. West Side Enterprise 6 KLKVKXTII YKAK. INDKl'KNDKNCIC, I'OJ.K COUNTY, OKEGON, Al'KIL 21, 1901. NUMBER 21 POLK COUNTY BANK. Incorporated. MONMOUTH. OREGON J.H llAWI.KY, 1'nnitli'nt. r liu C. rowKi.i., (Vlii-r. I. Cami-hki.i., ri4 ciai, ino.ooo I)iHi Tm J. II. Hawley. P. L. fampMi. I. M. Simpson, J. Jl. V, flulUr, John . niumji, a. unrow, r. n rowttii. Trimi'U OiMirl lUnklag stid hai'liange liiintt. Drafts sold ,riltil throughout the UuttiHl HUN ami Canada. THE INDEPENDENCE NATIONAL BANK OAPITALjBTOpK, $50,000.00. 41 lHKMItlKlu;, .4'r.Joiit. AlillAM .NKI.HON, Vlr tWiteo O. W.IKVINK. Vmt. . Htnlth, J. !'. i:iot and DIRKCTOUM. II. Ilirwhlwrif, D. W. fr; U A. JWlaim, A tonrral lw liking and xritiK butiiive IraiiMrtml. lan m ida. lUUi juiikI. t'oiiiiitffelat Cfllta gratilixi. lrKMlt twlwl on rurront areoun t The Best Suits You JJSK FPU SALEM BEER You can get it anywhere. Salem Bottle Beer h highly recommended for sickness and that tired feeling Salem Brewery Association iSalom - - Oregon Mill 10 HQ IB I A new lino of Straw Hats, Underwear, Wnt Tennis Shoes, lVrt-ftli-H, CttlicM, Sun-ltonnets, Etc. Untight at tlif lowest factory prices. Cash Towels 5 A fa u Shoes from $1.50 to $4.00 a pair. We can fit your foot and your purse. COUNTY CONVENTION OF POLK DEMOCRACY A Full County Ticket and Delegate to the State Convention Named at the Court House in Dallas Saturday. Oscar Hayter to Head the Ticket. a Third Term. Governor's Administration Endorsed. Craven the nomination carried by acclamation. COUNTY CLKKK. There wan a contest for county clerk. Thomas Jirunlc nominated E. V, Dalton, prenent county trees-1 urer. Dee Simpson presented the name of Asa Thompson of Inde pendence. In the presentation of Thompson'! name Mr. Himpion made the speech of the convention and though it waa the only place on the ticket aektd for by the lit i dependence delegates, they were turned down on tho first ballot by a vote of 85 to 23 in favor of NEW INDUSTRIES J. B. Stump Wat Raiae English. Walnuts on Large Scale This Year and Double Acreage Next Year Dr. Parruh Experimenting With. Chinese Ginseng. Concert To morrow Night. Base Ball jFever on. If you want the bent you m will examine our line. Our cunt Towel compares fa vorably with tho ordinary 10c kind. always buys the Best Quality Lowest Price. for the We Repeat That when it comes to Waittns we can Hive yn money. New linos jiint in fiuiii tho cast. 4- PEOPLE'S CASH STORE INDEPENDENCE vi .v v "v Subscribe for the Enterprise.... $1.50 per year. Dallas, Asril 10. The Polk county democratic convention was held in the circuit court room here today. The county ticket follows: State Senator, OSCAU HAYTEK. Representative, FRANK W. FOCHT. County Judg, J. D. SMITH. County Cornu)innioner, HUSTON' MULKEY. County Clerk, E. V. DALTON. Sheriff, JOHN FORD Assessor, P. E. MYER. Superintendent of Schools, J. W. BUTLER. Treasurer, A. B. JAMISON. Surveyor, LUTHER GROUNDS. Coroner, Dh. W. E. CARY. Delegates to the slate convention P. M. Kirkland, Geo. Myer. W. J. White. I. N. Simpson, N. F. G regft, Seth Riggs, D. W. Sears. V. 1), Henry, J. E. Sibley, Sam- uul McEloiurry and Isaac Wheal- don were voted on but did not re-ct-ive the number of votes necessary to elect. G. W. Myer was chosen cbairmam and E. B. Jamison secretary of the. convention. The nearest approach to a clash was when 11. L. Fenton announced lie held tha proxies of two of the four delegates from Falls City. N. F. Gregg and D. W. Sears thought the proxies should be voted by other delegates from Falls City rather thau by Mr. Fenton of Dal las. After Mr. teuton explained that none of the Falls City delega tion was present and that there was nothing deeper in his motives! than to carry out the request of his absent friends, he was allowed to it in the convention and vote the Kalis City proxies. STATU SKNATOK. The order of businena provided for the nomination of state senator first, and when nominations were called for, J. G. Van Orsdell arose uiid presented the name of Oscar Hayter of Dullus. 