WEST SIDE ENTKItrniSE, INDEFENPENCK, OIUH.ON West Side Enterprise. ITBLISHKO SVEItY TUTRSDAY. WAITS IVON, IDITOM NO fWOWHTOW. Knlrrr-it Hi Iriti-vrndcne. poUflS a MKAXittflKM mur. Subscription Price, $i,scpcrVr. TF.1.EVHONK 1. BCIWllriuON RATKH. (Strloily Id advancw) fm fnr W M Nl month....' HI nil coiit Loral Boiler r S fnU per lla. straight atolntelr no rrduotiou for any nua whatsoever. Kifi on dLplajr adv.rlt.liif mad know oa application. will le especially an oljoct losson. Union, they valuable as Experience has shown wherever goovl roaJs exist the jHjle waut more of them. GOVEBSOB'S BOBOSCOrE. When Geo. E. Chamberlain was elected governor of Oregon Judire M. L. Tires cast a horo- scope for the Governor-elect In accordance with Mr. Tipes forecast of the future, Governor Chamberlain is now being: talk ed for vice president and if the well-known jurists prophecy as to what the future holds in store for Oregon's governor is correct, there will be no check in his career uutil he lands in the presi dential chair. J "The Governor-elect" "said Seer Pipes "was born under star ol political luck. lie was first elected prosecuting-attorney for the second judicial district. Then by a peculiar combination of circumstances he was elected Attorney-General of the state though normally the state was republican by a fair majority. Next he came to Portland and the republicans took him Up and made hira district- attorney. Now, the same party with a majority of 17000 in th state have made nim governor. .through my horoscope 1 see that the senior United States senator will die some time. The junior senator also is going to be removed by the hand of Prov dence. Both these events wi take place under the democrati governor s administration and he will appoint democrats to the vacancies. Through the influence of these two demo crats he will be nominated for vice president by the next demo cratic national convention People have had too much pros perity and the democratic ticket is going to be elected by i fluke. The Almighty, will cal the President to his eternal re ward and Chamberlain wil be president. You can't stop him." OBJECTS TO FAITH CUBE. The LouisYillo Courier Jour, nal, one of the leading demo cratic papers of the old school, sizes V. J. Bryan up, thus: "Mr. Bryan lays down his ultimatum. The party must first re-enact the platforms of and 1000. Then, it must select a nominee of Mr. Bryan's approving, if not of his choos ing, Mr. Bryan having black listed each and every Democrat who has shown any vitality, or carried any election the last four or five years. Finally, the party must accept no money for its campaign expenses from the "common enemv," the com. mon enemy oeing each anu every one who lias any money to spare. This is the Faith Cure pure - and simple. The Republicans, one and all are delighted. What are the Demo crats going to do nbout it? The time has come when they should put on their thinking caps, considering whether they have or have not had enough of the Faith Cure. Meanwhile, as ever in punlic lile and in private life God helps those who help themselves."' for the rank and file to cut Iooho'! from tho Portland faction ist and turn to new leadership but there is disgust among tho out side republicans at this uncall ed for outbreak and there is at is at least hope that sometime the dead past will be permitted to bury its dead in Oregon politics. Tho attorneys for Pleas Arm strong, after advertising them selves as fur as they could in the endeavor to defoat the decree of justice, gato up tho fight and their client was ban red at Baker City at an early! hour last Friday morning. As is always the case thero was con siderable unnecessary sympathy wasted on the condeinmed man all of which belouged to his victim who was shot down with out the shadow of excuse Armstrong is the last person that will be hanged by a sheriff in Oregon. Tho law providing that all executions shall be in the state penitentiary is now in force and communities will no more bo burdened with a hang ing in their midst. B 0') 0D 0D 05 05 05 05 05 kmm Field to Weighs moro por rod ami id stronger than other wiro fences. We buy in largo quantities and are in a rmition to tnnko tho LOWEST PKICLS. . . ; See our Elwood Poultry Fence. R. A VADC & GO. ID ID 'ID ID 40 ID ID ID ID ID ID1 ID ID Goooood G00000000000000000& Panamas are expensive lividuals or nations. to in is BEADY FOB IT. There is now pending in con gress a bill, introduced by Con gressman Brownlow