West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, February 11, 1904, Image 4

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West Side Enterprise.
wvair I Ht O I O IT 0 NO raoean tOB
Knler.! a Iint-fti.lnf, Opr Huffi
Mvuu.llaM matter.
SiilwripiicH Price; $1.50 per yr.
(Xlrietljr In ad van.!
IVr rar
Mix month
W to
,. TJ
ly divide the party. Thero is
practically no division on any
party issue. All elements arc
for Roosevelt for president and
there is nothing left to keep re
publicans apart but strife for
nartv control. ilio time lias
from the office giving the quick
est service. Independence, sit
uated in the center of the hop
district of the state, and sur
rounded by an otherwise rich
agricultural country has one
rural delivery route. It covers
Kdln( nollceilOopnlH Pf llneflwl In-
aartlon; Aeenu r line tol midmIIbI Iu
art Ion.
Rate on llplaya4vrllliif mad known
There will be a banquet at
the Little Falaee Hotel in Inde
pendence Saturday night
will be the tirgt annual banquet
of the Folk County Republican
Club and the first public politi
cal function iu the county for
the coming campaign. It may
be said to be the opening gun
The Republican party in Ore
gon ia in large majority and un
happily divided into factions
The Folk County Republican
Club, in making up a list
guests to sit at its annual ban
quet has known no factions
Its invitation committee has ig
nored factional lines altogether
there probably is not one
among the invited guests but
has trained and fought in a fac
tion opposed by some member
of the club. There will be
those present among the invited
guests republicans who have
been arrayed against each other
in hostile camps. The com
mittee in sending out invita
tions sought, rather than avoid
ed bringing together republi
cans who have had their differ
ences, or think they have. The
banquet is intended as a kind of
love feast where republicans
may clasp hands and gather in
spiration from contact with one
A presidential election takes
place this year, besides the June
election when county, district
and some state officers are to be
elected. This is the time when
everyone claiming allegiance to
the republican party must bury
any grievance he may have
against a fellow republican or
sacrifice, if need be, any per
sonal ambitions he may have.
The chasm between the dif
ferent elements in the repub
lican party is really, largely
imaginative, and is neither so
deep nor so wide as to hopeless-
come when republicans cannot 21! miles and serves u great
au"ord to permit this family con- many people to the north but
test to reach a stage of bitter- there is not n lino leading out
a 1.1 I.. ...... . I . .1 ? Ii.t.
ne.i nr ia rjrriiM lwvnn,l II1A 111 MllV I'Uicr uiivvuuu. i
nominating convention. It is two and a quarter miles ialem
for the purnoso of bringing re- No 2 beginning at Urunka and
publicans together, promoting running to the southwest laps
harmony and extending the on the Independence route. To
hand of good fellowship that the south, people are .erved from
the Folk County Republican Farker to within tew a miles
Club will tender a banquet on of Independence. Some of the
Saturday night. The welcome patrons on this line express the
of the club is extended to fellow desire to be served from Inde-j
hnth within nnd pendence. ltu the view Ol
without the county and everv giving the rural people the best
visitor is assured that he will be service possible and allotting to
among his friends while in In- each post-oflice the territory
dependence. I that properly belongs to it, and
avoiding the unnecessary con
dition of carriers from two
different points traversing the
Folk county. It would won.
that h formation of such an as
sociation would he benefit
to the Ktoek raiser, nd
:.. r... ..;!.!.. ... i,i-.v..ti not olilr bv Juiltf Hll
IV Iieeieiiiiiir - -
bo found wtii- 'King t,,MI'
lion to the r'ui!iatii ,.v
restoring you will I'" -'Milled
to vote twice ihn year once in
V. I
d once m .NoMiniM'r.
the success of such uiuloriaking
..tli..r .'.unities but by the
f flirt itnuHrv nliow in
iii this county. There are cer
Uinly more live stock raisers in
the county than poultry fanciers
and its success should not be
questioned if the proper efforts
are put forth in its organization.
McMinnville News.
