West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, February 11, 1904, Image 2

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oucuu turn vw.
lies washing machine
each at U. M. Wade A Co
Miss Helle and Pon pu-Vtnson
hive returns! from the land of th
Lyman Pamon was tu PortUn
thi week and had eurioal oper
ation performed en a finger.
J.ihnaon. the clothier, at Salem
U tho popular place for Polk coun
tv people to trade. Finest display
Pr. 0. P. Butler wa? in PortlanJ
"Rud" Cooper, of rien Vista
is in the city today.
Me ami Mra. David Calbreath
were in Seleui yeeterdiv.
Mint Bertha Bohannon went to i the valley.
Albaoy Saturday, for a few days I jj,om Potueroy, wife and two
visit. Ifc-m. hv returned from a three
mji r,f Al. month visit to hia old home in
MISS illliuivu ....", I , .
i.iV. cuest of MiM Bertha Pennsylvania.
Bohannon. Headquarters of the Polk Count t
. . o iiomihliean Club ou Saturday
fully aired ia the Oregouian at night will be in room 2. upstair.
iTrtri Oreaonians at Wagoner'.. We are making prices
All about the big troubles between ranges that ihoye the goods. Spec
Japan and Russia.
Ocean Ware washers haye malle
.ble caitin and are fully guaran-
tted. Sold by R. M. Wade & Co.
il discount for the next
days. H. M. Wade A Co.
Get the Qregonian at Wagoner'
All about the Jap-Kussian war.
n rvil hittla took rlace during
The Degree of Honor of Inde- . WMk in which 2000 eolJiers of
nendeocehas decided to put oa a , . caotured.
JtK the) I
puy ana qm . - e th5-
S. M. Paniel has sold hi general
mrhndiaa store at Buena ista
chaaed the stationery and confec
tionery store of Harry Wagoner
continue their
mercnariaisesior. ,. The pu.clias-rs will
t. the McReynold Bros, formerly of
hotel as well a the Wagoner store
Mrs. Chaa. A. Rice, of Mon
mouth, announces she will give lea-
r,n in oil. water color and China
paintin g.
Miss Maggie Macaulay, of Calif.,
visltinff- her sister, Mrs Nellie
RravM. and her brother, Chaa.
Great preparations are on for the
Methodist Missionary convention
to be held in San Francisco, April
18 to May 1.
Little. Palace
Special servicer at the Pmby
tenan church next Sabbat h. in
the evening there will be exercises
appropriate to Lincoln a birthday
anniversary. Special music will
be provided by the choir. A most
coruiai invitation io ca-ui
Business announcements in this
. ... . . .
issue presage a heauny traue in
the 6pring. There is no reason
why this point ehould not be a
The Misses Eva and Evea Apple- trad Center nor is there occasion
gate, of Corvallis, who have been for ppie to go to larger places to
visiting in Monmouth, returned g0oj3 when they may be had as
home Wednesday. . cheap and even cheaper here
Miss Pearl Squire has gone to At the annual meeting of the
t.i-j i int;i moofc noiciers oi me n. iu. uue
i urLiuuu nuciv cuw ' . t r
t.honeniiir of her new millinery & Co. firm in Salem Tuesday. J. 11
r - - o - . .. ....
i .t ,fk Craven was arjDointeu manaeer oi
the Independence bouse. Mr.
Craven is a young man of business
and popular with the
trde. He has many friends to
congratulate bira on his appoint
Lost On the streets of Inde- The University of Oregon de
pendence, a silk watch fob with fated the Dallas boys in a foot
gold trimming and K. of P. em- Uja;j game in Dallas Tuesday even
i't-rlerl i'untUtenots
We have added a complete line
of R. C Atkins & Co hand saws
T" U MnJAa a a Bimaii. in rt Yi or I apSC lty
makes and yet costs no more. R.
M. Wade & Co.
blem. Finder
Word Butler.
please report to
Miss Mabel Cressy returned
from New Hampshire Tuesday.
