West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, February 11, 1904, Image 1

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. ................... . i.Ht i rt k't niitvinii i.'i'UDH it tvt it irwu KIT1fHF.lt 11
T If 1 I i it-1 i.'V
f Iua C. IWkix, CttHhit-r.
pia Cllal. o,ooo
: Dikkctom-J. It. Hawley. 1'.
Duller, John It. Htunip, J. A. Withrow, r. a. rowen.
;i Transact General Hanklag and
af Until throughout the Utntxl mates ani uanaua.
nAPTTAL BTOOK, S50.000.00.
., ..M.m.iM! l ruiZ' "
0. W. IKVINK, OaaMer.
i)iiiFOTon8.-H. iiw-'wTrii. Haih, J. v. t.a and
ubjwl to rhivk.
?Tady assistant
Made of
. W. L. lUCK, llmbiUimr ami
- . D. WHITMAN, Propriftor
j& A Home Industry Institution
WorK Called for Tuesday Delivered Saturday
Impressing It on Him
With Emphasis
In what our fine laundry work doe
to the mart who In looking for some
' thing exquisite In color and fluialion
ilia linen. We aim t make our laun
dry work peerleH io twain y and In the
Earreot condition In whhh wf aend It
otne. Htind uh a sample boodle and
, we will surprise you. Nw prooea
and new prior.
Ordure left at KuU'h's barber ahop or
lie Halem staife will receive prompt
Salem Steam laundry,
i Colonel J. Olmated, Prop. Dorou
l Olmsted. Mgr. fhoo 11. 120
JUoerty Street. .
1 L. Cami'ukix.
Vice i'ri-HJtlent.
L. Campbell. I. M. Simpson, V
Kxcheng business. Draft .old
aSuaVnKWOS. Vir. rr..id.o
u U Taennrcmi
Undertaker. Enbalmer,
and Funeral Director.
independence. . Orcgcn.
when desired
Josse & Bice,
Fine Parlors in connection. Pay or night
calls promptly attended to.
Day phono 273 Night 303
Main St, Independence, Ore
Funeral IHreotor.
At our echool. That la what sou nt a,
and la one reason why our atudenta are
aucofwaful. Hualueae imn appreciate
this fact, and many ask for no recom
mendation liutoura. If you are Inter
eated In a unable education, and wish
to secure it for the loweat possible coat
and In the shortest time conaUtent
with thorough work, It will pay you to
investigate the advantage we offer.
Bond for catalog.
W. I. Staley, Principal,
INULrhlNlJliMJ',, wujui, unr.uu.i, rwmuAJvj i, wwi.
TTTIT T mnnm nTTmiUnelyetfullaiidit it op lo the
WILL lilUl UU 1
Democrats Who May Run for
Office In Polk County
Next June
DiIIm Itcmlur would Have Part
Republican Tkkrf Sacrificed
For Democracy' Sk
W. A. Waah, editor of the Delia
Itemixer, peakmg for Polk county
democracy v:
"The democrat will aoon trot
out men capable end worthy of
filling any office in thi county.
They can point with pride to the
official recorde of their present
county officers, who have done and
are doing their whole duty. Upon
what grounds can the republican
claim that their entire ticket
should be elected. The people
want in ofiice the beat mta regard
lea of party."
Another democrat say "Give'ni
the other barrelthere are lota of
democratic caadidat." And yet
with the encouragement offered by
Brother Vab and the assurance
from other quarter, the ' field" in
not yet crowded with rel live,
avowed active candidates.
Judee Siblv it ems i likely
to I re-nominated by common
consent bucceeii himnelf a coun
ty judgfl. If he is to have any op
position for the nomination, that
opposition baa not yet shown it
For eomtniaioner to succeed J.
K. Teal, the democrat have yet to
find a man. They have now two
member of the county court, one
reiiding in Dalian and the other in
Uickrcall precinct. The republican
member lives in Fal's City. The
matter of location will be taken in
to consideration b the democrats
before a candidate for comraisnioner
to succeed Mr. Teal is Bclected.
