West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, March 17, 1904, Image 1

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hi.kvknth yi:ak,
J . II. IIawi.ky, 1'. l. CAM I'll K 1,1.,
rr'siltnt. Vice l'ri'Hident.
JlU C. l'oWKM., CttHhiiT.
PI4 Capital. ItO.OOO
DiMi"T0M-J. H. Hawley. I. L Campbell. I. Ml Rimpaon, J. IJ. V.
Uotler, John II. Slump, J. A. Wilhrow, K. H. Powell.
Transacts General Nanking in J K. change business. Drafts sold
Af lUbU throughout tho United Htalos ml Canada.
STOCK, S50.O00.00
.. iiiitHHIlKltU. JWd-ol. A UK AM NKLHON, Vice I'resMoM
0. W. lltVIXK, C.-Mer.
.iHKKOTOKH.-II. lTiMwritrii W. II. F. Hn.lih, J. 1'. Wio-lee aid
A, tit.
A uettoral Uiiklnn eirliiuitf Im.hie-. tranwwlml. Iwtii mJ.
,l.u"tJ. I'omliMtrrLl rrwliu ueaiil-d. mxiUi recel on current
Mde or
Josse & Bice,
Fine Parlor in connection. Day or night
calls promptly attended to.
Day phono 2T3 Night 393
Main St, Independence, Orel
W. I. HICK, Kmbulmer and Funeral Director.
H. D. WHITMAN, Proprietor
A Home Industry Institutions
Work C
ailed forTuetdar Delivered Saturday
New Officers Elected and Many Matters
of Vital Interest to Independence
Taken up at Monday
' Night's Meeting
Ciood Kir for C.mien-ial Men Scialty.
Hood accommodations. Ilornw well fed. I n o
H. Horses boarded by uay.wwk m u.u..t,..
Te!rihon A. 2!M
ImlrpeiHtetH i', Orefoit
To lmv hi rollara end ruir liw
raw oIkk, mid iKk likn eamUilatj's Mr
rt'tirf iiM-nt. iimtrnd ( frli ttrn.liinlea
Iruui ih hiniKlry. What we can t 1Hh0
new i.ilulit nn wHI l thrown away,
ll'nlikoii piiili'iit too far none for the
loctor. Hi(jtlict Hiihii i im iiiilii-.iii-iilo
drnm factor which you muni have
not to l anionic tho out.
Salem Steam Eaundry,
Orders loft Hi Kutch'i Burlier Hliop
will receive 1'rompt Attention. ,
League out of Debt and Money in The
Treasury. Scarcity of Houses.
Roads. Rural Deliveries.
Telephones, Etc.
Dr. 0. D. Duller was elected
president of th Independence Im
provetnent League Monday night
Other officers were elected as
follows: Vice pretildent, Dr. E.
L. Ketchum; secretary, 0 A
Hurley; treasurer, U. L. Frazer
Advisory hoard, Dr. E, L. Ketchum
0. A. Hurley. U. L. Frazer, W. W
I'ercifal, David Calbreath,
Secretary Hurley preented bia
report on the collection of dues for
the pait week. It howd col
lection! amounting to $52.50. In
addition, 130.30 was received from
the former treasurer, E. E. Pad
dock intkina a total of ISS.SO.
Out of this all outstanding obliga
tions of the. League were paid leav
ing a cah balance of $28.20 in the
The members present were great
ly encouraged with tie new con
ditions and prospects for the League
and the community aad discussion
was had and action taken on a
variety of matters of vital interest
to Independence.
Upon the reading of his report
the secretary stated that E. E.
Paddock, A. 8. Locke, It. II. Knox
and W. F. Campbell had asked
that their names be stricken from
the roll. The request was granted.
The matter of scarcity of bouses
received attention and aetion taken
that no doubt will lead to the build
ing of residences. "People are arriv
ing here from the east looking for
homes .and we haven't houses to
shelter them in" said Ex-Peesident
Calbreath. '"There is money in
the housebuilding business and we
wil show capilal there is" said
V. W. Percival. "Credit is un
known in Independence and pock
et are chuck full of money."
