4 Wi:ST HJDK KNTKItriMSl-i, IXDKI'DNDKNC'K, OUICOOX n:oit(ji: ii. wii.liamm. The r.ll Moiillily ! Irrvet Tribute To An llwiiori-il Pioneer. SALEM, OREGON. SPRING THINGS . re constantly arriving and the dhpJaysXin. ease as fast as we can unpack and check og e Soods. We want you to come and look Zand and see the pretty things. Youre al ays welcome whether you purchase or not. Meiv Spring Styles In UlWr.l lr "' walklmj ulu The suits ere roiiilii In rapidly indwl Id till.il i alrm.ly rich i ii.. -iinii'tt t,f i ty The itV. U are riillr.ly dill'renl Ir-m tho loin hlrtHl blouw coats of wilt memory and !' coii.rluj Is favorable to the l.w slylr-i. All Mm Kt.uir weaves and coloring aie r,re,iitl- A5.00 to $30.00 Spring Dress Goods FaMn HI1 "" ,0 Toi1'' i,1 rimiiliM-". yet we ! " .tli.i.lion imrtlrnlnrly ' foliation of wool ultliiK hUli itr "Hi rou.plelo ! Men's Clothing Comfort, ! and clt-itiicM Brethren m-'MUI to K-rf.-H clollilnil. These rutli thlnga which r-poi.ibl f, our l ' wear I-Jrliinmt' ! I.lni.re, urn) have IiImhI tm build a rntiltiuii ll.nl U second to none. Our II of new Hj.riiiR Styles of Hull and Top Coals or t now belnif lioii In all the ' slyles, elwa, putterns and weuvs. $15.00 io $50.00 Spring Neckwear. j New shape rn l.turk neckties. These. : shapes include tli newest thing t I Iiik. I'eople '" haven', wpii r i liMrJ of tliM" new I.Bs re hereby i Informed ll.sl they sre the best to ' l l.ttd. , MAIL OIIDEUS IlKiyouknotMlyou c do your .ho,.,.i"g Jut m well by mail, thereby )"ur,tf ...ueb tl... and annoy.,,.,,? ben.t u. your order, by - w.i . 1 51 .!.. ol ll.l. department Klve. I.I. I-r.-l .If ntluu to a I mail r .llhU.r.-....'"!!....-..,!! I carefully .Headed to. in.- l,...i).lw f,.r March pay th lollowinn Iribum t' Jii'lX"! , whi.ki rl jokes lik nil mi" Williitii.it, lli "(irinl 0I I Mi"cf jitr-riiiil th'-a w-r -'m l.rnI thi' N.rlhw-l: i.mw ti.-lo ilnlr hit. mrticiiUrljr (Jcir II. WllUmim, lh" mjror u,,, .plying to Inti-rbKUlor Mill, of PorllniMl, K( ii.ii ii utiiiw Thnre wre a nutnUr of upwcialti"- LITTLE PALACE HOTEL Independence, Oregon llotnn TmI l lm liiii ihiiu iini.-wo.-, -l.roiiiiht nut g au.Iif fic Htur. j Q)J day tiiht an.l ftirninhl lw j l..lf hour tt nif-ry i-itfrtintjii-r.t. j Tim l.iirnt cork rtit-. of crolr.-Uii .....Ii.ii. i.f roiimn Iirilllit ue 01 I! OUT. FOR SENATOR United States Loughary Pre sent County Clerk is a Candidate for State Senator. E. C. Kirkpatrick, and J. M. Stark Also Candidates. Kcyt Mentioned. Other Political Talk. Following n editorial in th ObterTer of tut week UHtng his nmo in connection with th utate Mnatornhip.for Polk' county U. 8. Loughary ha announced himaelf a candidntfl, The matter of entering the field tad been under ad f moment hy Mr. LooRhaty far Beveral daya. and tpon rending the Obnerver'a edito rial he rtmorkod: "I'm iraoked out." E. C. Kirkpatrick is atill in tho .field and there to "atay, be avert, o win ont glorioualy if he can, or accept defeat graciously if ho tuuet. The contest promises to he spirited and to furnish a little spice to the monotony of lifts in the county seat. In Independence, it is different. J. M. Stark, a third candidate, re sides here and he's the, only atow ed candidate outside of Dallas. The name of E. C. Keyt is persist eUy mentioned hut those who irofo8 to know Mr. Keyt's mind beet, declare he has no intention of icaaking the race and unless there ire more smoke outs the ran- ana Cle will have only three to choose 'xm on primary day. The senatorial situation should it overshadow other offices fully imnnrt&nt to the people. The moty judge-ship is not to be over looked. II is important to nomi nate for that place a man broad enough to consider th interests of the county an a whole, al all times rather Jhan one who would Jia crlminato auninst any particular section. Some think no better man than Mayor J. II. Hawley of Monmouth could be selected. The candidacy of Wealey Ilodaon seems to m making headway or at least he has many friends that