West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, February 18, 1904, Image 3

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siud Vttct lolly to the Great B-
yond At Ma Pwydale Home
I Surrounded By Family
and Friend
7 Wealthy Farmer, a Home
Loving Man and Ex
; cmplary Otlirn
: KlffitexFr Conway Keyl died at
hi homo at IVrrydalo In IhiaeouiA
tj, t an enr)y hour Wednciday
raornlnn. Ha wn in hia TTtli year
tri'l hd ('""n In failing health fir
torn or thrcn yrnra. Hunday hia con
clllinn Urania aeriou and without
any apparent pain continued to
aiiik until hia puling to tha Ureal
Beyond at 4 o'clock and ten tnin
uti 'ednnadav inoriiitiii. iur
rounded ly hia family ami frinndt.
1 Kintr 0. Keyi aa bom in
Now York Noveinher IS, 1S27, hut
while yet an infant waa lakrn ly
hi parent to Ohio ami hia early
if wa apent in the vicinity of
whera Cleveland now atandii. At
the an (f 22 ha went to Illinois
where ho remained a ymir ami then
cro-Hi-J 1)10 plalna to California.
IU reached tha latter tat in 18.V)
and tha ful lowing year came to
Oregon. In IS'.'I he was married
to Hunan Kemp tut aha diod two
yearn after leuying ono cliinl, Mrr
ticorn" W. Myr. In Ih',0 Mr.
Keyl watt married to Amanda loty
who Mirvivf him. Thu children
aurviving are Mina Krancoa Keyt,
ttttmina; Hon. I. L Keyt, in huai
n.i at 1'nrrydnl" and l'idla; Nel
lie, wilo of J. M. Wiiw, who i in
bualnoaa at Itoine City, Id.; Hnry
6., farmer near Perrydale; ICdwin
C, fanner near I'errydale; Lena
M., vii of B. L. SernsKiiia, hanker
at Hheridan; William A., residing
enr lVrrydil.
. h j fnid Mr. Keyt had fifty
cent litn h landed in Oregon.
For the tlrrt fuur or five yeara after
hi arrival, lit worked at culling
wood mid opiating ruiln. ll final
ly cmnw into piwaeion of some
land nod went to f'lirmiiig and l.o
oamn one of iVdk county' moat
sueiefsful farmer nod heaviest
tax ptiyertt. Hefurc, dividing hia
land nitioug hin children ho had.
4(KM acre. Mr. Keyt' aucct!a is
an example) of what may ho aecoin
pliishcd at farming in Orocon.
Ilia accuiuii'tithu of wealth hn
been lg out of tho aoih H ia the
fruit of labor -applied to farming
f. P..IL- fount .v.' Mr. Kevt never 1
J w ..... - fcl - j
turned naiuo for speculation, mil
during good timi-N and hard time
atuck to hia one occupation.
Mr. Keyt waa a homo man nud
wan alwnya reftlcaa and anxioua to
bo hy his own lircaido when away
lroni home, even no farther than
Portland. He was an inveterate,
worker and was happy to toil
through ruin and through sun
shine at hU koine. Ilia home waa
hia pride and the auirouinling of
hia home included ft well aekcted
wm given to routine mattara. A
complaint waa preacntnd hy Oliver
Smith charging Andy Tuper, lh
city marahal, with anlng rougtt and
prnfana lanituaga toward com
plaiuant. Tha matter waa rel'arrad
to tha eotumlllen mi health and
Tlie atreet committer mada par
tial rHiit and waa granted further
tiiun. Tim committee on henhh
ml ptillrff reportnd that tha jail
had haen cxaminad ami rapalrml.
A raaolutiuit waa paaaed .relative
to building of aide walk a on lot ona
Monmoulli atreet, alxo loti threw
ami four, block twenty-five and
lot 4, hhxk twenty-aix, Thorp
INKl'llANCi: MICN 11 Kim.
Meaara. lint huwny nixl Hrout Tell
of Incrnnaa in Itoalneaa tlm
l'uat Year nf N. Y.
Milt 11 ul I. U.
