I WEST SIDE ENTERPRISE, INPKPENDKNCK, OKEUON EIGHT iiiricoiii's. . 4 rM. 4 t - S! 5 BUSINESS LOCALS. a- ,,,,. n,,,...! liideiioiMliuce : INDEPENDENCE SOCIAL BRIEFLETS w!,;i,rt' . . iiitiiiiillim WAWVAVwV , Unzehvood Ice Cream t Craven ". , 1'iul Moore's Saturdiiyft ind Sun Miss Corn SmumI, netoo of Mrs.' . (u.n-- Itrunk was in town y.-s-terd .iv. W.iinn nt 11 A. M. ml 7:110 r. m. I'lllVlT Illl'OtilltC TIllHHll.lVII l , P. Connow.iy, nnd well known i J ' '7::!0lM. ' t ! here, in pluy'.njj loaihnu lady with j We are ngentH fur Buckeye Young JVople'n inei'tinj; Sumliyj the Aldride Dramatic company. ' pumpn, Aormotor wimlniillsf. K. . t votiinv; al t ':!0 I'. M. The company N now in Forest M. Wade t Co. : a it onliullv invited to mir ; 1). B Taylor rt turneil from IVrt-( Crove and may make this point. j T . T - , . K,.,.vi,', i ! i j v Icecream! Ice Cream! Tho let vu 1 " t r ,0 ; You .hould not fail to attend the ' Crc.itn o.on opens Saturday ami: Aktiii'H K Ai.u.n. paMor. , Dolph Norton, of Corvallis m m : l,auj C01u.crt i,v tlf, Xormiil Cadet Sunday at Craven A Moore's. Ji-.eiu1ence. jRaml al Monmouth Saturday T. . ...,; !,.,, .! Mark Savage, the piano man, in town. 1 1T PAYS !! PI 7 Sherwih-Wiluams Paint llenh Dickinson fValtle toduv. return-il from "'pht. The hand's tir.-t concert you can get choice , given here two weeks ago was well ( (,r(m,n A JIi)(,r llaetwooil Dal received. It will he hetter Sutur- atur Sheriff Ford was over from las Wednesday. Claud Ilerren ha? returned from a trip to I'or-.land. da s and Sundays. dav night. i Clark vV Tarry Vehicles have Fred X. Stamp and IVil'oe H. Sp,.(.j,, corner irons, oil tempered Sheik, students of the Cniversity spring, elegantly finished. Sold of Oregon, attended the dance at l,v K. M. Wade A Co. SamPanionreturiifdhoiuefn.nl the Auditorium lift Friday evpn Corvalhs vesterdav. Mr- Stamp resides at Suvrr here he owns a Lirce ranch. Mr. ' 1,1 Sheik was his auest durimi the ."'"th, Saturday , April Olh. from Easter vacation. W. L. Skipton, of Salem, this citv yesterday. Pud Cooper was a pas.er the Summit today. A chicken dinner will hi served in the Woodman hall, at Mon '2 noon to 7 p. in , hy the Ladies' i ! r .,.-;.! awi.,i.i- i'ImI. ii -.,. :-r to - - "' " v " A Damlv for Itiirns. I . ; Pr. Heri;lii, Tana, Ills., writes: "I Mr. Mceser of .Monmouth went . ' i,aVe used Itallarit's Snow I.itiinii'iit; to Corvallis Tuesday. i alwsys reenmiueinlcd It to my friemls, (.,,uk'li, oppressed, rattlinjr, raspiii!; mid as I am eontiilent there is no better diltieult lireatliini;. Henry I. Stemns, Miss Lola Stark was down iron) ,a,e. It is a dainlv for luinw. Thse ' ttrmririst, fliulliluirjj. Wis., write May Falls City Wednesday. who live on farms are especially liable 'jl, Hull: "I liavy been selling Hal- i to many accidental flits, burns, bruises ' lurd's lloretiound Syrup for two years, Mrs. Ilerren went to Salem on a ; which heal rapidly wluu l'.allard's atid have never had a preparation that business trip edneSilav. i Snow Linimeut is applied. It should : has lven Iwtter satisfaction. I itoth'e ! always be kept in the house for cases of ; that w hen I sell a buttle they come J. Dornsife vas in Portland a j emergency." -oe, SOe, f I bottle. Sold tmck for more. I can honestly reeom- i .llethotlist i:pl.HCOinl I liiiicli Corner uf Tith and Monmouth M reels; Kcv. W. W. Kdmond-on, pastor. Sunday school 1(1 a. in. Moruini: service 1 1 a