West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, January 28, 1904, Image 8

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Social. and Personal.
The Sunday Kxaminor at Wag
oner'a. Th Munoey anJ Argoy at
Wagoner's now in.
hwlMipplu's at Wagoner's of
itm daily nl Sun-
I ---- j
ily Orvgoiilan at Wagoner's.
, James HsvLKhi, of Sap cotnv
tv, Palif . is visiting hi mother at
I Miss KJna Hurnrtt loft Sum! ay
for McMintmllo and TortUm!, to
yiit relatives. (
MiM Kmroy MoIVvitt, of Pall
is visiting hor slater,
Mrs. U. W
evorv doorii)tion.
First c!m yellow 6r chake for ; Conkey this wetik
Mrs. P. R. Burnett eft Saturday
. sal. H.C.Miller, rede, Oregon.
Mrs. J. II. Collins w S1tn
visitor the last of the week.
Hogs! Hogs! Hogs!!! I m
the market for hogs. W. W. Perci
val. .
E. M. Young attended the funer
al of Win. Faber in Albany Sun
day. Wanted To buy your hogs.
Will buy part or all ot your drove.
W. W. Percival.
Ladies' and children's capes and
jackets at less than cost at S. M.
Daniel's. Monmouth.
Jasper Kennedy has contracted
to build a large barn aud bop
house for J. H. Burton
fi. IT. C. Kldredce and two
children are spending the week
with friends in Xewberg.
Trevis McDevitt of Corvallis,
visited at the home of his sister,
Mrs. Conkey, over Sunday. ,
My household goods are for 6ale
and can be seen by inquiring at
the Restaurant. Geo. Stoll.
Miss Linnie Williams, of Port
UnrT i visitine at the home of
her sister, Mrs. Fred Oberer.
S. M". Daniel, Monmouth, an
nounces his annual clearance sale
on another page of this issue.
Mrs. Thomas, who has been the
guest of Mrs. John Dickinson, re
turned to her home in Stayton
Among yisitors to Salem Sat
urday were Mrs. Jasper Rhodes,
Mrs. W. W. Percival, Mrs. Baldwin
and Mm Parks.
We are making prices on steel
ranges that moye the goods. Spec
ial discount for the next sixty
days. R. M. Wade & Co.
I have closed my bakery, for a
few months. The Restaurant will
continue tinuV the charge of Mr
and Mrs. Elzie Osborne. Geo. Stoll.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Locke and
Miss Grace Damon, of Salem, and
Miss Maud Rass, of Roseburg, were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L.
Damon oyer Sunday.
G. W. Kutch has purchased the
W. 0. Cook place, now occupied by
Mrs- P. Barnett and family, and
he will soon start to work fixing
up in first-class manner. Mr.
Kutch will hav a fine home when
he makes the improvements he now
The Social Whist club of Inde
pendence was organized at the
residence of Mr. and Mrs. L. Da
mon Friday night, by the election j
of Mr. Damon as president and
Mrs. J. E. Hubbard as secretary, j
Mrs. Nettie Kirkland, Mrs. 0. D.
Butler and Mrs. J. E. Hubbard
were appointed to act as an fxecu- J
tive committee and L. Damon, j
Mrs. J. E. Hubbard and Mrs. Net
tie Kirkland were named as the
board of managers. To select
badges and look after other detail I greater heights
Ixeorge uonsey, mra. j. u. uuner
and Mrs. Kirkland were cnosen.
The membership of the club,
it was decided, shall be restricted
to twenty and the meetings shall
be held on Friday nights, playing
to begin at 8'oclock. The meeting
this week will be at the home of
Dr. 0. D. Butler. lhs organiza
tion meeting was a social success
and the members anticipate a
series of interesting meetings to
rp A.Mn.! Oreuon. where she
will visit several weeks.
Pratt Vioker. of Forest Grove,
was in the city over Sunday. He
is a former assictaul at th depot
Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Walker vis
ited their eons, who are attending
school in Corvallis, the first of tbe
Clarence Ireland and wife will
Cirvallis the first of the
month where thev will reside in
the future.
Remember our line of Valen
tines. They will be on hand in
due time. From one cent up, at
John Alexander arrived from
California this week and is visiting
at the home of his uncle, James H.
Mr. Simon, who clerks for E. E.
Paddock, is seriously ill at the
home of his brother here! with
John Wills, a former resident of
this section, was in the city Friday
on business. He is at present liv
ing near Albany.
For sale Two Jersey cows, one
fresh with young calf and the
other will be fresh soon. Enquire
at Josse & Bice's 6tore.
The Rev. Dr. C. C. Polinz, of
Dallas, will preach at Elkins
school house next Sunday morning
at 10:30 and at Fairview at 3 P.
Try the Parker Fountain Pen,
with the new feed which makes
them by far the very best fountain
pen on the market. Wagoner is
the agent
Walter Eakin bae been appoint
ed postmaster at Rickreall, this
county. Peter Cook, the retiring
postmaster, has gone into business
at Ballston.
