i V West Enterprise Side T .,..,... . Y;AU JNDKl'KNDHNCi:, 1'0I.K COUNTY, OltlWON, FKlilUIAltY 4. r -nrasslna It on Mim HK POK r. rA I ILJ1N .f,,,..u i.m t,:nrtlft. 1U VYVUL'D With tmpnasia ....... M I I I whal our fin Imm.lrjf w.ik it. 1Mb limn l l.lmt '' "" t criiulllr III color and ltiil- ! ii.-n. V tin tt make iif latin V Wotk III ' ' , Vt OUmIIUoII hiwhl.li we IJ Lome, hriiilu mhiI'Ik ' . win .un-rt- v"w i't- itl m" irli. , ' Order-im at Kul.-h' i.rl.r in.ior tie Ht-ii rr.elv prompt wC.-atiou. C:ktn Steam Dundry, ''dnl.rl J. nitu.t.l. Prop. lru p (Jlm-ied. Mgr. ico l.iU'fiy Mret IS OIVIN TO OCTAILS Atnur m l That ,! .n n .ti w by iur iidcnt at ueefwful. M pprwlat thu r-t. i" i'""y ,k f,,f "" fMitaii"i t.ut ..ui. lfyi r Inter- lu a tioMtilf riiiKnil"". '" raetir it for lti li.w.-l plMr cl ltd lit Hi hortr.l ll"' ts.uUlMi( witU lt...to"Kli Vkot k. II IU l'y '" u - !nvlic 11 8 lviilmi.- n-r. Miiil fr IUK. CAriT.Mirlil,",J''4,',-,:,,: mai.i.m. oiii:!n. I. Hull), rrhH iiuil. Polk County Dank, tNCORPORATCD. Monmouth, OMOOW J, U, IUitr, !' I- 1'iuef.ru., Prn.i lent. Mo l'r.. I C. Mill, ("Itifr, piniituii J. H !). ' u..U'il. I M.Mii'i-"""'. J ) - WitlirT.w, K. h. IVmi'll. ti.'I'fi,,t,4 (i.Mi.-tnl laiiki' en. I J snl.xi.K'" lii', - ' Jt'' '!! vl'nl!r ll.rmiil..mt I hi' t'i.Ul Miw iuhU'mii'I. She ?rcade, DoviJo7 ft Hdge, Piop. 'ltf.u H, Jiy ;ii -it 'H,T'l 'iiWA GL Hawkins PftlliiK, Ore. ftW MarMe and llranite i(rtitllil II' IMlJ ll('8l ork ft"'. -it i TIhtk U iioll.liitf ' wjiiit In PAPER ihut iin't nujiply from ur nlH-k NVii r' HiVl"K Inmii'V fT ImniifrilH II ip-r onUHumiTu III lliiH vnlU-y "' w wmit ' ""K'i'K I lii-iii. Tin iiM'tohhiil tlitf firlnit-r. I lie I'riiU n Wit, Hit- lmlll tr, liw l"1!' l'"l'r In iti Biiiniig ur tudtoiiK-f i'l lli-.v rr xHtlnlW-tl. C:x T. Refers $ go., Vluitifli! r'i-r Dculi-rn Salem, Oregon. Carpet and Rug Weaving. I'artii-n wIhIiuih work lino m thin line mi'A iili-HHo cull hi my renmi'iirpmif mwi - ihii.1 hulf lilwk north of 1'alnce llr. r. i. Warner, iKl'KNDEXCK, :- ORROOV eo thoBe new gentlemen' puries i.- graven A Moor'. I B .a m. aT V amaaaftV BV a mm - rM" . . -- - w w - The Many Offices Many Candidates Congressional Nomination, Circuit Judgeship, District Attor ney and Local Offices TIi'iukIi hr in not full tat' ticket to rletl iifit Jun nor ft I'nltwl Htftlrn HmiHtor t flfft ly Ida iifxl l-)jlltiri, tlrr in no !!trlh of Int'-rMt in On-roii U' at thi ti iim. Tiit-rn I a ilmpoiilion in Mult iK.iimli i-ouiitr to itli the cam j.niljii on fVHiinwl lim-a of t'y-K"' ilay- an.l tlr i din.Mlion uniil rlinblUnn Rioirrally to frown down tl t-m-rt and difcoun-ti-nanc-P any mov tlat llin-nU'in to r.vive old f"'.U or " tlior-l within the party rank. Th" J-rin-, r.-alur nf to coming cam irnign U th eL-ciion f county of I5,r ao-1 Hie tl 'ininant 'rty will not tf d.Jiuinaiit when the elect! m i over if factional politic i to ru;o. The oflis-er to te ekcled in June ' ... I.. ..Mil are, a aupreme juux" Chief Jutlc K. A. Moore. Two rirruit jui'K" to occeed Judpi-i Hoi and Humrit, A ditricl atlorney to uccid J. N. Hart. A repre-etitattve to congre. ; to .ucreed Htnger SIt-rti.au. A ll ji.-ialr lo eUt reed H. F. Mulkev. A ioint renri-ntaiive of oU and Lincoln to Mioeeed U. 3'TT ' k 1 1 1 ... In titti'i'til u, 1.. :. llsnklnt.. A full county lik-t is . 