West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, February 18, 1904, Image 1

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    . .. west Side
r '
I : " " rvmLM.PMhPwrp vmv roil NT Y. OUEfiON. FEHRUARY 18. 1901.
MriJWTM VKAU. lUWftiuwi' - -
- " . - I nTTA om TMnmnTfim I
- jp nM TMTV HAWK H I K X I II XI till I
JMOUTa - - - " , OREGON
- , Iiu C. Toweu-, Cannier.
FaU Capital. $80,000
D.MCT0H-J. H. H.wl.y, P. -pb.t I. M. Simpson, J. n. V.
t, John 11. mump, J. A. wimrow, r. . ..
Con rewion&l Committee to Meet
Io Portland" Tuesday and Se
lect Time and PUce for
Tran.ecU O.n.ral P.nU.g end Exchange business.
".able throughout the Uoiuki mavet aim v....
Drafts told
;;e independence national bank
RTOOK. S50.000.00.
. nil A M J K I.BON, Vice rriido
Hmlth, J. I. KolM and
. iitiiuilliL'lil pH4iint.
IRKCTOIW.-H. HlwcM-rg, D. W. hr. M. F.
"T . . ..T"T I...1.L1 I .nans umde. WH
lU -l o current scooiu,,
ibject to check.
H. H. JaspersoD,
Undertaker. Enbalmer,
and Funeral Director.
Independence, n Oregon
Ta'rw acciqtamt WHEN DESIRED
The G. A. R. Hill of UUpnUaca, Ap
proprUti PUtt sod TrtnipoHalloD
i and Obtf AccomnuxUtioa
FMilitlM Good
Made of
for rAMii use.
The Congressional Committee
for the First district hai been call
ed by Dr. T. W. Harris, chiarnaao.
to meet at the Imperial Hotl In
Portland Tuesday February 23rd.
for the purpose of determining
upon a time nod place for holding
the congressional conTention.
The First district comprise
seventeen counties each of which
hat one corauiitteetnan. The
committeeman for Polk county U
J. M. Stark and he will make an
effort to hate the convention held
at Independence thia year. He
haa the basis for a strong presenta
tion of his case in tb fact, that Polk
In the pant, with becoming modestly
haa been satisfied to let sister
counties have the conventions
though Independent, has the beet
convention hall in the district
while her other accommodation
icilities are adequate for the
So far, Salem ia the only place
that haa shown Inclination to
want to entertain the convention
hut with the opportunity it will
afford that city to do the nice
thing with To'.k. it is not likely
she will persist on the coovention
coming to the capital as against
thia city'a claims.
A matter that should weigh
ith every candidate is the fact
that if the convention is held at
ndependence, the nomination
will be made in a G.A.U. hall and
Presbyterian church In thia city
last Sunday evening. The congre-
gallon and pastor of the CbrUtla
cbarch united with the Presby
terians In this service. The church
was filled with a large audience
notwithstanding the weather was
very bad. Rev. E. C. , Wigmore, of
th Christian oburch delivered
Interesting address on the life
Lincoln and Br. Thompson made
tome remarks regarding the re
ligious character of the martyred
president Special rouslo was
furaisbed by the choir of the Pres
byterian church conducted by Mrs.
Msy Babbitt. The anthem by
the choir and aolo rendered by
Miss Sadie Craven were greatly
enjoyed by all. The event was
one of much interest and pleasure
to every one.
The Polk County Republican Club Enter
tains a Large Number of Invited
Guests Last Saturday Night
Ringing Speeches Urging Harmony Cheered
to the Echo. A Fine Spread of 150
Covers at Little Palace Hotel
Hon. I.. T. Harris Puts All Other
Candidates For Congress
la Shade According
To The Iteiflster.
Josse & Bice,
Fin Parlors in connection. Day or night
calls promptly attended to.
Day phono 2T3 Night 393
Main St, Independence, Ore
I HICK, Kmbalnier and Funeral Director.
, It. D. WHITMAN, Propritlor
;?A Home Industry Institution
WorK Called for Tuesday Delivered Saturday
)ressing It on Him
I With Emphasis
- what our fins laundry work does
I man who Is loosing- for some
teiquldte In color and flninh on
oeo? We aim to make our Uuu
jrork peerless In beauty and lo the
at condition lu wbluh we send it
I. 8nd us a sample handle and
will surprise you. Nw process
new prices.