in, (,'l.iss meeting I '-' in. Evening services 7 p. ni Prayer meeting every N edm -d.iv evening at T::'". The parsonage is next door t.i the church and the pa-tor i!l I pleaded ' ) eo yoil and remler any hel;ful servic-s. 9 3 v) 9 9 -I 0 MADE TO PAINT DUILDINGS WITH ItallanlN IIiir'Iiiiiini Syrup. Immediately relieves hoarsw, eroupy t'utai j I'resln terlaii t 'hiin li 9 Sunday sch d at 1 a. in. M r 1 1 i n ti w(r-hip 1 1 o'clock. Endeavor meeting '2 p. in. Evening worship . :''i. Prayer meeting Wednesday even ings at 7:.'!0. Thete i i ! of a lo U- I K holnell.ore hotliell I i.e l!ie ho ti.iint h;e ! g t!, .! ! ! - t e.. d VI. I - t). p io I i V fl I . I t i i u th'it n..ik. ! ii ! It 1' V t.t p -ii I, V ! 1 It "1 lie-n ( 1!l,t I'.liUt . fof lr..,ty I value of fi'iil ii-jj tl.'it n..ik. FEAZER&RICEj 9 5 InJi'penJena, Oregon. few davs the first of the week. I by A. S. Locke. OF THE OF THE CONDITION Mrs. Jo.-eph Baumgartner. a"jREP0RT lem, was in Independence, Tuesday. I i Mr. and Mrs. C. E. McLane olJNDEPENDENCE Suverwere in Independence tniai NATIONAL BANK. Miss Baker, a student of the mend II." S5c,5tV, fl. Sold by A. S. Locke. At Independence, in the State of Ore gon, at the close of business, March. 28, VJOi. ItKKOrRC'E. X'ormal has gone to visit her par ents in Oregon City. Loans And discounts Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Went tO j Overdrafts, wure.laml uns-ured f j j rp, .,, C. H. Bomls to secure clrculatloQ rfcuciouu uruirauaj. x urjr I Stocks, securities, etc. make their home there. For Sale. Two thousand well seasoned oak posts, at 7c each. J. M. Rhodes, Bridgeport, Ore. g lfc!k1Siaiifitl flhift' 4fo G 4Bk e9k 0k 4k4RfcMliMk4i4 57 1 2,."A) 00 1.9K6 85 Banking-bouse, turutture and fixtures I?.s;C 21 Other Kealestale owned - 13..500 00 Due rrorn N'at'l Banks (not reserve agents 418 9i Due from State Batiks and bankers . 16.S27 74 Due rrotu approved reserve aents - 64, IT? 44 Checks and other cash items - . .445 30 Notes of other National Banks - 140 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents ...... 170 59 I.AwrrL Moxey Resxrve in Bask, viz: Specie ... 18.815 80 Legal-tender notes - 225 00 I9,040 90 Redemption fund with t S. Treasurer, (5 percent of circulation) Total en oo fM.on 2B LIABILITIES. CaDitat stock oald In - - - t 50.000 00 Surplus fund ...... 10,000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 8.4 ID 55 National bank notes outstanding . - 11,900 00 Dividends unpaid ----- W0 00 Individual deposits subject to check - 17.1,449 45 Demand certificates of deposit - - lfi.eyfl 2ti tM.j.017 20 Total - State ofOrt'iton, as County of Polk, L, C. W. Irvine, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. V. W. IRVINE, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Athday of April, 1S04. O. A. HI KLEY, Corbkct Attest: Notary Public. I'SKALj r. w. Rrahs, ) , H. Hi km-hhbko, Directors A. Niello. ) H. C. Merwin, of Kalania, Wash, is visiting for a few days with his brother, Marsh Merwin. