West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, March 10, 1904, Image 6

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    ...i.tM.uvurvi'i' nlM''(!ON
WFST SIPE EMI-IirlUM., i.mm-.i r..i . -
County Correspondents SweepTneHeld
Large Attendance at Pomona
Grange Meeting. Emi
grants in Artie Robes
on the Streets
Executive Committee of Board o
Regents Meet and Plan Im
provements. Other News
At Pomona Grange meeting here
Veduesday, F. M. rmiith wu eieet.eu
a delegate to attend the "tale grange
nieetiug at Corvallis in May.
A resolution was adopted favoring
the delivery of mail ou Sundays aua
Holidays by rural mail carriers. Tbere
was good attendant and uiucn in
terest in tbe meeting.
J. E. Beeiley, ot Falls City, is visiting
Frank Miller and John Orr, of Kick
reall, spent Sunday and Monday in this
Mies Sophia E. King, an organizer for
the Women of Woodcraft, is.here in the
Interest of her order.
The bridge gang of the S. P. R. K. "
repairing the bridge south of here ana is
making Monmouth its headquarters.
Hon. Jay P. Lucas, of Cascade Lock's,
is visiting bis mother, Mrs. 1. 1. Lucas.
Mrs. S. F. Clayton and daughter,
Frances, left Monday for their home at
Seaside. Miss Clayton graduated with
the February class. During their three
years residence here they have made a
host of friends.
Workmen have torn down the old
store room of Bridwell & Craven and
will build a new one more than twice as
A large crowd of young people from
here attended the dance at the Inde
pendence Auditorium Friday night,
A basket ball team composed of boys
from Dallas College and public school
played a team from the Training De
partment Saturday night. In, team
work and goal throwing honors were
about even, neither team showing much
ability- In weight the Dallas team had
things all their own way, being much
heavier and older than the T. D. boys.
The game was won by Dallas, 12 to 6.
Some wonder if the Normal basket
ball team is too small fry for Dallas and
Willamette, or have they concluded that
the Normal lads are s hard bunch to
beat. Be the cause what it may, Mon
mouth has the distinction of being the
only team that has kept the All-Stars
from throwing a field goal during a
game, and the showing they have made
this season is'such that any team that
expects to claim championship honors
should meet them and prove their claim.
A motor load from this place attended
the prohibition speaking at Dallas
Wednesday night.
Revival services are still being held at
the Christian church.
A large delegation from this place will
go to Fore3t Grove, Friday to the Ora
torical Contest. The Normal has a
strong representative in Mibs Owen,
and here is hoping that she may win.
The delegates from the school are:
Olga Olsen, W. A. Pettsys, W. R.
Rutherford, Gertrude M. Vernon,
Christie Burkhead, WTm. Metzgur. W.
A. Arant.
Miss Ada Aldrich, a member of the
February class, has been chosen to fill
tbe vacancy caused by the resignation
of Miss Iliff.
The appearance on our streets of the
stranger clothed in coat and cap ot fur
proclaims the presence of the borne
seeker. Coming from the cold winter
of the east to this land where storms are
unknown, it is small wonder that he is
so enthusiastic in his praise of Oregon
and that year by year the number of
people coming grows larger. A review
of the real estate dealer in this locality
bows that all tbe farms offered for sale
have been bought by men from the
east and an interview with these men
elicits tbe fact that they are all well
pleased with the country and that they
would not consider proportion to sell
their farms and return to their old
Miss Stella Hampton went to Shsi
nian county this week, whore she will
teach school,
Morris Fowle, of Airlie, spent several
days here this week.
On Friday evening, March 4th, a
meeting was held In the training
school library to organlxe a club to
oolleot and study Iudlau relics and
Flans are belnu made for planting
flower ganlers and studying the germi
nation and growth of seeds, lutrodue-
. to unit Deriuauent wor wr
- - . - .
Arbor Day.
