WEST SI UK ESTEMRISK. lNPl.rENP1'NCl County Correspond Sweep The Field. m i BASKET BALL Monmouth Ain Defeats Albany By a Score of 2 to ? Revival Service Monmouth Ctixtns Waking; Up Nebraska Familiej Coming; In Second Semester Opened MONMOUTH rCIAl) The Normal ba.ket ball leatn de feated Albany Collet Friday night, 7 tn -JO The Normal Hi worn w" . boytwereiu bad condition from the oie with Washington m wveral of "be second team men were put In the wrue. While a few niiuu. - IL.. --rv toihow the eupfrl- IUHV -- orlty ot the Normal team, still the . . vrv iutrrestlng one aud Fame . ., was played with the best of feeling .Artir thu n la vers. The Albany boy, In the two gamee . ... i . .hi. .nun. have nroveu piayeu ur.o - . - ihemselve. gentlemen aod have made many frleuas oy uieir (.v...... e conduct. , . f the Normal team play ed his position in fine shape. The po sitions were nttea as ioi.is. O. 8. N- S- Albauy College. i,.. p rnt Nelson, F flicnauir., Rupert, C Cleek, G Smithson O PARKER NEWS ....-i ......i ...tlvof Normal alu dent and under the direction of Prof, fowell, hat aleo proven an attractive feature of Uieee eervtoee. . . The Mia. Scans o McCoy, have Society Uo.n8a. uu- - Force, F Btine, F Boobe, C Crowley C Butler, U Goals thrown from field by Mon Bjouth-Murpby 2, Force 2, Coffee 4 o.:. . k Alhanv Nelson I. rs.u from fouls. Murphy 9, Cleek o Referee, Bilyeit of Albany; umpire, Sloan of Monmouth m. w,.. o-anie with Newberg will beplaved In the Normal gymnasium In the near future and should be a close contest as Newberg has the repu tation of playing fast ball. The attack made by the ladies' team, of Willamette University, as to the manner of playing of the ladies team of the Normal, is baby act pure and gimple and no institution of higher learning should permit the student body to take part in athletic contests without first giving them a few point ers as to how to accept defeat without making themselves ridiculous. The second semester ot the Norma! opened this week. A large number ol new students are here reauy io uj.. the work. The prospect for the school are better than for many years, the en rollment being the largest the institu tioo has enjoyed since it was placed on a purely Normal school basis. The citizens of Polk' county have a right to be proud of this institution. The Angelus. The Angelus has arrived. What is the Angelas? Where is the Angelus? The Angelus is the most popular and best quality ladies' 12.50 dress shoe in the world. The Angelus is now on sale at B. M. Daniel's big dry goods More in Mon mouth. See the display in his show window. Buy the Angelus shoe once and you will have no other. Miss Carrie Danneman, of Corvallis, spent Saturday and Sunday with friends here. Simpin Bros, have made extensive changes in their book store which have improved the appearance very much. Frank Shythe and Phy Simpson, of Pedee, were business visitors Saturday. Wm. McCaleb, of Arlington, return ed home Saturday, after a week's stay in this city, he being called here to attend the funeral of his brother. Mrs. Hampton, the hotel landlady, was called to McMinnville Monday, to attend the funeral of a relative. The north west storm of Sunday was about the worst this