During her absence of several
months, she has visited in several
eastern cities.
Rosco, the world's greatest naind
reader and hypnotist, will appear
at the Independence opera house
February 17. Don't fail to see the
human prodigy.
The West Side Enterprise of
fice has turned out some job work
the past week that will not suffer
by comparison with work lromany
city office; which ie a reminder
that this is the time to have your
printing done.
The Kilties band will appear in,
Salem, Friday night, the 19th.
This band was formerly attached
to the 4Sth regiment of infantry
but has secured a relnase from
contract for eight months of the
year and during the time is
touring the country.
David Calbreath has been as
sured by the owner of the Sydney
ditch that there will be no obstacle
interposed in the way of supplying
the power necessary for light and
power purposes on this side of the
river. That msans that people
served by. the Independence and
Monmouth Light & Power Co. may
have service the year round.
ing oy a score oi zz io io. un
Wednesday night, the same team
defeated Monmouth 20 to 11. The
Polk countv teams put up good
games. and took defeat like true
sportsmen. The Washington team
passed on to Corvallis Thursday in
quest of new worlds to conquer.
Three more car-loads of hoge
were shipped from Independence
this week. On Tuesdey, I. P. Reis
shipped a car-load of hogs; Thurs
day, George T. Boothby shipped a
car of hogs and sheep and XV. XV.
Perciyal a car of hogs the same
day. The hog market is still
booming being a little stronger
than the Portland market. Mr.
Perciyal reports the buying price
5 to oi ceats while the Pertland
quotations according to tha Orego
nian is 4f to o cents. These prices
while temporarily of pecuniary ad
vantage to the farmer are disas
trous to the buyer's purse and it
cannot be hoped to lead the Port
land market the year round.
T. II. Kobblns Dead.
J. H. Robbins was buried at
Salt Creek cemetery, north of Dal
las last Thursday. Mr. Robbibs'
death occurred at the home of bis
daughter, Mrs. M. Conlee, near
Dallas Wednesday, February 3.
He was a member of General Gib
son Post No. 64, G. A. R Indepen
dence, Ore., and had been a resi
dent of this place about three years.
Tin: cm unit
n.iplitt Oiurvb, liMlepemlfiH-.
Suuday School at H A.,M.
Preaching at 11 A. M.
Prayer meeting Thursdays at
7:;K) P. M.
All are cordially invited to our
Aktiu'k S. Au.bs, pastor.
McthodUt i:il Ml t liurcli.
Corner of 5th and Monmouth
street; Rev. W. W, Kdmoiulson,
Sunday school 10 a. m.
Morning service 11 a. m.
CUsv meeting 12 m.
Evening service 7:30 p. in
Prayer meeting eyery Wednesday
evening at 7:30.
The parsonage is next door to
the church and the pastor will be
nleased to bee you aud render any
helpful service.
Calvarv PreHbytoriuu Cliureii
Sunday school at 10 a. tu.
Morning worship 11 o'clock.
Endeavor meeting 2 p. in.
Evening worship 7:30.
Prayer meeting Weduesday even
logs at 7:30.
United KvNiigcllcitl.
Sunday school at 10 A. M.
Morning service at 11 o'clock.
Keystone League of Christian
Endeavor at 0:30 P. M. '
Eyening service at 7:30 o'clock
Miss Ethel Brown, superinten
dent of K.L.C E.
To all of these services tho pub'
ic is inyited.
Daniel A. Poi.i.vi. pastor.
Who ilifl Girl?
The little boat built to ply
between Independence and Salem
is so near completion that the mat
ter of christening is under consid
eration. The nam? of the little
ater craft has been decided upon
bat the question of formally christ
ening is by no means determined.
