fl! WHOOPING COUGH. YOUTH Versus ATTAINMENT By Mri. tnxsK irsiie iTjOU ono wlni hit known tho full Auwvr of life, who 'psfil'f ''v,'(' '"v,,,' '' I"1 read '"'i" "w Wnrt llT '1 ''"lt '""" ",lol'"'l' v,' though it lias 'V I'j'i imi M a Vlvtcliihlt Ior inch a cno to Mid tlm fount!.! t iM.r.H.t.i..l vniilli btnl ulu'ln n.lniniiwr nil ftltl 1irif'illllA ItHtMJllkS iif 1 lUlFlllflftJI 4t PJ.rVi.utl .. :.. i . . : 1 .1 . ... '11 1 . . outward I'dUtf 111 iu rejuvenating wiicn, nil, mm wotim 00 w remit TMK VKUV riXXAC'I.K OF WOMAN'S OIIAKM AND l'OWKK, fr tlm gn at, tho irm, law of cftinju'imatioii U nowhero laort' lntrly shown limit in this mutter of youth vermin attainment, Kvrry ono confeM-a tlmt n inn 11 or woman vcrjrif? Uwn iniddlo lift", r even considernMy Inter in lifo'a Ury, ha imru to nay, can offer tr.oro valuable opinion and Ik, in tho common jhrue, "hettor company" than 11 very young eron, hut few iinl-'I aro tho phi losophers, I'.'iwH'iiillv among women, who wouM delilratcly choono THE ATTKAC'rioNS OK M.VH'KITY opmed to tho of "oiith. Still tho compensation U jtit and adinjuato if one does hut claim it and titili," it at it full value, but hero Mtfuin Nature herself, whom Mind opo mil Mind and unreasoning even hero Nature show th Jl'ST HAI.ANCK of her gifts and her intelligent lfiv'rnnnc of her great family, Youth i her alwoluto endowment to thso who Iwvo -t yet ahilily to chooso or reject, Kho due not n il her infant, "My dear, try to U young, for to m young in to bo attractive I" Sho simply make them young WJIKTIIKU THEY WILL OH NO, Imcbhjw itho know that it U to their advantage and hnppine to I young, lut to tlm older children, to those who have listened to her teaching and Irnnn-d omo of tho lonumi hor aiter KxjK-rii'iu- ha U-rn pIh-d in to tai-h, ho ny: "Child, you are no lmij;rr vounj?. 'Hint nrly rharni wiich I l'towed ujvn you BE FOilK YOl' ('Of!.!) AITUKCTATK IT U gmio even when v In-jfni, u valiu it and rlx-rUh it ruodt I ahull not mako you voting pin, hut I will pve you a cotitMnation for your lout youth "if you havp Mitlirint M-adfii!tnn of jurjoito aud knowledge of your own jnt-r't to rvoeive and inakw tixo of it. I will mako you AOKKKAHI.K-Uiat it, I will ull you how to bo, but you ar no loiter child, and I ehttll not blindly Irntow thi gift upon you aa I did that of youth. I hll nimply give you tlio mean and the power, and you mut um them fr yourwdf." So ip'ak tho dar old mother of u all aometiinoa, uliu, to deaf ear that hear t, aometime to shallow brain that heed not, Bome lime to h.avy heart that care not; but mrna thero an aye, tliank G1, there n nmny who hear and heed and care for tho mother' lrM.'n and the c.mjention he ofTen, and among the.no older cbfl dr . are n..t of tbe TKULV CHAUMING poplo of tho world. In fact. o far a men aro concerned, I often think tho only really t ; r,f nntur.? aro to Iks found in this, her senior, claw, for moat very voung men aro bo alorUd in admiration of their own wid..m, wit and wid- exjicrirnro that they can pcak or think of litUa elno. Thev, U, prmtUi, but not, liko the young girb, of every tbing under the un and with a wet readinesa to confer thoir own Ignorance AND ASK FOR IN101UIATI0X. No. The young man' prattle i generally of himaelf nd with an amiablo rcadmew to give m own opinion upon whatever other subject hi interlocutor may try to introdueo. Do ha very little interest in tho views of any one do and ahow marvelou ingenuity in soon bringing the conversation around to hU favorito topic iuT HAVE PAT.CNCE W.TH HIM. TOR DAY BY D AY THEOLD MOTHER 13 SMOOTHING AWAY A Z JptU LITTLE Or THE NEWNESS OP HIS LIFE, AND IMPERCEPTIBLY RE PLACING IT WITH THOSE GRACIOUS COMPENSATING G.FTS I HAVE ALREADY NOTED. Tho gift of fascination i quito apart from the other gifU of youth or experience, and, although it doe not really develop firt twenty year of life, I have seen young girl in whom the prom he lay latent, yet vWUprl. of whom ono may ny, bhe a charming girl and will be a fascinating woman. W,t if tho aecret of fascination lie neither in you h nor auty WHERE i it to bo found-in mental gift, in wit, in grace of manner or in cultivation! HO. NO. NO, ,N NONE 0, . 