winter. Mrs. Doctor Douty has rented the property formerly occupied by Mr. Ziegler and has moved into it. Revival services are being held at the Christian church, and the pastor, Bev. Brown, is delivering some excel lent sermons. Splendid music by a entered the Normal. i ....wilt, of the cltien of Mon- i. i. for the near future, the object of which U to formulate and put iu operation plane for cleaning ami beautifying the city. a ....,lw.r of families from Nebraska .re expected to arrive here about March 1st ami will locate m n Ity If farms cau be bought Mr. Bruce Wolverton, of lortiena, was In town over Sunday, greeting old friends and relative. Mr. Wol verton Is very active prouiimiouiev. pi.- xfininterlal convection held here Monday was pretty well re pre sen ted. wm called to uev. o. i. "f""" vin V.Hpv to preach Saturday and Sunday, and the Rev.(George 8 troupe filled the puipll nere iu u A nrotracted meeting la In progress . u TUt liav t the Christian cuurcn. had eomejoluera. tv, Vnmiil iMm Is very much dis- organUed at present as three of their ......hern graduated wun wie Anion the three, two were the Misses Leader, who have been the K.i .K. .ml .hinnine stars of the team for thre Tears. With the team broken up so badly it is quite probable that Kose- burg will win as they nave me n-,... tion of playing great game Trof. E. M. Smith and wile, of Mc Coy, spent Saturday and Sunday in Moumoutl L. V. Waller has ten very sick for several weeks and is reported no better. About SO of the Normal students took the' state examination at mila last week. A special motor was run for their accommodation. Mies LaVern Fenton, of McMinnville, is visiting relatives here. Republicans from this place attending thehanquetat Independence Saturday night repored a most enjoyable time end all join in saying it was the greatest spread ever had in the country. rn.. vrml liaaket ball team will leave Tuesday to play a series of games. They will meet Salem Y. M. C. A., Tuesday ; Oregon City Y. M. C. A., Wednesday ; Multomah Club. Thursday ; Y. M. C. A. All Starr Fridiiy, Mc Minnville College, Saturday ; The boys fine nhane and should give good ! HIV ' . ! accounts of themselves while on their trip. Iu At- ing of People in the Parker Neighborhood Tribute to Pioneer Who Came to Oregon in 1547. iriena of Philomath Colleff A. U. Grigtrty nun - vlni tor Monday. Mis Mry Helmiok visited bauy last wek. will be preaching here at ar- ker echool hee Sunday t 2:45 by Uev. Thompson. 1'iu.tcr Warren left Friday for a via- It with relatives at Phuuvtew. Claud Boone wan a busiuess visitor at Suver Friday. Wh.I.Hk. of Monmouth, visited his sister, Mabel, of this place. JetT Miller left for Uainer, Ore., Mon day. Misses Nellie aud Jessie Cox, of Port land, are visiting their gratidmotber. Mrs. J. O. Davidson. her f.i.