WKST BIDK KNTKIU'IUSK, INDKI'KNDKNCK, OREGON THIS CIIUJIUIIKM. ('li u roll. liioV"nt,"o) " " Ty Hchool it 10 A. M. ihlnir: t 11 A. M. r meeting Thuradsyi at M. je cordially InviUd to our l. Ahtiii h 8. Am.kn, pastor. oUlit ICpUcoiml Cuurcli. C ir of 6th nd Monmouth i Rev. V. W. Kdruondson, C ay ichtwl 10 . in. 1 Jng service 11 ft. in. C meeting 12 m. I Ing service! 7:80 p. m. I sr meeting every Wednesday y. I ftt 7:30. I! parsonage U next door to ; ( arch and tin pmtor will be Ur' to see you "d render any tt;,' J larvlces. J vary l'reab) terlftii Church. Sunday school at 10 . m. Morning worship 11 o'clock. Endeavor inting 2 p. in. , Kvening worship 7:30. Trsyer meeting Wednesday even igt at 7:30. United ICvniigcllcal. Tundsy school t 10 A. M. Morning service, at 11 o'clock. Keytot League of Christian adf avor at 0:30 1. M. Eyealng service at 7:30 o'clock. I'.lit Kibnl Brown, luperintbn unt of K. L. C K. To alt of three services the pub o ia loyltwl. Damim. A. I'olimo. ptor. iWgHiliMeaiieW If troubled lth week 'dlgeellon, ilctir j r eour stoniacn ue Chamber in'a roruaoh and Liver Tablet! and u wiil gt a quick relief. For aale by :i Oruisis. A ftOTHER'S LOVE. A Soatfser'e tore i o divine that the roug-nesti wen eaei not help but appre dale it aathertown e x of womanhood. VT t However, Muthcr. hood la lookrrt far. ward towith feeling 1-At worn- x vj warcltowltHlerimiri A. of treat dreed by al ntoal ell women. Al I audi tirnea a worn . . Mil tm l" i '"tt., n p p tic, Irritable, -w . I and ahe ia in need ' s 7J of a uterine toa.e "--'.v and nerviae, a rvtir" builder to fit her for the ortleal. tl V bow healthy or atrong a woman T M e canuot help but be benefited by L-T If. rierc.'a Favorite Preacriptioa r , ,are for the event, 1 it u moArr ml ti heart overflowing with eratltnde I I mtar to write you. It ia nrerly two a einee 1 flrM wrote to you for ailvlre ( my health whti h waa theu very boil," i ra. L. Pome, of Minradale, Ky., to Dr. V. i eree, chirf conaulMng ntfron of the V Hotel ami Burtel In.lllutr. at Huflnlo, . V. I hv drcrUed my mifferiBi la other to you. Afler reeeivlni your mlvtee and anion BeuM Metllnl Avtaer' I bought . vour ' favorite prescription,' and totUy . II woman and Hie proud tnoihtr ut a i e boy." d up by over third of a century ' i trkabla curea, a record auch aa no ' remedy for the dlaeaaea and weak a peculiar to women ever attained, orietora and maker of lr. Pieree'a voi Prescription now feel fully war ated in offrrinB to pay lv in legal oney of the United Statea, for any caae of eoeorthea, l'etnale Weakneaa, ProUpaua, 1-aliiag of Womb which they cannot 're. All they aak ia a fair aud reasonable 1 of their meana of cure, i r financial reionlblllty ia well to every newapaper publisher and v t in the United Statea, with moat of they have dona buaineaa for over a - of a century. Low to live in health and bapplneaa, la e f -ral theme of Dr. Pierce 'a Common t edicul Adviaer. Thla great work I i icine and hygiene, cootnining over no -ta and more than 700 illuatrationa, t t free on receipt of atampa to pay ei e of mailing only. Sena 31 one-cent for the cloth-bound volume, or only 1 pa for the book in paper covera, .and Only and Kcturn $2.40. It Southern Pacifio Co. is now -ground trip tickets to Port 1 from Independence, tor $2.40 1 going Saturday or Sunday sing 8anday and Monday, ail day Sunday and Monday ortland. The tame arrango l. applies from Portland, giving nd people a chance to visit Y points at greatly reduced AUNTY SMITH ' CnriNtliMi Church. "Preaching every 2nd and 4ihj andftyt hy Hey. E. C. W'igmore Sunday schuol 10 A. M. Y. : 8. C. E. 0:30 P. M. dona Wn mnliiud fo' titnee. Yaasum I lly do pre achah ebry tinta. Dcy couldn't lub no foolishmwi wid die chile. Mr flrat huhand's name tut (Vaah MnJiahall. lie b'longcd to Kunnel Mshehall, who at dat time wti courtin' my nuatah'a daughtah, Mias Uetty. an oh courat Creah be apen' ft Iteip ob tima round (Ur. CViah he a likely boy, an' all