A lady or girl of course, will olli
ciate, but who's tho girl? There's
the rub. The best looking or mot
populr girl in the county would
be the proper oao lor this duty, but
then Polk county has so many in
that class. The difficult feature,
of building and launching a boat is
now up to Mr Skinner and he
will haye to decide soon.
u il.er iimhI l. I ftiluitft.f
H.,r..iiM sod worry bo"" !'1'
wli.-ii a el.lld uliowed nymptom f
.rii. I her U r(WI iMiilWnio.
TliUwowliur " " "f,,rm '",,v
,f nuintwrUlu'a O'nn IU--ly Hi
..... !....( thai ill.ri'. Mm, M-
I. Hf..nl. of llevilK M l .
H.kiiinof hi r ei 11 111 ,l" "
,.fthrHNly : "I 'v a -r.l
of ronrt.lenee III t ' ImtI,-! i ToiiijU
lU-wedy r..r I hv It wliu rri.-.'i
1 1
Myrhlhl ll..rUndl ",,Jm,t jjrnpllS fT Alt t 'it If tl :l Tf,
l.)nvraltRetr or'i I".V t tiplioitto ltril'!t fr
Klvea him pr...pt relief." For l by ,im,,M,m ftl ft gr.-atly r
All IHiikkUI.
Notlco of Apdmit.
Nolle i liiTt'l'Y t(iv tlit . Hi
uii.lirliil. .Marifiuvl MfMill.m and
John l.i-Wiii"Kiii, Iihv t duly
M)iiit.l n H.tiuliilxIrHlris .td adimiii
tmlor, with IH mn'X'd, o( Id ut
ol WillUm MrMilUii. ilrvi., li Hi
Momrtil C.niiiiy I'oiiri ol I'ulk Ton il
ly. Orit"i. A" l'f" hviim
tt'ltttliiitt t'l etut ' r'nnrl Io iri
will llio inn M Hi nn.iTiim'd duly
umd onl mid viTilil In iiiiin'r to-vl.h-d
hyl.iwwitli.il inoiil.'i. from
(I it 1,1-n -d
lile. t!ii 'Xh dr ot January, A, V.
I 'AM.
M iiu Kk-r McMn i
lllld JoilS I'll -KIMt"V
Ail i.lrtr.
wilh will 'iii-f,,i.tiUi' iViliimii M
Miilnn, U- rierd.
. iii.
Tin p-'ft M'ttwon wo mali fvrriu m mirtui
for Art ('iiU n.UrfS am! now any jkthoii who
oiu nnv of tho i! tdatort
PicKel's negatives
15oiiu-inl.fr, I li;ivo in stnk all uf tho nofttiv.-s
tv K. TioKol at hit k-Hitv iu thi ritv. If you wish '
iiraplis from any 'f thoi.1-1 j.liiU- it ill l- to ymir itt;:
to mil ut once, as 1 fliall jr.ha!ly not kvj thorn in
any gifat li'iif;th of time.
Enlarging Pictun
I ill.". - . S
I :itu r'p:irMl to i-nlarjro any photograph and;
nish finino for waiin' at a viry roauiahli' figure. I ('
.;u k of tin" nuaranlro that im picturi" will lo lt uu,J f
satisfaction is Liiarant-fl in ruch atxl t'vory titstaiuv. f
1 ami iiijipfct my work. I
J. M. McCaleb,
Independence, -:-
A Surprise Party.
Tuesday evening a number of
young people called at the home of
Charlie Ilichardson taking him
by surprise. The occasion was in
honor of the hosts eighteenth anni
versary. An enjoyable evening
was spent ut guiiien, music, etc.
At 10 o'clock a delicious lunch was
served and the young people de
parted expressing themselves pleas
ed with the entertainment received
and wished their young host many
happy returns of the day.
Notice of Sale by Guardian.
