West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, February 25, 1904, Image 2

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    Social and Personal.
Head Mesnner'a adhi Jk.
Hog are now worth 5 to 5 J cent,
W.'W. Porcival.
One gallon No. 1 pickle for SO
cents at Knox'e.
For choice hega I will P7 8i
cents. W. i'ercival.
U. L. Fraier was in Portland on
buin the first of the week.
Just arrived 100 pound of the
new crop of nuU t Craven
A new jnd complet stock of
Gent'e Furnishing at the Teerless
clothing store.
Local minstrels under the au
pices of the Degree of Honor, at
the opera-house March oth.
. Mias Gertie Dickinson is visiting
at Forest Grove and McMinnville
with Eastern friends this week.
Mrs. Chas. A. Rice, of Mon
mouth, announces she will give les
sons in oil, water color and China
Beans! Six pound No. 1 white
beans for 25 cents at Knox s.
D W. Sears, the democratic war
horse of Polk, attended the meeting
f ihi rUmnorfttla convention in
Portland Monday.
Seyee. bars of Golden Star soap
for 25 cents at Knox's.
Frank Skinner was in Portland
the first ot the week. Mr. Skinner
is negotiating for a gasoline enjine
for a wood-saw he proposes to
start up soon.
Honey! Three pounds of No. 1
honey for a quarter at Knox's.
Friday evening Miss Belle Dick
inson eve a party to about twelve
ofheryoang friend in honor of
MissKate Ketchum. A most en
joyable time was had. 9
Famous Oregon Columbia brand
ef mush at Knox's.
An interesting lecture will be de
liyered at the opera-house tomorrow
night by A. F. Campbell on the
Lewis and Clark expeditien You
Bhould hear it. The admission is
only 10 cents.
Fruits, candies, etc, always on
hands at Craven fe Moore's.
Next Sabbath at the M, 'E.
church, there will be services at
the usual hours. Subjects as fol
lows: Morning, 'Things Tempor
al and Eternal;" evening, "The
Blessing of the Gospel of Christ."
Everybody wil' be made welcome.
Two packages of the best coffee
on earth for 25 cents at Knox'e-.
Interesting services at the Pres
byterian church next Sunday,
both morning and evening. Gos
pel services appropriate to passing
events will be preached by the
pastor. Good music and a cordial
welcome to all. Sunday School at
10 A. M. and Christian Endeavor
at 2 P. M.
Highest prices paid for produce
and poultry at Knox's.
The Rev. T. L. Jones, of Amity,
visited Mr. Elmondson Monday
morning. He had been to Dallas,
conducting the second quarterly
conference of that charge. He has
been in this conference over SO
ears and knew intimately the
pioneer workers. He has recently
published a book, "From the Gold
Mine to the Pulpit," full of in
teresting incidents of his life. He
came to the coast originally to find
gold, then entered the ministry,
becoming presiding elder after eey
eral years of work as an Evange
list. His son-in-law and daughter.
Rev. F. C. Thompson and wife, are
in charge of the work at Buena
No. 1 bacon at 12J ceuU a
pound at Knox's-
If in need of atatiotiory
Craven & Moore's.
The soul stirrinjc gi '
can be had at Craven A Moore's.
lam in the market for nogs at
5 to 5i cents. W. W. Percival. j
Mr. Burton will have charge of
the minstrel show to be given at
the opera-house March ftb.
The Ladies or the W. U. C, will
give a dance in the Auditorium
Tueadaj evening, March 17th.
Johnson, the clothier, at Salem,
is the popular place for Polk coun
ty people to trade. Finest display
in the valley.
Rev. S. J. Lindsay, of Lewisville,
will preach at Bridgeport, at 11 A.
M. next Sunday, at Elkms at 3:00;
at Fairview 7:30. P. M.
Miss Nellie Damon entertained
the ''Sly Six" at her home Tuesday
evening. Games and sports were
indulged in during the eyening.
F. A. Green and family from
Clearfield, Iowa, arriyed iu this city
Wednesday, for a year's sojourn in
this place. Mr. Green is a relative
of Mrs. A. Nelson and E. T. Henkl.
The Krebs Bros, will make 'peo
ple know they are in the neighbor
hood. Thev have already ordered
electric lights for the Murphy place
recently purchased ana are prepar
ing to install telephone service. It
is generally conceded they made a
good buy.
Wanted a car load of clean Tim
othy Hay. Enquire People's Cash
J. E. Hubbard, Chas. Mattison,
I. S. Ferguson, Walter Huntley,
Oliver Jones, Ed Hilliard and C.
A. McLaughlin composed a party
that attended the funeral services
of Lake Dorris at Albany, Tuesday.
Mrs. Dorris and Mrs. Davidson
went earlier in the week to meet
the remains. Mr. and Mrs. D. L.