-..rt...iiiovenlM the found l of Pbtl..nmth .allege and (he loan of Philomath, iu awi -Institution tHth In money and ttvU was large. Mr. Wyatt had ee an ""I've tix iu U.r of the U. II. church ' '"v The surviving chtldmn are John K and Samuel T. Wyatt. "f CorvallU and M. A. J. William", fcv. " Frank Wyatt, of Philomath. - Hurl hnai,ploh cap. htwtn corn i vhlit brotMii IS ut. PpW'iCah St or. HOP DISTRICT CaMoml System Peln Introduced In TrelUaing; nop jApanese Hop R!ier Dastardly Deed to a rxrtd From Bird UUnd Act of a Friend (limit 11. ani arwi"-) llor.1 Brother, have trelll-'d tbelr newllSr. yard. This give, them 3tl0 nerve In hop. Warren a HuMim have taken lb. cntracl for IrrllMng l-ve ltevra new yard U cntulne aln.ul nine '"' ,i:d tbe Calltom'a " " used. . .lh.itlrlm.bv ha. rent vl the Howard hop-yard f..r a term of two yraie. J,h Mcilrvgor a I-vvm apK.inted (MirrelHupeilntrudeiil f'" '' Xty U.rr. t.o,vyard. In California. t)inoti aud Hrlll.li Columbia. it iii.u.rir will wt alHHil fifty August aud F.mma tibms bt t'o valuable time this week. i r-.iiltf from Nebraska, by the name of Wonder, h rented tbe Oh.u. farm for tbe coming year. M m lutt Clarke ha qdll l.m.t for the winter and I. now at home. Tbe snow and heavy rain of Sunday ..Ki.tti ivn iihImIiIu uttx k. AlWBt Ohm. yuiu-d T'" Mouday uud luv.te,l iu a line, uew trunk, C 11. Hoflley, of Monmouth, came not 'to bm ranch Wednesday aud ba.k Mlu Mattle Stevens left for tier . ..ttle. borne Iu Washington Tueaday. U(rrpl r,.,urllrd Albert Tedrow, of Corvailis, Visited : fro wj,is titti.ni, she ha betii visiting a m i'li.-w. relatives lu this vicluily lat week. F.d Steele was a I'arker visitor Sun day. dale aud Lee Powell are ou the sick list. I ' Mr and Mrs, P. T. Peterson were i Average daily attendance Independence vlMtor Tuesday. Gale Powell visited with Sam Me KImurry's Wednesday. Evan Evans was a business yisltor at I'arker Friday. Walter Kerr worked for Wru. Fuqua j during vacation. "Hud" Cooper passed through here en route to Buena Vista Friday, Mis Leo Cox has returned, after a gliort visit with friends iu Monmouth. I Mr. Ihive Intend. 1" llltli-" - out twenty acrve lu the fall. The Jap. have rented all of IL.r.l llrolher. fa.mlng "d will "W it Hi Male, barley and ,.Ulor, l ul 4 acrti iu onions. Filchard A Wolfe are trelll.iug ltiir liov-yrd. Some w retell ureil cwl-o'l on a dog here the other day and -t It on fire. The rope I. reedy to hang Mm If be Is caught.. Kvporl ot Sunny School. Total days attendance 2T'J m aliwnce ''"J K.i nf time, tardy i " . . .li t -..r.i.w.KNl I li IS "r oi-.n. nn ...ii..r u tMiutr iiiir miuv arivi - - IVarl Flshb. k. Ilia Fl-hbm k. ' I-ttle i,.ut i:w crd. for hop ,.ur-e. Fishback, F.Ida Clarke an-4 wime Clarke. l.r borne In Hiuleu, W.,f llosg le a daughter of Mr. fetid panCalhrreth. of Allliovii. r haturilay evening a imlly ,. of tills lielgbMrh.ad attended t- In the Christian church at Munnf l' H Wbeelia k. M re. Vlieeif; their daughter, Krnion. have r friiin Vanootiver, UlTl TUIIAY M, I.. lorn. Formerly ; I'liM'C, l Wn IHrjret day Vhll Im earrk f Health. . ..... Word roceited Tv nightorthotloathof M. I. t in Hun Piego, Cal. Mr, 1 -rftj ell known In thi city left only ?" iintli ito It of health. His anii. tton wwIT ...ii..ii anil a beneficial l woehope.1 for by change mate, hul it Wll l' ''?. ,ltsea.e. Mr. Ih.rrU ia a jg (regoniati. Iiavlt-H Wen V f Scio, I.inn countjf. Hl the j.al eeveti jeer h wai t matt for !v. M. Wade A Vit withF. I.. Cliainher. in t for Ave years pat. Mr. ! the urTiin widow hue W Ihehome of her parent it f pemlei.ee alme hr hthK, 1 for the south and it U here t. crive.l the