da gals tort dy gwino to git him, but, laws, I knowed he didn't kt'or for none ob tlom nigguus. i did keep I mighty keen rye, dough, on liie. niie a yaiior gai anua t-rollin' her eye! an' toaiin' her head an' thinkin' licraolf food aa whre folksee, ono oh dcM yr ily kind, too, -wyin' fUtUvin1 thing! dat make a man think aha a-dyin' for lub ob him. "I gib her mighty little chance to try any ob her aaaey trick on Cav mil. Men'! dat powerful vain you del know it's io, htvtey dey iwal luha cbry loft an' stiptry jKcch ob do female wt at cf 'twar do libin' trufo. Hut Ca-anh he wouldn't hab tio one but due mo. He asyed I was liko Solomon! wife dat Jo Hiblo tulle ob, 'black, but comely.' 1 ax do ircachh once f f Holomon wan a cullud pcmlan. lie looked scared an' sayed he couldn't solum dat tex' to !n ig'nant puaaon lue me; saved it didn't mean what it sayed, but was a ynJhr glory 'biut do chu'eh. rreachftha. don't know cbrything more'n we uns, an' what! do use for twii' de words ob de good book dif f'rent from what dcy isF "Well, (Vsau an' me we done got niahiod an lived 'in a little cabin tiesh my nnmtah'i house, Vauso 1 had to wori hard wnitin' on ole mi tis an' do young ladies. Dcy wore ta ob line niualins an' lawns in dem days, an' no one could do de waahin' an' i nm to suit dem but me. But I had a little time in my own houMO. an' t'a-ash ho como of ten. 1 was dat happy I went roun' singtn' from mawnin' twui nigni, ni.b..r tort 'bout the ncx' day an' what it might bring fo'th. Ef I was too happy with de things ob dis worl de Uwd knows my heart been hesvy dis many yeahs to pay for it. 'Pears like all dat's hapjtcn since has dca tcched do outside ob my fedin's an' lef all de heavenly swtctnes ob dat time shot off to iUelf. "Do time went by twid one mawn in' in do summah Ca'nh he a-gwine to como an tote da chile obcr in de hills to a camp moetin'. Sho was two munce old, an' I hadn't ncber had hor way from home befo'. Dar'i no tellin' how proud we bofe waa ob dat baby. "Dat mawnin' I dress her, an I wtited. Do people roun de place dcy get ready an go. None ob dom stopped to talk, but I 'membcrod aft'wards dey look mighty qucah at me. Lizc, dat yallor gal I a tellin" yo' ob, she ran back an' hug de babv. Yo' pore critah, I thought, yo'd gib all dat finery for sich a noneydrop. MAn' I waited. Plenty things might ob happen for to keep Cn-snh away, so I sang Itosy to sloen. Den somehow I 'gnn to 'member de looks an' do whispers dat I hadn't noticinl at do time, an' it socm to grow dark, dough de sun whs a-ahiniii', an' do chills crep" obex me. Olo mirtis' mockin' bird up at do big house, how it did singl I 'spiso a mockinj bird ehcr senco. I waited, on' aft' while olo niistis como walkin' down the paf. She was bttwn an' raised in do nawf, wns ole mistis, an' nebcr 'pcared to like do black people. She had borry sharp eyes, 'bout do color ob do blade ob yo' new razah, sah, an' when sho como close an' look at me I felt os cf dey cut mo clean froo. She hab ft soft voice, an' dnr was a little smile on her face when she tola me he tolo me she stretch up an' pick some yaller roses from de bush dat grow'd obcr de do', an' she Bay dat ef I spect to git to enmp meetin' I bettor he a-gwine; dat I'd haf to pack do chile do whole way, for Ccesah he fur 'nough. off now. Sho tola me he been sold down soul, whar he'd be 'bliged to pick cotton an' git obex tome ob his fine notions. "When ahe were gone Vay I tore de yaller rosebush down an tromp it under my feet. Aftah dat for a spell I don't rightly 'member what happened. Dey tola me dat Cawah he try to 'scspe frum de tradah's; dat dey chase nim wid de dogs, an' when de men tort", he a-gwine to iwim 'crost de ribah dey done shoot him dead. Ilebenly Mastah, an' I lubed him aol "I lib through., it all. ManT ft woman, black or whi(o, couldleil yo' flat ah ges on -llliin' ao ev ery night a'prsyin' de Jiftwd her soul to take. "I foun' out dat Kunnel MaluihaJl he felt so mighty pore