i WKST BIDK ENTERPRISE, INDEPDNDENCE, ORKOON KJ y ! " A Hi HP Jontrct. SALEM, OREGON. OUR SERVICE Only ly nerving you well t an wo learn to nerv you Letter. Experience ba taught tin that to bo favored by iu i ever increfifinj? putronago nwann uioru than ordinary nietho., ittercliaii.lii-e, ati.l Hcrvire: Pestles energy tn nil department of thi grmt outlining bitumen the mulive power, th" power that bring u patronage, that tttU it, that increaM-H it every business himihoh. Ladies' Tailor Suits Mens' Clothing Our li In i'f ' " 'y Ml l.mllra' rullorniti'l" Mil"" I Utucr limn all l' "OiT ; .I.i.iiiiiIIii',I liii'l'i'l' i Mmiilnro. Vll. lvM, j fnn. v iiiluir rni'l I'll'1' ''" ! i,.tl, ! rlr, l.it-t nrltT. All li-w, xill IihhMs from lel Kriiifiil ' Hinkfrn III Hi" Irh'I. j tiW tlirui lnjfiiil. Thf klml of clot In s pnrUi'iilnr mm lllin I wliut H''l lifir, (Mlilns irrly t 1 1 -nirrrt'l lltlhiK, IntrM his ttTlaU aiul flinii, i'l " yiiarniittt' uf llinroutfli sail. fnolli.li if""-" wllli i-vi-ry nr-IIH-llt. Mrll klm I'llV ' Hull or I "l In-"" HviT full tn hiiiim nKiiln. Imi'ltliln a imh rrrolilliii'IKlitOoii? Ladies' Neckwear Mens' Neckwear Tlli llll(!" i bii i .-.t tiiwim i III thv ill V--vi".V "' "'Mi' j rv.-rv ii'w ii'i "v iWlttl i .i.-l.. Willi riMliii. "'"w llll.-ll wii, lo w ln"vy "n- I ,l,,i..'lr.t IH.V. IU.. Ill' !'' 1-ltifU, IK'W 'I' l""l' j WVve rnri'ty hIhihii cm-It sl i U"ll of li- li, mift, ri llo,'l rulidliiKH. All Mil-lirw l.vli'X. i)iii- mill nl.iriiii nrw li'i" 111 lirrnl profimlnii ii'l H ri nl I'tlifn tlnil will iili'iiw ymir pure. Dress Goods i.fiii.t I1"-" ' mx"! ar tmiii'iitiy t.B.lv 'fhi' lirrlt"tl "'"I il"lil!l ,,,.,;., nrf nil rol.lt lift M our M'.f". . .. . .11 .ll.i.lnV In WlMlltll t ,r lii nr.'t!n, i..t tiii;ii'' ' Mml no wolimtl W' III ni" Mlitil H wlml i'H II"'il iii'i' I Shirt Waists Vk u niitnlt UlmM Inir lliu IHI, ot our Wlnm Wl M.h-U mol fiiiiilllr wiili our will' of iOiii mi ouy ..I-.... ..,r.. unli-HM IIhT.' I xlhl H .ir..ni? nlM-llll). MT.ilnl l"lt"ll i for Uf t ilonivf BiiMliiim rimlily WHVMgnlll- N lllf 'K . Onaoflha brawiry concern! of MilwauVfe h contracU-d to re- pclvn 10,200 Into of bop, or a liul.. ovr 20.000,000 pounds Tim Jn.pt will tti entire proil uct from thw Ouiifnrnii ranch of K. Clmimm Horrt of Htn Francisco, who la aaid to t th larnt grower ofliopa In the world, with large ranch!- In California. Or-gon, WaHhinglon and liritinh Columbia. Itccuntly he took a run to Milwau kee from Chic-aRO whilo enroule home from n Kantrn trip, and while thi-ro he c!om-d the deal for the ptitire output of the California ranch. Orchard and Farm. The name Clemen Ilorat haone of the lerBi nt hop ratichi'H in Oregon near Independence, l'olk county. Juet north of thia city, the Ilnrat rtro. h'ave over 400 acrea of Imp. They are up to-dato In their tnelh odn and on!v lnnt week received an immeiiHe ahiptnent of fertilizer for their yard. The Krelm HroH., also exteiiKive hoi. Krowern, recently purchased a Iract of H0 nt res near Indejieiidencii on the eouth and are putting out more hope. In fact all the l.ig hop dealer of the country, Hhuoft without exception have in jteredtH in hope in thi vicinity and ! Independence Imp ere In-coming i n m well known in the markets of ;th world a Columbia river janlinon, Walla Walla wheat or j Kentucky whmkey. "f l..v iumI Chaiuberlaln'a Buwnach and Liver TableUwItb meet aaiiereei- m . 