express j the belief that he possesses tho neceK-ary quahlicatioiis for a gooa county judg . Hardy Holman of Dallas too. still promises the best service that liei within bis power if selected. The name ot win. Riddell. who. bis lriends would like to see made -a Commissioner, has also been mentioned in con nection with the judge-ship. J. N. Teal the commissioner whose term is about to expire has not officially announced his cancidacy for re nomination, but it is presumed ho is a passive if, not an actual can didate for renomination. The democrats have not been savinc much solar as so this impor tant office and the imptes.-ion that - Judge Sibly would be renominatea hns been allowed to go out. There however, is some dissatisfaction with the Judges administration in his own party, and new timber is l.pin discussed. Some of tho old liners favor J. W. Kirkland of this place, though Mr. Kirkland does not sem to he seeking the place. For the other offices there 5b no new crop of candidates, for this wsek. Mayor Cooper is willing te terve the people in the legislature, but like Mr. Teal, he Las not start ed an aggressive campaign. 0. W. McLaughlin of the Buena Vista precinct is not averse to running for county treasurer and bis an nouncement is expected not later than next wsek. place among the citizens of Oregon. He was the friend or Lincoln, the lntimats of (Irani, and was closely associated, lit I heir most important work, with sucn men as Edwin M. Htanton. Oliver P. Morton. Zachary Chandler. William Pitt Feaseuden Thadderia Htevens. John Hherman, and Koseoe ('onkling. He has sur -ived them all, and altnongh he Is upwards of fourscore years of sr" his mind is clear and vigorous aud his life useful. Without the aid of a college ed ucation, Judge Williams has be. come a scholarly, well read roan. Without wealth he has attained prominence, be has held some of the highest offices in the gift of the people; yet to-day he is as com panionable and approachable as the humblest resident of the city over which he presides. His con fidence in men has been abused; he has been imposed upon again 'and again, but he has not lost his kindliness of heart nor his sym pathy with his fellow men. He j has grown old without losing the I buoyancy of youth, and he is never happier than in the companionship 'of jolly young men. He is fond of ! a good story and tells one with all I of the lent of a college Wy. j As an occasional speaker, Judge j Williams is eloquent, earnest, and! ' concise; as a lawyer, able and schol- j arly; as a citizen, patriotic and j conscientious; as a man. upright j and large of heart. His very faults j spring from an excess of virtue, j He is so itenerous and sympathetic that he can not recognize that other men are less honorable than him self. May he m spared to us for many years to inspire us to higher ideals and to instruct us through an experience garnered from an honorable life, rich in public ser-yicf. introduced and each one rendered received an encore. The entertain ment concluded with a laughable farce. Music by the Independence orchsNtra was Interspersed. ' Wukiutr t'i. The Independence Improvement League met Monday night and had a shaking up of dry bones. The League was in debt something over rn to (B 0 01 01 0 o 01 0? 0) 01 01 0) Q)) r RATES: $1.25 to $2.00 per day Special Attention to COMMERCIAL TRADE Rates to Fannlllee or Single Persona by Week or Month CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CI CO CO CO J. M. STARK, Proprietor 0) m GoooSooo OiOO1 188880 CUT THLS OUT You are interested in Poultry And Mail to the WEST SIDE ENTERPhJSE. Farmers Tnke Notice. Chopping done on Wednesdays and Saturdays at the Oregon Milling it Warehouae Co'a mill in Independence. Olrl Wanted. Wanted At Frank's new restau rant, Independence, Ore a waitress, Co the nortfwest Poultry Journal, $alcm, Oregon: Enclosed please find ten cents for a three months' trial subscription to the .orthwest Poultry Journal. If I do not stop