West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, January 28, 1904, Image 2

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    .....mmihh "--i .
' ' , 1 i
Social andPersonal. ;
See those new gentlemen's pure.-i
at Craven .V Mom's.
Mr. mul Mrs. Claud Skinner
have taken room i t Cooper
Miss AW Fnun .u.d iter, Jes
eie, were Independence visitor Sat
urday. Mr. M. Davidson and Mrs.
Chappell returned from Portland
Mrs. B. Parker returned from a
three months' visit wUh relatives in
Canada Tuesday.
R. D. Osborn, returned with Ed
Coekle this week, to his home in
Harrington, Wash.
Mrs. Hattie Townsend. of Tort-
, Ctnr.lar and 18 a
lanu, came up -t ---
cueat of relatives in thii city.
For ieTwo pood second hand
- . it ,, nfMail ill Ul V w " - -
a . 1 . .-. .1 A .T Will
pay voutocall at Josse -V- Bices
Mrs. E. T. Hen kle went toBuena
Vista Tuesday to install the officers
of the Rebekah lodge oi m p"
W A Messner makes announce
. . . ;n another pace you cant
ov-rlo and il will pay you to
rjad hi price list.
C. 1
and 1 aul tjroai, o
Salem, representing . tne ulUB1
Life insurant company, are in ne
representing .the Mutual
city for a few days.
There wiil be-work in the Knight
.,t- it-.. Castle Hall of Homer
Lod-e. No. -15 , K. f P., on next
Wednesday eve
i'ljjl r '
Mark i: i1-i . U;e popular
1 1 ...
. i . . A n wiavtf BUS
cesi-ful ; two w.- k s' sale Jn lnde-
pen lence.
Za'HriJcc. ... i - t on in" o.-.w c ...
.. , t om has become a subject of Htiga
The remains of the httle son of h the hor8e9,
John Knighton were brought up
from Palem Udav. and burial took
.pHoi rhendl r ioW-cemeieTy:
Th mother,nee Misa Martha Le
mon, formerly lived in Independ
ence. '
H. D. Egbert "will be hanged at
v- ti. nenitentiary tomorrow
afternoon at 12:30 o'clock. At that
i -i! tli nrianners are in their
cells. As usual in cases of hanging
a few invitations haye been issued.
Egbert killed John D. Saxon in
Harney county,' October 4, 1903.
He was "convicted Dec. 8 and sen
.tenced Dec. 10. He will be the first
man to be hanged in the peniten
tiary under the new law. ' :
The Turner Art Exhibit will he
displayed in Independence from
the 17th to the 20th of next month.
The exhibit consists of 150 pictures
reproduced from the world's great
.of nainttncrn. ' It is olaced on ex-
bibition with the public schools of
the country on condition inai coi
bjctions for admission to the gal
lx;t.ons tor admission m iuo
1-ry paid back to the . company
j? ... in ortnrn iVlA
- - . . i
. .l,LVt rwalla FIvA (Schools
far ntKor nictureS lO Buuru vuc
B'-liVvii- XIUUDC " fttic . .
took Bdvwitage of the offer in Ore
gon. Dallas. Salem and Independ
ence beinj oi the number
t -
Breepe Gtson and hie brother,
George D., plad a stone in a eplit
Cf. . ,.r,
.f o oanlinc oa. fift. vears aso.
. 1 . . n - - - J ' '
V few days ago the; cut down the
tree to look for thv stone. The
sapling bad grown tc be . a foot
through and had comple.ely over
grown the stone. They plastered
the fevijne in the tree with tnud
tshen the inBerted it, and, whaV is
more etranja than anything else,
is that the ul tad also turned to
of ,-,. a This nip.A of nalr trp.ft. witfl
CV'' ----- L- . " -
'.he etone imbedded in it, will be
p-it in the museum of the State
Kisterical Society at Portland.
The tree etood on the fann that
now belongs to James Sykes, near
rla, Polk cop nty. .
i, . v L l.,ayiiir'a ad.
ion t ! IW -
o bargsin for yon.
m ; r IlubUi a ,
Ma IU S"i
lem the first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs Allen have re
turned from Oregon City.
fw.r llavter. the Dallas lawyer,
was in this city yesterday.
xi T;.m, Tethrow Is visiting
in Oregon CitT and Portland.
it . w.iMnnr was uv from
Portland the first of the week.
r;. MMnif of Marion county,
i guest of Miss Bessie Butler.
Llovd T. King, general organiser
endowment rank, Knights of Pyth
ias, paid the local lodge a visit last
night. i
n-i,... -ill 1m work In the fellow-
i nun
craft degree of the Masonic order
at the regular meeting eaiurua
There will be work in tht Knight
rank at tha castle hall of Homer
t ...!, Kr. 4r. K. of r., ou ex
mMtlv ' 1
Wednesday evening.
Tv,r hmild be a eood attend
tendance of the business men at the
tendance of the business men at the
meetingof the Civic Improvement
t..).u AUAninff
League Monday evening
Tetter -heads, bill-heads, state
and all forn
mem?, ' ,.e - .
of commercial work done at the
West Side Enterfkise omce.