10 Imm elected Including: Sheriff to Micceed John 1. County cb-rk to niuceed Inighary. t .111 it if iudL'rt to nih-wd 1 V. J. ,? j .... .... - 1- Siblry. County roiiiiniti"ner to eucceetl John Teal. County treasurer to oucceed E. V. Dalton. County iiMeior to nucceod F. E- Myem. County surveyor to euccced Luih'-r (Jround. Superinteudent of fchooU to suc ceed C. L. Stnrr. Coroner to eiucccd Dr. W. S. Cary. A to the coming vueaney on tho fiiipremo tmrli, the indication ur that . Jimtioe Moore will eiiiTi-ed hinistlf. Ho hits het 11 a member of the court fur twelve years and fc,r tlmt reiinon is better (nullified for th- position than when firnt elected. Furthermore, Judge Moore an abb lawyer and a man of umjiientioiied integrity. Ii at thiH time there i anyone aspir ing to th place, he ha not made hi aspiration known. The proepeelst are. there will be aomo gtrenuoeity displayed in the (.election of circuit judge Judge Burnett ha served three terms and there are those who would wear his mantle. There i Unwell Wyatt, of Albany, who would like to sit on the circuit bench a while. There i James McCain, of Yam hill, loneinir for judicial honor aud B. L. liddy, of Tillamook, hes itating between ft circuit judgeship and congreh. N'one of these are neoesarily in opposition to Judge Burnett iince two republican are to be nominated, but within the COMING ON APACE to be Filled Require I'aat few day LorinK K. Adam, of tha firm af Camon A Adam at Salein lua hiel hia ranter into the ring. Adaina and ISurnett cannot hoth hone to he nominated ince they are from the aame count, hence there will he ft trj'CUt be "i.ioiii id tarn far Marton countv. II ytIUlllll ' V UI'l'IVlwilw, arwft-. , Hewitt, of Albany, mar l"o - j come a candidate. Whoever ele j the democrat nominal, thej are pretty eur to name JudgM IJoiae a one. Ur if tney don't it i pretty certain that the judge will run anyway and iotwithtandinjc the handicap of ai;e, hi ruunint? quaii tie are to he reckoned with. Th jude i now eighty-five year old, but the preservation of inind and Intdy in oinething remarkable with him and hia long enJ honorable e-rvke to the Hate, beRet rever ence that i liable to outweigh party irregularity. it -i f.,r ,.! one toi 'oinlv announce bimnelf for di - i ' ' - -- tricl altorney. J. N. lurt. ol ith'm ttenerally look-1 , - t- ' .',,!, .i.j. u hU firat i r" " 'term and the other name ineii- i ,,.ii., uiih ,litr .-t. .. , ... ... , ,, ir..v.... ,.r tlJPlLl iVrcv Kellv." of A1- Salem, and rercy Kelly, 01 ai- !W H .th are deputies under ; ...... .. rM .n.l with a etre lova tv to . . .. ' . . him but notwithhUndicg their but notwithhUndicg I ....... ... .) ftsreveraiione, mrir a.r imiiiu. . ... . ...r. ,.. i ..in a ar i n ri tr win i n v - I Nary to hie chief and it i fid , , t I .. i !l .. tfftl,.l t T) iveuy e wmiy win nui,r '( the way of his making tho race if tho time ever come when he sues a chance lo land the nomination for himself. The next scramble for the con crcssional nomination for this dis- trict promises to lie no less inter- esting than any of it bi-ennial predecessors. Hon. Binger Her man, H goes without saying would like to succeed himself. Gatch, Kelly and Vawter, the tbree that threw the nomination to Herman , rulit r l!i !r failure n'l jf l,',r 1 tiff ijoin i nation on ft lil!Miitt ' ri'iiiniim ti if n-ffi. (". ( cftit'li'luto n.J U. T. UarrU, Z'ZZ r t - : ... I il. n K liia frienda for aaitance in the race. 15. X.. Kddy, of Tillamook by th aea, would like