dat ha hail to aell mmo ob hts schrstits. De kunnel ht one ob de real Kentucky gemlen great man to be ft-bettin' sn' ft hoes racln. He'd lose a htsp b money on Ida faa' hoaa, kase it wasn't to fas' aa some ob de rest, an' ho an' Miss Hetty a-gwine to be inahiexl, io ob course he must hab money, an' be sold Canaah. "Den Itosy died,-an' when I look at her In de little coflln l'i dat glad I couldn't cry. l'i glad, honey, kase lb nebcr had no trouble. "Well, de time go on, an' diff'rent men dey ax roe to marry, but I to4e dem to go off 'bout deir business. But, laws, a man cain't b'li've ft wo man don't koer nuflin' fer him I So dey kep' hsngin' roun' till mistis she say I mus' marry. Mistie she bad ft thrifty turn an' wanted all her people to marry an' raise chillen, kase chillen proputty in dem days. Dless de Lawd, 1 didnt hab no mo' chillen fer her to count as I do de P'K' "At hu' I mahied Big Tom to git shet oh him, but I done miss it, tvt shore-as yo' lib dat crittah tuck do kinsumption. He war de mos' mis' able, no 'count niggsh I 'memlwr to hab knowed. 1 waited on dot man night an' day an' like to run mv luiira fiff: triml to ho as cood to j "-e j him as tt bo were do light ob my oviva. but nuflin' nleased hint no ways. One day he shied a flati'on at me an cut a giutii oinr my ler year. Do soar's dar yit. l'i jow'ful mad den, an' says I, 'Olo man, ye kin cough ycr livah an' lights up for all me, an de tootiah do bcttahu' "'Hout dat timo mastah done send him down do ribah on some buninesB. Tom he were mastah'! right him', an' mastah didn't pay no i.nlinn in Aa LiriMiiinnt ion dat he tMMi'i, " " -- r say ailed him. Well, de steamboat blowed up, an I a pose lorn oone get blowed up, too, for I'a neber seen him since. "Aft' dat a fyell I mahied Joe, kase he was lively an kep' us all a-laughin' with his jokes, lie play ed de fiddle like an angel, too, an' when I sot an' listened seemed aa cf I could ace beyond do stahs cl'ar into de JSTcw Jerusalem. But Joe didn't have good judgment 'bout some msttahs. De wall was a-gwine on by dis time, an' nuffin' would do but Joe ho mus' go with Kunnel Mahehall down into Jawgy for to jine de 'federate ahmy. De kunnel was his mastah, but he didn't hab to go. He was a-gwino to bo a drummah an' was dat heedless he nevah 'fleeted dat he was on de wrong side. Reckon he nevah a'rosed darM be anything clae but playin' on de fife ap' drum. In do berry fust skrimmago dey had Joe was killed. Might 'a' knowed he'd had bad luck, an I tole him so 'fore he went. Joe had a good heart, dough, an' I don t spect de Lawd will be hard on him for babin been bawn so giddy. "Aft' while, whoa de prockelma tion act de culled people free, de family bruck up, an' I went up to Louisville for to get washin' an' i'nin'. Dar I met Mistah . Smith at pra'r moetin. He were pow'ful in pra'r, an' he seem struck with my 'pearance. I had on my violent dress lor de fust time. At de sec ond pra'r meetin' he tole me he'd had a hebenly vision which sayed 1 was to be hie second pohtnah. Courso I couldn't stan' out 'gainst de will oh do Iwd, an dat's why I's now Mrs. Smith. His name was Obadiah, but he 'quested me for to call him Mistah Smith; sayed it 'corded bet tab. wid do condition ob do woman to be 'epectful to de hus- ban', man, no say, nein bo penvr. "Mistah Smith an' me we done git along comf 'tably till he died, which was 3es befo' I coTne heah. I nebah had no fault to fine, 'cept dat he did talk too much 'bout de fust Mrs. Smith. I'a had a heap ob trou ble wid dat boy ob hers, but I's tried to do my juty by him. I'a whipped him once a week reglah, kase he's pow'ful bad, but he's mos' too big for me now, an' I'a 'fraid de deb- UU aa vva. tinui "tfhat '11 I do in heben wid so many husban's? I won't hab but one, bless de Lawd, an' dat's Csesah. Tom he won't be dah. Joe he'll be so tuck up wid de harps an' de ban jos -dat he won't think ob nuffin' else an' Mistah Smith can 'joy his self wid dat fust