0 OJ ALL BC ACCESSORIES OF 0ETE" " ,. E.SENT1AL IN ITS THESE NOR ANY OTHER ONI ATTMBUTS ''"'oF rA.C PRtSENC 0 FATAL .T ITS AOSENCt TO THIS QlrT OF 4 05 OD 3 NATION. T THE PLEASURES AND DISAPPOINTMENTS OF PUBLIC LIFE ..Li:. V.t nr netive in poliuca kuow ta Tt 1 tho compensations of a and keen disappointment. It tho r us i m,.Vn lifo worth tlio living, n " career which muJco mo w . ttoan JV1 " in the one sphere or to got out of and he is ever etruggUi.g to stay in w crtjdntlo9 ftnd aCcidenU the other. The intonalty and strain. in ui0 poiitioUn. of politico maHe p-ible the wannest atUcW TiaiallUoe f on broad line, and aro free from the irnta q They generously appreciate the good QF cSEST the other and are bound together viuEXDsmr. 01 From the United Mate eenaua of I'JOO w find Uiat f.OJ Uied Now York from whooping cough JJt and 819 from ncarlet fuvcr. In thl-whoooimrcoui;h - "... . and 373 from scarlet lever; i nn- fjjrt dulphia, i:i diel from whooping ; couifh, Wi from scarlet fever, and f,)) so on in me uimreiu iu. a""'" from whooping cough occur niont frequently from pneumonia a a tornplication that induces heart full ur, or a bronchiti may occur that nd in suffocation. Asphyiia, or marasmus, duo to tho continued ejecting of tho food or loss of sppe tite, may cause death. Even when death does not occur, severe disturbance of the nervous system may remain, a weakness of j tho intellect and memory, imWiLi-i ty. Viual defect, strabismus,' t.i n. tw.au mill iluufncitg. partial or: complete, and even deafmutism may j flfo remain. Whooping cough, it is evi- dunt, should ho uniler the control ot health authorities, subject to quar antine and other preventive meas ures a much a scarlet fever. Wo man' Medical Journal. Conceit of th Now YorUor. One of tbe recent "Parsifal" per formance at tho Metropolitan Op era House was attended by a large delegation of music lover from Philadelphia who had bought up most of the first tloor sest for the occasion. A certain well known op era goer met a journalistic friend while promenading in the lobby aft er the first act, and they stopped to discus tho merits of the perform ance. "Did you know," said tire friend, "that there's a party of 400 Phila dclphians in the house tonight?" "indeed?" replied the first night er. "Why don't you interview them and get their impressions of Ameri ca?" Harper's Weekly. Quoon Victoria'! Toy at 8t. Louis. Tho plaything of the late Queen Victoria, while in their splendor and intrinsic value they will not com pare with the ulmost priceless jubi lee presents, that will be shown at the world's fair, St. Louis, will ap peal to the sentiment of all who view them. The Uritish pavilion at the world' fair is a replica of the orangery at Kensington palace, the birthplace of yueeu Victoria. It was here that Victoria played, with her doll. The paint is rubbed from The arm of anoth- tiiv or in trmiit nun the Iclt of still anoth er is missinir. All of these toy have been carefully preserved. London Chronicle. Hudson Bay. hfiv i the third largest inclosed marine sea in the world, being next in size to the Mediter ranean sea and the Caribbean sea, o,i a hill i now before the utiawa parliament to change it name to tlio Canadian sea, "ior gouu ical and national reason and to as sert Canadian supremacy over the nf thu liav and the adjoining territory." American whalers from vu, n.,lfnrl Mas., are practically tho only people who have frequent ed the bay ior mo iui muuj Rv th Gas Plot Routs. Tn ;,llnir n anrinnst'il saloon in All AOAfi, II . . Lewiston, Me., the other day special liquor deputies fliscovercu a ue , method to sell in violation of the law. It was in the form of a gas jet. By climbing through a scuttle to a place over Uie store a hard par tition was seen. This was broken and found to contain a copper tank. Tho tank was connected with the store by a tube, which resembled a gas pipe. 