WEST SIDE liNTEnntlSE, INDEfENDENCE, OREGON 9 9 5 o 6 A partial list of the Bargains we are offering for the next fifteen days. Call and see us. We can save you some money; besides give you How and Up'todate Goods Wishing to CIoho Out all our Zibulitiu DroHn rattenis, which ar as Fino an any hdod i town, either in Btores or on tho street, wo liavo cut the prico from $11.00 G yard tuttvriiB to $0.50 80 7 " " " 5.00 7.00 7 " " " 4.00 Ww have a few pieces of Holt Goods which wo oiler at liko price. Ah wo will noon huvo in our lino of Spring Skirts in Woolens ami Crashes wo will now oiler tho remainder of our pri'Hent Htock, which consists of tho lateHt Btyles arxl fabrics at tho following prices: $8.o0 values now $5.75 ?7.00 values now f 4. 8.00 " " 5.50 0.00 7.00 " " 0.00 Men's Clothing. These Suits aro as good goods as are shown anywhere for tho regular price, but not having all "sizes of each kind, wo havo decided to clone them out at a big re duction in order to havo the room for Spring Goods which will bo in in a few weeks. We will now sell these lines at the following prices: $12.50 Suits now $8.00 $10.00 Suits now $6.50 12.00 " " 8.00 8.00 " " 5.50 11.00 " " 7.25 8.00 " " 5.25 Corsets. After carefully examining and trying a great many different makes of corsets, we have decided, or rather our customers havo decided for us, that the best cor set made for tho money is the Warner's Kust Proof, hence having decided to handle this line exclusively we will offer all other kinds at a greatly reduced price to close. There is among this line some of the best known makes and styles. 9 9 9 o a- 3 4.00 .5,(0 3.20 Boy's Clothing:. We have some very choice Patterns in Persian for Klmorus, House Jackets, etc. Regular 25c which we now oiler for J7Jc. Fleece Goods We will treat our I'.oy'H $10.00 Suits now $6.50 "7.50 " " 6.00 Clothing in like manner, $6.00 Suits now $4.75 6.00 " " 4.00 Something Wu now of!'er all our Ladies' at a l'.ig Keduction. -$1.20 Wrappers for UOc. $1.00 Wrappers for $1.15 GROCERIES. We are giving some l'.argains in this line as well. Cull and get our .Prices. We can do you good. Flannelette Wrappers i for the little Gents, Threo $5.50 values now $3.7o 5.00 " " 3.50 Piece $4 4.00 Knee Pant? Suits 50 values now $3.25 Yours for P.argaina, W. A. MESSNER. Same as above in 2-piece Knee Pants Suits: 3.00 values now $2.25 2.50 " " 1.75 2.25 " " 1.75 The Above Prices are the Best Ever Offered in Indepn dence, and it will pay you to look the lines through. During This Sale we will offer all 10 cents per yard Flannelettes at Overcoats. We haven't such a big line of prices in this line buthave several patterns of each, which we will sell as below: $12.50 Overcoats now $9.75 . 10.00 " '. 7.75 LITTLE GENT'S OVERCOATS: $3.50 values now $2.25 2.25 " " 1.50 We will close our line of Boy's Hats at Greatly Reduced . Prices.' Here is some great Bargains if your boy needs a Hat Highest Market Price Paid for BUTTER, EGGS and POULTRY. W. A. MESSNER. FULTON'S Hl'KKCII. Kxtrnct From Senator Fulton' Hlfcli In Hohuir oi IiwU unit ClurW Fair. Extract from speech of Senator Fulton in his appeal to tho United States seoato for an appropiation for tho Lewis and Clark Centunnial Exposition in Portland next year: "Within comparative! recent years Japan ban developed into a great world power has taken a leading position in the great pro cession of tho nations of the world. Her awakening has aroused all the slumbering forces of the Far East. China can not much longer continue immune to the fever of progress. . It may work her political disso lution; but. if it shall, then on the ruins of the empire that for bo many years has withstood the j assaults of the- waves .of progress and commercial and industrial de velopment will bo founded other statos that will prove more respon aivH to the srrowiiiflr demands of civilization. Mr. President, we who reside on tho l'acifio look forward to the time, not far distant, when the commerce of the Pacific will equal that ot the Atlantic With the completion of the isth mian canal, and by reason of re cent, events with which we bad nothing to do and for which we were in no wise responsible, but which have boen wisely taken ad vantage of by the present able Ad ministration, its construction can not now long be deferred, the prod ucts of the great Mississippi and Ohio valleys, floating down those rivers to the Gulf, will be largely transshipped for the ports and the islands of the Orient and the Pa cific seas, while that' great fertile region beyond the mountains, find ing' ready market for all its prod- ucU in the multiplied demands of the oriental trade, will support population a dense and will throb with an industrial and commercial life as intense as any other portion of our country Mr. President, this is what we ol the Pacific look forward to, and having had these views and be lieving all this, we belicvo it is the duty of this nation to cultivate by all feasible and practicable means the commercial , friendship and good will of all the nations border ing on the Pacifio seas; and having this purpose in mind, while we in tend that this exposition shall be commemorative of the great eyent which has assured the title of this nation to the Northwest Territory, we have also determined that one ot its most pronounced and dis tinguishing features Bhall be the bringing together of the peoples and an exhibition of the products of all the countries of the Orient. In these purposes every section of our country is equally interested with another, and hence Bhould equally join in the effort to bring it about, Now, in conclusion, Mr, Presi dent, let me say that while this Government has appropriated many millions of dollars in aid of expositions in almost every other portion of our country, it has never appropriated a single dollar in aid of one on the Pacific coast." Imperfect Digestion. Means less nutrition and in conse quence less vitality. When the liver ails to secrete bile, the blood becomes loaded with bilious properties, the di gestion becomes Impaired and the bowels constipated. Herbiue will rec tify this; It gives tone. to the stomach, liver and kidneys, strengthens the ap petite, clears and improves me coin- plexlnn, lniuses uew niu uu the whole system. 