'J. 11. Whealdou called upon the powers to put words in his mouth to- second the nomination and gave the conven tion to understand he was for Hay ter. D. W. Sears announced that Mr. Hayter had been chosen by the people and he had heard it. "He was not uy candidate" declared Mr. riciirs but he had heard what the people had done and it was good news to him. upon motion 01 fctoth Kings, the rules were suspend ed and the candidate nominated by acclamation. In response to calls the nominee declared he had not sought the nomination and thanked the convention for the very high compliment. Mr. Hayter acKnowi- lged he would consider recreant F. E. Myer Named for vlUn' BiiKKirr. The name of John T. Ford, the present incumbent was placed be fore the convention for sheriff, by - ., n uui,j w muH Buu uurruwmg lue i?,. r. urege. i tie nomination was copy-righted words of J. J. Hill, ex. seconded by J. W. Kirkland and NOTICE. The uonrr and rrnartlai work or the Wkmt Hiua KmcKPRiita tut Mon mouth la lo the liod of Krank 1,uhm, wild urufurwr in in pouin buiiaior cor ner or IDdeprodrore and fCmllrMul tret. Nnwa lU'ina, aubu-rlpllona, or other bualoeaa orooinpwiDU win ua reoelvea of Mr. Luc J. B. Stump is putting out s 50- acre orchard cf English walnuts. He expects to double the next year and is very enthusiastic over the prospect! of this new enterprise. J. H. Gill, formerly a student of claimed, "I am a democrat." Not the two delegates of Falls City only did Mr. Hayter impress on speaking through Mr.Fenton moved the convention the fact that he is a I fur acclamation and it carried. democrat, but that he is a rock- assessor. ..... ..... I ribbed democrat of the bimon pure Judge Sibley nominated, and order for be said: "By heredity and Commissioner 8eth Riggs seconded Normal, but now in the warehouse environment my principles are the nomination of F. E. Myer for business at Washtacna. Wash democratic" assessor. D. W. fva.r did not want epent several davs among friends kki'bebkjitative. W esUblish a third term precedent Pe Iwt week. Vnr rAnmaAnl a f i va V IT CI t arm I k..a L. i 1 I plawd in nomination Frank Focht la man might be kept four years .u j ,. .1 fEoia precinct. D. W. Sears also longer. "If there are objections Tl-8 A 'u gave Mr. Fcht a certificate of char- said Mr. Sears, "this is the time lo LTn! TT W aeter. aavirur hm Irnn.n th .1, 1 -u.i . r"" u" . V.i .u .V . 3 ' of "doing something" and are prac- candldata ainca inruha.iliin that ha n nK;. T ,.,tJ i:u. . u 6 j VUJVXi, A. DWUIU illQ bUQ had no blemishes and with apolo- cofor of his hair." No one caring gtes to slate breakers moved Focht's to subject the color of the hirsute nomination be made unanimous adornment of his cranium to Mr, and the motion carried. Sears' insDection. th nomination The band reports a small attend. of Mr. Myers was made unanimous, "ice at their dance given in the ticing faithfully in anticipation of a series of games with the Portland teams. COUNTY JL'IMIE. Judge Sibley nominated D.J.Smith of Last Dallas for countv judge, ac- J. v. Butler of Douglas was ous counter attractions is given as cording to program. The Judge placed before the convention for the cause. nad a speech prepared lor the con-1 county school uuperintendent by vention and the nomination of a W. R. Birks. The nomination was candidate as his successor was to seconded by J. G. Van Orsdel and furnish the occasion for its dehv- Frank Focht, and Mr. Butler was ery. ilia remarks were confined nominated without opposition. principally to givin? an account off treasurer. nis stewardship the past four years For treasurer, Thomas Bruuk and paying his respects to R. II. named W. B. Daggett of Eula and Knox of Independence, who, the J. G. Staats, I. H. Whealdon and Judge accused of being the author D. W. Sears epoke for A. 13. Jami- ol tlie resolutions adopted by the BOn. The ballot resulted. Jamison 84; Daggett 26. republican county convention,' de nouncing the county court for ex travagance. The substance of that part of the nominating speech de voted to a defense of the court is contained in the resolutions adopt ed