The "Maloney's Wedding" show
entertained a good-sized audience
at the opera house Friday night,
eiving a very creditable perform
ance of the kind.
T. F. Fisher, former salesman in
Douty's store, is traveling for
Woodard, Clark & Co., wolesale
druggists of Portland. He visited
Independence Saturday.
In the roster of directors of the
Independence National Bank pub
lished last week, the name of
Director Rhodes appeared as "J.
P. Rhodes," while it should have
been J. E. Rhodes.
Prof. George Denman, a former
resident of thia city, was renewing
acquaintance with old friends the
last of the week. Mr. Denman's
disposition to do things coupled
with honesty has made him super
intendent of schools of Benton
county, and he is liable to rise to
The Monmouth Cadet band gave
a very successful dance at the
Auditorium Saturday night. The
hall was well filled. Airlie, Rick
reall, Parker and Suver neighbor
hoods being represented, besides a
good turnout from Monmouth and
Independence and a number of vis
itors from a distance. The music
was good and tbe promoters of the
affair earned the reputation" of giv
ing all that was promised.
When You Buy Wire Fencing Buy The Best.
tinuou Woven Win
Im !tinjl' room fr
i.n... Thorn no
oliHlH'O fr
Illl.l OXJ'itll!t"l.
thtt CtllVH t got
It 1 It
out of pl.1i.
We buy in car
load lots and can
sell It as cheap as
any fence : : :
fcU.L.MS r v
We now luve a
KooJ stock of IU
wood Poultry Net
tin j; on hani : t
Suet K.xMllVtl tllO AHOIH'V
to the milo. It "ia.!.- 'f '.uiIUt
tho breaking strongth almt tho miu
(or the I'SION HAKBi:i
WIKK. whit h run '220 h.
uiro l'"t "f Hii-orior (u;iuty. -
It i tho nto-t economical barho-l wiro to luy,
V ; vi --V. S V. ' v- w V- V.-- v-- v-
. I I'ilil ill
Mjsterioii!) CtrcmuitUc,
One was pale anJ llow aa.l the
orher fresh and nwy. N hence th ilif
fprvnee? the who In tilubtnR with
l,.1ih nwi Dr. KIiib's New Life Till
to maiutaln it. Hy geully ar.iulngj
the lazy orKann they omiel Rood di-;
estion ami head off contiallon. Tryj
theui. Ouly 2oc, at A. S. Locke'a. '
Nearly Forfeit Ilia Life.
A runaway almost ending fatally,
started a horrible ulcer on tbe leg of j
J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove, III. ForJ
Four years It defied all doctor and all j
remedies. Hut Bucsien'e Arolca
Halve bad no trouble to cure him. j
Equally good for Burna, Bruiaea, Skin i
Eruption and Files. t0 at A. m.
Locke's Drug Store.
for your new Fall (rarments.
It la the only proper and at
isfactory way of buying yonr
clothen. being that "GOOD
your election from the tail
oring' line of
Chicago, Est. 1877
Good tailor for over a jarter century
You'll find a world of pleaa
re In wearing the clothes
made by Strauss Bron.,
faultless in style, fit, fiuiiih
and materials. They're so
much better than the ordi
nary run . of clothes, yet
prices are astonishingly low,
and your perfectly safe in or
dering, because if garments
are not satisfactory, you
needn't take them. 'tt'ii
A Bad Breath
A bad breath means a bad
stomach, a bad digestion, a
bad liver. Ayer's Pills are
liver pills. They cure con
stipation, biliousness, dys
pepsia, sick headache.
2Sc A!HnifftU.
Waal your moiuteb or biud a b wUuJ
vrowa or nn nmrtcr i nn oh
M of. oimm. P. mux 00. , H.
"I have uied Aver' IUirVicr
for thirty yetr. It U elejint or
a hair drcisinc and for keeping the
hair from pliitin( at the endt."
J. A.GruencnfclJcr,Crntfork,III.
Hair-spliitini? splits
friendships. If the hair
splitting is done on your
own head, it loses friends
for you, for every hair of
your head is a friend.
Ayer's Hair Vigor in
advance will prevent the
splitting. If the splitting
has begun, it will stop it.
II. m wxtu. an miwa.
If yoar dmrrlal eaaoni (apply jna,
(and u on fJolW and wo will oxproM
70a a bottlo. ho turo and rlvo Iho noma
of four aoaMWI oinrooo nfTr
Lowoll, Man.
She ?peade,
Davidaop & Hedges, Props.
CilCaix, Ciu:arM toss, TobiH"
i;ori mid Conltimfry.
Class Soda Fointaij
A Vrry '1 C,'ll.
"I sluck to luy fiiglne, Hlthougli
every joint ached uml ev-ry m-rve
rucked with pain," wrll-n I". Hell
amy, a lucomoiiva Mri'inun. of Hurling
ton, Iowa. "I wuh ui-uk and pule,
without any p.f it and nil run dnwn.
