West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, April 14, 1904, Page FIVE, Image 5

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County Correspondents Sweep Thed
$hot w Fired and Intrudtr De
parts. Bfld Carpenter
Bail Injured.
. .. -ii-,i.i wan made lat Thurs-
ft i .t.i !,. I.rttuk Into the bouse
Wui'l I'V 'r UiaKtmi.llnK
i,rar llm railroad lrok, between
Nn'I'M'K. Tli" m'H" r iii1 rfmrlll "rt
itl ll.u U hfll' Mllift l'.fttMI'ltlMK fr Mull
11 In la tti I lilt liu ml. il I'ltillk I.IH'U. Willi
liiaiiiurli III Hi" iiillli liuililiiitf 'or
HIT Ml I UtH'irilli'll " ..' ll""'l
lii iin, iili''ilitliiii, or id ln r hii-lin''
urouiiilliii Win uo riuH-iviHi ny mi, i.u.na
VunLMiirtii it nil UiiMfl Fnhbak
attended church at Ind-pendente
Thin coming wre the regular
lift week IvkU Kinl mldderui Hnals
will be held. Tim tinnl examina
tions will ha in nil the com amn
4j ...- iul Wc . home person or - -"
V : fl)rt',l,,.lUf,U.d.-r. scl.oid branches theory and pr.e
lo ui oim of the Ho" and toology.
'windows, whfti Mr. Kidder shet Mr, ivimell went to Portland
Wounh the window and the In Tumdny afuriiouii and returned
' I ,I.iUPh1. IM.II..I..V
iriiii-i r" I ' i
Junr Marennty.om-oniiobri.lKi pi..,!,.. Club met last
,r."i.lr cuiployru on l"" TburiMlav evening as usual.
j wa
" liOOll
nin attended the leap year social "l
Monmouth WedueHiiiiy i-venm.
Mr Hiitimlitr of Independence
wus the guest f 1,011 J"1", ,,m
last Sunday.
i i i.i. IHBt have Cure t'ouitha ni ,
cent V came f rtxn the 1ai nave ,
ti.i.uy i Mra.C. I'H.r,..n, 6St Lke HI.. To-
bought property in ran. w.ijr .... hlt Kwil(M ,.,. ..or.u High rm
h ill move thvro hkiii. Ilnllanr llorWioimd Myrup l
'......,!... it I.,.. ilnit and will lo all
M,. McNValof Mo,,.,,ulh. vmi- j j " ; ' cure
II coukIi and cl(U It "oaweel
hiKl i.lMmant to the tutte." a, &w, i
.... . m . i.
tM)tti. now iy a. . iocK".
'ed t Allen Towns Kunday.
Mrs. Wumh-rund daughter Mm- Mr. JIkvih and wife visited t
. . . . t ..iln a. :. - U..n.l.
PIT. pmium pun""-
.enters employed on Tbursdsv evening M usual. Her-'
iiumute hridge near l'arker, inierenting experiiiients were
lmdly Injurinl Saturday after- .wrforiJ(,, Ull,i,.r nupcrv'iMoii of
,. Ths pile-driver cstne down Kolinion.
ihe haniiner lipped over, sink-
! . i.;. The limb wss orosen wi ', " "
Muw the knee and hadly bruised, students, started for hasten. Ore
1 . own Sunday evening where she ex
1 Mr. and Mrs. K. A. CarUr of ,b tL! ,UIIlu,rr. )1.T
m iu vl.iioil with her parents Mr.l . . . i.n;H i.M. .ireadv
Ml Mrs. Jorgeaon Sunday. contmenced her school, forty miles
The .M.VY.A. and U.S.A. of Suver from The Psllee.
will give their annual picnic this BlRte Probi,lltiorl
year Juno 4. Iaeus met in I'liilomslh last r ri
iu.. Kidder of Soap Creek is ,1(1V. Kaeraloftke state iimtitu
iiiiiii mi a new houwi this sum- .:0l)g y,vr9 represented. George
,lt.r, Murdock wss the Monmouth dele
Saveral other Normal stu
Aiulv Jerry is miih . .
