West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, February 11, 1904, Image 5

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International Correspondence Schools
In Mechanical Klvctrical, Civil, Stram, Architoctural, Sanitary Engineering Designing, Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Show Card Writing,
' Chemistry, Mining, Modern languages, Advertising, Window Dressing, Etc.
A little nand and an hour a .lay in tho I. 0. S. will raise your pay. We refer you to aver three hundred successful students in this district.
TIki!. Uur oih"(l of teaching French, German and Spanish with the Phonograph
it uhu1 at Went Point MiliUry Acadvinv
Out of the many recommendations we select the following
8i"KiN!KiE!.i, Oke., January II, 1904.
Mil. F. X. Holi., Asst. Supt. Dir. 3, Portland, Ore.
Dear Sir: I enrolled about two years ao In the complete "architectural" course
taught by the International Correspondence School of Scranton, Pa., and through the
instruction' received from the school I am able to hold my present position a. con
itraoting millwright for the lUwtb-Kolley Co. I have more than double! my salary
since enrolling and propose to take a course in "Steam Electric Engineering" within
the very Bear future. . Your-Respectfully. C. W. ERICKSON.
F. X. HOLL, Asst. Supt., Portland. T. B. HOOPER, Apt at Albany
Astobia,Ore, May 8, 1903.
Ma. F. X. Hon., Aiet. Supt Div. 3, 1. C. 8 , Portland, Ore. .
Dear Sir: Peplying to yours of ttoe 6th inet. will say, when I enrolled id the
8choola I received a ealary of 190 per month or 11089 per year, aDd am now advanced
to 1150 per month or $1800 per year, an increase of 66 2-3 per cent Aside from the
financial gam. there is the sitisfactiou that you know the theory and fundamental
principles of the profession, and no technical report or discussion is beyond your com
prehension. .
There is abselutaly no question concerning the ability of the schools to teach, or
of a student to learn under the system employed by the International Correspondence
Schools of Scranton, Pa. Respectfully Yours,
FRANK II. NEWHALU Chief Engineer Tug -Tatoosh."
ad cf Big Condensed Milk
Pbr.t at Hillsboro on
Keeping Cows
and Dairying
a Great Dairy State
C-t Needs Developing
Along That Line
fr. Thiers, the head of the big
tf d milk plant at Hillsboro
cut an interview to the Inde-
d;it In which be says:
Tt ore are not nearly enough
In Washington county to
) the plant supplied, but ex
er.:ln othor sections haaproy
bz. the demand will create the
"f. One cow supplies about
ioundi of milk a day for about
days in the year. This means
, the' factory will absorb the
luct Of GOOD cows. How surely
existence of a steady demand
tulutes th supply is shown by
experience of tho factory which
lilt at Lansing, Mich., 20 years
At lfat time it could not get
) pounds a day, but for the last
m years it has ) een ablo to get
QUO and now it can got a quar
of a million pounds a day.
cocat'y around Hillsboro will
jort plenty of cows to supply
factory if the farmers will only
Cr ated up to it.
ri ' 1 factory will employ from
jTi people when running to
'.'1 capacity. About 10 per
t." hem will be skilled at the
. ! .t in course of time all will
skilled. It is necessary to
Sable people in a place of
i, for there is a certain
t of milk coming in every
e cared for and you cannot
or 12 people lying off when
they want to take a holiday; you
must bo able to depend on them
frnm tlav to dav. Thev must also
j j
be scrupulously clean. I have seen
irlrla solder cans all day with white
n -
inrnm on aud never scat a spot on
"Oregon is a good dairy state, but
its resources in that direction T
not full developed, owioe to the
lirnnranoe of the farmers. I was
raised on a dairy farm and can go
almost to any farm in the Willam
ette Valley and make it raise 3J
tiro e as much as its owner does."
"I would prepare for dairying by
building a first-class residence,
barns and fences. I would have
plenty of light and ventilation in
the barns and keep them clean un
der all circumstances. Cleanliness
is the first consideration on a dairy
farm. I.would thoroughly drain it
by tile drainago if necessary. I
would havo a supply of fresh, pure
water under all circumstances.
About 87 per cent ol pure milk is
water, and if you give your cows
water from a stagnant pool that is
covered with green Blime and re
ceives all the surface drainage of
the field, what sort of milk can you
expect? I would not feed silo to
the cow". A woman who is nurs-
ing a uaoy aoss not cai picatcs,
because it sours her milk, yet a
farmer feeds his cows silo which
may bo sour and may have the
same effect on their milk. Then J
would find the properties of differ
ent kinds of feed grown in tnis
state and decido which wero the
best to raise. I do not know
enough of Oregon to say just what
thev would be but the feed of cows
should always be something not
deleterious to their milk in taste
or odor. '
"Keep the barns clean, so that
the cows do not get covered with
manure, for some of it will got into
the milk and spoil it Lay stones
around their drinking places, bo;
that ther'wlll not wallow in mud,
and gravel the road. It will all
tell in the quality of the milk and
pay well in the end."
Hatred City of Lhaasn,.