The office of county clerk way
bring out more than one aspirant
though the general expression
anions democrats o far is in favor
of the promotion ot Mr. Dalton
from treasurer to clerk. However
there are those who think the
namo of H. L. Fenton, one to con-
ure with and then there are others
who would like to ee the nom-
nation airain ofl'ered to Prof. I).
Simpson, a teacher in the Inde
pendence public school.
Very little is being raid about
th 6fiice of county treasurer though
the names of Frank iMyer and Asa
lobinson of thia place, have been
mentioned without their consent.
It is likely" said a prominent
emocrat, "the nomination for
treasurer will go to Dallas s the
ilary is small and ono could
irdly afford to live in the county
at for that alone."
Athe present time it look like
Johnnie , Ford will haye no op
position for re-nomination for
iheriff. "
For assessor there is some talk
re-nominating Myers and A.
Huston of Independeace has also
been mentioned for that place,
Very little interest eo far is man
ifested in the nominations for rep
resentative or joint representative
but the .leaders have in a quiet
way been casting about for senator
ial timber. George Myer, who ha
twice represented the county in
the lower house is talked of and
the names of H. L. Fenton and
N. F. Gregg have been suggested
as (rood ones to select from.
The field ef democratic candidate
liwi.lwr to open the paddock and
trot out the runners.
The Casphiii Hru.
One of the most remarkable
physical features of the globe is
the deep and wide depression in
the hollow of which stands the
Caspian sea, and near to it the
Aral ea. The Caspian is nearly
a large a France, and it surface
is eighty-four feet below the level
of the 151 ack sea. The Sea of Arel
is nearly a large as Ireland, and
i very little over the sea level.
Within the geological timet the
vast expanse in which these lakes
are fouad was set; it floor has
been gradually raised, and the
water filling the depression are
all that ia left of an ancient Med
iterranean. A rtraoge feature of
both bodiea of water ia that, al
though they receive large rivers,
especially the Caspian, into the
Volga, the Ural river, and sources
of streams from the Caucasus flow,
both have for many year been
getting shallower; evaporation, for
they have no outlet, exceed the
inflow. But for some climatic
reason, probably, Lake Aral and
its neighbor Lake Balkhash, have
since 1891 begun increasing in
depth. Nature reports that M.
Berg visited Lake Balkhash last
summer and found that the level
wbb raising with comparative
rapidity. Whereas the Cacpi&n,
like the Dead Sea, it very Balt,
owing to the rate of evaporation,
Aral and Balkhash are brackish
only. These remnants of what
was once a great sea opening into
theocean, as the Mediterranean does
now, Btill contain marine flesh and
seals. Some of the latter survive
in the Aral and Baikal lakee, hav
ing gradually become fitted for
their habit, though it it no longer
salt, but merely brackish, and ia
the case ol Baikal actually fresh
More About Good Itoads.
A good deal of interest is being
taken in the subject of better roads,
very properly eo. There is only
one opinion in the matter. Every
body wants an improvement of the
roads of the valley. It ia not only
a matter of busines but as well of
pleasure. Good roads add to the
value of property and are a pana
cea for bad tempers. It it a serious
nu est ion how to make the most
out of the money at hand for the
improvement of the roads. In a
biir oountry of vast distances like
thia there is a different color to it
from that of the east where cities
are two or three miles apart and
farms are small. A mile of Macad
amized road here would cost,
$3,000 or KOOOO- It would be
groat if the whole country could be
Macadamized, but it vould take
dozens of years to do it with the
resources. Would it be a matter of
ustice to the other parts of the
county, to put the money each
ear into two or three miles of
uch road and make others wait
years for their turn, instead
gravel and rock costing less than a
thousand dollars a mile will un-
oubtedlyhave to be he rule,
making the best of the situation.
Albany Democat.
Horses and Wagon.
For sale Gray mare 8 years
old; weight 1300 pounds; price
$150. Bay gelding 9 years old;
weisbt 1500 pounds; price $150.
Also Si inch Old Hickory wagon
and box for $35. Horses guaran
teed to be sound.
Lockumctb Floobdcs Miixs Co.