. y . ...i .1.;. w...V. dents were present. A peeml
in m. V f Bnd
. . . - I . 1 !".
Mr. and Mrs. J. U. uurow Moluuoulh
teJ Willi JUrs. .arun "
Ti.a Knrmal Cadet Rsnd save
K Mf " concert in the Normal ch.pel last
fro... Saturday until Monday w.tb Th banJ
K. K. DeArmonds. nll.Uallv well and th
Mie Alice and Ethel Kmghtsn whole program was very interest
f Huena Vifta were visiting friends ing-
in Silivor Tlicnilll V. i . I... lcn
" ' MM ivuiu tMiji'i
H.nry Flickenger is visiting with quit HI with the measles, is able
i i..- in i'lirvatlis for ft few ... r.umo hor studies.
Din u.uhipi' - -
days. Miss Loretta Smith of the train-
W. Adams of Huena Visla wss in in(. department has gone to Salem
U i i.. d.,livrliitt wall r..p . rw davs. She will visit the
..,,,. schools of that city in which there
, 4f ,.ri. of are ssveral Monmoutn grauu.i
Mr. and Mrs. John Ilsrris ol
W..1U viilcd at Mrs. Larsons
r Wri.lav afternoon several
I VU "" -
teachers of ihe Independence echoel
tinted the training cieuanmcu.
Bamiiel A. Pavis is building a
new fence.
Mrs. Maud Kealy of Bridgeport
has been visiting her sister Mrs.
William Ilerren.
Mies Hattie Herreu has been vis
ilinu in Monmouth.
At.ril sunshine, the harbinger of
sweet Msy tlowera and fruit is here,
and all the world begins 10 oioom
and live In color and perfume.
Blanch and Stella Chute of Mon
mouth were the guests of Mrs.
Shipley over Sunday.
J. B. Stamp with the assistance
nf four men is DUttinK out fifty
scree of Knglisn wainuw
Wild strawberries are in bloom.
Ithndea is the first one we
V ' '
of havimr his garden
s a;.
In. He planted it the Xna oi mis
T T.aundree and family have
moved over to the Tedron hop
OeorKS Shafer of Nebraska is
vititio bis brother Pete. They
bad not met for fifteen years.
J. Moore who has malarial fever
is not improving.
n.JMr Martin's best horses
wss badly cut on barbed wire last
Farmers are very much rushed
with their work. Mrs. J. O. Dav
idson has three teams at work.
f, li ("l.rkn recently sold two
dnzn hens, receiving 5 per dozen
for them.
Several members of Mr.Grounds'
family have Wen sick with Lagrip.
Mrs. Belle Sullivsn and daugh
ter Iiessie visited at the home of
Mrs. Sullivsn's mother Sunday and
Mr. Mack has put up some wire
fence on bis pluc.
Fruit trees are blooming and ev
erything is thriving in the pleasant
A Dniidy for Hums.
ft. tturin I'ana. Ills., writea: "I
. i...ii..i'- Uimur r.lniajeut:
uave ufu i.ni i i
alway recommended it to my friends,
an I tm connaeuv iucio
for bums. Tboee
who live on farms are especially liable
to many accidental cum, ourun,
which beat rapidly wotn -u
i i,n..m U anulled. It should
alwaya be kept In the houne for cases of
emerK-'iicy." a&e, owe, i "
by A. 8. Locke.
The men's
athletic association
For Sal Cheap.
A complete threshing outfit, con
sisting of a new 20-borse power en
gine, Buffalo pit separator. Teeder
and blower, two water tanks,
l.iimllA raks and cook shack. En
quire ol Simon & Co. at Oak'oi-it.
. . r l 1 .