Sen left at Kutoh'a barber ahop or
salem stage will receive prompt
Mob. ;, . -, ... ,
!ta Steaci Dundry,
Oknstsd, Pp.
At Aur wihool. That Is what eounte,
aad la one reason why our student are
uooeasful. Business msn appreolate
thu f.oL tnd ruaov ask for no reoom
mendatlun but ours. Ifyoa are inter-
mIm! in a usable education, and who
n unnra it for the lowest possible cost
ml in th shortest time consistent
wlb thorough work, It will pay yau to
Investigate the advanssgee we oflar.
8eod for oaealog.
sa mut onnooN.
f. I. fttstler. Principal
TlmO. A. II. hnllof Imlp,n(1in,ddlc-
. a i ...I. .MramnitiAni in im.
ThUimll Upi1I of Mlln I.6S0 pwiple
eomruruibir ana vn cj"."i
n the presence of some of the stal
wart G. A. R. of the suue. xnuo-
rendence ia centrally located in
r -
the Taller portion of the aisiric
and is easy of accwa being on the
linaofthe west aide branch
of the Southern Paciflo railroad
Doleeates from the south could
reach this point by taking the
Corvallis A Eastern road to Albany
hile those from Yamhill, Wash
inirton. Tillamook. Bentoa, and
. . ..
Lincoln countiea would come direct
The counties comprising, the
First congressional district and the
pom mitteeman from each folio
Robert H
' Thoa. F. Ryan
L. A. Roberta
Walter F. Sutton
Zenas L. Dimmick
Henry D. Kubli
J. C. Campbell
H. F. Murdock
Harry Bailey
Dr. T. W. Harria
F. M. Wadsworth
CurUe B. Winn
S. P. McCornack
J. M. Stark
W. H. Coopet
E. W. Haines
W. O. Henderson
The Eugene Register tsttles, all
in one ixsue, the question of a sue
cessor in congress to the Hon. Bin
ger Herman. The Register eays:
It does not take the seer nor
tha mind reader to discover that
the man best fitted and qualified
for the place, the one who fita into
it aa though he had been made for
t. ia Hon. L. 1. llama 01 Ju.sne
county, our honored eon, who as
Speaker of the last House, won the
esteem and admiration of all the
ninrnbam. rorardless of Part T. for
his fitaesa for the place, his Impar
tiality, hia accuracy, profound judg
ment and wisdom in directing de
liberations of that august body.
Hon. L. T. Harris is Lane's
choice for Congress, and we are
ftrtain he will accept the honor
that the district stands reidy to
bsstow upon bim, and which it
will shower upon him with the big-
srest republican vote recorded sin
Lh district when it comes to the
A a. debater Mr. Harris is flu
ent and forceful. He has a com
manding presence, a strong indi
viduslity and just enough reserye
to make him universally popular
with the masses. As we look out
into the future of the Pacific coast.
so creat with possibilities, the de
mand for the vigorous young blood
in all the fields of activity becomes
at once apparent. There are other
young men in the stale 01 me
Harris type that need to be put to
the front in places of responsibility
and duty. The elders, who bave
served ub faithfully and well, have
a right to the aeata of honor where,
in retirement, we shall crown them
with tha laurela they haye won
and revere their good werka while
mm nnt the vounirer men at the
tasks that in the doing wisely and
well, will require the meat vigoroua
manhood in their aecomplisnment.
'The Register takes pleasure in
presenting te the First Congree.
sion al district of Oregon the Hon
L. T. Harria, Speaker of the House,
as candidate for Congress. Hon.
n.iiHa fifctr.h of Salem is not a
candidate, and Marion county will,
no doubt, aland ready ta join with
other counties of the district in
Underina Mr. Harris unanimous
Lincoln Day Observed.
Exercises in honor of thebirtk
lloreee and Waffoa.
For sale Gray mare 8 years
old; weight v 1300 pounds; prioe
$150. Bay gelding 9 yeara old;
weight 1500 povnds; price' $150.
Ilea Si inch Old Hickory wagao
and box tor $3. Haraaa fuaras
teed to be souad."