Then Mr. Percival proposed that
the League incorporate and build
some houses and stated he would
do kis part. To meet the emer
gency in the lack ef dwellings, a
committee was appointed upon
motion of Mr. Calbreath to investi
gate and report.
Ex-President David Calbreath
reported progress in the matter of
opening a road from Sidney out to
the Independence road. A petition,
duly signed, it seems had died in
the hands of the county court but
Judge Sibley stated that by getting
deeds for the right of way, the
matter would be given consider
atien. Mr. Calbreath was of the
opinion that deeds can be secured
from individuals through whose
premises the proposed road passes
and the matter was referred to him
to press upon the connty court.
Rural delivery lines, telephone
lines, electric lines aud wagon road
lines were discussed. It was
brought out that persona living
near Independence on the south
are served by rural carriers from
Parker station which is an inex
plainable, inexcusable and un
satisfactory arrangement. The
Krebs brothers are among those
shut off by the awkard arrange
ment. "You people of Independence are
cslecp," says Leonard Kreba and
under the circumstances no one can
take issue with him. He adds;
"I can't let my mail from Indepen
dence. I have to stand and see it
go by my place and when it Rets to
Parker station its sent back to mi."
The Krebs brothers will work forty
to fifty men during tne year, besides
a number of Chinese who will be
on their place as lessees. They do
their trading, which ia consider
able, in Independence and they
have just cause for protest that
their mail service is not from this
point. Wm. McElmurry and
others are similarly situated.
The condition of the Salem road,
in the vicinity of Commissioner
Iliggs' place, received the condem
nation of every League member
who bad been over it. From Rick
reall bridge toward Salem, the road
was described by one member as a
boulevard but from the same
bridge for a distance of two miles
toward Independence its condition
is no improvement over the high
ways of the Aborigines of a cen
tury ago. In traversing it, one has
no thought of making time nor of
anything else but personal safety.
Standing pools et water border f
this Polk county highway and
cross it at regular and irregular in
tervals, at right angles and acute
angles and where the grade is too
steep for water to stand fir boughs
are thrown lengthwise across the
road for the apparent purpose of
practicing horses in walking ties
atonal a railroad trestle. In places
along this piece of road, fence rails
or telegraph poles protrude from
great holes in the center of the
road as a warning to the pasier-by
of impending danger and as monu
ments to the road-building court of
the county. That no fatalities
have been reported is probably due
to the fact that people generally
travel some other road.
The proposition to confer with
the Greater Salem Commercial Club
in the matter of an electric line
down the river was taken up and
a committee appointed to meet
with the Salem club and report on
the f-aeibility of the project.
No action was taken relative to
additional telephone connections,
though discussion revealed the
fact that Polk county is becoming
a network of ruraltelephone lines
Connection is to be mads with the
Salem line of the Bell system by
the people of the bop district on
Dird Island to the norlk. Connec
tions are to be made by the Krebs
brothers and other families to the
south and there Is prospect of fur
ther connections across the river.
Dr. Perkiui at Monmouth also
keeps busy looking after new sub
scribers, and a number of indepen
dent lines radiate from Dallas.
New members not before seen at
the League meetings were out Moo
day night, and earnestness and
eotbtiiiasm characterized the pro
ceedings. Those present realized
an era of prosperity at hand, and
opportunities in eight that cannot
be neglected. It was the consen
sus of opinion, that it is a duty
every business man owes to him
self and the community to put his
shoulder to the wheel and help in
the many matters that demand at
tention. The roll is open for new
membership and the dues are only
331 cents a month.
The O. It. & N. Co. In It Latest
Booklet Sings Praises of
Oregon and The
' Every year is a memorable one in
the Pacific Northwest Oregon,
Washington and Idaho. Nowhere
in the entire world is there such a
land of promise and opportunity.
Prosperity, plenty, happiness and
contentment are seen on every hand
throughout the great section, where
acres of government land ar yet
nntaken, and where several acres
of as good, improved land can be
bought for the price of one in Illi
nois, Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana
Iowa and other states. It it the
mecca of the homeseeker and in
vestor, and so great has beev the
influx of new-comers the past few
years that the industrial conditions
have been completely changed and
the outlook entirely revolutionized.