Miss t?arah Bate, of South Portland,
end Miss AuuaOverhoItier, of Elgin,
un.l verv favorable reports of their
school work. They express great ap
preciation cf their Normal training.
Miss Fanne Zelgler reports that she
is pleasantly located at Marehfleld aud
is enjoying her work.
MiM Millie Krutte, of the February
class, who was asked by fupt. Travers
of Salem to hll apoHitlou in that city,
writes that all Is going well.
The Physics Club met Thursdsy
evening with a good atteudance. An
interesting program was rendered.
At the end of the program the query
box was opened and some lively dis
cussions followed.
Tbe literary societies aro In a flour
ishing condition aud are doing good
work. The Vespertine Society recent
ly bad an Oregon program consisting
of sketches of tbe lives of some of our
Oregon authors, selections from their
works, songs composed by Oregou
writers, two violin solos and a tableau
entitled "A Common Oregon 8cene "
The Invincible Society spent a profit
able eveuing last week with Words
worth and his works.
The work of papering tbe chapel is
almost completed. It is very attract
ive in green and gold.
The regular meeting of the Y. W.
C. A. was held last Monday. The sub
ject was "Endurance" and some very
interesting and helpful Instances or en
durance in real life were given. A
business meeting resulted In the elec
tion of the following officers: Presi
dent, Miss Constance Whealdon; vice
president Miss Norma Daniels, record
ing secretary, Miss Gertrude Eddy;
corresponding-secretary, Miss Alma
Stone; treasurer, Miss Jennie Neal.
The members are preparing for a can
dy and banner sale to begin next
Thursday, for the purpose of raising
money to send a delegate to Cap! tola
in May.
Wednesday evening about forty
people, of Monmouth, took a special
motor for Dallas to hear a lecture by
Mr. Oliver W. Stewart, of Chicago,
cha'rman of the National Central Com
mittee of tbe Prohibition party. A
large and enthusiastic audience was
present. The lecturer illustrated his
points with great clearness, and in
oratorical excellence he is said to be
second only to the inimitable John O.
Woolley. Mr. Stewart was a member
of the Illinois legislature, from Cook
The Executive Committee of the
Board of Regents niK last week. They
decided to beautify the grounds in sev
eral ways, one ot which is to plant a
hedge in front of the college building.
They have also made plans to give
more room in the gymnasium in order
to better accommodate the large num
ber of spectators at the basket-ball
Small Items of News in the
Prosperous Antioch
(A NT IOC II si-soul.)
Farmers lit this vicinity are making
various kinds of improvements.
There is premonition of spring In the
air though winter may liu.-er along for a
W. F. Marks trammeled business In
Monmouth Monday.
Miss Katie Barnes, of Monmouth, is
spending the wk with her grand
mother, Mrs. Allen Towns.
I. S, Marks has been doing some fenc
Numerous agents have len In these
parts lately.
Our popular teacher. Miss Alice Me
Dougal, will close her school here next
Elmer Guthrie Sumlayed with his
uncle, Harvey Guthrie, in Monmouth.
Samuel Galloway, a former resident
of Autioch, now lives at lllllsboro.
W. P. Ireland was out from Mon
mouth Saturday, seeing after his stock.
' Charley llaynes has lately purchased
a drove of fine hop.
A. N. Halleck, of Talmage, recently
bought a milch cow of W. M. Herren.
Young Mr. Johnson, of Mt. Hood
View, spent Sunday here wun iur.
Wunder and family.
Miss Bertha Ohms is stopping in
Monmouth with Mrs. Dcwitt, while at
tending school at that place.
The Charter Oak mill l again in
Charlie Osborne, Mrs. Osborne and
their daughter, Frances, spent Friday
and Saturday at the home of his broth
er Tomiuie, near Independence.
A. J. Shipley has returned from a
trip to Benton county.
Jay and Roy Clarke are
IW I. a sister of Mr. H. O. Nil f
thin la ami lis many Mend
who sympathise with her In h" hr
Clarence Tsdrow re.ntly hwt two
ol his best cows.
