WEST SIDE ENTEi;rRI6E, INPEPENDKNCK, OREliON $ INDEPENDENCE SOCIAL BRIEFLETS . si Ulemi IrtlanJJit up Irom Tort UdA Omll Fluke hM been tiiiting in Portland. Mis Molli Johnson U Yisiiing in CorT!li. Chester Mulkey, of Amity, wa in town Sunday. Miss N1H Burke wai a Portland Tisitor orer Sunday. Win. MoAdams, of Airlie, has bten in town this week. Claude Lewis returned troun a trip to McMinrmll Monday. Will Walker was doing busings in the county eeat Saturday. W. G Sharman, Independence's city recorder, was in Salem mondav. Born to Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Jones a six pound girl. Monday, March 21, Claude Marks was in town Tuee day. E. E. Staata of Airle was in town Monday. of Parker was in 15 fmmt laved I Dee Taylor is Tisitioft home and old friends this week before leaving for Seattle. P. V. PoveT. a Portland blower and ex-politician was in the city Tuesday. Efan Evana town Tuesday. Mrs. George Conkey visited i Dallas Sunday. Justice Wilson and J. W. Kirk land were Dallas visitors Saturday. Willard Irelaud came down from Corvallis Thursday to attend the St. Patricks dance. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Welch have returned to Independence from Vewberir. when thev have been - - - r living for several months. Mrs. Ella Irvine and son, Teddy went to Portland Suaday. Mrs Irvine has a position in the suit ds partment of Olde Wortman & King II. Ottenheimer and George Irwin were up from Salem Sunday. Mr. Ottenheimer has a hop ranch of 85 acres across the river trom lua psndence and it was the interest of glass this hep yard that brought him ! here Sunday. He is getting read to make considerable improvement I kla m,vA 1 1 L- n ruftef Hftlt Til P H 1 - Ml. II1B 1.IU 4 I V .11 V ' . ' V ...... .Maurice rowie, ui h-d aui neighborhood atteuded the St. Patrick dance. I this locality. He will build anoth er hop house and dry kiln t hi: Ifnrinff and side UD the other fon J. W. Richardson and Geo. j houses on the yard that heretofore Burton made a business trip to j have been open. Arrangements I are now under way for trellimng th I Ottenheimer yard. Salem Tuesday. Arthur VanOrtwick came up irom Portland to attend the St. Patrick's dance. Emil Waldman, grand chancellor of the Knights of Pvthias order was in town Tuesday. Chas. Dick, a member of the RIckreal firm that was burglarized last week was in town Tuesday. Mrs. Maude Ireland came down with the gale from her Benton county hop ranch home Monday. H. H. Jasperson and W. L. Bice Independence undertakers, made a business trip to Portland last week. J. E. Hubbard and Mrs. George Conkey were among those attend ing the Maccabee blowout in Salem Monday night. Miss Bessie Ireland attended the St. Patrick's day dance at the au ditorium. She was the guest of Mrs. J. E. Hubard. her aunt, while here. C. A. Fitchard and son, Harold, left Monday for Utica, N. Y. Mr. Fitchard will return about the first of May to keep in touch with his hop interests here. Harold will re main in the east to attend school. Mrs. Thomas Pomeroy, Mrs. J. S. Cooper and Mrs. R. II. Knox at tended the annual state convention of the order of Maccabees in Port land this week. Mrs. Pomeroy was a delegate from the Independence lodge. Clarence Wagoner and Otis Duree, of Portland, were in Inde pendence from Thursday until Sun day. Mr. Wagoner acted th s part of Philistus, the Roman senator, in the play of Damon and Pythias produced here Friday night, and at Falls City Saturday night. BUSINESS LOCALS. W.M One gallon No.' 1 pickles for cents at Knox's. 30 Read the People's announcement. Cash Store Beans! Six pounds No. 1 white beans for 25 cents at Knox's. R. M. Wade & Co, have received a carload of Buggies and Carriages, Full line of ladies' best pocket memoranda books at Craven & Moore's. Take your grain to the Indepen dence mill on Wednesdays and Saturdays chopping. I waut boRS and all other kinds of livestock and will pay you the top price. W. W. Percival. For Sale: Early seed potatoes. Inquire ol Black Bros., Mix farm or A. N. Halleck, Monmouth. Mrs. Chas. A. Rice, of Mon mouth, announces she will give les sons in oil, water color and China painting. Johnson, the clothier, at Salem, is the popular place for Polk coun ty Deople to trade. Finest display in the valley. Elmer Johnson, living on the J. R.Cooper place across the river lost three of his x fine cows last week from the effects of eatiDg larkspur a poisonious weed growing in the pasture in which they had been running. Had not Mr. Johnson's Attention been called to the fact of the existence of the weed, six dead :ow8 instead of three would have been the result. from New York, The New Things in Shirt-Waist Sets. An elegant line of them. Also a line of new Belts and Belt Buckles. Call and see them at Messner's. A look at our stock and prices will convince you we are headquar ters for field and garden seeds of all kinds. English rye grass,7 