Proposed Changes All Around
Cut no New Routes Spoken
of Leading Out of
Alfred It. Hathaway, of Port
land, and l'aul Hroat, of Halem,
with the Mutual I.ifo Inaurance
Company of New York, are in the
Concerning tha gain in old line
inaurance buaineaa in- the atata
Metara. Hathaway and Hroat aaid
"The approximate gain of paid
for inaurance in force in the Mu
tual Life will he fl,WX),(XJO, with
an approximate gain in premium
of :.;:.ot).
"Theae figure ranrraent the act
ual gain in the Oregon buaineaa,
over and alxive inaurance that haa
craved to he in force by lapaea,
death claim, matured endowment
and all other cauaca; and we are
informed, greatly exceed anything
that haa ever been accotnpliahed
by any company In thia.atate in
any paat ynr."
Sjvefal nnliiica have been takeu
out in the Mutual Mfi by people of
Independence, una vicinity recent-
Proposed Qunge of the Parker
Route Displeases Some Pa
trons, Dixie Change
The tourao of the rtirtil inuil
enrrier, out of Turker, Joo
Aiidcraoii, it ia reported hue
been changed. According to
report tho route now runs south
from Tarker to tho Indo
pendenco nud Corvullia rond,
thence north to tho top af tho
Johnaon hill, thou retraces J of
a mile and iroca bv wuy of
" - o w
lUionu Viata. From Uucna
Vista it runs north to McLaugh
lin road, thence 'ut on mil
north two miles; eaat ono mile
and retruco; continues w.-at to
intrraectiou of Independence
and Corvullis roud; south two
miles to ConneUa and retrace;
north to Ume within niilo and
a half of Indepondenee; west
to interaecticm of Highland roud;
north hack to Tarker. I'rom
Parker to Bucna it follows the
star route.
The report of thu change has
not been vurificd but is pro
bably true.
There is ulso a movement
on foot to oatublish u rural
route out of Dixie but just what
courso is proposed is not known.
It however, if established will
cation bv Hrv. Kdmondaou
Ittirton rcnilerod a vmal ohi anl
W. V. Cmphell entertained with
an inatruruental ehction. Other
ntiinher of tho program Included a
duet by Meaara. Wyaong and Hil-
! hard, aelect reading hv V. L. Fra
! xer. graphnphone aeleclinn by f)
A. Kramer, and game and mnaic
'followed. Meaara. IlillUrd and
ttiirli.fi ril I tirlllHI'l V' with
glory in the preparation ofaapreadj
l rial wa pronounced an rjiiuurrou
triumph. '
In the entrrtainment of their
gueata the K- of I"a. acored a auo
ceaa while appropriately celebrating
the fortieth anniversary of the
Among the viniting guet preaent
were Mer. Courter, Denni. Bell
and Chamberlain of Fall City.
Will Lecture.
' A. F. Campbell will deliver a lec
ture under the auspices of the Lewis
and Clark Club, Friday evening
the 2Gtb. Mr. Campbell baa been
over much of the Lewi and Clark
rnnta nd will no doubt be able to
give an intereating address pn their
Di4 At Falls Gty.
Mra Miirtrarrt Merwin died at
her home in Falls City Tuesday
nieht. of tonailitis. Funeral servt
ce and burial took place in Falls
C'tiv imUv. IVeeaaed leaves a 5-
"j -
year old aon, Arthur, and hufbund,
A. T.. Merwin, nephew of Post
maeter Merwin. MrB. Merwin was
well known here where the family
lived last winter.
The latest dispatch from
Washington as the West Su.k
ExtkiU'KIsk goes to preso states:
that tho transports that
have been held at that port in
readiness for sea for many weeks
arerenllv to be sent fo China,
library and such other appoint-
.M"prt-.,i, nu -'"! rntilont nifiiit and
mmtf tho homo huppy.
Jn the d -nth of 10. C. Kcyt, Polk
county has loal 0110 of it wealth
h'jit and best citizens ami the state
auffera llm lui, h of a pioneer w ho in
au unaasuming but elfcctive way
contributed hia part in the eotn
lllonweiiUh's development leaving
an example for the riaing genera
tion to emulate. 1
lor ynitr new Fall garment.