new of hit deati remain will hej'rought W Albany where a father and Vf were huril. Mr. lorri IlieiltlH-r of th order of Odd f i .. . . ...i. .i li ( li.. ve intend, culling large . n-mriiirnl. a lioyai nruii, . . .. i . l.l.l . . .1 viv i i... ..I l., lnu ll.il felxKIt JIO) trelll" pol.e cut till, wli.t-r ml '.' .t . mmnln'r of both and Worktiien order. It lit le ll0 b. a ""wi,al.Slo. w Two tin cupi 5 nt. P(opU' Cull Store. - t.,r t.ii. vatiln . t , i - ....... I,!,,-. mt.it , Ot iim-II gruu. iok . . , intend, gvttinic 'H llii .uiuuirr to n-trvia. all hi yard, under the California sy.leiu, the UM-d by llor.t Urotlu-r. A bunth ol snvfUrt J r.t. h TheEoseburg High School girls team will play the, Normal girls Thursday niirht. Rev. Allt-u was given a pleasant surprise on Wednesday evening his birthday anniversary. Upon return from prayer meeting tie lourm some 75 members of the Baptist churchew of innVrMirience and Monmouth gathered at Mrs. Sacre's, his boarding place. He freshuients were nerved and a gold watch wa presented to the pastor in behalf of the two churches. Joseph Craven made the presentation speech. Charlie Allen was au Independence! tsitor Monday. ' j Win. Stevens, of Washington, is vis-; itlng at the home of Mr. and Mr, llel- i mkk. A oli.v t artv wm given a', the home! of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Helmu-k, of Par-j ker. Saturday evening, tlror games; and other amusemeiitst were the feu-j tures of the eyenlng. At a late hour a delicious lunch was set, after which the guests left for their homes. An j enjoyable time was had. Those pros- j ent were Mr. and Mrs. James Jlel-j mick, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tedrow, ! Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Collins, Misses j n.ith Ciuithorn. Fannie, Sarah and r Nellie lielniick, Lura Cntchlow, Mat- j tio Stevens, Rose mid Minnie Smith, J Mary Helmick, Maggie and Carrie j Evans, Messrs. Cur! DeArmoiid, Clay! Bush, -Claude lloone, U. II Urigsby, j Charlie Smith, Oiia MeClain, Albert, Tedrow, Win. Stevens mill Willie H.-l- : mick. i ' lont Bovr'lf and though I would neeee rmgain my haaHh." "Three vrars ot delicate bciiltti Irviiii- d.Htors' irt-M-r!.t n.i and - h ....... i . iit 113'.. lit ItH-'UI IHC. - ., . ........ . ,f aiiv nngtit well f- i"- ."""K- " wm in. Ami vet Mrs. uryam .iovc th'it the uesti Ihi-i ureol worn- aulv (ii'ww is "O'v ipictton oi it-.-V the rii-ht rrin- .ly. A lew d.w. uf "i.iMr.ie iTcst-iipuon i.-.i.,.,.-. her cour..ve and re vi veil tier nope, liecr.iv.- she could sec "a deeiile-l euaae from tlje first." iuree (Mutton. fa li la llio County Court of tbe i f . , T ",' '; " t a" : I potatoe masher, Store. A heavy returned, twisted wire, po!- j jshed wood handle cents. People's Cash ; Acme rotary flour sitter, ; i 15 cents at the People's' i Cash Store. I Administrator's Kotice. Notice is hereby given that I have teen dulv appointed by tbe county court of Polk county, Oregon as the ad ministratrix! of the estate ot i,cruiu r,im. deceased. All persona i.aiuiii A 1'ioneer of IS17. William Wyatt, u resident of Benton county since 1S17, die.l at his home ne.r Philomath February 10th. William Wyatt was brn in J.uck- r aims anainflt saiu esia , - ... yaiiijj ba.,. .