Preparations Almost Complete by Polk
County Republican Club to
Entertain Visitors
Manx Invited Guests Will be Present
and All Send Cheering
Letters To Club
Tb committee on arrangements ha everything well under way for
a successful entertainment by th Polk County Republican Olub Satur
day night. The banquet will be at the Little Palace Hotel and music
will be furnished by the Independence orchestra. Invitations have
been snt out, and return already in are evidence that there is enthu
siasm in the air, and that some ef the prominent republicans of the
county and state will be present. All invited that have so far respond
ed either signify their intention of being present or send cordial greet
ings. Some of the responses to invitations sent out by the club foUow:
"I shall endeavor to be with you on that occasion if possible. I con-
gratulate you on the lead you are taking to secure support for our
ticket in June and November and it is an example for us in this pre
cinct of Falls City by which we shall, I hope, profit."
"I take great pleasure in acknowledging the receipt ot your esteemed
favor inviting us to attend the banquet to be given by your club on the
13th inst., and the complimentary tickets inclosed, but regret to say
that the press of official business will necessarily prevent our attend
ance. I desire on behalf of my associates lo wish you, how-ver. a very
pleasant meeting, and sincerely thank you for your great kindness.'7
"I intend to leave for the East." I haye spoken to my partner, Mr.
Loring K. Adams, and if his presence there would be of any assistance
to you in the way ot making a short talk, I have no doubt he would be
pleased to go. I wish all a pleasant evening and a successful career for
your club."
'I wish yon success and beg to be pardoned for expressing the
hope that your club will succeed in uniting the Republicans of Polk
county and by that means present a olid front to the opposition."
(e. HOFEH.)
"Your invitation has been received and accepted. The organiza
tion of Republican clubs is a rery hopeful s'gn lor the success of the
party and you can count on the hearty support of ourselves and the
Daily Journal for a grand victory all along the line. I have invited J.
L. Stockton to go over with me. He was former mayor of your town
and is working with the republican organization here."
(t. t. gees) '
"You will please convey to your people my regret and reason for
being absent together with my hope that Polk county may be in line
with a good majority for the Republican ticket next June and for
President Roosevelt in the November following. This is no time, if
there ever was such a time, for a surrender of the country's administra
tion to Democratic hands, and it is the duty of Republicans every
where to contest fer supremacy, not among themselves, except in a
friendly way, but against the common enemy."
(C. H. CAREY ) .
"I congratulate you and the Club upen the enterprise shown" in
ffHttinir un a banauet. and I have no doubt that the occasion will not
only be pleasurable, but will conduce to the advantage of the repub
lican party in your county, Such occasion are beneficial in bringing
together the active men ot the party ana enaDiing mem io uecume
ter acquainted and to exchange views concerning the aims and objects
of the party."
This Is Unkind.
The. llnnmnnlll Knrmftl School
basket-ball team of young ladies
play rough ball. If they only had
the ballot.nhey would be a good
crowd to nusue ine primary or
buldoze election judges. As the
appropriation for these scnoois is
clearly unconstitutional. Why
Bhould they haye any regard for
other people's constitution? Salem
Grange Meeting:.
Notice is hereby given that a
County Grange convention is called
io"meet at Monmouth, Polk county.
Oregon, onWednesday, March 9,
1904, at 1 p. m.; for the purpose af
electing delegates to State Orange.
Each subordinate grange in good
standing is entitled to three dele
gate and should also elect three
alternates, in order that they may
be sure of a full representation.
Wm. H. Robertsoh.
Notice to Voters.
Notaries Public throughout the
County, in the several voting pre
cincts, have been euplied with reg
istration blanks. All voters are re
quired to register on or before May
15, 1904. Register early and avoid
extra expense ot the county
Registration ia required every two
U. S. Loughaky,
County Clerk.
Business Opeulngr.
For Sale County store in Polk
county.' Good location. Probable
value $3,000. For particulars en
quire at this office.
For Sale.
12,000 shares of mining stock in
the Gold Creek Mining and Mill
ing Company. Certificates 100O
shares each. Price 6 cts. per
share. S. B. Ormsbt.
112 Court St, Salem, Oregon.