The First Annual banquet of
the Polk county Republican Club,
held at the Little Palace Hotel, in
ndependence Saturday night was
a success, such is the unanimous
verdict of those in attendance.
Invited guests from the surround
ing country began arriving In the
afternoon. Mr. Yates came , down
from Corvallis on the afternoon
train. The Salem contigent arriv
ed by boat a little after 8'oclock
in the evening. About the same
time the motor pulled in from Dal
las with a delegation of guests in
cluding Judge McGinn of Portland.
Until bannuet hour the guests ex
changed greetings in a room of the
Cooosr bl.ck and various other
places in town.
It was 10 o'clock when the doors
of the banquet hall swung open
and the guests filed in to the strains
music by the Independence
orchestra. There were 113 covers
1d hut tha number present was
arger than the seating capacity
of the dining hall and the overflow
was taken care of at a second sit
ting The dining hall was appro
priately decorated, the national
flag being in eyidence and a picture
of President Roosevelt conspicuous
ly displayed. At the entrance was
stationed the orchestra that dis
coursed music during the evening
The waitresses, dressed in their
prettiest, looked their sweetest,
and the ushers. Claud Hubbard
and Carl Percival, wem everywhere
to see that no decanters ran dry.
The assemblage, included gray
haired veterans in their 80's as
well as first-voter republicans and
tha bannuet hall was graced with
such speakers as Judge Henry E
McGinn, of Portland, W. K. i ates,
of Corvallis, E. Hofer and Hal D.
Patton. cf Salem, and leading
ights of the party in Polk county.
The menu was most elaborate and
won for J. M. Stark, the caterer,
ancomiums for those . who had
rested their feet under banquet
tables where the consideration was
$5 per plate and upwards. Eight
courses were served, beginning
with Teko Point oysters an the
half shell. There was Little Palace
consomme, salads, baked Jsalmon
ith sauce, cold turkey, cold ham,
lamb and green peas, ice . creams,
coffee, cake, nuts and cigars-
During dining hour, in addition to
orchestral music, taking solos were
rendered by Mrs. George Conkey
and Mrs. Dorris.
Jnst before the hour of 12 o'clock
W. W. Persival, who had been se
lected to represent the President,
arose and bade the guests welcome.
In the course of his remarks Mr.
Percival deprecated tha factional
fights within the party and gave
assurance of the club's purpose to
strive tor harmony all along the
line. ' ' ""
Hal D. Patton, president of the
Young Men's Republican Club of
Salem, in responding; paid a very
high tribute to the club for its en
terprise in getting p such a ban
quet and for the treatment accorded
invited guests.
E. Hofer, in responding to the .
toast of "Abraham Lincoln," laid
down some of the enduring princi
ples enunciated by that illustrious
leader and the speaker jocularly
and frankly referred to himself as
a prodigal returned, while bis vig
orous appearance spoke the rest
readiness to carve the fatted calf.
Hon. W. E. Yates paid a tribute
to the g- o. p., the ladies and the
club and was followed by other
speakers, including Hon. J. L. Col-
ins. J. N. Hart, Hon. G. L.
Hawkins, J. C. Hayter, E. C. Klrk
patrick, Mervin Marsh, Prof. C. L.
Starr, Mayor Cooper, Landlord
Stark and others.
Judge McGinn was unfortunately
taken sick before his name was
reached on the list of speakers and
many were disappointed in not bo
ng able to hear him on the occa
sion. He had made the trip all
the way from Portland, by way of
Dallas, without a bite to eat and
though unable to speak the judge
said before leaving: "You are on
the right track, boys. Don't allow
Multonomah nor any other county
to come in with their factional
fights to disrupt your local politics.
Your banquet was a great success."
The committee on arrangements
that looked after the many little
details that go taward making a
success of such an afiair was com
posed of President J. L. Hanna.
Secretary Claud Fryer, W. W.
Percival. Fred Oberer and J. h
' Business Opening-.
For Sale Country store in Polk
county. Good location. Probable
value $3,000. For particulars en
quire at this office.
For Sale.
12.000 shares of mining stock in
the Gold Creek Mining and Mill-
ing Company, uertincaies iww
shares each. Price 6 cts. per
share. S. B. Obmsbt.
112 Court St., Salem, Oregon.
mane u.
day of Iinoola wart bald at the