50 cents a botl sold by A. 8. Locke. to ittle. Read Messner's ad. this It means Bomethingjto you. week. A farmer subscriber makes the suggestion that it would be a popu lar move for the managers of the state fair at Salem to offer farmer stakes for trotters and pacers the same as is done in New York, horses to be driven bv owners or men who have never handled horses for track or other profes sional purposes. At San Francisco last . week, seventeen had of colts and fillies less than one year old sold at pub lie auction, at an averago of f 314 J. W. Booth and R. W. McDon aid, of Sherman county. Oregon, recently sold 20 head of wor horses weighing fpom 1300 to 1400 pounds each for $3000, to a Port land buyer. This class of horses are becoming more and more scarce throughout the state and it is no easy matter to pick up a bunch of this size. George Perringer, of Pendleton, and N. K. West, of La Grande, at tended the recent Palo Alto sale in California, and report it a success, young horses and brood mares bringing a good price. Mr. West purchased two head, a 5-year-old black mare by McKinney and a 1-year-old filly by Nutwood Wilkes, Mr. Perringer bought a yearling colt by Monbells, son of Mendo cino and Beautiful Bells. To have wheels come off, and straps and other things hitting his legs should be a part of every colt'a education- Country Life in America. The horse is a logical and there fore teachable animal. Once con vince him that a locomotive or any object of terror is not really dan gerous, and he will never shy at it again. Eyery year accidents occur because the harness breaks or the vehicle upsets and then the horse T . 1 -' 1 1 - runs away, uut auca acciueuis are unnecessary. Any horse can, with a little pains, be taught to hold back a carriage by his hind quarters, aa well as by breeching. The Love of Eating. L IS THB AMERICAN BECOM ING A GOURMAND t In our largest cen ters of population, rnieh as New York and Chicago, we daily see more attention given to the inner man. Cafes and lunch-rooms are filled with men and women who seem to give all their time and attention to thoughts of properly ot improperly feeding their stomachs. "It is of course best to eat slowly, but not too much," says Dr. Pierce, chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Sur gical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y. In this 20th century people devote so much time to head work that their brain is fagged and there isn't sufficient blood left to properly take care of the other organs of the body. The stomach must be assisted in its hard work the liver started into action by the use of a good stomach tonic, which should be entirely of vegetable ingredients and without alcohol. After years of experience in an active practice, Dr. Pierce discovered a remedy that suited these conditions in a blood-maker and tissue-builder. He called it Dr. Pieree's Golden Medical Discovery an alterative extract that assists in the digestion and assimilation of the food in the stomach so that the blood gets what it needs for food and oxidation, the liver is at the same time started into activity and there is perfect elimination of waste mat ter. When the blood is pure and rich, all the organs work without effort, and the body is like a perfect machine. Frke ! Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the book in paper covers, or 31 stamps tor me ciom- oouna volume. Aaaress ui. k. v. Buffalo, N. Y. Cured Lumbago. A. B. Canmau, Chicago, writes March 4, 1903: "Having been troub led with Lumbago at different times and tried one physician after another; then different ointments and lina- ments, gave it up altogether. So I tried once more, and got a bottle of Ballard's Snow Linament, which gave me almost instant relief. X can cheer fully recommend it, and will add my name to your list of former sufferers." 25c, 50c and 1. Sold by A. 8. Locke. Girl wanted to do general housework. Steady work and good pay. Mrs. J. B. Stump, Monmouth, Oregon. Portland and .Return Only $2.40. The Southern Pacific Co. is noV selling round trip tickets to Pert land from Independence, for $2.50, good going Saturday or Sunday, (returning Sunday and Monday, giving ail day Sunday and Monday in Portland. The eame arrange ment applies from Portland, giving Portland people a chance to . visit Valley points at greatly reduced rates. . .; ' .. For Bale One good et second hand harness and a second hand wagon almost new. Address box 1J55 Inde pe Pierce, Mr. Wm. 8. Crane, of California, Md., suffered for year from rheuma tism and lumbago. He was hnally ad vised to try Chamberlain's rain salni which he did and It effected a com plete cure. This liniment Is for sale by all druggists. Johnson, the clothier, at Salem, is the popular place for Polk coun ty people to trade. Finest display in the valley. LITTLE PALACE HOTEL Independence, Oregon RATES: $1.25 to $2.00 per day Special Attention to COMMERCIAL TRADE 3 Rates to Families or Single . Persons by WeeK or Month 8 ' " ' 0 J. M. ST ARK, Proprietor 0) OooooooooooooooG