-,,., v.iu imrBiitd to America to present the same to the undersigned .. --- atfli: law omee of Butler Coad. in i in lie ilrst e . Ora go Dallas, Polk county, Oregon, duly ven-; county. . l wui- fied in manner provided by law, within , Wyatt was united in marriage to Miss rix months from date thereof. Mary T. Knd, also a nati ve of Eng. Dated, lumber 80th. 1003. J land, who still survives u im. After Emma A. Ohms, ! his marriage he removed to Adams Executrix of the estate of Bertha : county, N. V., and later to Hendersou xeCj . . county, III., where he resided until Ohms, deceased. . ...k h. .!. April, lot., w ocu ..v.... i. - wife ond three children, he started by ox-team across the plains arriving in Benton county November 1st of the same year. In 1S50 he took up the farm one mile north of Philomath, where he resided up til his death. Mr. Wyatt was a typical pioneer and man of sterling Integrity. He was 1... i,. I'.rtllilV of Polk I ..,!i..r '..l n.r e.tnte of Wliliaw There ate trly Jl here mi liort!fll) ,j,V4,,l. Itrother. pl'-o e. If a. Mialiy ltulnli; ( William McMiUbii. Jamee M ' could b- goaded fnoa the Kunj Jeane. Ut ni N.-wlliI t" cuiiie here, tli.lv ' . ... ..... i i. , j ... . .. i i,un i.iiri.ik-'". " m. i I . ti. M.rv M- Mil,.:. r'" ; might I e oiit t!ilng dotlig. j AMIOCII I Marion Araiit l cutting hi. next u Inter', wtotl no the Mont. rneh. (immtnm" llerreit I. .p..i.iiig the s k ill Pedis-. j T'oiiimie Sitnp-oii, of IvhlyUlle, Mu icolu county, is slidilig two wwk j here visiting his sister, Mrs. lb ma Her-reli. I'Ihk-Is. Mi'Cnlvh biw li ft -heriiiiin .'oiiiity. f.-r M rs, Moio, Pfi'f. William Seolt, of MeMiim vilb', in-plo w of Mr.. Fi-hbock, li I been ill II" e .al!s 111 tin- inteet of a r xtingtiisher. Hutu" hi.ilMi, of Monmouth, Has mi An'I'H'h visitor Inst Mirk. In the liatue ot the Male ion mu It. rrhv . lied and r.imr 4( in tli" ( .mnlr t'.xUt of H in. j ,i. i.r lb- 0"itii' ot foil Jj' r t r..io tliereol, al )'' County o! ('..'k, on MomUv, l ' ot M .fvh, A I', I 01, at 1 Vi.iji nf- ,.,ii ol It. at .lav, then "' ' i,.,w Mil, il ',- Ihrre I. b) ' ; lowmf de-ril.-. .ro(.rrv lii ,h l r!te, lu !t . lltS W Vj-, il, in I'ep. i, N. If- L ' Mer.. In the sut" ( Wa.lili-t JO ..... ti e . 1". ' . "I Hi" " ' ''f ll ! ,.! 11.., V k ' . ni l".i ! li. 8. E ot lb Will. t;:,. . i WsfiiiKgi"") : ai '-vi Mowing traet ol tnlld; lgm. i ...ii,l vtiaiti. F .ad -!1 - W I i. ol the N. W , i-oroer ol lt I, i'jj A troll P.iii hank and a lie. Not. ) t';iiin No. i'K id Tp. . ;W : o! tl, Wi'i. M-r., in P-lk ' k- . .. . 1.' 't - .....I ,,,i,o,.. 1 II'IIO, ,1. - COlohiliillJJ lii I i)irieiih iii e Mre. M, L. Dorris announces she will give instruction to pupils in voice culture and piano, at the residence ofD. L. IIedgea, Inde pendence. Terms 5U cents per hour. Wash, t iilf ni w Ui'ms With pleimlllt; Satijrihiy. Miss Mell.a lt.-hwi.li, formerly of this place, Is hieii.liiig the vviiiti-r at Fttroiillgliill, Wash Ml-. Behwutl Is; a eish r of Mr-. Nellie Smith, of Autl joeh. I John Powell and Tamils are located! ; III Faruiinejoli, Win.li., Iiavinj.; left : j here two yi'i.is n.i. i I . S. Marl;, bus resumed his im-itioii at the t )ak saw mill. j John Slump him hitely pun-ha'-ed uj Hew tlisr low. William Ileiren has put up u new! gixt In lioiit of Ills beaii'il'iil hmiii). j MlM H'.lsio Whilcolllb, of JnUi pell- . I,. ...... i ... ...... O.,,. ft.'