of Ten nessee and Jacob II. Gallinger, senator from New Hampshire, appropriating $24,000,000 as national aid for the building of roads. The sum is to be dis tributed to each state according to its population, except that no state is to receive less than $250,000. The states or coun ties receiving this money must add a like amount, so that $48 000,000 will be expended in the building of roads. Colonel Brownlow says that America has over 200,000 miles of the finest railroads in the world, more miles of railroad than all the rest of the globe put together, yet nas the poor est wagon roads of any civilized country. He believes that no one thing will do this country so much good as the building of wagon roads, as provided for in this bill. As they are to be built in every state of the The republican party is this ear titty vears old. in some quarters its nttieth anniversary will be celebrated in a public manner. Among those making preparation for a genuine lov feast, are the republicans of Michigan. A delegation of 100 has called on President Roos- velt to request his presence on the occasion which has been set for July 6. In his reply the President paid a compliment to the party saying: I feel with all the strength there is in me, that our ability to make the Republican party be a live power for good in the country now depends upon the way we stand for just the ten dencies, just the fundamental principles for which these men stood in 1895. The conditions we face in 1904 are totally differ ent from those in 1854. It re mains true that we need espec laily the same attributes in order to wrest good results trom these conditions. From these conditions I feel that we are now carrying out policies as Americans which en titles us with clear hearts to celebrate the birth of the Eepub- ican party fifty years ago. We have a right to appeal to what was done by the great men in the past, because we are treating tbe memory of their great deeds, not with an excuse for our fail ure to grapple with the emer gencies of the present, but with spur to make us grapple with :iein well. The Commoner, W. J. Bryan's paper, announces that its editor has returned from his two months European trip ami will resume active editorial work. The paper promises to make an uncompromising fight for ' An honest platform and for can didates in full and sympathetic accord with the platform of 1S00 and 1900." The reasons given for making the fight along theso lines are brief and as follows: First, because it is right; second, because it gives tho best assur ances of immediate victory; third, because only in this way can a foundation be laid for permanent success." U 'I Til O I'T WE J L 'DI CE: Tho town marshal of Seaside required to repair all nilp- wulks, huild new walks, attend to the fire apparatus and the town pound and to bo on duty from S a. in. to V2 midnight. His salary is 100 a month. lie has a cinch. Astorian. When a boy injures some one else with a toy pistol it is hia father who should get ii.irt days in jail. Albany Him nil. But what should he done to tlie fatherless hov? PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. R. ALLIN. D. D. S. ...Dentist... I'aliileu Kxtrm-tlou a Hpwlnliy. '..-r Untitling, liidi-fHKfHieiir, Ora lomftt Ic Trouble. OSCAR HAYTER, Attorney-at-Law, CAMPM'.LL Ml'lLDINit, Dallas, - orkco.v. j. h. itiooiti:. Tonsorial Artist On tiituiu m1 on ortli unit) of C .Street. !v fi rut-da workmen em. .! in the "Wigwam." Hlum The Marion county Young Men's Republican dubs sum to be organized without hoc .e, boodle or bosses. Capital Jocr nal X Hay. Judge George of Portland has decided in a case brought before his department of the Multomah county court, that' the law creating a State Board of Barber Rxaminers is unconstitutional. The barber examiners will ap peal to the supremo court. The law forbidding the barbers to ply their trade ion Sunday stands. The Republican n:.jonty i-i Oregon is too largo. W'o'll gt in and erucify the pi'itv. Port land Factionists. Qrpct and R113 Weaving. Z t'.wtieit willing work done in thin line jilfne chII at my repiidcnco oiip block ': and half tilock north of Palac Hotel, gran MVtt. n.ji. narncr, ... I.N DEPENDENCE, :- OKKGON It I exceptional to to tlml family whiTH the r are no dnliifnUo rupture Occasionally, tlllt tlll'MM'all I ll'aHfllVtl by having Dr. Klnjf'i New I.lfu I'll la around. Much troublu tlicy aavv by tliclr grrat work In Htnniwli and I.lvrr trouble. They not only rln-v you, but