There are nine rural free de
livery routes leading out from same road, Uncle Sam owes a
Salem and during the month of closer investigation of the de
January 51,147 letters, news-mauds of the Independence
papers, packages etc., were de-Jpost-oflice and the people that
ivered while the total collection might be best served from it
was lu-ya. ine total numoer
of applications for money orders MILITIA n ATCIIUS O,
taken by the carriers were 20G. The long deferred conflict bo
The value of the stamps on the tween Russia aud Japan has
mail matter was 1203.55 and been a stimulant in military
the value of the stamps, stamped I circles the world over. Every
papers etc., sold by the carriers move has been followed with
was 1149.12. The rural delivery keen interest by regulars and
vstem is crowing. It is a grand officers and soldiers
convenience to those living out effectin this country. The
of town and it will never be dis- of the apparent certainty
continued. It is to the interest of the clash has been noticeable
of every community to have in the national guard of Ore
eading out from its post-office gen. The companies are recruit
as many rural delivery routes ed np and members are attend
as, the business of surrounding ing drills better than they were
The publication of interesting
happenings ef fifty years ago by
the Salem Statesman causes John
Kelly of the Portland Telegram
to print what ho conceives to be
news fifty years hence. One of
his political items of half a cen
tury into the future reads:
"Factional fights continue io
disrupt the Republicau party in
Multomah county aud a hot
campaign is assured between
the ins and outs. The Demo
crats are undecided which side
to support. They were gold
bricked again at the last election, j
will require mv free holder
to swear in your vote.
Tiring oftho dilatory Inches
of Russia, Japan has p
(he Russia-Japanese war by fir
ing on (he former warship.
In the carnage follow there
is no question that the prejHUid-
nniiic or se iiiiiieni in oi"
country is in favor or japan
and will bo as long a she
observes the rules of civilized
nnd- r tl"C, mvo ihU f r tti 1Uy m
pithy loll In thin tottMry
Japnu In th unmade hiei iH
now .rell.'nllj witrfed and ...!t
njkioh lli wi-rld thotiM i,.,t l0( I
tiMf 111 T fBiiehlde it Will 'a-.llft
oiiitTi; a dtf)'Ud and humiliate
viol I in.
Mr. I
rr (
Opening of war between Rus
i .1 It
tin ami japan, ine i:nmurr
fire, passage of the Lewis and
Clark appropriation bill through
the senate, sensational arrest of
Norman Williams were some of
the principal news items for
last Tuesday.
NacUl Whlat ( lilt
no ......I.I tl'l.i.t f'l..l. ... .
I n rueiai ' 'i'in
. I I i..l.Ci.,l availing Id
tlletl 11 "
lUbbllt Ust wek. In the
i.. .. i. .. . i
tarl ul tne fTniiiik- n niriuivra s
ini't and tdjoiirued to attend ,
Imakrl bsll gam at Monmouth. I
I'jHui rolsrn tn tiumbera nr
pUvml Mr. J. E. Hubbard m,J L
Mrs. O. l. futlsr wihnii.g first I
priie whil Mayor J. H, ('oojnir nj A
Mrs. I.. I'auion won the UkiM, y
While mtxt f th meiuWra rr I
attending Ihe bankrt balt gmt, (
a few reuuiriKd and with a nuuiUr
of lnyilt.1 guta HKK1
n'iu!r kiii of "Pit." 1
i i
nirliU ware sere ed.
country will justify. If a post
office neglects to serve the people
of its district with rural delivery
the people will naturally turn to
the next nearest office forservice
and trade centers largely upon
the source of mail supply.
Salem 6eems to be very much
awake to her interests in this re
spect. Nine rural delivery
routes means a great deal to
the place to which they center
and the example of the Salem
post-office in reaching out to
serve the country people is one
to be emulated.
One post-office as much as
as another, is entitled to the
surrounding territory it can
most expeditiously serve. The
farmers are entitled to be served i
At the last regimental review in
Portland, ninety per cent of the
strength of the companies turu-
d out, which! is very unusual.
Independence has some young
men inclined toward military
life who have been watching the
trend of events in the Orient
and if there were a vacancy in
the State national guard this
city would ask permission to
enroll a military company.
Our Bellevue correspondent
revives the subject of a livestock
association in Yamhill county,
elsewhere in this issue. He
very pertinently asks why Yam
hill should not have a stock
show as much as our neighbor,
Iheroisiio longer any ques
tion about Japan and Kussia
as they had been for the past t0: going to war. I hoy are at it.
years iu this county, but Alex) 1
Sweek, Fat Rowers and J. H. kLr "H,,U
Ryan are determined that th?) The West Sipk Xxtkiukisk
Republicans shall delivor the; has a cartoon dealing gently
goods this time. j with various political aspirations,
Washington, Feb. 9 Old ; including several well know u tu
man W. J. Bryan says that tho I Albany. The work was evident-
i i . i i .. ... . t . i . i . i .
coming convention sliouui re- ly uone uy oho oi wie leaning
affirm the silver plank of tit blacksmiths of Independence,
forgotten Kansas City platform.",' (Or.) anl is a credit to that
, , village.