..,. I. ...II. I.... I in iii , , in rn iiuiiij; , o in ,-.- nil II III) Begum with the .symptoms of a com-UUnt, Mrs. Minnie Mack, mon cold; there is cnilllness, wiee.ing, J ..... i i i , . Miss Oiru iuwiia has returned from sore throat, hot skin, quick pulse,! 1 ' 1 Him. I.tnti.r i It. If onll wl.i.r.i ..ti,, t.u hoarseuess and impeded res i rut ion. , , ' . ii . .t ii n h'en visiting Mrs. llobsnu. Give frequent small dosH of Ballard'a (.rant Ilefliey, of Talumge, was in these part last week. Mr. Wonders, recently of Nebraska, baa rented and occupied the Ohms. il,etne :i.:..'ij ehaifi. to the HIT n.v lino ol Sd. Claim; lh-na-rlTlin... th.n..' N. rhiuin I' rtiontlm' use of tlu; medicine re stored her to pertei-t llealtil. Dr. PienVa 1-avonle Prescription Circs irn-gulHiity, ones we.-uemiig .u.,;.,.: li, .1 i it.il.iiiotintion and lit ceratioil, and cure, female weaUnr-w. Mis. Sni.-.h 1'ivnnt.rrre!i-nt "I Mrni.iM Social rk.fiK Club, rcahlin t .71 Aili.im Av-., !. !ii:. !.'.-. r'lill., will"' "I iitf'l'-,! Vtth ilril. C" h.'IN I'.r Ihirr yi-.irn. t'Vir li'M tor.. j.!' s, rii.ti. "i, j:. 1 t t'-n, r.f .... c ' miiil I U--.I '"ii '" K-.-fct I n,.vr t'i.'-.i:: mv ri-.ii'li; l.n! u '' : s 'il y.ir -'il".I.!e Cfeai.lloll' m.lr lltcrl I1IIK1 liivmiinl. ( -,ul,l .. ; 11 (I.-i-m;, '1 t iiioii'-.' Ii'-Mi tli.- iir-i. -f I k.-j.t mi t;,Ui! i- it ! 1 thi'- niontii. fmtliluliy mill am ii'w in in-ilut hc-iHli " lit. Pierce's Medical Adviser, in pnper covers, is sent on rereijrt of 21 one-cent stamps to pav expeiiM of nunhiig ih Addrebs fir. K. V. Pierce, liulfalo, N. Y. , ...1 f ... m poiec ol lH'i;llillig, snoo... 11.- w M.rordnig to the prayer o( the I Margaret McMillan. idiliinisl"! f John llickioaoli, illullil"tf"'-i -II iiioo xcl of said .'slat.', .. .. . . . ... 1 ti M l!lie ; I lie I 1011. .. . - Jll.br of tii- Coll 11 tv Court oil ft of Oregon. i..r the tV.tinty of I' li.ew..! ot .aid curl niliawl.l- d.vv of .1.11,11,11 V, .V, Mt. -t. v. s. ii 1 r.v w. f, No r 0: ,'roii Ilorehouud Syrun, (the child will cry for it) and at the first sign of a croupy cough, apply frequently Ballard's Hnnv T.lnhiient to trie throat. Mru. A. Vliet, New Castle, Colo., I residence . . a ... 1 , r.e . Ill . 1. , i writes, niarcn lin, iwoi : -i.iiima Ballard's Ilorehouud Syrup a wonder ful remedy, and o pleasant." 25c, GOc and fl.00. Seld by A. S. Louke. John Sumiiter Is nuttlnir in hi. .ran . . - ft. .11. '1 1 1 I ! II I. ulAUU Uffuul ........ v-. . v. .. nb... ti Mn. Aguea lloag liai returned to Notice to triMlll'rM Not ico hereby given tbid !" lerlgiied has t.S'll tlllly PI"'!t l mlnl-l tutor of th estBle of S'p per.. ii, d. waned, by thftCoi'"1 j oft he State of Oregon, for V r ty. Atl person. ImvliiR claim said isti.l.. are lierebv not lib'0 sent the miiiii duly vcrllh'd, with the propi rvouolier. the iiiiih rslgucd, at hla oili , City of lmleMndeiico, In aio within six inontlm from i"" t It ) W III ll Iftal Imied thla IHih day of F'"! PHl4. II. 11. JABI1 Adnilniairator of the ehtal JasrMn, deceaaed. Oacar Ilayter, Attorney.