . . . t . i . i u. .. i .. . i .
1)1 it tliMiijjnotit 1110 v'liunii ruin mui i. annua.
Draft cold
BTOOK, S60.000.00.
Chester Keady, While Drinking, Shoots Two
Officers and is in Turn Shot by
Sheriff Burnett
James Dunn, Dead, and Ex-Sheriff Osborn On the Road to
Recovery. Turner Before a Justice Court for
Carrying Concealed Weapons.
el it. Turner is raid to hare ad
mitted thin fact. .
Turner haa been arraigned be
fore a justice court on the charge of
carrying concealed weapon. He
plead guilty and was sentenced to
50 day a in jail and to p,y a Cne of
The Freakish Wind Cuts Freakish.
Pranks in Polk County Touch
ing: Earth West of
Athletic Ex lil hit Ion.
0 I IIS 1 1 II KU( I, Iwtilnil
0. W. 1HVINK, C'nMr.
II. lltrwhIxTg. I. V. rr, li,
A. Nolnili,
J. I. lit'O-Un and
Iamm liliule. lUII. I
i ,..! lutiklim ami virhaniia bualuewi Umi-i.,
J MUlUlW. I DIM IHI'IVll.l IHl jw.il. ivitiii lifl miivui WU1I1
The Best iSuits You
You can get it anywhere. Salem Bottle
Seer Is highly recommended for sickness
and that tired feeling. ....
Salem Brewery Association
Salem - - Oregon
lkA)uartt Far
Fine Ggars, Tobaccos, Candies
Ptpn in fftilna vrwly Irom cot
tobrwrraot tad UuM hUtmhtum.
SaU Fountain lot lfa bat Ay.
You w alwiyt welcome
1 Hiti for Commercial Men a
I niTonmHHlationd. Honms well fed. Fine
Horno boarded by day, week r month.
Trlrphan? .. MM
it 2fc is Jfe 2k it is i L. 4L A 4L g
II. D. WHITMAN. Proprietor
A Home Industry Institution 7
WorK Caviled for Tuesday Delivered Saturday
Josse & Bice,
Fine Parlors in connection. Day or night
calls promptly attended to.
Day phono 2T3 Night 393
Main St, Independence, Orel
W. L. BICE, EmbrJmer and Funeral l!recr.
Cohvai.i.ih, April 27 A triplo
AHHAM NKtON, Vlr I'mtUleo hooting occurred here shortly
after midnight Sunday morning.
Nightwalchuian David M. Os-
burn and Jamea Dunn, recently
apjMilntwl deputy sheriff, were shot
by Chester Keady and Keady was
shot by Sheriff Burnett. Ki.l
. - j
waa killed outright. Dunn lived
until Tueaday morning. Osburn
Mtill survives and there is hope for
lua recovery.
The shooting of Officer Osburn
occurred near the postoflice on
Main street.
The shooting of Dunn and Keady
waa on .Madison street, near the
corner of Third, on the north aide
of the street.
Early on Saturday evening a
small gang of hoodlums, consisting
of Chester Keady, li. L. Turner and
Joe Jlryant, started in on a time.
They visited the Opera House
where the cantsta of Queen Esther
waa being performed, and created
some disturbance. They attempt
ed to throw out the door-keeper.
but were not successful. They
then weatarouod to the rear en
trauce of the Opera House, and
tried to batter down the door.
Tiring of this, they went back down
town and proceeded to "torch up,"
as they expressed it. Keady be
came ambitious to show off his
bravery, and run the town. Com
ingout of the Whitehorn saloon,
on Main street. nourishing '
"gun," he fired across the street,
diagonally, striking the Hotel Cor-
vallia. He then pushed the pistol
to Turner who carried it for him.
On the street in this vicinity they
first met I'oliceman Osbura, who
endeavored to gel Keady to go
Keady broke away from Osburn
and proceeded up the street toward
ItHlrjtemlence, the poetoffice. On the crosswalk
at Madison street, Turner gave the
pistol buck to Keady.
Keady wanted to Blioot some
body, and made several threats.
His friends t'ied to diueuade him.
Turner then took Keady out in
to the street to argue with him.
Again Obburn tried to persuade
him to go home. Keady warned
him to keep his distance or he
would shoot. Osburn came nearer
and Keady fired striking him in
the neck, the bullet pasting back
i. i...l. ..f ik.
ami UOWH, lougiug uui-a. vi mo
shoulder blade.
Keady and Turner started away.