'v turning on the gas jet whisky could be obtained. 8ensloss Ssntlment. J tiles Lefcvrc of Paris writes to Answers of liomlon: "1 reiurneu from Lancaster only a few day ago, feeling thoroughly disgusted witli your English lovo of senseless senti ment. 1 had become engaged to a Lancaster lndv, and because I had the honesty to confess that it was her money which had attracted me the engagement, to my astonish mnt, was immediatolT canceled. Japansss and Chinese. It will be well when continental statesmen learn that a ooxe of nat ural facta dwcjiminate tho Japanese people from the Chinese and the Tartara. There la more of Malay blood, there is even more of Ka naka and of Polynesian blood, in ii.t triM lf reliant visage of the famous Marquw Ito than of Genghis or Jvubla jvnan. ou- xi win Arnold in London Telegraph. Leading Independence Store New lino Crush licit!, new line (;..il :oltnf new line Satin IMts, new lino (iroKH CJrain Uflt, finiehwl in tho latent gold and gun metal trimming. A choice new lino of latest things in Shirt Waist Beta in pearl, gold and gun metal MUSLIN UNDERWEAR We have Jual received one of the Urgent end nioat complete line, of ladles' muslin under wear ever ahowo In the city. Whit Hklrta 1.2ft. 1 60. 2.00 2.50. 3 00. 3.80. (JownafiOc, 7fte, 1.00, l.ft. 1.60. 2.(K). Corset rovers i'to, 60n. -'e. 76c. K'w, 1.00 Muslin Drawer 60c, 76e, Wic, Wio, 1.00. I.S5. COHON GOODS Home merchanU are havlog considerable trouble with the price on cotloo Roods, but w bought ours before the alvauce, bene ere able to give you the same for nearly the same old price a s year ago. IDRSSS GOODS We have the latent and best things out in this line in both wool and cotton goods. Come and examine our stock of Voiles, Nub oiles and Mohairs, tlio leading goods for the present season, and you will have no need of send ing away for your fine drens goods. We are also showing some beautiful things in cotton goods, especially for evening dresses and Shut Waist Suits, which aie very popular this season CD CO CO CO CO Q) DRESS AND WALKING SKIRTS W are now showing our new spring line of ladles' klrU lo the newest eastern lyle. Tbee are exceptional value and w have style and price to suit all. Come and examine them. WAI8TINGS We would like to show you our Hue of wait ings, for we have tu first person to Mod who doe not say that we ere bowlo; a pretty and , as durable a line as can be had in much larger places. , Bring us your eggs, butter and chickens for we will pay the highest market price for le and w ilf guarantee you will get just as much for $1 in produce trade as if vou paid the cash as we make no difference. Your produce is as good as your cash. We curry a jiice line of groceries, and our prices are as low as any house in the city. Come and give us a trial. All coods delivered in the city. 1 Yours for Honest Goods at- Honest Trices. to CO N W. A. Independence, Oregon. R J. M. Stark, Coniiumeemu i. PolkV'ouniy, Makes An nouncement for Coun ty Convention. having earn properly certified by the secretary of theconventton. T. W. Harris, Chairman congressional Committee. Cibtis B.Winn. Secretary. A convention of the republican r,.ro r,f the First congressional district of the state of Oregon is hereby called to meet in balem, Ore., Wednesday, April 13th, at 11 . m for the DurDose of nominating one representative for congreeB and to transact such other Dusinee a may properly come before the con- vent inn . The convention will consist of 177 .t1ei?B.te8. apportioned among the seveial counties of the district a's follows, towit: Benton, 7; Clack amas, 18; Coos. 9;Curry.3;Dougla8, 14- Jackson 12; Josephine, r, Klamath, 4; Lake, 4; Lane, l'J; T innnln. 