A I wuh about to give up, I gut a bot
tle of Electric Kilter, mill nfter ttikiim
It, I felt (in II I ever did III my
life." Wenk, sickly, run down people
always toiii new life, M relict h and
vior rniiu their ue. lrr Iheni
Correspondents' onie$!
OiiThitr-Uv AnrfiiM'Jy. I'3, w eomiin-ucrU ortr KVrli CoimrvlrU'C
t. t and will brill. It art.-w at i to oVIurk I". M. Jixiafy 3l t.o. Mr
our r,.rr,..l.ii.. t.!.de.t.r. tho .l.-iii .Ul Uo.ihI lu bfUli al b
pli kiiii l.rk" in (r a i-..i;i ( tn.in at tl. ourt. Ho a lUl of
pruro.lakrn IrvHil a lot luri.uliol hy O M rrajJriU :
, Ao rtrgant tror, an ornament t anjf 1 i
FIFTH IlilZK ....
X aft. ul Wior lfy I" oiitrr Kiiiw and
, . A liaO'lojmo 'hunfab AiU
A fllbl, loathor-Ui-k BiW
('00 of the popular UiU) ;
Any one ot the Jullar jroaf mati
SKVENT1I I'KIZK tauaranpaate Kmaaraua to any al la ftf t fm
iV want all the now thai latna In I'oik county and want tb I m
raiaa to vlait arrry family In the unty. W want la jrtm and a at J
to bflp UK l)ur lntero.tr are inutuai. W will girra tolnl a Mloa: '
One r'lnt lur every Itemul imea vurtliy ot jrtihllfallon. Vi fwioU fcfai
artlclfl worthy ul a asperate bead. II an article I wl!lf merltorlmit or Urt
in In tho ll,l ol tho inanajrr ul ilu defteiirrt an ritra IS dnU iU k)
given. For every nrw yearly aiito-riplio M (ttit. For vi yearly ro
74 putnta. For a itberrlptloit linen month '.'A piiinta; ill mouitit and lee tk
a year 35 nil nt. For every dollar' enrth new A lrtt ruenl or Job Wptl
curetl, utxio rtfcelpl of par for aauie iit cmiit the rvirnoopvtndout itb S s
polnta, and we will glfelly (tirnUli you price on any kind of Atl or Job, We a '
going to make a campaign for auine new rorrcopnndanta, and we will aonoooa
at tlinea the plaora lu thia ruhiinii. Watrli lor tbeni, aa mm III make It to t
Intereat to aet'ure repreM'iiUllve in l eeetiona o want re pro eon ted. Oik)'
(ealurra will tie announeul along, ,
Karh we'k we will niitioiinre In tlda column your pulnla. Hit artirle
cmlited until after It apfara In thn paier, alltiouiiti anWripllona and file
enired In other way will I announced a tbey ciin In. We aanl to k
everythinif hiir and trlght and l( yon il,ink an errr ha or. urrl in your 1 om .
writo tie within the week lolloping and we wlil make tlmrouKb Inveetigatlou. j
Anlioch 1
I'urker ' ............... ,
Mr. Ilatl W.i
Oliver , " 4
llnena Viala ar $
Hiekrenll, C.
Little l.urkiiumitn
M HI 111! hi 1 1 1 , II ... .
Maple irovo
Airlie, 8
:t:4 '
Moninoiith A '
IliKlilmuU, II
Moiiinoutli, 1! '
Siitlhlneloii Kiinruiited l,y A. H. l.oeke i J",11'1," (:',.y ' .'. ,'.'. .'. ."...' '. . . 1
,. , ' Vttllev lew
I' rice 50 oent.
I'leiisant uikI .tloHt I.Hecllve.
T. J. 'humherx, Kd Vliidleutor, Ul
erty, TexaH, writen lh-c. L", 1WI2:
"With flfiimire and iiiiwilleited by
you, I benr te-liniony to the curative
power of Jliillurd'H Ilorehouiid Hyrup.
I have used it lu my family mid run
cheerfully aftlnn It in the nuwt ell'ec
tive und pleHHHiiteHt remedy for coiikIih
and rolda 1 have ever, lined." 25c, 50c
and fl 01. Hold hy A. H. Loeke.
liiiproveiiH-Dt liitur.
Membrra of the Independence
Improvement I,'at'ue are rnjuented to
meet at tbe city ball at 7:30 Monday
evening January 24th. Matter of Im
portance await action and a full at
tendance la requested.
D. CXlbreath, Pres.
Hnnnv kIohj..,.
Ottk i
W 1)1,1 Ynn r,-
Did You FA-rr
Use a Bath Cabinet
Then arc an atimxt sure cure or Colds
and Rheumatism. 1 tall sell van a
(jet, tune BUCKEYE KJ'OA' C JJ.
.VET for ' 11
Prescription Druggist, Independence.