WKST SIDE ENTERPRISE, INPEI'DNDENCE, OWIGON' SALEM, OREGON. GRAND EASTER SALE Owhijj to tlio rnntinuwl inclement wcullicr which hut Inn I ft UMuh-ruy t maU-rially dvcrouxo apring husi niHH, we haviMliTiih'i! to innugiTalo a (Juand Kaktku m.k to hoiiin huMinoHB for tli ih wwk. Thin is to he Dnrrfaln Week nt tho Hitf Htoru ami w$ ono ran ull'onl toovrrlook tliese great inonoy-Havinjz opjMirtuniticB Walking Skirts A line of A I.I. WOOL, full rut. hand latiorcxl, .iitr aliaiW Val nr.llmt shwild lri' -V EASTER SJ'KCIAL $3 .70 Aix.ihi-r iih in Hifiit vr '" r, giilur l Value. EASTER Sl'EClAL $1.80 Dress Goods hi-ol.li Miiturca in Wool and Jiill vllh, nil ln'lll'lf shado. Owd te ,, Hk! Vll S, EASTER Sl'EClAL 69c. yard ;,.iml, A IX Wool. lloiiifun -tilling. Itettnlar II f" valm-a, EAS1 1 R Sl'EClAL $1.25 yard Embroideries A (nil and - !!'! I hi" of the i,.m-.t Kintirl'loi'. value, up lo ...V vanl. EASTER Sl'EQAL Mens' Clothing An rlrnt aaaortment of Metis' ALL W(H), Hull, cut In the iim.t lfruviNl mylr, In nil leading lalra. Vataes rmiKlnK from to L0 bull. EASTER SPECIAL $9.85 Mens Shirts A lluonf Mfn' Colored Miff Itonoin fchiru l I rific--d at llii Kahiku hi . I liry ar all j.ulnr ulin'ln lid ll' fin. All tKi'i, UJ and (t .'.' vuliif. EASTER SPECIAL 79c ft..V mill II.7S value $1.18 5c. yard MAIL Ladies' Gloves The lHt;int miiliii-iit In nlim A lineal Jlixlian, ttiirtli-n and dret Kill tiliv, value. ii to I E ASTER Sl'EClAL 75c. pair Eastern Hlr lllyh Jinks. Tho Adale Chapter of the Hast ern fcUar from Independence vis Itrd the Dallas lodge Tseadsy night, going over it ih regular motor at 0:15 and a special metor bringing I hem hack about mid night. ()na candidate waa Initiated by tho Marion Chapter, The tattles in (ha banquet room were laden with delicaciea, Very pleasing to the taste, and they were beautt fully decorated with Bpring flow era. A very good lima waa expcri enced by all. Visitors wera: Mr. and Mrs. 8. Dickinson, Dr. and Mrs. O. 1). Hutler. Mr. anil Mrs. Hank Madison. Mr. and Mra Word Iluller, Mra. E. T. Hankie, Mra. John Wilaon, Mra. J. 0. Kirk land, Mra. J. K. Hubbard, Mra. John Richardson, Mra. McCandlese, Mra. I. L. Hmith, Mra. Lilly Smith, Mra. I'. Uowclen, Mra. Msy Babbit, Mra. Ingram, Mra. Mix, Mra. Cbae. IlifT,. Mm. F. Uice, Mioses Maude Hill', (jertrude and Helle Dickinson, and Minn Hurke, Dud Cooper, 1'. M. Kirkland and IW.Newiblljalso Mr. and Mra. J. H. V. Hutler and Willnrd 1'ercival of Montwoutli, Mrs. A. J. Itichardson of IJuena Vint and Mra. Anna Wilson of Airliu. A gueHining content was an intr elitig featuro cf the evening. Quea ti.jiis wera anked and author'a names were utii'd in the anawera. Mra. J. E. Kirk land of Independence won the prize of a bauk, "A Hunt in The Wilderriem," by Theodore Itooiievelt. ,!. diluting tha wek will le Mled at the kahtkk hik Iai. .ri Vou can hp by mail a well aa if you coma in person. Known Hero. Wayne M. Williams who died at The Dalles, at 12 o'clock Sunday, March 27, was lorn in Missouri, March 1. 18-1,1, and in his infancy the name year, was brought across the plair.N by his parents, who set- j tied on the Lut kiainute in the Fall 'of lsl.1, where he grew to manhood. I He resided for a number of years to aach an extent that ft rouMnjc encore waa accorded them. Tha band Ja worthy of great praia fur lie part In tha program Manr a lar.er citr niisht well t 0 w proud of aa gofMl an organization. Few atnetaur bands ca.i equal the Normal Cadets in precision of at tack, modulation, balance and play, ing in tune. The leader, Frank Lucas, had them well in hand at all times, and they responded readi ly to bia baton. Animal Church Meeting. The annual congregational meet ing of the Presbyterian church of this city was held on Friday even ins the 25th. A large audience filled the church and was muc interested in the proceedings. D Thompson acted as moderator an W.G. Sherman as clerk. Very excellent reports from the differen organization! of the church were read