Will Cockle siul wife were gursts at
the home ot Henry Cockle la.l Sunday.
The rainy weather still continues.
Miss Anna Telherow lias been on
iik list far the past two weeks.
Ernest Hush h Parker t.
assist his brother, Clay, In his hop-yard
this spring.
What People arc Doing Down
at the Tcrminu of the
Motor Line.
.. i . i ....i . -....( ., i
jwawen Hunt)"! " r".iii,
I rejH'Hrd.
F. N. Mump levtdved rar
wits I il'lay fur Ills new bt,;
1 1 Well ltamallo Club l I f,'
drams, eiittilwl "IHisn In Ml.'e
Oi Walls IUII Friday night, MM;
(a i li i.ik M-avi u)
Mr. Phillips made a trip to Inde
peudelice Wednesday.
('lauds Lew la made a trip l
City the llr-l of the week.
Jobu Uwia ''H Tu'y d
Wednesday at l,elvllle.
I 'I rat foiigrrasisnial lllrvt
J. l Himpsou WM III this town the
first of the week.
f Iwlsvlllc,
Frank Llndcrtuan,
Bush visited his brother, ; WBI( ir Thursday,
of Iloskin. the lt ol tlis. .
Aimy fM'uriiig.
Independence Tliuraday.
(.'. Miller mad a trip t King
Valley Saturday and relutueu moii-
i day.
Mrs. W. 1- Phillips, of Montgomery,
has a brother visiting her from Michigan.
Mrs. Clarinda Kitner Is on Id sirs j .atrs i.M ,m down bia la
list. IV. Luther. -I King Valley, ral- j ,
K V. Prrscutl, rtguUrmrrr,
Jrlit of III" Otegonlatl ftlHleit
bi say loncriiiiig Ui emigre.,.
! situsitKin in in rim ihst-
"Tlirre are certain counties On:
generally ooiiceedeil tii be f. r tt'
maun. Among tlire r Pm.;,
with H delegate; Klainnt
I.skf, A, ('',', Curry. '. Tv
iuiMk.f; Lincoln, ft, "l if Hfr
e not a cani'ltt'. Clackaiimi I
making a total uf iVJ that n-tt (
U j rettr certain for limn.
I.ane. I'.', anl Joaephine, T, an,
cedrtl to Harris, with I.ititi. Hi
if Krliy l not a ranMate, iu
the I.ane County man 40 thuii
roii it !'! retain. Tlio liunh v
of th lisiricl is most in .t.
though Jackson, with 11 vote
also .lisputrj. Iloth i ls c!t4
e.x rhanrs to win in Jai kstj :
I'ulit, 1; Washlliglon, 13; YalU
II; lleiitoii. 7, alnl Marion
Harris i probably stronger it, i
north Piul f thi tlistricl than &
in a n II and lb tjUesliou is wIk
lie is strong mouth lo tnn
Kd Steele was a Parker caller Hun. ! H. Heve... was down out of tbe hills . j b,Ui,Ujsj Hermann U :
day. ;Thuri.day. . ,, .,,;,
Lester Murphy was seen ou our ' H. Y. Hastings made a trip to ht : yt,lM lt) llomlnate. HlmtlM to
str-t Saturday. i um raiicu lasi . j . (wo rM,i,,lw a(u bj u
I,r. Bu.ler was called to ,,e Velen. It - '-l-r.ed that a haM lis,,.- j iK ut .l.leg.lee hf county rot,
' .. .11 l. , i,..,r Kt.r. l, 1 III, Il,al mis III III VA k
Fuqua, who ha been quite sick bin Is."- " " - -- -
rapine ki s, uecisiv niaiorny. i is pro
lexl to s-e her Saturday evening.
lt. I.acey baa relurnel to
Mr. A
Detroit, Oregon.
lUlph DavUlsoti
vallia Maiulay.
rcturutHl lo Cor
Hubert Tarter waa In town the flial
of the week.