it at that time you may continue to send it and I will pay SO cents within six months for a year's subscrip tion. If not paid until the end of the year the price will he 60 cents. J"ame. City. State- The Itest Couh Syrup. H. L. Apple, ex-Probate Judge, Ottawa, Kai.Baa, writes: "This Is to ay that I have uaed Iiallard's Hoie hound Bprup for years, and that I do not hesitate to recommend It as It Is th iwMtnmiirli svruo I have ever used. 25o, 50c and $100. Hold by A. 8. Locke. Cow For Sale. For Pale A full-blooded aow. Will be fresh soon, to II. Best, Monmouth, Ore. Jersey Apply Tux-pa jers Notice. Taxpayers who wish to take ad vantage of the 3 per cent rebate must pay ou or before' the 15th ilay of March. J. T. Ford, Sheriff. Best Remedy for Consumption. "The finest remedy for ounaumptloo I ever used Is Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablet," say Mr. Ell Butler, of Frankvllle, N. Y. "They act irentlT and without any unpleaaant effect, and lave the bowels in a per fect natural conditloa." Bold by All Druggists. Tat had been helping the gTeens keeper construct several tees at the new golf links and during the noon hour had been giv a few lessons n driving. A day fr two later he was telling his f rienj Casey about it. 'Faith, Casey," he said, "this gamo they call golluj do be a funny game. Vcz have a little white ball an' a long stick wid a knob on the ind av it, an yez put tho white ball on a little hape av sand. Thin the game is to haul ai an ball so far yez niver find ut ag'in.' "An' did vez hh the ball whin Yez tried?" asked C.ey. ' "Did Uif saiu xuuio about trolluf. Shure, the first toimo 0i hit ut Oi niver touched tttr Two Point vf Viow. "Papa, you knor you gave me a sovereign and a ajjeptnee the other day. Well, I made a mistake, and" "I knew you wruld, you blunder ing idiot 1 "You paid out the gold piece for a shilling !" ,fNo, I dulnt, jrat I passed the sixpence on somebody for half a .1 r liue-ht a whole lot of things with th money, and I've still got tho gold "Oh, well, I wouldn't worry about it. We're all likely to make mis takes sometimes ;' London Tit Bits. Sick Headache? Food doesn't digest well? Appetite poor? Bowels constipated? Tongue coated? It's your liver! Ayer's Pills ire liver pills; they cure dys pepsia, biliousness. Z3Ga AU Salem, Talis City $ tticstertt Railway go. TIME TABLE, Effective November 23, 1903, No. 3 NT jiLgs STATIONS. No- 4 No. 2 M " "a. m. p- m- ! A- M- 120 7 45 0 Lv DALLAS Or. Ar 4:35 1 9:55 1-36 8:00 4 " Teats' Siding " 4:20 19 39 139 8:03 5 " Gilliams " 4S17 ! 9:36 1:45 8:10 7 ' Bridgeport " 4:10 9:30 155 820 9.25 Ar FALLS CITY Lv 4:00 9:20 Daily, except Sunday. Trains stop on Signal only. GENERAL MANAGER GO TO P. M. KIRKLAND, THE DRUGGIST, FOR PRESCRIPTIONS FOR PATENT MEDICINES FOR STATIONERY FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR TISSUE PAPER IN ENDLESS VARIETY FOR PAINTS, OILS AND PAINT BRUSHES FOR ALL KINDS OF ARTIST'S SUPPLIES FOR PRICES THAT CAN'T BE BEAT FOR RAFFIA FOR FURTHER ORDERS INDEPENDENCE, - ORE. SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT New Spring and Summer Samples in great variety just received. W. Q. SHlRnflN, Merchant Tailor tut mar Bouucfe or ku ImbIIM amwrtehblaekt Th.n.M CUCKINGHAM'S DYEWhftV. BANK BTTLDING. INDEPENDENCE, - OREGON For Kent. For rent Near Independence tracts ef 5 to 50 acres of good spring grain land. Inquire of Henry Hill, Independence. , More Kiot. Disturbances of strikers are not near ly an grave as an Individual disorder of the system. Overwork, loss of sleep, nervous tension will be followed by utter col apse, unless a reliable remedy is Immediately employed. There's nothing eo efficient to cure disorders of the Liver or Kidneys as Electric Bit ters. It's a wondertul toic, and effec tlvx nprvinn and the ereatest all around medicine for run down sys tems. It dispels Nervousness, Kneu matism and Neuralgia aad expe9 M" laria germs. Only 50c, and satisfac tioa guaranteed by A. S. Locke, Drag-gist.