Very little of the world remains
unknown. Thibet will soon be as
well known as China, the sacred
cityofLhassa as little of a mys
tery as Peking. A Russian travel
er. M. Tsybikoff, has communi
cated to the Geographical Society
of St. Petersburg a pretty full ac
count of Lhsssa, where he stayed
for oyer twelve months being an
Oriental scholar and professedly a
Lamite by religion. He found the
land far less populous than is com
monly supposed, and a large pro
portion of its people monks. Lhas-
ft, ho reports, has no more than
10,000 inhabitants, and two-thirds
of these are women. M, Tsybikofl
made a great number of observa
tions on the climate of Thibet, and
has brought away several Thibetan
books on philosophy, medicine,
astronomy and history, besides col
lections of prayers and incanta
tions, written by renowned lamas.
The latter departments are much
more in the way of Thibetans than
philosophy and science. London
Itch ICinjrwnrm.
Chamberlain's Stomach and iv-
er Tablets. Unequalled for
Mr. A. It Kane, a prominent drug
at of Baxter Springs, KanwiB. says:
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets are, In my judgment, the most
perisr preparation of auytuing in
use today for constipation. They are
ure In aptlou and with no tendency to
nauseate or gripe. For sale by all
rugglHte. ;
Girl wanted to do general
housework. Steady work and
good pay. , Mrs. J, B. Stump,
Monmouth, Oregon.
E. T. Lucas. WinKO, Ky., write
April 25th, 1002: "For 10 to 12 years I
had been afflicted with a malady
known as the Mtoh.' The Itching was
most unlarabls; I bad triwl for years
to find relief, having tried all remedies
I could hear of, besides a number of
doctor. 1 wlah to state that one si ng.
! application of Ballard's Huow Lini
ment cured me completely and perma
neutly. Blnoe then I have used the
liniment on two separate oocaaious for
ring worm a ad it cured completely.
25o.60o and fl.00 bottle. Bold by A.
8. Locke.
Bids Asked For.
Sealed bids will be recei ved by
the undersigned till 12 M. Feb.513,
for 48 cords of body fir wood, said
wood to be delivered notlater than
Sept. 1. 1904. and 40 cords! to be
ricked in basement of State Nor
mal building. Right reserved to
reject any or all bids. , . rf
J. B. V. Butler,
Sec. Regents.
For sale Two good second hand
wagons. If in need of one it will
pay you to call at Josse Sc Bice's.
Portland and Return Only
The Southern Pacific Co. is now
selling round trip tickets to Pert
land from Independence, for $2.50,
good going Saturday or Sunday,
returning Sunday and Monday,
giving ail day Sunday and Monday
in Portland. The same arrange
ment applies from Portland, giving
Portland people a chance to visit
Valley points at greatly reduced
For Sale One good . t second hand
harness and a second hand wagon
almost new. 'Address box 135 .Inde
pendence, Ore.
What The Earth Produces.
The erth has nourished ns through un
known igr of human rxixtence. Is it not
true thut the efcrth npplie us with every
thing tht we really require for existence f
Have you ever thought that it is probable
that the earth supplies us with the means
to keep our bodily vigor, our health, if we
mil. kn.w 4l ? Tli. animal Innv W in
stinct what i pood for them and will search
until they find in some plant whst they
need for con-ecting indigestion or const
;,. T. it tttMrffnrf. nnt rtriKstihle 1
there are roots and herbs supplied by nature
which will on re the diseases that afflict
human kind ? That is why Dr. Pierce, of
Buffalo, N. Y., has such faith in his "Med
ical Discovery. Years ago, when he was
in general and active practice, he found
that combination of certain herbs and
roots made into an alterative extract, with
out the use of alcohol, would always put
the stomach into a healthy condition, nour
ish the tissues, feed the blood and nervea
and put healthy tone into the whole
rr rl.TY.'. clHn Medical Discoverr
restores the lost Besh by curing diseases of
the stomach and otner organs 01 aigesupp
aud nutrition and enabling the perfect di
gestion and assimilation of food from which
flesh and strength are made.
I was att run down, verv nerrons, and suf
fered territilv from stomach trouble, which the
doctors pronounced indigestion." writrs Mrs.
n - C W .. Y, - M Uirh - f rinrtltfd
for a year without permanent relief. W ad
vised by a friend to try Ir. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery, and after tne aseot nine ocniie
I was cured. I can heartily recommend the
'Golden Medical Discovery1 to any one sntTer
i t ....... ...I. mki Uv hiuhand was
also greatly benefited by its use.'
To gain knowledge of yonr own body to
sickness and health send for the People's
Common Sense Medical Adviser. A book
of rooS pages. . Send si cents in stamps for
paper -covered, or, jt atamps tor ciotn
bound copy. Address Dr. R.V. Pierce, 66j
Main Street, Bufialo, N. Y.
Independence, Oregon
RATES: $1.25 to $2.00 per day
Special Attention to
Rates to Families or Single
WeeR or Month
Persons by
FJ. M. ST ARK, Proprietor