J. limwn, of Newberg, h I" In lha
oak i handle btisltiws, U getting tim
ber bere.
I The boys of this plu'e were out fo
Illuming the othei night but only
I chax-d a Jack rabbit.
Willi Powell hii.I Win. Fuqua were ( Mm a t lM H ,
Independence visitor Monday. j ( t1B me,k.
town the
belter at this writing.
Mr. Charles Murphy and wife, of
Portland, are visiting bisbrotliet, Win.
Murpky, of Ituena Vial.
Proper Trentineiit of I'lieumo
n I it.
Pneumonia i too dingerou a dia-
Mrs. E. Clarke transacted business
In Monmouth Saturday.
W. E. Marks, who has been working
at the Oak mill, spent Sunday at
MissOrra Towns Is visiting at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Barnes, of
Our school is progressing nicely with
Miss McDougle as teacher.
Mrs. Ida Clarke, of Portland, is vis
iting Mrs. E. Clarke.
Mr. Sevier recently killed a coon
that bad been killing bis chickens for
some time.
Wallie Brown visited at the home of
Mr. Sullivan.
Mr. Haynes was a Monmouth visitor
James Qoodmun and August Ohms
made a business trip to Portland last
Mrs Irn.a Diilton, of Mui.moutli, Is that os ly one nam will count
visiting her mother. j fore the convention,"'
Misa I.lllle itoae and Frank Myrley
were uuitru In marriage ou me ,iui. Poultry ICaiatng.
Lin. Il.i.,u II. .1.1, 1... t ll.ll.a .
visiting Mrs. Koy Hyiley the last of; An im.re...tl prevail
tbe week. (xiullry raising i imtardnus b
nr, says Ths Hj)kman It'
but the pj M.rituce of two
furiner prcivr that there i ;
iKiat! Thrasher jnd family, of Mos
inouili, were up to the wrddlng.
eanc for anyone to attempt to dm-tor
hluiHelf, although he may have the
proper remedies ut hand. A physician
.1,. .,.. I... ,.,.n.,.l If . I, xi.l.l k , .ii.im a... i...
BiiuuMi "j. ......... ..-..w..... ... . tiuwu (ui oi inns nuniiay. . ,, , , , , . i
borne in mind, however, that pneu. j for cl.l. kei.., ami the higli nm
mouia always result from a cold or U. it. nimpson. or 1 wiee. wa nere ' f.gKa duruiK His present wmir
I. A. H.K.keraudC. P. llevrn. wsrs i(1 it Xtioro IM always !
from an attack of the grip, and by th ' Sunday
Wunder was in Monmouth Fri-
Mr. Calbreath, who has been sick, Is
Allen Johnson came out Monday to
work on his place.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed, administrator of the estate of
Henry F. Williams, deceased, has filed
with the county clerk ot Polk county,
Oregon, his final account as such ad
ministrator, and that Monday the 7th
dsy of March, 1904, at tbe hour of one
o'clock P. M., has been fixed as tbe
time, and the court house in Dallas,
Polk county, Oregon, as the place tor
the hearing of objections to said final
acconnt and the settlement thereof.
Dated this 1st day of February, 1904.
F. 0. Katt,
Administrator of the estate of Henry F.
Williams, deceased.
3. N. Habt, Attorney.
Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Martin have
a nine pound baby girl born Feb, 20th.
George Boothby was through bere
last week looking for mutton sheep.
Clarence Tedrow and wife have been
in Corvallis and Albany visiting rel
atives. Sam McElmurry Is potting; in some
new fence.
Mr. Sperling was through here last
Thursday engaging beef cattle.
News was received last week ef the
death of Mr. Daniel Bradley, of Min
nesota, Mrs. Bradley nee Miss Maria
proper treatment of these diseases a
threatened attuck of pneumonia may
be warded oil'. There is no question
whatever about this, a durtug the
thirty years and more that Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy bus been Used,
we have yet to learn of a single case of
a cold or attack of the grip having re
sulted ill pneumonia when thin reme
dy was used. It I also used by physi
cians In the treatment of pneumonia
with the best results. Dr. W. J.