1JI t llk.l n uiui"w "- lory reauiU," eaya inra. r. i u'pi good man for Baletn, palng out IrU(lU,0f Teiaa. For Indlgeatlon, bit- few tbat ha made a ucoeM f the Willamette hotel. He ha been large tunii of tnonej montbl In the city, and people of that place art uioet excellent. Hold by all drug . . ri I ..ii owe hia newly rquipp!d hotel lib eral patronage. in-are A Hunt Problem.' C'H For WwrrHiit. All Folk County Warrant duraed nrlor to July 4. 190.'!, hereby culled. Intercut ceaaea after the date of thi call. Dated Dallaa.Or, March 25, 1001 K. V. Dai.ton. flounty Treanurcr. 4 tP A 0 ' IN 1 m m v G") : , wm 4 99 0)) a .if, i 7 Gl V m m m If M Ki) ;iVi 4 'Mi Commercial on &lant , Geed outitatn Pen? Wo have in t,l'k the Lincoln, the Lauj;lilin, ftinl a nice lino of en! Wiitcnnuns yours ?cr Pens, 0. J. Kramer $ Co. jewelers and Opticians, lob Work A GET OUR PRICES INDEPENDENCE, The .ju'iUfK-ati.iri of I.u.her Wirnundo and Johnnie anOradell ' hm htirveyur are receiving a text in the eflort to entahlieh ll-e linea 'bounding n tract of hind aold by Mrn. Merwin come yetiM hro to It. The liiioi afterward punned into the hand of J. II tr..wliv noil wa eold bv him to John lUirton and O. I). Uider, Hur- ton getting 40 ncreH and Uider 33, j under the nnHumi.tion Unit thtre , wa 73 ftcren in th tract It bi-cuip i there wni lem than Til acres in th firnt place, heme the difli S mt v nf .lii-i.linff it into two trade f D j of -10 and 33 acre. Land dispute. ; e i k.umt roiinlriea have b- en the source of cndleaa trouble, Home ! tinieH lending to the comrnition of crime and in thi caw where there aectrix to have been an error hnnd-j ed down for year, it is commend-j able to the parties involved that a, rega-d for the riehts of others pro-1 vaila and no nemblance of hard feelings i allowed to creep in. Ifj men would always be guided by I the aamo spirit of unsellihnw", codtlv litigation and neighborhood quarrels would be unknown. hiil.or In DciiimikI. With fair weather came the de mand for labor and team, and on Sunday twenty-five or thirty team could easily have been hired out in Independence. Among those on the streets looking for teams was Leonard Krebs. Up till Sunday Tirol hers hud been run ning but five teams. They have since secured two and would like five or six more. L. Damon want ed a team; Sam Irvine was lookinsr for a team; Joe Hubbard would have hired one and Jodie Morrison wnntiiil four or five for llorst Bros. Mr. Morrison went to Salem in search of teams, hut it is not likely he will find a surplus there as the Krebs Eros, haye alrcat'y made Jn nuiriM at that nhice and failed to v, r find what they wanted. GIRL'S SGCR2T. r-aulM ram., o. viftit us and he n wan nrrvouit, had the fiilii l all the tinir, nl hc akrd mr mmijr quei.tion, ml fcnallr wi'l, ' Why, you d ar, rrt Kid, it'ii mil vciur ti-nirr that'll tmd, it your cmiMitution that 'a out of kilter. You nit riKlit down now and writr a Irttrr to 1)T. 1'u tee, at llullitlo, N. Y.( irll him all your yniitom' and ao I did. It witun't lcnn ix-forr I bad a Ionic ""ply. carrfully Koiri ovrr my can and Irllinif me jut what to do. I date my prrwnl bappincwi and little Cupiit'" return to the very day I aat down to write that letter lo lir. I'lercr, f-r his dvicr was o Rood and hia ' favorite Pre actiption ' woikrd audi a complete i tmntte in me that now my former cheerfulness and Rood health not to ay anything of groKl look ate re-tored to me. I have summoned Tom back to my nide and we ate to lie married in June." The proprietor and maker of Doctor Tierce' Favorite prcn-riplion now feel fully warranted in offering t par $vxt for any cane of lueorrhca. l-'enuile W'rakiK'v, l-rolapMi. or I'allinir of tbe Womb, which