In the meantime telephone mes
sages had been sent to Sheriff Bur
nett and Chief of Police Lane.
Burnett arrived on Main street
and deputized three men to help in
finding the murderer. They start-
... . . -r '
sd out in dinerent directions, in
the meantime Herman Breyer, a
barkeeper in Broder's ialoon, on
his way home met the two hood
lums near the corner of Third and
Madison street. Keady wanted to
shoot him, but was persuaded not
to. While they were talking Sher
iff Burnett and Dinn came walk.
ing up the street. It was too dark
to tell who they were. Keady rais
d his pistol and said, "Watch me
shoot those two s ." Ureyer
told him they were "only two men Ljj lnititution is
on their way home, and he muetn t
The Athletic Exhibition Satur
day night was a success in every
particular. The base ball boys
netted about 130. The work on
the bars and mats by Dalton, Mur-
pny anu in lad all the men was
highly appreciated. The ladies
dumb Well drill was said to be the
best number on the program ant'
the "fire work" done by the public
school children showed careful
The place which Physical Cul
ture occupies in every up-to-date
a very
important one. I be aim of true
Physical Culture is to
No Serious Damage, But a Small
Hook Turned Part Way
Round and Other Tracks
in Its Pathway Left.
A little cyclone dipped down on
Polk county last Friday touching
most forcibly two and a half milea
southwest of Monmouth. It was
not such a cyclone as sweep the
plains of the middle west but a
diminutive sample of the Kansas
variety, arousing the fears of those
who witnessed it to a realization of
what the uncurbed winds may do.
fnday's cyclonette passed from
the southwest to the northeast.
The greatest darnaca ri.rw-irf.nrl
a.,.. . . v
1fi. tj ... . I i.l. .ii.i i-i i I -o ... uuuoa
.UCi, urne anu uunn came ueauoy, ame-oouieu men ana wo- of Gene HogkinBonf, trnm thn
I- i l 1 t l ... I w avua-
nar enougn 10 recognize uie crowa men.wno nave a Knowledge oi iDem- d4lion ftn j it nmrt
liurnett placed his band on Peg's selves and know how to Jive. Mr. Lollnfl. Thft rnnr .aa ,:J,
shoulder and said "Keadv, I want Forbes has been teaching this kind from a .hed ne by a, . . .
" i' .1 i t ' . . i iirTi t.. i mi r t i
uu' raj,eu D, P,BW.1 aDa ol ' "J""1 la ine scattered all over the hill-aide. -
nrea ai uurneti. oui missed, enrollment ior me pasi two vears a. ,u :j t .
....... I. . . ' ' . icoiueuco oi a.
uaao grasiKxl Keady by the sboul- in this department is greater thanLu- j
utr and turned bim round. Keady in toe tour preceding years proves
placed bis gun against Dunn and the adaptability of the American-
fired. Burnett shot Keady through I ized method. Mr. Forbes is a firm
the In ad, when both Keady and believer in athletic games as a
Dunn fell. Dunn then shot Keady means to build up well poised men
twice through the body. Turner and women. The success of the
started to run away, but was order- Normal basket ball teams for the
ed to stop by Burnett. On the ar- past three years has made quite
J. Shipley
many pranks. A
wagon and buggy standing outside
the shed were blown around and
jammed together. A boys express
wagon was turned topsy-turvy. A
five gallon can of water was lifted
from the porch, carried several feet
and turned over. Jelly cuds and
nana on -th rarrh war. V.ln
rival of Chief Lane Turner was name for that institution. No bet- Lround promigcaously. A hen was
piaveu in uis cnarge ana was soon ier teams can do iouna on ine l.,n,htunin,kA.LM . . .
U,l I ! ,i :. . :i t-j . " ."u,,..,110u
vugcu in ma viijr ju. jveauy was I waak
shot In the face, near the richt ear.
the bullet passing through and pwiin a. a. uraham, presi'
coming out near the left eye. ucn 01 uregon v-ity iranspor
Another shot entered the back tt,on company, was in town Tues
near the thigh. The third entered da7 D1ght, going on to Corvaliis
the back, higher up, struck a ribl yeeterday. The 0. C. T. company
and passed around the bodv and Da' la process of construction a
f i .
was cut out on the breast. I "8Qt drttft bat for the Indepen
Offi.., n.hrr, ... : 4uJdence run' Qd CtpUia Graham
. ouvb , wo .,,. ,!,..:,. - .
ny-V ,. .k U . . r"" 1UW tulxJUJ'0-
collar, just below and in front of
the ear, the ball passing backward
and downward and lodging proba
bly back of the shoulder blade.