Smith, of Sunders, Ala,, who Is also a
druggist, says of it: "1 have been
selling Chamherluin's Cough Hemedy
and prescribing It in my practice for
tbe past six year. I use It in cases of
pneumonia arid have always gotten
the best results." Sold by nil drug-gUui.
Dorcy Turner I on the sick list.
Bill Woods' three little children,
who have been very nick with the
fever, are Improving very slowly.
Wool I in demand here.
"My wife had sdeep-sested cough
for three years. I purchased two
bottles of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
large size, and it cured her com
pletely." J. H. Burge, Macon, Col.
Probably you know of
cough medicines that re
lieve little coughs, all
coughs, except deep ones!
The medicine that has
been curing the worst of
deep coughs for sixty
years is Ayer's Cherry
TirM lilts I 2Sc., ate, II. All snffttts.
Contnlt yonr doctor. If h taks It,
than do Ij II b Mil. 70a not
to uk It. than don't ukt It. Ho kaewa.
Lasts II with him. w oro wlltlni .
cl,U.lUU CO.. Lew.ll. Mast.
(MY (IMS or TUSH.)
Tell me not in mournful ntnnlx-rs
Utiritl carriers have a snap,
For the thing that they contend with
Would almost innkea preurher scrap.
He climb into his little wagon.
Drawn by Heed o full ot vim,
As they pranco along the hliway
All the cople envy him,
Th en there route some winter w ent her
Snowdrifts, hailstone, mud ami mire;
Hut the mail insn is strictly In It,
While, thil flintier hug the lire.
Hills for hre feed pour in on hint,
I'.ill for clothing, hills for hoard ;
And the steed once sleek hiuI k!osy
Has a backbone like a swur.l.
Hut ho bravely st monies onwnrd,
Always trying to do hi best ;
When he' laid Leneatti the blue ?rs
Then he'll have wunc tmin f, rest.
Mrn. A. H. Collins, ,, lmlhi, i visit
ing at thu home of her Km here.
Miss Julia James visited W, .r ,,r.
ents from Friday until Monday.
Mr. Krlckson and family have moved
on the Jre Hubbard hirm, near Inde
pendence, W. I). Collins ai.d wife mude a busi
r,ess trip to IndepcMh -noo Friday.
II. Friiinai.d daughter Allda made a
business trip to Independence Monday.
Miss Daisy Steele has returned home
from Portland.
Mr. Anderson, the rural carrier of
Parker niseis a business trip to Huver
The surprise party given at the home
ol Mr. E. E. Chamberlain Friday night
evidence that large returns m'"
obtains.) bf the curefiil pot
tnau, if liia tnisiness is jtv',
looked" after.
Poultry raisinR seoms to
Iteen sotnewlmt iieIst-trhl in tb;
lntiH Empire, even as s'nl i.
It hits been shown, however,
those who po into it and giv'
imluntry careful supervision
monev out of it. There it !
a god tnnrket, nd,
strong pricets prevail for bothfH
en, and rggs. Two young m
the PaloiiBH country haya ;
nicceas of it; there) is no ri
why others can not be oquallji
You Will Nevir l Srrj
For telling thu truth.
For living a pure life,
For !oim your v?ry hest. !
For think ing before actinK. j
For leiii( kind to the poor.
For hearing Imfore judging, r
For forgiving your miiunie. j
For helping a lallsri lrotlir. ;
For heing candid and frank, ;
For thinking before spsakin? ,
For lining honest in btimn 1
For standing hy your prioc'F
For ntopping yotjr ears to go
For harhoring only puretbof'
For bridling a Blunderou tonf
For boing ooarteout and kind
all. j
For eympathizing with th.
ted. J
For faithfulneaa in kepia Ti
promises. f
For asking pardon when f.
have done wrong. 1