by the convention. The Judge's reference to R. 11. Knox disclosed the fact that he hasn't the highest regard for Mr. Knox's stateman superintendent of schools. Auditorium Friday night. Namer A students' dance was given here Saturday night and an enjoyable evening was spent The lumber is on the ground and workman are preparing the foun dation for Dr. Nehrbas' residence. The building will be modern in all its appointments. J. II. Moran is suffering from a severe attack of grip. Miss Maud Hawley returned Fri day from a visit with her sister SURVEYOR, Luther Grounds, the Dresent sur- yeyor, was renominated without ' - "iU1"-ir AU1 opposition. His name was placed before the Craven. The ronnnrt In hn trivon in t.Via convention by Joseph Vormal chapel Fridajt April 22 promises to be the musical event of coroner. . the year. Mrs. Dierke has a repu- Dr. W. S. Carey. . who it is tation second to ver four a. ship and don't like Knox much c!a,im8f vote in tbe republican pianist, and lovers of good music anyway. The Judge insinuated f """. c enouia not ian to avail themselves that Mr. Knox sells peanuts in In- llon Ior ner by Judge bibley. 0f thiaHopportunity to hear such a dependence; doubted his being P- W. Sears endorsed the nomina- talente'd artist na.npai;i1 .n.l aa D ,limu-r tion with the undemanding he 1 I a 1 . m a .1 .n.nor,o .nian.ii tk . u . would support ii i l'lu mmer it tne oratorical flight added: "If the Dr. souls of a thousand such states men should be boiled down to a compound cathartic, it would not physic a June bug." The Judge offered no apology for the appointment of a road-master and maintained he can show that the court's road-master has been worth more than he cost the county. V hen the Judge rested from hie speech J. G. VanOrsdel beat D. W. Sears, to his leet and seconned the nomination of Mr. Smith. Mr. Sears following could see no reason why there should be further talk. He had not thought of Mr. Smith until the matter came up today. As to the court, he thought it need ed commendation rather than con demnation. Upon motion of I. D. Whealdon, Mr. Smith was nomi nated by acclamation. COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Quick work was made of nam ing a candidate fer county commis sioner. J. XV. Kirkland nominated Huston Mulkey of Monmouth pre cinct and upon motion of Joseph latter should be a candidate. Carey was made the nominee. Ira. F. M, Butler of Monmouth, aced 93, was present, and the courtesy of the convention was ex- Dr. Parri6h has started a new in dustry in the cultivation of Chinese Ginseng. His beds are in fine con dition and the plants are thriving. It this plant can be successfully grown here, and the Dr. firmly be- tended to the venerable democrat neves it can, it will add another to by inviting him to epeak. The the any valuable resources of the convention declined to entertain country- 1 he value of the root is esolutions sent up by "Uncle" so great that a yery small acreage Ben Hayden, another democratic ng enormous returns. war horse, aged in the service, who . niMBflnl jfln;nr ntrt aa - ay- wuw uMtauaaiK Ltai w HBO was unable to attend. Named by the Democrats. Supreme Judge Thomas O'Day, Multnomah. Congressman, first district Robt M Veatcb, Lane. Dairy and Food Commissioner R M Douglas. Joint Representative from Polk and Lincoln A B Clark. Third Judicial District for Cir cuit Judges R P Boise and XVm Galloway. District Attorney J J Whitney. Geo XV Myers, of Polk county, was named on the central committee. given at the home of J. B. Butler last week. Several couples from Independence were present and joined with those from this place in spending a delightful erening. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Grots left this week lor Goldendale, Wash., where they will make their home with their daughter Mrs. Rolandus Shelby. The best wishes of their many friends go with this estima ble old couple to their new home. Frank Lucas returned Friday from Portland where he attended the republican state convention as a delegate. (Continued to page 5.)