It la the only jirojwr ami aat
lufartory wayuf txiyhnr your
elothf-i, lieitlif tlttit ";o(il)
M.VDi; TO OKDKK." M.ka
ymtr acU'Ctieii from tho tiitl
ot in-line of
Chicago, hst. 1 S 7 7
tlood talldl-nrurorrmqimrtprfriitiirj
You'll tiiil a vvrlil of iitcn.
lire In vf.vitiK: tlie clothes
faultiest In alUe. nt, liiiinh jj
nno iiiaimtji.i.
ftim-h better than the ordi
nary run of clotht-a, yet
prii'ea nte nstonisliinnly to, '
and your ferfrctty aalciti or
tlerititf, bccntie if (,r"rm,'i,tH
are not satisfactory, V'1''
in-cilu't take them. V, K
wit.r, r.r. pr,KArr to
etlect the route leaning oui irom ' lfai,rnn nf u.ftrshins at
Indopincdcnce. A number of; ... . . , . lo
p,ople on the I"'''1 'U)e 0ricnt. The reason given
route and lo on the proposed Washington
oHiciuls believe that Chinas
new route protest against any
Fanners on the reported new
Parker route are nlso strenuously
object in sending an army, north
ostensibly for the purpose of
objectn.g lo tho change. I nder ; ()f
tho arraiiL'ements some cannot ! . , , . ...
cet their mail until evening.
nud sometimes it will be
before the currier can make the
Manchuria In the event
1 ... ::.w. ... .'..tii.nuj ,1'IU linonmn
lark 1 ,
; involved mine general iignuug
that will ensue, and it has been
decided to send over both a
A Stria ol Entertainment
! naval ami land force.
Misses" Bertha Uohimhon, Edith
Owen. Katie Ketchum, Mira Kim-
berlain, Sola Owen, and I lorenee
lturton nave a series of entertain
ment the nntwek in honor of !
i Al r. Skinner is now talking of
I tui nirifi the christening of his boat
j ti vr to Salem people; It is doubt
ful if Polk county swains will
stand for it.
Mi.s Mair Scliollard.of Mt. Ansel,
who is visiting with Mies Ketchum. The Turner 'Art pictures are now
Miss' 'Ketchum gave un "At! on di.-play at the opera house.
Home" Sunday niht; Florence j They are well worth aeeiiiR. Every
llnrloii, entertained acrving refrh.-j one within reach should come and
m. nts, Moivlav evening. On Tues- j look at these works of art, Friday
day evening M'iss Owena entertain I and SuUirdav as they will be ship-
Vd" with candv Milling and Misa ' pfd after this week.
with cards,
music and
Sidewalk itoHoliitloii l'uaacd and
Com pint nt From Oliver
- Smith Jtend, Other
The.tirae of the council, at ita
'egular weettDg Tuesday night,
JOacupcd A11 Awful Fate.
Mr. II. Jlfiggina, ofilelbonrne, Flo.,
writes: "My doctor (old mo I had
Cuiiaumptlou and nothlug could be
doufl for me. I waa given up to die.
Tho offer of a frea trial bottle of Dr.
King's New iJiaeovary for Couaump
tlon, Jniluced me to try It Keeulta
were atartlltig. I am on the road to
recovery and owe all to Dr. King's
New Piticovery. Jt surely aaved my
life." Tula great cure ia guaranteed
for all throat aud lung diaeaars by
throat and lung diaam by A. 8.
Locke Imgglata. Price Me A ll.on.
Trial Bottlea free. .. . . ,
evening v. D, peVarney and E. P.
refresh- Fouch, representing the Indepen
dence Telephone Company, were
I'm the city thi week. It is their
j purpose to investigate the matter
of building independent rural unes
The Anniversary of The Order out of Independence,
rittingty w-ierra:ca Dy rxomer
LrxW n Cattle Hall
One. of the pleaaant events of the
past week was the celebration
Wednesday night of tho forty-first
an niversary of tho Kuinhts of Pyth
ias order by the local lodge. It
was an invitaion affair and there
were rear one hundred present.
The address of welcome w as de
livered by Chancellor Commander
. Vcrd Uill afti;r a aelect ion by the
j Independence orchestra and inyo-
IJew Spring and Summer Samples
In great variety just received.
Nrchan Tail r
s --y v v
Independence, Oregon
0 RATES: $1.25 to $2.00 per day
Special Attention to
Rates. to Families or Single
Week or Month
Persons by
J. M. STARK. Proprietor
M Si
Pages Borne Print
$1.50 a Year
Paper Stops When
Commercial Job Work A