Post oilice address. jnuepenuom-B,
Makes tt Clean 8 wee p.
fri. .....i. ni ilka ilnlnir a thine
1 II. tC . v."".' B O '
thorougnly. Of all the salves you ever
heard of, Uucklen's Arnica Halve is the
best. It sweeps away and cures burns,
,....iuu nut. lu.iln nlivm akin
SOlW. uiui"i L ' ". i .
eru pilous and piles. I t's only 25c, and
' . . . . i ......... i... u
guaranieea iorivo bhhbihwu j -
Ijocke, arugKisi.
K-vt.j. p.; II McKet, con
stable. Douglas and Jackson No can
didates named.
rr.,.l .nmmitt-emen for the
Vf- 1 1 fcl V"-
different precincts were selected an
South Dallas, II. B. Copper;
North Dallas. E. N. Lhenngion,
E-... n.n.. M T). Ellis: Rickr-all.
itlBk laiit ' "
C. N. McArtbur; North Monmouth,
E II. Hosner, South Noninomn, j.
H.Moran; Falls City, J. B- Ford:
Spring Valley, J. W. Ho-lson;
Suver, J. A. Withrow; Luckianiute,
; South Independene, W. T.
HoflmaB; North Independence R.
II. Knox; Buena Vista, II. Kash;
Salt Lake, II. D. Flannery; Mc
Coy, George Kelty; JackFon, C S.
Graves; Eola, II. B. Bropby.
Ilaptist Church, Independence.
Sunday School at 10 A. M.
Preaching at 11 A. M. and 7:30
P. M.
Prayer meeting Thursdays at
7:30 P. M.
Young People's meeting Sunday
evening at ':30 P. M.
All are cordially invited to our
services. '
Akthtk S. Ali.es, pastor.
mai'm: mtovi:.
J. Iligly attended the repuhlican pnU,rUiDinent 0I, the
county convention at Pallas last h
i tnii se
,. Dai. hickki:all.
Sirs. I. I . nJ 1 , , . w.!!
,ni l.nrli I ,... t nvi Ankenv ol aiia
IiikI luesiiay. iiinvrM.'- pub. " --- - ,
i...f - 1 and she sot w.iu. and L. L. McArthur ot
liriuiv onw " .v- j - .. 1 - ... .. ,V,ib
,pfl Portland visited relative! hero this
.....i. Mr. Ankenv was necom-
Tim Linebuck hopyard will begin . RuU,rl who U
training next we,k with the .st- ll Portland Academy.
t. .,.u.r ot vouni auies.
mil i' ui n nun""! v. - -t it'
.. :.. A.ir.Ha Burch of the Lni
Mia. In. Murphy of Monmouu. nt th, Kaster
is staving with Mrs. Hannum, who v sUy ol b
l... I U iima limo. bvv
" ",v " jIon s. T. Burch
The Pettis mill shut down Tues- roo.ieli Waine Southwick,
dsr on account of the funeral of JaeJ i " ' j w w. Howell,
Hemlersoti Simpson of Airlie. A Cliff wr ldepen-
zi: rr,n "'" ,l""j0j
has returned trom
Jlop the oasternera win n" - - j)ointB
-r .. w'li mat.te ir.nifi.iie. and other vaiuy i
tr mi ircssion oi nm - .
1 ... !. . .. . - .i. r s.lmn was in
valley. Anyway, H B 0,11110 v..- Charley wica
tract to some of the earthquakes,
town Wednesday loo mg
l.-ptric tfrnis and floods of other Vll.1;neBa interests.
s.-ctions of the Union. Webfoot is mt are busy with spring
good enough al an onus. plowing and sowing, ana uuH
W. C. Williams was tendered the V are httTig their ground put m
.... . . irnrk.
usual surprise birthday party u ihft)e tor tne iwiu.--the
Oth Inst. Games, music ad antiOOH.
oeial converse were the order of Ilavnes and family "
.1... ! i).r..hmnta were Liiarue j
hhj c--iiii.K. . .. 1 ...uiivea at inugi-
aervn.1 after which all departed, ited relaiiyea
... ...... l..nn UflV.