and adopted. These reports ahowad that the church is in nrosneroua and nromisine condi tion and much valuable work hail been accomplished alonir all lines durint the past year. The church roll has over 100 names. Tb election of officers to fill the annua vacsnciea resulted as follows: Mr William Kiddle and V. O. Shar man, eldera for the term of three vears: u. w.isutler anu inemas Fomeroy deacons for one year; I)r O. I). Butler trustee for three years A fine musical and literary pro cram prepared bv Mrs. l'abbitt and rendered by the young folk was eiven. after which tbe ladies served a fruit lunch which all en joyed. The exercises closed with good social time in which all par ticipated. The church starts for ward on another year nopeiuuy contemplating making some needed and important improvements to the church building. Notice lo Votera. Votaries Publio throughout the County, in the several voting pre cincte. have been auplied with reg iatration blanks. All voters are re quired to register on or before Mav 15, l'JO-1. Kegif-ter ea'ly and avoid extra exreiis ot the county Registration is required every two yeara. U. S3. MIl'GIIAkV, County Clerk. Call For WarranU, All Polk County Warrant in dorsed prior to July 4, 11)03, are hereby called. Interest ceasee after the data of this call. Dated Dallas, Or, March 25, 1901 E. V. DaLTOif, County Treasurer. Social Whist Club Met The Social Whist club met at the home of Mrs. J. S. Cooper last Do Sou mmt H Gocd ountainPen? We hnvo in stock tho Lincoln, tho Lftughliii, and a nice 1 i o of" Idea! Wntcrnitttis Your Tor Pens, O.JL Kramer o. 3ewe!er$ an- Opticians, fur ladies and Dr. O. Butler, by : superior plavinc. wan enabled to : wear the gentleman's prize badge ! another week. Mayor J. b. Cooper land Mrs. Cieorira Conker shared . I tha boobv honors. Tne club was f p,asantly entertained with re freshments. S4 ,60600!!' The Heat Couerb Syrup. R. L. Apple, ex-Probata Judire, Ottawa, Kansas, writes: Tbia la to My that I have used Ballard's Ilore Lound Hprup for yeara, and that I do aot hesitate to recommend It aa It la the beat oongh syrup I have ever used." 2So, Wo and f 100. Hold by A, 8. Locke. WEST SIDE $1.50 Per Year Tint job Printing. m Iirru HIIU rvi in an hit iiiouu. . , . . . f , ,, i night, after a two week's vacation , " 1 . Mrs. J. K, Hubbard won first prize If.. m. -..., l-i till! CHDAl'llV lf . r . constable, ix years ago he went east of the mountains, makiag his home in Walla Walla and the past i tour vears at The Dalles. He was 1 of the eon of the late James C. Wil ! liams and wife, lie left a wife ami two children, Mrs. i'olinji, w Kev. D. V. Poling, and lidward Williams, both of The Dalles. Five brothers and three sisters survive him. Mr. Williams was a general favorite among thone who knew hiui. t Hand Concert. The concert by the Normal Cadet Hand given in the opera house Saturday evening was a decided success financially as well aa artis tically. Our people were glad to show their loyalty to the boys and appreciation of their efforts to build up an organization worthy of the county and of the institution whose name it bears. The talent assisting was well chosenand aflorded a de lightful variety in the program. Mist Genie Spelling's recitation of a war ballad was rendered very well indeed, the piaro accompani- . 1 i T .. . . - CnA!l?rtv Kit! n cr mem uy miss tui k-uwmi( quite effective. Mrs. Conkey s sing ing is alwaya pleasing and the au dience showed its approval unmis takedly by demanding an encore, which waa graciously given. Miss Olgft Valeria Boatman'a reading of the "Rose of AvondaJe" waa very dramatic and ehe was compelled to respond with an encore. The instrumental soloa of Messrs Frank Lucas, cornet, and Burns Powell, trombone, were also well received, eaeh responding to en cores. The Normal Male QearUtt, composed of Messrs E. D. Resslsr, F. Lucas, Jay Powell and P. O. Powell, sang Vogel'a "Walti Soag," and their effort were appreciated ONE