West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, March 24, 1904, Image 3

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,, 1 ... ..... rrinivp a kt
Hating f itlir. Other limber i
being discussed and another
week limy bring about material
changes in the aituation.
l. V. Jonea, wad in town Weil
nesday. According to "Bent"
lie in not 11 cutidi'lrtto at this time
but I,iix-ohi ouil it in pretty
Program for Haxaar at the lode
(wndence opera houa. Thursday,
March 31, 1WM. Adniion 15c.
Quartet Monmouth
Cornet 80I0, F'ank Luca, Monro'h
Ym1 Folo Prof. P. O. Powrll
Recitation Virginia Owen
Piaoo Holo..Iv McDaniH, Dalla
ficrc's a Brcaib of Spring.
The Shelves and Counters made vacant by
our recent Clearing Sale are now full with
Bright, Beautiful, Urandnew Spring Merchan
disc. Come and stroll through the store and
See Fashion's Favorites for ThlsSeasoi
Gowned Woman
,dllMUth7. '' '
10u 'r tra -rlally l
Uml with ol.fO.Jurli pl
grir.H... WIimib iJr '
, rr.l ,.urcl..ii. of a garm-nt
... 1 Im more In It' tvor l''
il mere luatl-r I"'""- Th" ,,r.ir
tntlttiutUnof II- dlwrlwluat.
no t,ri. 11-"''" ' ', '"i"
,, ami .rlLll l!ct U Ia.-klaf.
,oi ran ft Ihs "itlc effft In
iy " lWlM',u
,,ric. Many 10
(,r4 0 cliO" !""
$15.00to $40.00
What woman l" '"'"J
rJ .rrlpbl. ljrlth
l,l,wtMwrttl.jf hold on
.I.,,uiih! Ie.lr.hip In akirl. Hon
tlrU la eel"
2.00 to J7.50
II ever man want marl, print,
Undaom cIoUim, It' lin Ida flrl
warm data acinar. Noal.ar ran
(lilt muil particular man find
finer, frili"r,or more aallafyinKalork
10 rhooao from than la )r at lliie
momonl. Yet. with H char
olr and atylee whirl, our good
clothing e, prlrae lo
at caralul wan could a lor.
Have yon Un In lo ll n"
prlng ljlraT If nl you ar Invllwl
to inaiwcl lid f rat tuf k o( clulhlnit,
11 imala jroa noUilnic to look. Now
IkmU arrlvlnj twr? JT.
a 1 1
imi iMii uiii itoi"; 1 j ..
uro will Ko totho atat con von- Vocal Holo, Mn. A. Y. tampan,
tiotjforhim for joint arputor Monmouth.
f..P I-i.,oln Til ..nook and VMi Bolo. Frank M.r.U.ckreal
for Lincoln Tillamook
Yamhill counties
For tipntia". Tlt ie ihapare
ttvr th moliriit rhang and Uie
tuor mwlrraW ow. There U a
Wrai ilivfratty of fit iirlw. all of
Ihem Kjoally hp nl correct.
$2.oo to $4.oo
nn 1 TXr Iran in the fumily or remember
Haris Makes a Visit to Polk
County In Interest of His
Candidacy to Repre
sent First District
In Congress
No Ntw Candidate!. Strong Tick
et Wanted. Anybody! Race
For Senator. Probability
of New Candidate
ron in the fumily or remembe
ho tniuiy teeth baby hud cut
tha last time he was around.
A campaigner, Harris is the
antithesis of Hermann, a kind
of poser as it were. Tho race
however, aeoma to be between
the two and it is pretty certain
ihnt whichever i chosen by the
republican convention will be
t t'airara Itark.
A Cehalia, VV'aah. diapalch
aya: "Lewia county ha recently
become the actite center of the
carcara ' hark bueineaa. A few
month ago Wlliam Aldia and A.
T. I'eteraon of Toledo, Lincoln
county, Oregon, came to the county
and made purchaHf of a number of
fine trade of caacara, paying a
mere eong for the bark on each ie
parate piece.
Within a few wceki a large num
ber of purchaaerg from Oregon and
other aectione have appeareu on
tlie ecene and have endeavored to
purchaae the bark. They are now
offering a much higher price than
at firat. but are not linding me
ranchera eo ready to lell. The lat
ter have become thorougniy
rouad bv the great anaiety and
large number of the purchaeere.
and aotue of them have coromencea
to imagine that they have a fortune
in lhir caacara bark and are there
fore alow to a-U. A number of the
buyera are now purchaaing the land
outright in order to get tne nam.
A few nurchaaera are in the field
to buy the cured bark.aud theee are
offering from 5 to 7 centa per
round. From nrefent indioatlon!
a large amount of the bark will be
harvested in Lewis county t&ia
Ittirglara Caujht.