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Ilenshaw ot Falls City passed through today on their way to Lincoln county. Mr. Patterson who bought the Elkins place arrived Tuesday. He is having his household goods shipped. Prof. Dee Simpson has ben granted a two weeks leave of ab sence from his duties as teacher in the public school on account of kis heaith. Ernest Miller of Corvallis is tak ing Roy Bell's place at the depot this week, while Roy has gone to relieve Mr. Lucas, station agent at Rickreall. The Clover Leaf Rebek ah lodge will send the following delegates to the grand jury May 1 at Astoria: Mrs. Sarah Irvin, Mrs. A. S. Locke, and Miss Bessie Butler. John Matney from Eastern Ore gon and Louis Matney of Salem araiyed Tuesday to attend the fu-j neral of their mother, the late Mrs. Julia Matney of this city. The '"John Doe" indicted by the federal grand jury at the time true hills were returned against Mc- Kinley, Puter and Marie Ware, turns out to be Darpley, a young lawyer of Salem. The Queen Esther cantata to be given shortly by Independence and Monmouth home talent will com prise fifty or more people and will be one of the bipgest affairs of the kind ever attempted here. The fire company had a drill on Main street yesterday testing! wed oak stock, with bent wood carTed , T ,11 I drawers, bronze drawer pulls, hand me ii use ik sm iiuauueu kj mej nibbed, rich golden oak. hydrant on D ind Monmouth streets and stood the test of 130 Makes n Clean Sweep. There's nothing like doing thlnp; thoroiigtily. Of all the snivel you ever heard of, Kucklen's Arnica Salve la the best. It Bweepa away aud cures burns, sores, bruises, cuts, boili; ulcers, skin eruptions and piles. It's only 2,3c, and guaranteed to give Batisfaetiou by A. 8. Locke, druggist. I'm ted Kviuiirollciil. Sunday evh'vil tit 10 , M. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Keystone Le.'igtif of ChnMini Endeavor at t : :! l M. Evening eerviee at 7:.'!U o'clock. Mi? Ethel ISrortn, tUlperinteii- dent of K. I. V. K. To all of thi'jie service the nub lie is inyited. Daniki. A. ron.i. pantor. Clirlsthiii Church. Preaching every 2nd and llh Sundays by Rev. E. C. Wigniore. Sunday school 10 A. M. Y. P. S. C. 12. r,;:i0 p. M. pill ill IlilM mm Q Just Arrived and moro of them on tho way EVOLUTION OF TRADE 1 No. 3 S!nc BO ball utam.u Sewing Machlnat f",ve taken their place ia the commercial "world, to be bought and sold at prices based on their cost by Progressive Mer chants, it places high grade Sewing Machines within the reach of ail, at their true value. I lew Spria -.I.- a 1 i) 10c On Short Mice or Dainty Lace Effects in "Cannele JVouveaute" "Lucien Etamine" Grenadine Rayure" "Veronese Soie" Robina Satins, Etc. No matter how low our prices our standard of quality is always maintained. Sbirt lUaist Cadics' $ct$ Ittuslin Will he worn thw Underwear neasou. We are! Hhowing the lutejXicely trimmed in kinds from ,lace, embroidejy, BTYI.K ill 5 drawer drop'head cabinet, full quarter- ro saic ar pounds pressure, throwing wattr high enough to go over any of th buildinga. R. M. WADE & CO. J. R. CRAVEN, Mgr. INDEPENDENCE, - OREGON. fib m fa to 7oc. Eddies' Belts Juot in from the Kast. Prices trom 10c. to 75c. in the new kinds. i OC. Skirts From to $3.50 each Plows mul all Kinds Edged Cools Ground While Von mail INDEPENDENCE AND MONMOUTH WATER and LIGHT CO. Produce the Same as Cash at the PEOPLE'S CASH STORE INDEPENDENCE "vr m Paper! Paperi We carry 3-1 ra.- anl w. i.hts ,,f WlLM1 I'lN'n I'AI'El;, ,hX I.mh.U of I'Al'KU JiA(iS,lmin(i,fTVINEa.la!m.mtany ii,; t . J ininv UK! CO iUtlli'l' 1 1 r.,i, .1. . . i t j ' '"'"nen. .- tug stock to 'h.os,.fn,ll,:lllll,,n,iy,avj,I(nVtH GEO. F. ROGERS & CO. WHOLESALE PAPER DEALERS SALEM, OREGON 4 in IN is i ;, V..., Use a Bath Cabinet mi in v., 1 1 $4,00 L Prescription Druaoit i S ruggist. Independence. X fj I f r