Notice is hereby eiven, that by virtue
of an order aud dcre of the County
Court, of the Stut of Oregon
for the County of Polk, duly mad
and entered of record on the
22nd of January. A . 1). 1894,
in the matter of the guardianship of the
estate of J. M. Wniin.a mute, duly
authorizing and directing me as such
guardian of the said ec tate of said ward
to sell at private ale the following de
scribed real estate belonging to said
ward to-wit :
Beginning at the northeast corner of
the William M. Turpin 0. L. C. Claim,
No. 37. Not. No. 2S7, in township 6.
south of range 4, west of the Willamette
Meridian, in Folk county Oregon, and
running thence west 40 chains ; thence
south 20 chains; thence east 40 chains;
thence north 20 chains to place of be
ginning; containing 80 acres, more or
How, therefore, by virtue of laid
order I, as such guardian, will on and
after the 3rd day of March. 1904, oner
for sale at private sale to the highest
bidder lor cash in hand all the above de
scribed premises. Bids therefore will be
received by roe at Walport. Lincoln
coonty, Oregon, or at the law office of
Butler Coad in Dallas, Polk countv.
Oregon. W. E. Wann,
Guardian of the Estate of J. It. Wano,
t i MfoRTED Japanese
wirn purchases or
' lessee.
F. S. Wilson.
. 1 J iV W a 5fc' tx- W S V- w W W v
A yery fiu line
!' JjiH'nr Ik now
on Imrid and
ii"tlir in
voice on the
y from Kan
Fraiu inwi.
lis k
N'o. 2 F"r Vfiiuina:
Leave Albany 12:l"i V. M.
" CorvnlliH 2:D() p. m.
Arrives VaquiiKi . . . 15:20 p. M.
No. 1 IMiiroiity:
Lpaves Yaqiii t.n . . . . IA" a. m.
Leaves Corvu!!n . . . 11:30 a. ,m.
Arrives Albany 12:1.') r. m.
No. 3 For Detroit:
Leaves Albany 7:00 a. m.
Arrives Detroit 12:20 p. m.
No A 1mm Detroit :
Leaves Detroit 1:00p.,m.
Arrives Albany. ..... :ft p, m.
Train No. I arrives in Albany in
time to connect with the S. P.
south bound train, as well us giv
ing two or three hours in Albany
before departure of S. I'. North
bound train.
Train No. 2 connects with the
S. P. trains at Corvallis and Albany
giving direct service to Newport
and adjacent beaches.
Train .'1 for Detroit, Breitenbush
and other mountain resorts leaves
Albany at 7:00 a. in., reaching De
troit about noon, giving ample time
to reach the Springs same day.
For further information apply to
Edwin Stone,
T. Cockkell, Agent, Albany.
IL II. CnoNis. Agent, CorTallis.
We bilYH a tiifft line
of them e u r o ;i t e
from San Fram-ii-co.
fall on us if you
Wiint h good Violin
for little money.
Your for'
0. A. KRAMER & CO,
Jielier Than Culil
"I was troubled for tevrral years with
ehrotilc Indigestion and n.rvoim di
bility." writes W. F. (jrwn. of Lauras,
ter, N. H. "No ntmrdy helped mn
uutil I begin, uMog Klm-trlo liltUri.,
which did me more good than nil the
medicines I ever usfd. They have also
kept my wife In exwdlent health for
years. She says Klectrlo Hitters are
just spleudld for female troubles; that
they are a grand tonlo and Invigorator
for weak, run down woman. N0 other
medicine can take Id ,,),-, our
family." Try them. Only Me. Hat
Ufatlon guaranteed by A. B. Iocke,
Means the abllty to dj a Kl I
work, without undue fatigue
find life worth living. You t
bave llidlgrstlon or OolistlpatloB 4
out its iimi-ttliig the Vr and Pi
lug lh bl.Hhl. Huch a (xindltloa
be best and quickest obtained byf
ine, the Ix-at liver regulator tr
world has ever known. Mrs. Df
Hinlth writes, April 3, IIK12: "',
Herblne, and lind it the boat md,
for coustlpatlon and regulatlM
liver I ever used." price M
Hold by A. 8. Lock I