to go to con grea an (I rat choice, and U. F. Jonet, tin clam digger, U read to aerve tin district in the lower houae at Waahington any time be it tailed. J, N. lU't it retortel oare had dream of cmftreM and aid a friend of bin, "If the op portunity preaent ilnelf, you will -e J. N. come up milinjj." Home ,Nrw. Diablo, the pacikg tftllion, val el at I5,(MK), that for the pet ix month ha been in the band of f..,U!Sam CAMtrd. the well-known horne - man, at Salem. It now in the hands of .Sheriff II. H. Calhreath, of Ma- rion county. Diablo wan the prop, erty of William Murray, who died in Baleui Utumiuer. After Mur ray' death hi widow put tbehoree in Cantro's hand, with the under- alanding he should haye one balf th groi, reclpt for the coming iaou. Upon returning to Califor nia C. D. Crookharo. perauaded Mr. Murray h ehould have two tbird of the procee.!, and coming back to Haleru with Crookham, the latter demanJed of Caetro that be a'.lew the woman two-third or de- liver up the horee. Caetro refused lodo either, aud Croukham broke t ... 1 ... I. l i:.LI- f C".. tui loci m wnk wimw kuui w. tro'a Mable. Catro had Crookham 1M,! for larcenr. but uoori bear- inc before Jutlicc Hargan at Salem . " aL.,.u. ine niinianiv u.r..i.v-. Utie de enilant .liMliar&ea. iwiw .),. .1,, nut a writ of retilevin. pending which Sheriff Calhreath penning ..o.u ......... . hold the horn, in his peseion. ... i 1 1.,.,... i'iaoio 1 khu , .... i. ji.aid to nave a many outs m m;V.- ------ . - 1 i-tn nM Miam ... ...v J.. kj i.i ilia .i...., 1 II. I,., inanvn, ,n rornlllhf. 1 neir ueus were 01 inu, that hoj to eee him kept a It . ...... - jn Ore - . . , i M i , Whirc Off. v Getting Ready for the Congressional (Jranjie Meeting. v Notice is hereby given that a County C. range convention is called to meet at Monmouth, Polk county, Orceou. on Wednesday, March 0, 1904, at 1 p. m , for the purtose of ( electing delegates to staie uratiKo. Each subordinate granee in good standing i entitled to three dele gate and should also elect three alternates, in order that they may be sure of a fall representation. Wm. II. Robertson. lj ' 1 . :Uolly Rolim Now Pfermatin?j In Linn Uunty wnerc Ofiicf" Follow. UVE IN A MOST PRIMIMIVE STYLE Thy SUp on Fir Bfwghi, Hv Uo kimpi Hiir and Vawuiud Bodie But Slick lo BibU Holy Holler It rook baa been lo cated again according to a Mr. Hurlbert. who wai ip Corvalli )at week. Mr. Hurllert live near Lebanon and it i in that vicinity Iirook and two other have taken up their abode. "Locuiit and wild honey" i figuratively epeakiog. "their diet," eays Mr. Ilurllrt. In a little ahick, all by themK'Ive, they are living in a eeparat world. t im claimed that iSrooks de- .. lUthii will ttrer-etnen nil! little colony until it become large ' --" enough to juetify the effort, and then begin buildiog a tabernacle in the wilderneH. Following the tarnd-feather operation at Corvallii, Trooka found temporary ehelter with friend. Later, however, he left the hou&e where he bad been ftay ing and went into the wood where be now is. The name of thoe who are with him in his etraoge home are not known. A di' pitch from Albany no Mon day eaye: Mielaken for robber who had been operating at Wood burn, r-rownsvilie and Dalla, number of Bpol!ea of the Holy Roller were surrounded in their camp in the dene timber on tbeM't, (was undoubtly, the i Meeker place, in th nortnern par of Linn county, by