curt. i'c, al A. H. Lockv'a DriiKf Htorn. Oregon has 1353 j as bed bugs, and I all in my bug house Calbreath. iMii'ii) cray have Ihoi'i -Dr. J. 1'. Polk county has some roads that will mire a horse to the ears and some as good winter roads as can be found in the state. The latter were not made so by talk of Good Roads con ventions nor convicts but by hauling gravel aud putting on them. There is little encouragement for republicans who are repub licans upon conviction, in the party fight that has been started in Portland. With reckless disregard for party success next June and with supreme indiffer ence if not contempt, for har mony within the ranks . the Portland factionists have started in to open up the old feud that belongs to the past generation. Perhaps the time is not ripe yet The West Side Enterprise appreciates tho cordial greeting extended by the Observer and temizer, of Dallas, and assures them both of a hearty co-onera- tion in 'all matters having for their object the furtherance of the interests of Polk county. Where is the pathless wild erness We've waded through !9 years ago? Messrs Lewis and Clark. There In uotlilny you want in PAPER (hit we can't Hupplv from our Mock VVe are mivliiK iiioiu'y for hundred o yy A'T coiiHUinura In till vnllcy and we wiui t you unions thnii. The merchant tho printer, the fruit packer, the build er, tin- hop buyer are legion among our JHtoiuiTH and they are xallnlUnl. 0co. T. Rodders $ Co,, Wholesale Paper Dealer Salem, Oregon. I. L. SMITH Fine Wines, Liquors, Cigars, and Beer on Draught, or in Bottles, at THE I. L. S1IITII SALOO.Y, C STREET, Independence, Oregon. I. L. SMITH;Proprietor. Ill I will not be open to furthe matrimonial engagements for a few months. J. George Stoll A pile of rocks with a cloc on it. Ben Ilayden's estimate of Polk county's court house. Any man who wants an of fice and is afraid for the people to know that he wants it and depends on secret caucuses to get the nomination, is not the kind of a man that the people are looking for to fill the office. Roseberg Plaindealer. -r i t i 1 l l-iat salaries uon t iook as cood to me as they used to. Governor Chamberlain. Selling real estate and timber lands beats being sheriff. J. G. VanOrsdel. In making their leap year selections it will be well for the girls to look over the past married records of the object of their affections. Please go way and snore. Death Guard at penitentiary. i let me Oregon G L Hawkins Dallas, Ore. Marble and Granite Monuments and Head atones Cemetery work etc. MOTOR LINE TIME TABLE. INDEPENDENCE 4 MONMOUTH JUAILWAY CO. leav Indewn (Ittnre for Mou nioutli anil Alrllo 7:.T) a. m. a-.m p. in. leave, ndepen ileno for Mon- niriutUHliii DuIIuh 11:00 a. m. 0:15 p. m. Wven Monmouth for Alrlle. 7a, m. 8-.OU p. m. L'ven Monmouth for 1ml km. 11:20 a. ru. -H:,ill p. m. IieavM Alrlle fur Monmouth and JiHlupeiulencu, 0:00 a. m, p. in. I.eHVen I )ul la for Monmouth and ImJepemlnnce. !: p. m. 7:.W " AND OREGON SmotLine Umon Pacific 1veM Monmouth for Independents It: Kin. m. 1: p. m. i:4() " HM " 8;(I0 ' Leave Indepen dence for Muii, 2:115 p. in STKAIN8FKOM I'OKTLANI) DAILY Through 1'ullinan Btatulurd and tour ixt aleeping earn daily to OhiiiIiii. Clii Crtfo, Hiiokano; touriHtRli't'pliiK-car dailx to Karma City ; tlirmiKii Piillnmn tour int sleeping ring (perwiiiullv conducted) weekly to Chicago and Kanpna City; recliuiMK nliair cars (seats free) to the End daily. dkpart TIME SCHEDULE arrit Foil VIIOH POKTI.ANI) rXOM Chicago Halt. Lake), Denver, Portland Ft Worth, Omuha, .Special Khiihhs Cily, Ht. 4 M0 p'ro 9 :-0 a in via LouIh, Chicago ami Hunting- Kant. ton. THE ...PALACE SALOON... C. Street near mule Palace hotel UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Fir.t-Claaa R.tort. Court.oui Tn.tm.at to All. SULLIVAN & TALLON, PROPRIETORS Atlantic Bait Luke, Denver, Kxprens Ft Worth, Omaha, 8: 15 p in via Kunsua City, Ht Hunting- LohIh, Chicago ton. and KiiNt. U::!0 a it. Rt Taut Walla Walla, LewiH FiiHt Mail ton, Spokane,, Wnl fl a in via lace, I' u 1 1 m a n, Spokane. Minn on polls, St Paul, DuluUijMll wankco, Chicago and Hunt. 7:35 a is 70 hours. Portland to Chicago. No change of cars. Tickets ICitHt via all rail or via boat and rail via Portland. OCEAN AND RIVElt SCHEDULE FROM PORTLAND. All sailing dates subject to chmiL'e. 8 p ra For 8an FranciHco Pail every o days. 4pm Daily ' except Sunday 8 p in Saturday 10 p m COI.DKIIIA kivbb To Astoria and wwf . landings. 4pm AL HERREN, Agt, iBdvpendtoce.