West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, January 28, 1904, Image 7

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III Dallas Jail He Awaits llic
Convening of May Term
Of CimiOoui'l
Stoll Did Not Go On Wit
ness Stand Nor Make any
Denial of Offense
In tho county jail at Dallas, J. G
Stall await tho convening of the
next gm ml jury.
The charge against him is lewd
t'o-lialn'ttttion with Anna Htoll kin
HtH'l llrst wife, lie was given h
Ir'li miliary hearing Tuesday ami
him bond placed nt f 7.W. This, At
luxt account, lie wan unable to
jive, though ho bus been commu
nicating with parties in Portland
concerning the matW from the
Dallas jail. ' ' '
Constable J. II. Moran wpi ,u
Portland on Friday and returned
with Stoll , u Haturdjiy, Ofiiorr
Hawley had arrestwrl him on Fri-
day and ho was held awaiting the
arrival of the Independence con
el able. Stull brought with him an
attorney, J. LI Tanglier, and Tues
day was agreed upon an the day
for a lifuring before Justice Wilson,
Btoll's bond pending hearing, was
xed a KMX. There was an ef
fort on the pa rt of A ttorney Tanglier
to have the amount of tbebond
reduced but upon conference with
District Attorney Hurt and Adding
that tho bond was considered j
reasonable by that ollieer, it was
Allowed to stand and being unable
to secure bondsmen, Stoll was
taken to Dallas and lodged in" the
bounty jail until Tuesday.
At 2 p. w. Tuesday, Constable
Moran produced the defendant in
Court. The trial was had in the
city hall, and it was packed, a nuiu
ber of women being among the
spectators. District Attorney Hart
was present to represent the state
and Attorney Taugher was on hand
to look after his client's interest.
Miss Oberson took the stand and
said she worked for Stoll when the
Mormon elders were stopping at
his house... The elders, Miss Obor-
son said, occupied one room; Stoll
and Anna Stoll another, while the
child slept, on a cot and (the herself
on a lounge, leaving, the infernce
that Stoll and Anna Stoll stayed
Charles Smith stated that he bid
been introduced to Anna Stoll as
the wife of the defendant and that
the introduction was through Stoll
Mrs. A. M. Hurley, an officer of
the Fraternal Union of America,
vint- called. She showed by the
record that Stoll hail taken out an
insurance in that order payable to
Anna Sloll, his wife, and th.at Anna
Stoll had insurance in tho. same
order made out in favor -f J. G.
Sloll her husband.
MrH. G. Phillips, mother of the
girl Stoll married, said on the stand
that Stoll invited her to his house
and told her he was not married to
Anna Stoll and spoke to her about
marrying her daughter Elizabeth.
The witness said she neither gave
her consent nor made objection as
the girl was of nge, and, she con
sidered, had the right to select a
The defendant did not go on the
witness stand, nor was there any'
evidence offered in his behalf. At
torney Tanglier overlooked no op-
Ms !
egins Saturday. Januarv 9th
. m m war
And Will Continue Until Further Notice.
All our Men's, Boys9 and Children's Clothing, Women's and Children's Jackets and
Capes, Rain Coats and Mackintoshes, our entire stock of Dress Gooas, Fancy Waistings,
etc., to go at sale prices. Don't wait; early buyers will secure best bargains.
Men'a ir 00 suit for. , ; . '. .tJO.SO
12.W).... O.tfO
10.00 7.95
J.(M) 6.75
7.W) 5.85
c.iA) 05
5.00 3.85 ,
Dress Goods
4 Wo hav left seteral pieces, nice
shades, heavy skirting. All regular
$1.50 goods for $1.20 per yard
1.25 per vd dress goods forDOc. . . .
.'.too...! ..7... 70c...
.75c 55c
.G5o 45o. ... ,
,f0c... . ....... ....... ,45o ., .
fill our Ea(W$'.3ackef$ at le$$
2 Ladies Tan, size 38-40 $11.50 Jacket for. . . .$7.50
2 " " 38-40 15.00 " " ...10.00
2 ". Tilue " 32 ,9.50 ' " .... 6.00
2 " Black " 34-33 '5.00- " " .... 3.75
2 Misses Red " 18 '9.00 " ".....,5.75
2 Ladies Tan. 38-40.. CM " " .... 4.5u
Ladies $10.00 Raincoats now .$7.50
COO.... '.; 4.50
...... 5.00 ...3.50
Men's $10 and 12.50 Box Coats.. . . 7.50
Misses $5 Rain Coats .50
Men's and Boys' $1.75 Aod 2.50 cape
coats. .. '.. !, . . . .'. . ... ,.1.25
. We a .e overstocked in these goods and
muet close them out.
; isTEX:PER. C:DlBCOyyiy)RMo Other lines of goods, except Muslins, Prints, Rubber Boots and Shoes and Stamped
Shoes.',, Goods at "sale prices are strictly cash. Wo want to bo kept busy dui ing, tho dull month of January . We' need the room these goods oceupy
and want thorn out of our way. IaH but hot least woiiee"d.,,somo extra cash to pay our bills. If you owe us anything on account we will, appreciate
an early Bottleiaent. ''--' " ' ' . , ". " ' ' 1 ' - -
. Wl.,-.. .... .-..-n A. . , till 'II 4 . . " M ' ! .' " i' " " ' "111 ! I...'" ' V "i- ' ', 1. I ' ' ' ' '
. DftNfEI: ;
poriunity to object to the inlroduc
tion of evidence by tbe stale, and in
his argument dwelt upon the alle
gation that the prosecution had in
t reduced evidence tending to estab
lish another crime thau the one
Justioe Wilson oonsidered the
evidence snflicient to warrant hold
ing the defendant to answer to the
sraud jury, and Lawyer Taugner
made another appeal to have the
bonds fixed at not more than $500.