This has not yet been removed,
Dunn was shot in the left
sion July 1. The name of the new
boat will be "Oregona." It will be
132 feet in length and will draw
only twelve inches of water. The
0. C. T. company has been making
high in air and has not been seen
The cackling of Chinese pheas
ants, always heard after a disturb
ance of any kind, was unusual in
tbs wake of the freaky wind.
A. J. Shipley, speaking of the
miniature cyclone, describes it at
of twenty to thirty feet in width,
while the principal force was limit
ed to three or four feet iu the cen
Settling In Oregon.
The family of W. A. Flsmin
Independence up to July 4th each from Taylor county. Ia rrivrl
side, year and then on account of low Sundav and Mr. Fim,n n.
the bullet entering a little below water leaving the river above Sa- Oregon his home. Mr. Fleming
the navel, and lodged near the lem without any kind of boats un- preceded his family by a month
BP,ne" til the fall rains. Captain Graham which
I. i --..w.vj... miuo to irar-
is sure the "Oregona" can make rant him in makinz un hia miA
50 years of age, and was at one Independence the year round, and that Oregon is where he wants to
time chief of police of this city, and PP1 at th'a Pint may feel assur- live. Others who haye come from
was an efficient oflicer. lie is now ea lllat lhe.v wlJ1 n0 be without the same county in Iowa recently
a farmer and a stock-dealer, living nver service any more. Captain are F. A. Green and John Turner,
on a farm on the Long Tom river, Graham believes an automobile They are friends of the Nelson fam
near its mouth, just east of Mon- train system between Independence ily. A number of other families
roe. He was a widower, havina and Salem would be a success and are expected from the same Wali'tv
.... . ' . .... ... . . . . . J
such a line.
three children, two boys and one
girl, the oldest about 21.
1 he pistol uptd by Keady, and
which is claimed to have been
given him by Turner, was a five
barreled Harrington & Richardson, hjtche(j to II
calibre, lhe pistol had been
re-loaded after the shooting on
Maiu street, and when taken from
the corpse contained three car
tridges and two empty shells.
since nis visit here several have in Iowa. This stnt inr;.ki
been discussing the feasibility of pleases people who drop down here
from the middle west and the Mis-
oiociuLii vaiici oiaies. una rrom a
A runaway occurred near the de- neighborhood is an advertismnC
pot iuesaay evening, lhe horse r others from that section. .Uhn
ank MftHiunn's milt r:i.:... .
ull;MUW, uuujuarauveiv a npw
delivery wagon took fright and comer, is responsible for tlmost an
ran. The driver, Clyde Wilson, a entire neighborhood in Dakota
boy aged 11, jumped and as the coming to Oiegon. Shortly after
horse rounded the corner at the his arriyal in December. Mr DiVfc-
btark residence the wagon tipped inson picked a bououet unrl r,,,t.
lh snooting ot Osburn occurred over. This set the horse to kick- ting a clematis in the centr nt
uuuun i-.iw, anu lutu oi iveauy anu ing anu mere was a general smasn- it to a friend in Dakota. That
Dunn at l:4U a. m. on feundpy. up. lhe broken end of a shait was brought Dakotans At
During the excitement on Main run into.the hoTBe'a breast inflict
street Keady attempted to shoot mg a serious wound ana milk Dot
John Vinevard but Turner struck tle8 were broken and scattered pro.
up his arm.
rrt- e i e f . r 1
i ne lunerai oi vneeier iveaay oo- nooration dav will b nh.rvd
J t t 1 A t l ? 1 I
curreu irom n,s lavuer . resiaence b y General Gibson post and the W,
at :ou on wonuay aiernoon. ine R c of Independence, Sunday
funeral service was held by Rev. May 29tht at the audit0rium.
Coney, of the Church of the Geod GrftVe( will u decorated on the
.amanun. preceding day. It is the pnrpoee
During the early fracas on Main to have a unioa service by all the
street, Keady gaye the pistol to churches. AH city officials and
Turner and the latter soon return ' fraternal orders are invited.
a winter
time social function in Dakota, tbe
Oregon bouquet was the table at
traction. It lead to inquiry that
resulted in emigration to Oregon.
Prof. Raymond, who has been
conducting a dancing school here
for the past two weeks, gave a
social dancing party Wednesday
evening for the wind-up.
A good place to stop for a meaL
in Salem it at Btroig'a restaurant.
Meals at all hours.