5: Linn. 14; Nanon. Polk, 9; Tillamook, 5; Washington IS- Yamhill. 11: total, 1U. The. same being one delgaie ai Urcr for each county, one for every 150 votes caet for Judge Bean on tfc,W ireneral election, and one for every fraction of 150 larger than 100. That the work of the convention m.v Via expedited as much a posei lie, the committeesuggests that the chairmen and secretaries oi me .ersl eonntv conventions certify to the list of delegates elected oy their county conventions to this congressional convention and mail ti,,n at once to Curtis B. Winn, secretary congressional committee) Albany, Ore. Delegates or others in attendance at the convention may secure a rate of one and one-third fares for the round trip on the Southern Pacific and the Corvallis & Eastern railways by paying full fare to Salem, taking a receipt for faae paid from the tioket agent and ma The Secret of Long Life and How to Overcome Waste. To Know thyself,' i to take advantage of life's secrets snd equip one's self with I armor whicB will suotiuu;;.. the battle of life. The old ides of fete or "kismet, and that a person al ways dies when bU time comes, is now exploded. Every mechanism, wheth er made by God or man, has a definite amount of wear snd its life can be lengthened or shortened accord ing to the care that is given it. If ac cident or careless ness destroys the or the human mechanism an end comes to iU usefulness, out tt nas noi .-muui; worn out." Man's system at times gets rusty like the wheels of the watch and only needs a little cleaning and oiling to put it in shape for life's battles. An imitation of nature's method of re storing waste of tissue and impoverish ment of the blood and nervous force is nsed when you take an alterative extract of herbs and roots, without the use of alco hol, like Ir. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. This vegetable medicine coaxes inns anrt hflrts in the IflC uincnii ...... 1 . , .4. assimilation of food, or rather enables the organs to take trom ine ioou ju:. iu n.r.riiiimt the blood requires. Prof. T. K. TauRiinv. of 61 St. Peter Strwt, Que- Grippe snd did not regain my strength. uh tn a wk after using Dr. Pierce's l.oUlen Med ical DixcoTerv. 1 was able to be around again, snd I found "that my svstem wns entirely free from any of the bad effects of La Grippe. I now aeep a dwiic w vi.e coixry on hand. snd. when I catch cold, take a lew aoses, wnicn cejra As a builder up of lost strength and vitality I ri m helievt vour - Discovery' has an equal. Accept no substitute for'Golden Medical Discovery." mere is huiuihk j good for diseases of the stomach. Dr. Pierce s Pleasant Pellets, the best laxative for old people. They cure con stipation and biliousness. Notice to Creditor. Vnttra ta hereby eiven that the UD- dersigned baa beeD duly appiutd ad ministrator of the estate of Sarah Ja rwrson. deceased, bv the Countv Court of the State of OreRon, for Polk Coun ty- All nersona havirjer clmma aealDst said estate are hereby notified tu pre sent Uie same amy verinco, togeia with the proper vouchers therefor, to .. . - I . V. n ine unaeraignea, at nis omra iu me City of Independence, in said County, within six months from toe aai oi this notice. Dated this 18th day of February, 1904. H. H. Jaspebson, Administrator of the estate of Sarah Jasperson, deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. If troubled with wek digestion, holohinu or sour stomach use Chamber Iain's Stomach and l.ier Tablets and you will get a quick relief. For sale by All Druggists. If in need of stationery seeus Craven & Moore's. ' , War Clubbing- Rates. The Portland Diily Journal, one year is $4. By ordering now yea can get both th West ide en terprise and Daily Journal, one year fur 54 50; the betni-weekiy Journal and West Side Enter prise, one year for $2.25; the Weekly Journal and Vest Side Enterprise, one year for $2.10. IT IS A MATTER OF HEADS Abaolntefr Pure THXEISA'O SUBSTITUTE