wife. - ' "IU hab Cffah, an 111 hab Rosy, an' we'll hab a little mansion with a poseion vine an' rosea roun do do', an' we'll be happy for ebber an' eb ber. Qloryl Glory 1" 1 The lifiht that shone on the Jdack faca as sTie turncdTiway wai a lolen of fajth and hope, an outward sign of an inward grace the whitest of ua seldom wear. The teet Ring. Said an Italian to another, To- genio, you remember Luigi, who went to Naples in that sailing ship last weckr "Yes. What about him?" "Hi wife went to see him off, and when she left her wedding ring dropped overboard. The ship anchored at Nervi windbound for three days. On the second day the aiilora caught some fish and gave one to the captain. The captain asked Lnigi to clean it for him. He began to clean it with ft knife and presently struck aomething hard." 'Oh, that was the ring I" criad En genio quickly. "Wrong,'' exoUima ed hii friaad; "it iraa a boner - .PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. R. ALLIN, D. D. S. ' ...Dentist... ' Palalaa Extraction a HpoeUltjr. Cooper Building, Independence, Ure OSCAR HAYTER, Attorney-at-Law, CAMPBELL BUILDING, DALLAS, - OREGON. Announcement. J. 8. MK)K, Tonsorlal Artist Only hrst-class workmen em ployed in the "Wigwam." Shop situated on North side of C Street G. A. HURLEY, Attorney at Law and ' Notary Public. Collections Promptly Made Titles Investigated. East Side Main Street, Independence, :- Obeqon. K.T. IIKNKLK, Barber Shop. MAIN STREET, One door south of Post Office. Fine Baths in connection with shop Independence, Oregon. THE ...PALACE SALOON;.. C. Street near tittle Palace Hotel UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Flrat-Clataa Rwaort. Cortaoaa Treavtaneat to All. SULLIVAN & TALLON, PROPRIETORS iriSANAITER OFHEXUH m IC r - JabsolatetrwHirO Having purchased tlio II, E. Wagoner Stationery .Store, it is our intention to keep a full line of stationery in In dependence and your patron age is respectfully solicited. CRAVEN & MOOKE. M the Agent for Tickets VIA Jlorsoe .ad Wmgon. For saleGray mare 8 yeara old; weight 1300 pounds; price ltO. Hay gelding 9 yeara old; weight 1M0 ponnds; price I1&0. Alsw34 inch Old Hickory wagea and box for I3S. Ilorsee guftran- teed to b aou ad. LucKUMCTi FLOtarao Kills Go. Notice To Voters. I hare received blanks for the reeriitratlon of voters in Polk conn ty. for the benefit of the Clerk' office, and to save extra expenses to tbe county, request! you to regis ter early. 15. wuson, Justice of tbe Peace. TO POKANl ST. PiCL, DatTlL, MlXXEArOLIS,;CHICAGO NO MX POINTS taST. 2 TRAINS DAILY 2 Fast Time i new cauieatCMT tmbouohcot Day Coaches Palace and Tourist Sleepers. Dining aai Boifet Smoking Library Cars. DAYLIGHT TRIP THROUGH CAS CADE AND ROCKY MTN8. For rsUw, folders and Ml Voftnk tion renrdioK tickets, roates, er aall on or address H. DICKSON. City Ticket Atrent, 182 3rd ft., Potlnd. 6. d. YERKES.G. V. P A. 612 Fiset Ave., Seatlle, Wash. Iovaluabe for Itheamatlsm. I have been sufTering for the past fear year with a severe attack of rheo matiam and found that Ballard's Boow Liniment was tbe only tblog tbat gave me satisfaction and tended to alleviate my pains. Msrcb 24tb, 1902, Jobn C. Degnan, Kinsman Ills. 25c, 60c and $100. Bold by A. B. Locke. MOTOR LINE TIME TABLE. INDEPENDENCE 4 MONMOUTH RAILWAY CO. IMvea Indpea- . LraTee Alrlle for denoe for Hon- Monmouth and mouth and Alrlle Independence. T:- a. in. S a. m. S: p. m. S3 P. m- . ; Leave. Dallaa tor Leaee IlidfeD Monmouth aod dno for Mon- independenoe. moutu and DeJUa )!fI) p m IIjO a. m. , 7iao :14 p. m. L'Tea Monmouth L'Tpe Monmouth IP"deB S:ao p. m. 8.-UC 1,'vea Monmouth , for Imllaa. Vmve Indpea- U:Wa.mk dtrnee ftw Moa. ea p. m. ais pva jeoeeeeeees eeeeeo Okftft aOl 4 a aok O S3 - s? W S a sax -s W 1 1 1 1 II I II I II 111 UlUULJiJUU 1 mmm o ' ' ' " ' ' " ' .AGENTS FOR.. 0 CI m 431 m o m c m m m m m m m m c m a o i ; ; : o Independence, Oregon. a . Douty Building. fltxm- a'!V!CC)CCCiCie mi o ' m cr m ($ t