The sun of prosperity shines up
on every vale and hill. The spirit
of progress is seen everywhere.
New homes, new churches, and new
schoolbouses are built by the hun
dreds each year. With soil, climate
and all conditions unsurpassable
for the successfull pursuance of
every industry, wonderful iudeed is
the storv of the three states. In
the great grain belts there are thou.
sands of farmers who challeng the
world to produce a country where
like results can be obtained. And
without exception, the country was
ever so prosperous, many of the
mortgage companies declaring that
it is difficult to make loans in the
farming communities; that the
farmers, as a rule, have bank ac
counts of their own, and when a
loan is made, it is frequently from
one farmer to another.
The Paciffic Northwest has for its
citizens the best class ef settlers
from tke oldest sections of the East
and Middle West, aad the foreign
immigration received is of the high
est standard. Oregon and Wash
ington are well protected by law
from any large movement of Ori
entals R. II. Hall in O. R. & N.
Mrs. Leia Hardy and Mr. James
Hastings, of Independence, were
married at the ' residence of Mr.
John Talbott in Dallas Saturday,
Upon return to this city, Saturday
night, they were met at tne station
and escorted to the home of the
bride's parents where supper was
served. There were fifteen in7itad
guests present
Voters Must Pass on the Pro
posed Local Option Law
at the Next June
Wording: of Petition Asking- For
The Enactment of the Law
Favors Local Option
In order that readers of the West
Side Enterprise may form an In
telligent idea of the provisions of
the proposed local option law up
on which people are to vote at the
June election, the principal provi
sions aro herewith set forth:
Section 1 provides that whenever
ten per cent of the registered voters
of any county, precinct, or other
legal subdivision of a county peti
tion the county court, shall order
order an election to be held at the
time mentioned in such petition, to
determine whether the sale of in
toxicating liquors shall be prohibit
ed in such territory. By legal sub
division of a county Is meant any
precinct, town, city or ward.
Section 10, which is the most im
portant section of the bill, pro
vides, "if a majority of the votes
hereon as a whole, or in any sub
division in the county as a whole,
or in aoy precinct in the county,
are 'for prohibition,' said court shall
immediately make an order declar
ing the result of said vote and ab
solutely prohibiting the sale of in
toxicating liquors within the pro
scribed limits. The county court
shall issue an order for prohibition,
notwithstanding the county as a
whole voted against prohibition.
Section 11 pro-ides that if a
majority voting at any election
hereunder vote against prohibition
the court shall make an order de
claring the result, and have the
same enterted of records of said
court, all of which shall be subject
to the provisions in section 10 of
this act.
Reading the sections together it
appears that it an election is call
ed for a county and prohibition
carries as a whole, the precincts
favoring license are not giyen local
option, but are bound by the ma
jority vote of the county. If, on
the other hand, prohibition is de
feated in the county aa a
whole, the precincts favoring
prohibition are given local
option. This is a feature of the
measure that should be fairly un
derstood. Section 14 reais: When prohi
bition has been carried at an elec
tion held for the entire county, no
election on the question of prohibi
tion shall thereafter be held in
any subdivision or precinct thereof
until after prohibition has been
defeated at a subsequent election
for the same purpose held for the
entire county; nor in any case
where prohibition has carried in
any subdivision of any county
shall an election on this question
of prohibition be held thereafter in
any precinct of such subdivision
until prohibition has been defeated
at a subsequent election held for
such entire subdivision.
This gives the prohibitionist a
very decided advantage under the
law over those who favor license.
The remaining sections relate to
the enforcement of the law, and are
exceedingly strict, prohibiting the
giving away of liquor and throwing
the burden of proof upon the per
son accused of violating the law,
as: "It shall not be necessary to
state the kind of liquor sold, nor
to describe the place where sold;
nor to show the knowledge of the
principal to convict for the acts
ot an agent or servant."