Preparation for t'te Queen
n ail Itnr funiaia to be itiven under
the auaoices of the Lewie and Clark
club are well under way and will
be ready for production in a few
weeks. There will be nlty people
th ranlkt and It Will
Ul 1MUIV a
be an event worth waiting lor,
The preparation! involve a vast
amount of work but rehearsals are
now frequent and announcement
... . 1
f ika Hiii will be roau bood
Violin Solo, Frank Miller.Uickreall
Mala Quartnt. Oeo. Hurloo, Will
Walker, Wm. liarnett, rranit
ttecitation I Burton
lano Holo Helen Cooper
Vocal Bolo Mre. Oeo. Conkey
limitation Charlie liurion
Vecal Solo KoyJIawkina
Cornet Solo Clarence Clodfelter
Hon. L.T, Harris n citizen of
F.iiRone and ftspirnnt for the re
jmblicHii congressional nomina
tion for the Firot district, pahl
liia resj.otts to Tolk county Inst
wcck. Ho apent Friday after
noon in Independence and Fri
day night in Dallas. During
his visit here, C. N. McArthur a
former school-mate at the V. of
O. was his traveling companion
and Mr. McArthur accompanied
his friend ol former school days
homo. Mr. Harris was cordially
r.'.Tivod ns nil visitors are in
Polk county, and tho same wel
come nwnits him in the luiure
Mr. Harris hod littlo to miy soiv
ctrning his candidacy, electing
to make his trip more ot a bo
ciul visit, than ft canvass for
d'hcates to the congressonal
convention. Thouch striving
for tho same honor, there is a
in or Vml nnnlrn al between tne
-av maw w
methods of Mr. Harris and Mr
Hermann. Harris has not that
faculty of recalling the tiraa and
place of meeting you last, nor
Kothinc new or sensational
Loon snrung by either party
in the local camprign the past
week. Tho democrats met fai-
nnd fixed a date for their
. .... mwl reinvention hut
iiriiiuti iiB uii't
thev are not talking candidates
imwAvcr. iney aro
laying for certain probable nom
ot the renublicnn conven
tion, against which they expect
tn nit. whom they consider meir
Btrongest men with tho hopo of
winning out at tho polls, no-
publicans are awakening 10 u.
.;.,. inn. nnd the prospects are
ono of tho strongest tickets ever
named in the county will nc rui
.,((,l, time. The sentiment
I'U v i a 1 f
that tho personal ambition ol
candidates must bo suDorum...
to tho party's ,wclfaro w ireeiy
No ew candidates have an-'
1 miv with
nounceu nor -j
drawn. The strife for state .eu
otordrags along with out de
velopment other than to create
an opening for a new man. Tha
strife between Messrs Kirkpat
rick and Laughary for the Dallas
delegation has been such as to
lend many having the best in
terest of the party at heart to
doubt the advisability of nomi-
Kotariei Public throughout the
County, in the several voting pre
cincta. have teen auplied with reg
iatralion blank. All votera are re
quired to register on or before Mv
15, 1901. Hester emly end avoid
extra expem" ot the county
ItegMration i r-quir-d every two
U. 8. OHAKV,
County Clerk.
It Bavrd HI llf'
P. A. IWorlh nt IGrenge,
aufTered foralx montba with a fright-
f,.l mnnliiir aora on bla ief. but writ
Hi at lluckleo'e Arnica lialve wholly
cured It la live deje. For Ulcere,
Wound, Pllee, It' the btt aalv In
the world. Cure guaranteed. Only 26
cu. 8old by A. o. Loche, aruggiai.
A Good Markaman.
Laat Monday aome markeman
to.ik a abot at one of the Iadepen
dence & Monmouth Light it Power
Co'a inaalatora in a tree top near
Sidney. It wa a center abot
knockinc the insulator into
amiihereena and allowing the wire
a P
to come in contact with the body 01
th tree at the point where the
crow-arm waa auacnea. iu
trunk of the tree waa burned almost
oft and the croe! arm in two and
by midnight the wire waa eo hot it
pulled apart and Independence was
ithont lisht. Manager uave uai
breath brouzbt the tree-top and
remaine of thecrois arm into town
Tuiaday and McCaleb, the photo
Dranner Dictured the wrsck. Mr
r'.n.r.tK nflVra reward lor tne
VaavivM w -
marksman. .
Notice For FropoeaU.
Onntract will be let for the haul-
nir of 70.000 feet of oak logs on tht
- n '
G. Zumalt place west of Monmouth,
to tne sawmill at Independence.
Sealed bide will be received up to
April 16. 1904. Right reserved to
accept or reject any bid. rorm of
contract furnished by the Indepen
dence Lumber Co.
DiMtrlbutinff rotnt.
Inatead of the 45 mile haul
from Dallaa to Independence.via of
Wbiteson arrangements nave oeen
for throuzh rates from Falls
r; Airect to Independence, over
.Kn T. it M. troin Ualias. ine
Southern Pacific has also decided
to make Independence the diatri-
buting point for lumber ana oiner
friffht ehiDDed from Falls City,
- o - .