Governor Chamberlain has! AnJ t,li!' froni th A!jacJ
tf II . I ! . II I
appointed George Conser, cash- "erB,a- rrmwu m a
u in Ur v
In iL
llefrrnti- i
1. (
I'liriMiKli I'lil'iiiian laiill and I'ttf-
l slarhinit rar lUUr llmalia. t'hk
I - - t m . . r
j io Kanwia t'lljr ; llirutitfh rullnian Uur-
m aliH-iii( rar (ivrauoailv cixi'lurtxl)
prkly tu I M' ' atij Ranaa Cut;
rwiwuliif chair ran (arala lro) Io
Ka.t Jail.
iist-Aur TI.MKSt llr.Pt I.K ami
ra ri riatt.iti thorn
ier or the Ileppner bank, a
member of the State Lewis and
Clarko exposition commission,
vice C. li. Wade, resigned. It's
a good appointment. Mr. Con
ser is a strictly honest man and
will not knowingly stand for
any grafts on the state nppro-
piation. Let it bo hoped the
ordeal before him will bo loss
trying than tho Ileppner disaster.
Rrother Wash, of the Itemizer,
asks: "Upon what grounds enn
the republicans claim that their
entire ticket should be eloctod?"
Upon the grounds that the re
publicans are in the majority
and have as good men in tho
party as there are out of it to
fill the offices.
Elsewhere in this paper will
shop, edited by a cross-reads ex
press agent, under tho supervis
ion of a wheat manipulator under
directions issued from the stato
printing office
OitnttM Hall tVtivoiy
I'urtiaritl M Wurth, Omaha,
St-ll Kaiiaaa t'lljr, hU 4 Jti 4i
9 -.i)a m vSaUmlt,! titriifo ea!
Hunting- Kat.
(l1'KTI..t Jill 111..)
With Japan ascendaot we may
look for the orderly developinenl of
China along the brilliant line set
by Japan itself. The whole coun
try would be open to the whole
world, just as Japan is, not a sealed
book to the world a li Kuseia. It
is a remarkable conjuncture of cir.
camstanees which makes of this
representative of the yeilow race
the apparent agency to lead in
the direction of a higher and letter 8pm
civilization in the far east, to loosen I
that region from its thralldotn while
the very contrary would be expect- jhumiay
Atlantic fall fjike, tv-nrw,
Kirti ll Worth, Omaha,
S : 14 in via KanM Cut. Hi 10 X) a i
Hunting- l.oula, (hlrau
tun. and Kl.
Ifa-.l Walla Walla. Iwla. f
Kaal Mail ton..-.ki.,Wl. f
S a in via !-, f u 1 1 m a n, 7:55 am lc
Hukana, M liitioapulis. Ml .
Paul. Ihilmh.Mll.
w alike. I ImotfO
and Yj.
70 hours. I'urtlaml Io hlrafir. N
rhanite nf cars. 1 lekcta Kt la all
mil nr via lt anil rail via I'nrtlaml.
raoM t-OMTMnn,
All fliOK tlalre
tlhjnrt Io chaii.
Fur han Kranrri
Hall everv 6 dajra.
coi t ariM atvia
ed in the event of Russian ascend
ency. This, together with the
American inclination to favor the
vntf 4pm
B. taw
a p m To Aatnria and
Hattirdajr liiiini.
iu i m
Al. 1 1 Kit K KN A gi'nimlaiKd-wee.
Stock of
We Prepay the Freight
Upholstered Work has a reputation for
quality nnd durability.
Couches from $5.50 to 35
Davenports from 20 to 35
Parlor Suits, 17
If you want real
swell patterns we have
them. If you want
cheap paper we have it
cff)mmmmmm "" """"
Every Youiik Iidy Admiree
Our line i.i especially attractive at tho
present time. Kyery U;d is enainnli-d in
our own finishing room and leaves our
store In first-class shape. No scratches
or mars go from hero.
Wo make our own Kitchen
Furniture, our
are tho host on the market.
Let us send you one of our
$1.00 onuH, they are bettor
than others at $5.00
We Bell more
than any two hIoich in the
iSeeatiso wo curry a largo
assortment of all kinds.
AM Kill CAN in all grade.
s v'
w mf ir7TMaaaiawawaa(ia e jaa
w w w w w w w w w w