ther cannot cure. All Ihey ask in a fair and reasonable trial of their mean of cure. Hi natural Hint a woman who has been cured of womanly disease by "Favorite l'recription " nhould believe that it will cure othera. It in natural too that xhe should recommend to other women the medicine which has cured her. It is uch commendation which has made the name of lr. 1'icire'a Favorite I'rescrip. tion a household word for the past thirty eight years. louanrs and oonatlpalloo these tablet glata. Notice, to Vnters. Xotariea Public throughout the County, iA the several voting pre cincts, have l-eeu suplied with reg istration blanks. All voters are re quired to register on or before May 15, 1901. Register early ana avoia extra expense ot the county Registration la required every two years. V. n. IOLUJIAHJ, County Clerk. Notice For Proposals. Contract will be let for the haul- inir of 70.000 feet of oak logs on th Ci. Zumalt place went of Monmouth, lo tne sawmill at Independence. Settled bids will bo received up to April 1(5, 1004. Kight reserved to icceut or reject any bid. Form of contract furnished by tbe Indepen- dence Lumber Co. Tanners Take Notice. Chopping done on Wednesdays and Saturdays at the Oregon Milling & Warehouse Co's mill in Independence. Girl Wanted. Wanted At Frank's new restau rant, Independence, Ore. a waitress, Administrator's Notice. Notice hereby Riven that I have been amminted by the county court of Die county of Polk, Hate of Oregon, ad-miiii-tralor of the esttite of filbert Mfl'ul. deceased. All .er."oiiH liavniK claims m."diit thr same ate required to present the snme duly nisde out anil veriiled a required by lu", at my resi dence. poMotiiee Hddress InJepeudeuce or at the law oil Ice of llutlermid toad, llallaa, Oregon, within six mouths from date hereof. i.uted this iird day of March A D. i;Hi4. THOMAS IHjMhKtrt , Adininistra:.or of the estate of Oil bert McCajje. deceawd. -GO TO P. M. KIRKLAND, THE DRUGGIST, FOR PRESCRIPTIONS FOR PATENT MEDICINES FOR STATIONERY FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR TISSUE PAPER IN ENDLESS VARIETY FOR PAINTS, OILS AND PAINT BRUSHES FOR ALL KINDS OF ARTIST'S SUPPLIES FOR PRICES THAT CAN'T BE BEAT FOR RAFFIA FOR FURTHER ORDERS INDEPENDENCE, - - ORE. U CD BEGAN TURSADY MORNING, Speciaty OREGON Hotel Ke-l-eascd. J. Conner has re-lensed the Wil lamette hotel in Salem for a term of six years and is haviDg it over hauled and put in first-class shape. New linoleum has been put on the office and hall floors, dining hall frescoed, stairways carpeted and the rooms touched up with the ar tist's brush. Conner is one of tha A Sale of such Magnitude and such Seasonable never before been attempted in Salem. Our buy turned from Portland where he made the purchase a position to accomplish that which has never befc so grand a scale in Marion County, iho Oregon J facturing Company, 208-210 1st street, Portland, h drop all Eastern made furniture and confine them manufacturing, gave us a tip that a great sacrifice , placed on all their Eastern goods in order to qmcklv rooms to make room for tbe new lessees who are ah THEIR SACRIFICE L Include Iron lleds. Odd Dressers, Dining Table boards, Chairs, Kockers, Stands, Parlor lables, Etc are all new and no shop-worn samples i will appea This Sale will be the opportunity ot the seaso Furniture at Wholesale Prices. No h?P ranch m produce greater returns than buying Hi nature ot This Sale Will Take Pake at 269 iberty Street. Next Door to Jos. Meyers & Sons. 1 . Tin Ifa Fmiif k Stores Salem and Albany