cents; orchard grass 12$ cents; onion sets 10 cents a pound or 3 pounds for 25 cents; English dwarf Essex rape 4 cents at R. H. Knox's. We are agents for the following makes ofHgh Grade Shoes. The Walk-over and Selzs Royal Blue for dress shoes, M D. Wrells & Co. Heavy Shoes for men, the Dist. 76 for boys and girls, the Radcliff for the women. There are no better lines made than the above. Call and see them at Messner's. BY BUYING CLARK . PARRY VEHICLES Our CLARK made to order lino has many special features not found in any other make. New styles Elegantly finished. Special corner irons. Bodies will not open. Easy riding springs. :::::' : We Buy in Large Quantities. You do not pay us a Middle-man's Profit nor Excess Freight. R. M. WADE & CO. J. R. CRAVEN, Mgr. Independence - - Oregon Wo want to imprt'M upon your mind tho fact that we can ncll y Keld fence. Whilo we have been wiling the Keystone fencing but ft abort time, tho fanners are quick to recognize its meritH and our sales are increasing rapidly. We carry it in stock from 2." inches to 40 inches in height. We also have a good Klock of I'OUl.TKY FKNt'INU. FRAZER & RICE, INDEPENDENCE, QUE. We Sell Barbed Wire by the Mile P. s-7- s-7. -i- -S' -J" v." v -" PEDEE LUMBER CO. Hough and Dressed Lumber. Kiln Dried. Bills Cut to Order. Trices Kight. Call on or Write PEDEE LUMBER CO. PEDEE. OREGON. AND OREGON Shout Line Union Pacific TRAINS FROM PORTLAND DAILY Through Pullman standard and tour- i. nura ,luilv In Omaha Gill- cairo, Spokane; tourist sleeping-oar daily to Kansas City ; through mil man tour ist sleeping cars (peraooaMv conducted) weekly to Chicago and Kanpas Citv; reclinirie chair cars (seats free) to the East daily. Cured t'oiisunipt Ion. Mr. B. V . Evans, (.'liarwaler.Kan., writi: "My tiusliaiiil lay Hick fur three month. The doctor en id he had quick consumption. We procured a bottle of Ballard's (lorehouud Kyrup, aud H currd liiin. That wait nix year ago and since then we have kept a bottle in the houe. We cannot do without I;. For okikIih Hi)d colds it has no equal." oc, bOc ami f 1.00. Hold by A. H. Locke. ISilsincNN Opening. For Sale Country more in Polk county. Good location. Probable value $3,000. For particulars en quire at this office. '0 HOURS Porrlaland to Chicago No change of cars 70 DEPA KT FOB TIME SCHEDULE abrivs FROM POKTLASD FROM Chicago Halt Lake, Denver, ortland Ft Worth, Omaha, pecial Kansas City, bt. 4 .do p m We havejuBt received by express Hunting- East. IAM1. D ra o gin g Painsf tlantic Salt Lake, Denver, Express Ft Worth.Omana, 8 : 15 p in via Kansas City, Bt luau a ra Hunting- Louis, Chicago ton. and i.at. Pt Paul Walla Walla.Lewis FastMail ton,Spokane,Wal 6 am via lace, Pullman, 7:35 am Spokane. Minneapolis, fit ram, Duium, Mil waukee, Chicago and East. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE. For San Francisco Every five days at 8:00 p.m. For Astoria, way points and North Beach Daily, except Sunday, at 8:00 p. m ; Saturday at 10:00 p. ru. DaUv (ervice. water permitting, on Willamette ane Yamhill rivers. For ful'er information ak or write your nearest ticket auent, or A. L. CRAIG, General Passenger Agent, The Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co., Porrland, Oregon. ft ev St. Chicago. III.. Oct.. 2. 1902. I suffered with falling and eon- T geition of the womb, with severe pains through the groins. I uf- K fered birrihly at the time of men truation, had blinding headaclu-s l and rushing of bloxl to the bruin, tf What to try 1 knew not, for it b seemel that I had tried all and r1 failed, but I had never tried Wine , ' of Cardui, that blensed remedy for W 1 T J 1l -1 t4 sick women, l iouna n. pionmun to take and soon knew that 1 had the right medicine. New blood seemed to course through my veins and after using eleven bottles I was a well woman. Mrs. Bnsh is now in ptffect health because she took Wine of Cardui for menstrual disorders, bearing down pains and blinding headaches when all other remedies failed to briny bsr relief. Any sufferer may seenrs health by tak ing Wine of Cardui is her home. a The first bottle oonvinoes the pa tient she is on to road to nealtfe. special aireroioni, nirni, iiiuf symptoms, "iue Loath Advisory Medicins Co., Chattanooga, Tean. ELECTRICITY IM YOUR HOME Conveniences Within Reach of all Users of Current. SHADES CORD ADJUSTORS ' FROSTED LAMPS INDEPENDENCE AND MONMOUTH WATER and LIGHT CO. PAPER! PAPER! We carry '.'A grade ami weights of WIJAP l'INU l'Al'KU, mx l.raml ,f PAl'KIl JiAfJS;all kin..N.fTVINE!Uifllmt,Ht a 1 1 v tiling tho coiiHitner of j.njier (hirfrt. A hig stock. tochooHc frmn at inoiicyHavinL' ju iccH GEO. F. ROGERS & CO. WHOLESALE PAPER DEALERS SALEM, - - OREGON Did You Eur sl Use a Bath Cabinet f mi .. jneu are an a i most sure cure or CMt and JUinniafiwi. I mil scl mu a genuine BUCKEYE VJI'O; c Jj NET for L',hJ $4,00 A., s. lock:, Prescription Druaaist iw w w V! vt V! SI