Hedges also attended.
Save yourself for the night of
March 5th, when the local minstrels
A typographical error in another
column makes Hardy Holman and
Wesley Hodson say they are "writ-
ne" for republicans ta consider
their names for county judge, when
it was intended to say they are
Mine" to have their names con
sidered. It may also be added that
the name of Geo. McBee may come
before the republican convention
for county judge.
"Pit," "Panic" and "Bourse"
games can be had at Craven &
Moore's. v
Thre was a verv interestine
Union service of the Methodist
and Presbyterian churches at the
Presbyterian church last Sunday
evening. A large audience assem
bled to hear an able and interesting
sermon by. Rev. Edmondson of the
Methodist church. The music
was excellent and the service was
enjoyed by all. It was not only
interesting but profitable to hear
these Union services.
It will be a roof-raising side-splitting
affair the local minstrel show
tn h oiven At the onera.-houBS.
Monday evening about 30 mem
bers of the local Rebekah lodge
went to Corvallis to visit the lodge
at that place. A special motor
left here at 3:30 in the afternoon,
returning early the next morning.
The Corvallis Rebekabs met the
motor at the depot and escorted the
Independence visitors to the hotel.
In the evening after attending
lodge, an orchestra furnished music
in the lodge hall, after which an
elaborate banquet was spread. All
those in attendance from here re
port having a jolly time and can
not say enough in praise of the way
they were entertained by the Cor
vallis lodge.
tiik ciiriteiu:s.
liaplUt C hurch, Independence.
Sunday School at 10 A. M.
Preaching at 11 A. M.
Prayer meeting Thursdays at
7:I'.0 P. M.
All are cordially invited to our
Ahtuvk S. Am km, pastor.
Methodist Kptsooprtl Church.
. Corner of 5th and Monmouth
streets; Rev. W. V. Edmondson,
Suaday school 10 a. ta.
Morning service 11 a. m.
Class meeting 12 in.
Evening services 7:30 p. m.
Prayer meeting eyery Wednesday
evening at 7:30.
The parsonage Is next door to
the church and the pastor will be
pleased to see you and render any
helpful services.
Calvary Presbyterian Church.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Mornins worehin 11 o'clock.
Endeavor meeting 2 p. in.
Vi?nin worshirt 7:30.
- o
Prayer meeting Wednesday ev
ings at 7:30.
Uulted Kvaugellcal.
Sunday school at 10 A. M.
Morning service at 11 o'clock.
Keystone League of Christian
Endeavor at 6:30 P. M.
Evening' service at 7:30 o'clock.
Miss Ethel Brown, superinten
dent of K. L. C E.
To all of these services the pub
lic is inyited.
Dasikl A. Polino. pastor.
Christian Church.
Sunday school 10 A. M.
Y. P. S. C. E. 0:30 P. M.
Having purchased the H.
E. Wagoner Stationery Store,
it is our intention to keep a
full line of stationery in In
dependence and your patron
age is respectfully solicited.
Courage la a natter
of the Blood.
food red
man has a
heart and
Door nerres.
Anemia meaos thi:
new of blood. It la
common in men and
young women and all
tViciiu. vhn wnrlr indoors.
wbo do not Ret enough outdoor air and
good axygen in their lunga. There are too
many white blood corpuscles in ucli cases,
and there is often a peculiar Bound in the
heart, called a murmur, in caae of anemia.
This heart murmur is caused by thinnesa
of the blood passing through the heart.
The murmur of anemia disappears when
the blood regains its natural consistency
and richness. It is not heart disease.
Sometimes people suTer intense pain over
the heart, which is not heart disease, but
caused by the stomach. It is the occasion
of much anxiety, alarm and suffering, for
which its victim is dependent upon reflex
disturbances from the stomach caused by
indigestion. In the same way many bad
coughs are dependent upon these reflex
disturbances of what is called the pneumo
gastric nerve. To enrich the blood and
increase the red blood corpuscles thereby
feeding the nerves on rich red blood and
doing away with nervous irritability, take
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery,
which promotes digestion and assimilation
of food so that the blood gets its proper
supply of nourishment from the stomach.
Get as near to nature's way as you can. A
medicine made entirely of botanical ex
tracts and which does not contain alcohol is
the safest. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery contains no alcohol or narcotics.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets arc Uva
best liver pills.
Where there used t he a A rlin r
niiea-liie and worry In the huhM
when a child hwwl synP" "r
oroun. (here I now iwrfcct cnlWeiw.
Thl.wowh.it l H' uniform euere
of Cha.MH.rUlii's tiiU llemedy lu
the remedy t that dlea. Mr. M.