District Attorney Hart thought
$1,000 none too high, and the jus
tice made it $750.
In default of bondsmen. Stoll was
returned to jail. Mrs. Anna Stoll,
with her child, is in the east, and
tho girl wife is with her parents
in this city. The Stoll restaurant
is closed.
W. F. Campbell is a creditor,
holdine a mortKaco ncainat the
business for .$400. J. V. Kirkland
also has a bill of sale of the proper
ty. The household goods are under
attachment by Charles Sperling.
will .reach tbe grounds ' simulta
neously,, and, yr. obvious reasons
as near thedate'of opening as pru
dence, will permit. The transpor
tation facilities centering Jin, JSt,
Louis will naturally be strained to
their, utmost, although all of the
transportation companies have
been planning for a lone time to
meet the emergency. '
Itt'iuly For Kvhibits.
A critical stage in the develop
ment of tho Louisiaua Purchase
1'Jxponition has been reached.. The
management has progressed so suc
cessfully with tho construction of
th'o buildings and the laying but of
tho grounds that no further anxiety
exists respecting them. Its sole
concern is now centered on the ar
rival and disposition of the exhib
its. The exposition gates open on
the 30th of April. There is conse
quently, little more than three
months remaining to get every
thing on the grounds and in place.
A tremendous amount of material
must be handled and arranged in
that time. The world at large will
be contributing this. Foreign ex
hibits are in many instances on the
way. . Many, if not most of them,
Stock and poultry have few
trouble! which are not bowel' and
liver irrignlv'it's- Black-.
Draught Stk and Poultry Medi
cine is a bowel and liver remedy
for stock. It puts the organs of
dijjMtion in a perfect condition.
Prominent American breeders and
funnel !! keep their herds and flocks
healthy by pivinjr them an occa
sional iloe ot tiiacK-i iraugni oiock g
and Poultry Medicine in their t
food. Any Block raiser may buy a fi
2-Vcent half-pound air-tit'ht can
of this medicine from his dealer K
and keep his stock in vigorous
health for weeks. Dealers gener- R
ally keep Black-Draught Mock ana
Po'ultrv Medicine. If yours does
not, send 25 cents for sain
rjin to th manufacturer.. 1
, Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat-
iinle i! J
The U
RnciiKLLB, O.. JaO. SO, 1902. f
B!o!r-nruKht Stock and Poultry f
Medicine is tho bent I OTjr tried. Our K
took im looking: bad irhon you sent Jf
ma the medicine and now they are H:
getting ao tine. Tbey are looking 20 E
per oeut. better. I '
Mr, Simon, whe has been clerk
ing in Paddock's store, was oper
ated on at the Salem bosjital to
day for appendicitis. Drs. Butler
aad Tierce performed the operation.
i v Horses and Wagon.
T'Kor sale Gray mare 8 years
old"; weight 1300 pounds; price
$150, Bay gelding. 9 years old;
weight J5Q0 pouod9,' price $150.
Also Si inch OJd Hiclory wagon
aod ho3c for $35.- ; Horses guaran
teed to be aound.' v'i"t. i? ' -J-j
Llckiamctk FloubiS Mri-ts do
Carlisle P.
L. L. D.
B. Martin,
Saved From Terrlbe Death."
Of Wa werly, . Texas, writes : "Of
morn nig, wben first arising, I often find
a troublesome collection of phlegm,
wbicb produces a cough and is very
bard to dislodge; but a small quantity
of Ballard's Horebound Syrup will at
onoe dislodge it, and tbe trouble is
ever. I know of no medicine that is
uat to it, and it is so pleasant to
e. I can most cordial! v recoin-
mend ft to all persons needine a medi
cine for throat orN lune trouble." 25c.
50o and $ 1.00. Sold by A. 8. .Locke.
'JTT n r t T
Tbe family of M. L. Bobbitt of
Burger ton, Tenn., saw ber dying and
was powerless to avft her." The most
and skillful remedy was used, failed,
while consumption was slowly but
surely taking hef life.' L In this' terrible;
hour Dr. Kings New Discovery turned
despair into- jey. ; Tlie first - botUe
brought Immediate relief and its com
tlnued bse completely cured her? It's
the most certain curein the worlS lor
throat and lung triiubles. Guaranteed
Bottles ;50o and 1 .00 Trial Bottles
Free at A. 8. Locke's Drug Store.' "''
Attorney at .Law i and
Notary Public. J
Collections Promptly Made Titles
East Side' Main Street, '"'
Independence, ' Oregon.
Bids Asked. For.
f i
: 5
I ;
' i-riJ":r. :
Sealed bids will be received by
the undersigned till 12 M. Feb.J13,
fbr 48 cords of body fir, wood,, said
wood to be delivered not'later than
Sept. 1, 1904t, and 40 cords to be
ricked in basement of State Nor
mal building. Right reserved, to
reject any or all bids.
1' , JVB. V. Butler;
" ' ' ' " ' Sec. Regents
Brings comfort and cheer
fulness during the long win
; ter nights. ; Enjoy a few
comforts while you are alive
for you are a long time dead
E..T. HENKL,E; . . . s i
, .!4 j Barber Shop. . ,
One door south of Post Office. ,
Fine Baths in connection with shop
Independence,1 - Oregon.)
Ask He" 'iM for- Tictists "
A ......
ST. PirL,DULUTi!,3IRMir0LEniClG0
Fast Time
Day Coaches
Palace and Tourist Sleepers
Dining and Botfet Smoking Library Can.
For rates, folders and M! informa
tion regarding tickets, routes, e, call
on or address H. DICKSON, City
Ticket Agent, 1S2 3rd St., Portland.
S. G. YERKE3. G. W. P A.
612 First Ave., Seattle, Wash.