OF DR. CUPID'S PRESCRIPTIONS. That Love sometimes cures disease ia a fact that has recently been called to tha attention of the public by a prominent physician and college professor. In some nervous diseases of women, such as hys teria, this physician gives instances where women were put in a pleasant frame of mind, were made happy by falling- in love, and in consequence were cured of their nervous troubles the weak, nervous sys tem toned and stimulated by little Dr. Cupid became strong and vigorous, al most without their knowledge. Many a woman ia nervous and irritable, feels drag ged down and worn out, for no reason that ahe can think of. She may be ever so much in love, but Dr. Cupid fails to cure her. In ninety -nine per cent, of these cases it is the womanly organism which requires attention; tha weak back, diay spells and black circle about the eyes, are ouly aymptoma. Go to the source of the trouble and correct the irregularities, the draina on the womanly system and the ether aymptoma disappear. So sure of it ia tha World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion, proprietors of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, that they offer a $500 reward for woman who cannot be cured of leucor ttlea, female weakness, prolapsus, or fall Wig of the womb. All they ask ia a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. Dr. Pierce'a Pleasant Pellets clear the complexion and sweeten the breath, they cleanse and regulate the stomach, liver and bowels and produce permanent benefit and do not re-act on the system. One ia a gentle laxative. "The Common Sense Medical Adviser ia aent free, paper-bound, for at one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 31 atampa for cloth-bound copy. Address, World'a Dispensary, Buffalo, N.T. It Havrd Ilia Leg. P. A. Dan forth of LaOrange, Oa., suffered for six months with a fright ful mooing sore on bis lex; but writes that Jiuckleo's Arnica Halve wholly cured it lo hve dajs. For Ulcers, Wounds, I'llea. It's the best salve In the world. Cure guaranteed. Only 26 eta. Hold bv A. H. Locke, druggist. Notice For Troposala. Contract will be let for the haul ing of 70,000 feet of oak logs on the G. Zumalt place west of Monmouth, to the sawmill at Independence. Sealed bids will be received up to April 16, 100-1. Right reserved to accept or reject any bid. Form of contract furnished by the Indepen dence Lumber Co. Invaluabefor Itlieuniatlsm I have been suffering for the past few yeara with a severe auaca or rheu matism aod found that Iallard'siow Liniment waa tb only thing ibat gave me satlafactloo and tended to alleviate my pains. March 24th, 1!2, John C. ItognaD, Kinsman Ills. 25e, 60o Dd 1100. Hold by A. 8. Loqkr. For Halo For gale Fifteen head of young; hogs. Enquire of T. B. Hooker, Airlie, Ore. Heat Remedy for Consumption. Tbe finest remedy for consumption I ever used Is Cbatnberlala's Blomaelt and Liver Tablets," aays Mr. Eli Butler, of Frankvllle, N. Y. "They act gently and without any unpleasant effect, and leave tbe bowela In a per fect natural condition." Bold by All Druggists. LITTLE PALACE HOTEL .. 1 v i ... Independence, Oregon 01 D D 5 1 01 QD 01 1 RATES: $1.25 to $2.00 per day Special Attention to COMMERCIAL TRADE Rates to Families or Single WeeK or Month Persons by CI 01 J. M. STARK, Proprietor CD fa ID ID CD ID ID ID . ID ID ID ID ID m Girl Wanted. Wanted At Frank'e new reaUu rant, Independence, Ore. a weitreaa, GO TCt M. KIRKLAND, THE DRUGGIST, FOR PRESCRIPTIONS FOR PATENT MEDICINES FOR STATIONERY FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES OR TISSUE PAPER IN ENDLESS VARIETY OR PAINTS, OILS AND PAINT BRUSHES FOR ALL KINDS OF ARTIST'S SUPPLIES FOR PRICES THAT CANT BE BEAT FOR RAFFIA FOR FURTHER ORDERS INDEPENDENCE, - - ORE. THE ...PALACE SALOON..- C. Street Hear Citric Palace Rctd UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT First-Claaa Rso-t. Courttoa. Tr.atm.nl to All. SULLIVAN & TALLON PROPRIETORS