I. lL.fi.rd, of IWleavill. Md U
.iwakliUOf here perlence In the w
of the remedy MV.: "I have wort
oremindeiioe In ChainWrUlM' C"r
Remedy for I hv u uh V,Ui
succe-. My chtl.l ()rU.nl Is euhjert
ton.verealiaotofch.up audit always
give htm prompt relief." For mI by
All DrujtgLL.
Notice of Appointment.
Notice is licrebr given !" we. the
nnilerslgne.1. Margaret McMlllaii
si.l the -"ie to the umlrrslgni-l .lul
tna.lv out ami veritUI hi uiamirr pro
vl.l.nl ty U within v lii.ml1' from .
tliitc litri-.i( . I
iie. tins "Mh l ' January, A. V. i
i'.oi. .... !
nil'l J.'HV IlfKI .
A ii.iimt.ir.
with will nnnx"l.'tili William Mc
Millan, llvvrt.
T imforteo Japanese
F. S. Wilson.
Corvallis k Eastern Railroad
No. 2 For Yaijiiina:
Leaves lbany .....
" Corvallin
Arrives Vaijuina . .
No. 1 ftetiirnicjf:
Lea vex Yaioiinit . . .
Leavee Corvallis
,12: i: p.
2:(X) v.
. C:20 1'
. C:4-" a. m.
. 1 1 ::;o a. m.
,.12:15 v. M.
Arrives Albany..
No. 3 For Detroit:
Leaves Albany 7:00 a.m.
ArriveH Detroit 12:20 r. M.
No 4 from Detroit:
Leaves Detroit 1:00 p. m.
ArriveH Albany. TvM v. M.
, Train No. 1 arrivenin Alliuny in
time to connect with the H. P.
south ho and train, an well an giv
ing two or three bourn in Albany
before departure of S. P. North
bound train.
fT. f1.trt .....
.train .o. i connects with the
S. P. trains at Corvallis and Albany
giving direct ervice to Newport
and adjacent beaches.
Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbtitth
and other mountain resorts leaves
Albany at 7:00 a. ui., reaching De
troit about noon, ftivint; ample time
to reach the Bprings name day.
For further information apply to
Edwin Stone,
T. Cockreix, Agent, Albany.
II. II. Chonisb, Agent, Corvallia.
John lMeklnt.n. Ive w -i- KoiHOinbor. 1 lUlVO in UWK-K " '" ". wi
fi: K. ricKol at hi- K.U.TV in thin city If you , wi.h
I,, William MoMilU..,.!- . by ailh, from anV f tho oll plaU It Wl 1 U to your H.te
i: Z M a. . L I .hall i.r!lWy not ki. them in sl
! A pARF OPPORTUNIIT iw guwuni
J "
Tho pant -n wt inI 'Vcrl huiulml , W
Erap!i for Art Cuhoular,., and now any rn who U
t a?!. !fi'0l pliolcvr.ph rr..n anjr of tl old platt
cure them ut a greatly reduced tijure. ,
greftl H
Enlarging Pictures
I am prepared to enlarp any phutufrrnph fttxl i
nisli frame fur miiuo at a wry rvaunaM .istiro. I hu
,l.m k of tin1 guarantfr' that n picture win im hi. umi u
attsfictlou in guaraiitot-d in each and every instance. .
and iiifpfit my work. ;'
Independence, -:-
Vai S
' KsS
Iftter TIiiiii Colli.
"I was troubled for several years with
chronic IndlKestloii and nnrvoim !
blllty." writes W. F. flrwn, of Lauras
ter, N. H. "No remedy helped u,n
until I begun UHlriK Eleetrlo Jtittr-rn,
which did mo inure Rood than alL Hid
lurtilcines I ever Thfy have alw
kept my wlfo lu excellent health for
years. Hhe says Klectrlo Jlltters art
juet splendid for Uiimle trouble; that
they are a grand tonic and lnviKorator
for weak, run down women. N otliM
medicine curt take It pe our
family." T.y them. Only 60.1. Hat
Isfation gua: auteed by A. H. Iwke.
. ..- v Tr PCPI I r r
PicKd's negatives
. . . i .it e t... ........!..... .t
J. M. McCaleb,
C Vi W "ifc ,
lUc make a Specialty
Prices Right, and a Good Stock to Select From, h
85c, $1.00, $1.50, $1.75
Mean the ablliy to do a g-KXf '
work, without undue fatigue H".'
find life worth living. You
have lf)dletlon or contlatloa
out it um)-ttliin the liver and PA
liiK the ItliMxI. Wiirh m oonditlee .
m lmt and quickest obUlned bK
Ine. the li.t liver regulaUr tl'
world ha ever known. Mr. P
Sujlth write, April 8, "'
Ilerblue, and find It the best m"!
for coDHtlpatlou and peaulstl'1'
IWer I ever ud." Price M '
Hold by A. 8. Locke. '