Dallas, Monmouth and intervening
point. This arrangement will De
i...... ii.o nublic as well as
UCVhOI i' ,
economy for the road.
Jturl Delivery.
The matter of . a rural delivery
out of Independence to the aouth is
nA takinir definite shape and the
effort persiated in will no doubt re-
. it.;.
suit in the establishment 01 una
needed mail service.
Ponle to the south are tired of
aeetmr their mail go by on the train
and being put to the necessity ot
. . i . i l
waiting for it to be brought oaca oy
a circuitous rout from the south.
Many to the south bo their trading
here, have'Indepemtence pnysicans
thmr familv doctors and the ex
tremity of putting them on another
rural route instead ol one leaum?
out of Independence Beems alto
gether unreasonable.
It is to remedy this situatiou that
the parties interested have taken
the matter into their own hands
and cau make a showing the au
thorities can bardie ignore.
The Itest Couch Syrup.
r- Atrnle. ei-Probate Judge,
w... TCanaaa. Write: "Tbl 1 to
.... t T have need iJaiiara a xi"ir-
. .a un.n fnr vAara. and thiit I do
tinuuu i fiuy .
not healtate to recommeud it a It la
the beat oough ayrup I hve ever ueed."
25c, 50o and f 100. Hoia ry a. o. -..b
$1.50 Per Year
fine job Priming
New Spring and Summer Sample
In great variety ju.t receiver.
Merchant Tailor
CH For Warrant.
All Polk Oounty Warrant in
dorsed prior to July 4. 1903, are
hereby called, lnlereai ceaae
the dale of this call.
Dated Dallas, Or, March 25. 1904
E. V. Dai-ton.
County Treasurer.
Beat Kemedy for Consumption.
"Tb flneat remedy for oonaumptloo
I efer U Chamberlalo'a Stomach
nd LUer TableU," aaya Mr. Kll
Butler, of Frankvtlle, N. V. "They
act gently and without any unpleasant
eff and 've me , . l 7 ,
feet natural condition." 8oId by All
Independence, Oregon
RATES: $1.25 to $2.00 per day
Special Attention to
Saturday Gale.
Th storm that swept down tne
valley Saturday night tnd Sunday
..nt nnite a few pranka at lndepen
V m J
dence. The river was rolled iato
foam created billows Saturday
night presenting the appearance of
the surf of the sea.
The tin roof was lifted from the
Fi.r- A' Rice hardware tore ex
noBiug Zed BosendorFs bachelor
nnarter over head to the unfriend-
ly elements and awaking iea v
a realization ot .-
thing in winter to be shattered by
the blast." The roof of the opera
house was partly torn off and pieces
of sheet iron roof on the stables
near th depot were scattered a dis
tance of two blocks. Three trees
were up-rooted io the park and a
number of trees were blown down
in the groves north along the Salem
rrm.'! Ricked cord wood was level
ed on R. D. coopers place and eve
ry thing loose or unstaDie was
given a good shakmg up.
Evangelical Meetings.
The Evangelioal meetings now in
progress at the United Evangelical
church are progmsing with in
creased interest and' results. The
attendance, considering the un
favorable weather, baa been very
gratifyirg. Rev. E. E. McVicker,
formerly pastor hare, and for the
past four years preaching in Ne
braska, is expected to occupy the
pulpit next Sunday. Prof. H. H.
Dunhelberger, of Dallaa, will have
charge of the music. Services be
gin at 7:30 every evening and a
cordial invitation is extended to all.
Rates to Families or Single
Week or Month
Persons by
J. M. STARK, Proprietor
81 ore Kiot-.
nikturlmnrwof etrikera are not near
ly aa grave as au ludividual disorder of .
the yntem. Overwork, loss or Sleep,
nervouK tension will bt followed by
utter colapse, unless a reliable remedy
ia Immediately employed. There'
nothing o effleieut to cure disorders of
the Liver or Kidneys as Electric Bit
ters. It's a wonderful toDie, and effec
tive nervipe and the greatest all
around medicine for run down sys
tems. It dispels Nervous-jess, Rheu
matism and Neuralgia and expels Mi
lariu irfrma. Onlv 50c. and satisfao-
tiou guaranteed by A. 8. Locke, Druggist.
Oirl Wanted.
Wanted At Frank's new restau
rant, Independence, Ore. a waitress,
For Kent.
For rent Near Independence
tracts ef 5 to 50 acres of good
spring grain land. Inquire of
Henry Hill, Independence.
Does your head ache ? Pain
back, of your eyes? Bad
laste in your mouth? It's
Cour liver I Ayer's Pills are
ver pills. They cure consti
pation, headache, dyspepsia.
jftu wsa-M
I ' Vtn yonr moMtmclx or bK a fcMattftU
avwa or rich Waekt Tb.a
V? nvt'vr
a ft.
can he tell you now many cuuu