Miiina m wii Mama manv un 1
"" e -
returns of the day.
Friends of Grandma Staats are
alarmed for the weliare of her
health, as ahe has been quite poor
ly for ssveral daya.
W. 8. Philips went to Falls City
iu rtrviiia Davidson and Mrs.
Oilmore were married recently at
Spokane. John lived near here
for a number of years ana nas man
friends and relatives who wisn
them much happiness.
all busy Bowing
grain and mating garden.
Clarence Mcaleb haa bought the
place where he is living, from his
James Goodman went to Port
land Sunday.
Geo. Sullivan is shearing goats
for Mat Smith.
Roy Clark yisited with Elbert
Mack and Lee Whitcomb Sunday.
Grass is growing fast and Btock
John Sumpter is helping Ed
Marks put iu his grain. '
Gso. Kilby is plowing for Ar
usond Guthrie.
. .,xviriff eicellsntly
John Moran and W. J. Mutey
of Monmouth were seen in these
narts Monday.
Fr,d Simpson of Suver spent
Mr. Hale who recently cams
from the East is working for "Wm.
Wm. Yeater has bought the
Jones place which joins. the place
where he is living.
Geo, Sheldon and Frank Smith
are building wire lence.
Lizzie Osborne ar.d Mrs. Marks
and eon Albert, visited relatives in
Monmouth Sunday.
Mr. Calloway and wife who re-
Mcthodlst Episcopal Church.
n.r. nf r.th and Monmouth
streets; Rev. W. W. Edmondson,
Sunday school iu a. m.
Morning service 11 a. m.
Class meeting 12 m.
Evening services 8 00 p. m.
Prayer meeting eyery Wednesday
evening at 7:30.
. ........
TV.A imrnonacre is next aoor 10
the church and the pastor will be
1 5
pleased to see you ana renuer uj
helpful services.
1 ,.iv..rv Presbyterian unurcu.
Sunday schwd at 10 a. m.
Morning worship 11 o'clock.
Endeavor meeting 2 p. m.
Evening worship 8:00.
Prayer meeting Wednesday even
ings at 7:30.
United Evangelical.
Sunday school at 10 A. M.
Morning service at 11 o'clock.
Kevstone League of Christian
Endeavor at 6:30 P. M.
Evening seryiee at 7:dU ociock.
Miss Ethel Brown, superinten
dent of K. L. CI E.
To all of these services tne pun-
lie is inyiled.
Daotel A. 1'omso. pasior.
M.W. A. M. W.A.
of Suver gamp no. 7332
a nrT7!"-T A
m Ridder's Grove
1 miles South-east of Suver on the Albany road.
i i
Reg. No.
Tri'l 2.-06
Rec. 2; JO
Christian Church.
Treadling every 2nd and 4th
Sundays by Key. E. V. wigmore
Sunday school 10 A. M.
Y. P. S. C. E. 6:30 P. M.
uaiuormai srwsoap.
Cures all Eruptions orth BKin
and all Skin Diseases,
hdo i w Rir.HARnsnN. DR.
S1re,,hy Ked "ear.e slreoT Chain Shot H.
Second dam DAY BELL. .... .. . . .Advance.sire of M.Ira. 2:25 etc.
nm of Veritas 2:164'. Vindex 2:294.
Third dam daughter of Tippo Balb, a thoroughbred.
!:od Heart Is by G"W?u$a? Je "ited Se.i
w.VBUres..of g..t
g,H ed He will make the season of 1904 at tne
Terms $40 Season With the usual return privilege.
Good pasture at reasonable rate, to ma.es sent from a distance.
. . a,. t ti.
Address SAM CASTO, Fair uroiiuu,
. ' "V . A. A. A. A. X
orre$ponaem$ omu
Uorresponueuio uvuw.,
Cooper Hollow...
Maple Grove
Oak Grove
Bird Island
Buena Vista
Oak Point