a pwee ot a arme,! men. led by nberjil ... , . . i of l'ohce Met lain, ot Albany. j Instead ot finding - derate . . i!5 criminal., the posee was lastonubed jsovcreign 1 tf, km Anostlsa Brook. Levine and ; r -- ... . r.Mj s...iiH in their imnrovled: - tinnae ni nr ikiuhiib. jroumc n.c . - - t- i . . , . . ..." I ! land inetr laruer coniaiueu win j potatoes, ome whole wheal and a Nomination. little dirty Hour. The appearance of the apostles was as that of tha proverbial wild man, with matted hair and filthy person. When ordered to move on by Sheriff Huston, in accordance with the wishes of the neighborhood, the men protested against moving on Sunday, preferring to read their Bible, but this consolation waa de nied them, and they were forced to take up their beds and walk. They NUMIiEtt 10 headed ir the dir-tn of Marion ! county. V oen ji'-stione( ly the oilier thi-v ' r ti:nt, but Hrookf, lh(. (ii()v, 0i() ,if ih0 ui0 who who would i.ii(U their movement. finally (id that they had walked from Lebanon lset week and were eeekine m secluded pot where they j could ludy and be prepared to ?n- ter the work when the Lord called them. Make It Hinfrulur. Inquiry will not down on whether or not "The United States" in singular or plural, in a grammatical sense. . The committee of Congress nor Cevision of the Laws has determined that hereafter in all federal statutes the United States must be taken as a gincular noun and the verU , i.. :,, ! Ill Li . k MO JO not "are." Tins is now the correct usage, but in its definition of treason the Con stitution uses the word United States as a plural; viz "Treason shall consist only in levying war against 'them,' or in adhering to 'their' enemies, giving 'them' aid and comfort." The change of usage from the plural to the singular reIectd the change that has taken place gradually, in the nature of this republic. All the earlier writers employ "the United States" as a plural; that is, as a confeder ation ofsoverign states bound, together by a constitution. irorrt-n. tTuiis.rjijou 01 iins g"" ernment a hundred vears aero. but gradually the federal gov ernment Las gained strength and importance and the state governments have lost their standing. The Su- .m. - iviuu ui ... . ... .. decisions DUlit up the central . , , . .. j,v t v i tuu k t( u.viiii vu iiiv v stitution was not a compact, and reduced the several States to a position more resembling provinces or departments than sovereign governments. The Civil War finally completed this work a wise and necessary work of establishing the anion as the main idea and paramount principle of the republic. , A strong central authority was needed for the security and greatness of the nation. Gram mar must change to ton form to historical evolution. ' Notice to Voters. Notaries Public throughout the County, in the several voting pre- cincts. have been suplied with reg istration blanks. All voters are re quired to register on or before May 15, 1904. Kegister early and avoid extra expense ot the county Registration is required every two years. U. S. LOCGHAKV, County Clerk. lttisiuess Opening1. For Sale County store in Polk county. Good location. Probable" value 13,000. For particulars en quire at this office. For Sale. 12,000 shares of mining 6tock in tho Gold Creek Mining and Mill ing Company. Certificates 1000 8b ares each. Price 6 cts. per share. S. B. Okmsbv. 112 Court St, Salem, Oregon.