Tbe entertainment by the Lewis
i i ., k f t.A rtnHra house.
fae a house
SatQrd(lv Djght
r oj
, migt,9 t0 b
promises to
something out of the ordinary. It
will be a cause for sincere regret if
you miss it. - ;
., Tony Soltner, one oi me ruw
of the Monmouth Normal school.
ia in the city. Mr. Noltner win
nut in a few days in this vicinity
Hu. - - .
TUi& VUUUbJ " w" .
Diablo, the famous trotting horse
i ' c
atthA state lair grounus near.
' i u:., lificra.
tion. A brother or me ui
owner attempted to take him from
L..uu.i.in ui riirn aonv,
h-n had the Darty arrested. A great
. ;,l 1 , J if
UiaLiJr a ij . ..... i
the controversy results in the horse
v.n.cn rvi a n will iin uicucu
being left in Oregon.
The installation of the light-draft
steamboat now in course of con
struction at Independence on the
.;. Kotuwn that noint and Salem
will make Independence a travel
center from places all over the west
-ri nrnve an lncaicmaoiv
convenience to citizens going to the
capital cuy. ic ""
and west side points are practically
isolated from each other. MoMinn-
It is not too early to co sider
the matter of providing or a series
of band concerts next summer.
The Monmouth band can be secur
ed and by giving it assurance in
,ionr.f vf-rv reasonable terms
can be had and better preparations
could be made. People of the sur-
rounaing iowu fp"""v
tainment of this kind once a week
.1 V..,awa Krincra DfiOnle tO
una ' nuaiiii"1'! r
town brings business.
The meetings at the M. E.
church continue with increasing
interest.. iue nucuuii
encouraging to the leaders of the
meetings. Rer, J. Moore, of Dal-
1 !o rritrintr tVllS Week 80016 CX"
interest. The attendance is very
Ioq ia airin? this week some ex
ceptionally fine diecourses and is
, , r ..rt an li nrlprHt and-
neiping peupio "
ing of some of the fundamental
trutos oi me gofpei. """"e"
will continue for at least another
week. You are invited to attend
all the services.
A Wonderful Nerve.
In displayed by many a man endur
ing pains of accidental Cuts, Wounds
ErviiHts, Scalds, Sore feet or stiff joiis
Buttbeie's no need for it. Bucklen's
Arnica ble will kill the pain and
cure the tro.ble. It's the beet salve on
earth for Ffces, too. 25c, at A. 8
Locke Druggist.
M..Mi.iir llol.l Im Mliy
Mglit hii ChihI lor
Next Moliy.
At a mccUiiR of the Civic hn-
proveinent Louguo, Moiuiuj,
n.,.l l,v PivsidiMit Csilbri'riUi
for the jmrposo of disposing of
IMH ' -----
gome old Mils, a muuui-i
mfi.il.k.rs dropped m, tvud xev-
oral quostions touching the wel-
faro of this cotnmuuuy u'f
cussod. The UBRue had neon
inactive for several weeks, and it
developed that a number oi mat
ters of interest to the city re-
nuired attention.
The question of roads leftitmg
.-..., . 4iirt i'itv. n matter that
nir..rt cverv business interest,
wns brought up, and discussion
tho fact that tho peti
tion for the opening of a roaJ
r.m Sidnov out to the Inde-
IIUHI . . V. . . V J
pendence road is sleeping in the
imndm-of the county court.
Everv man through whoso place
.J)0 prppos,ed road would pass
Lign(H the petition, only one at
I . 1!.:.. rn.i mill
taching a eontiuiuu.
opeued would 'accommoaate a
number of famines oy pivu.y
ihnm nn outlet to Independence.
TIia nresident reported he has
. . v, j
taken tho matter p with the
rtnrf nntl n. revovt from
that body will no doubt oe pre
sented atjho next meeting of
the league. ' People neross the
river from. Independence!, are
also agitating the.road question
and a free ferryvvlucu would
bring more Marion, county busi-
ness to this city, aim piece 01
bad road thia side of the Brunk
place that drives winter trade to
Salem, and awayjfrom tins place
also received attention.
'There 'were various eugges-
firm a no tr ATI
terbrises that might
r.a-rnViVht to Independence
and maintained for the good ot
: - 4' . -
till CUUtnilCU, Oliu vi.v-c,
est elicited to warrant the meet
-11 ... J nn.l Olinilfrn 1 Tl T P T-
ing to adjourn to meet next
Monday night.
Baptist Cliurch, Independence.
Sunday School at 10 A. M. ; ;
Preaching at 11 A. M.
ThursdavB at
7:30 p M-
All are cordially invited to our
services. ;
- Arthur & Aixen,' pastor.
Methodist Episcopal Church.
. Corner of 5th and Monmouth
streets; Rev. W. W. Edmondeon,
pastor. i . -i
Sunday school 10 a. m.
. Morning service 11 a. m.
Class meeting 12 m.
Evening services 7:30 p. in.
Prayer meeting eyery Wednesday
evening at 7:30.
The parsonage is next door to
the church and the pastor will be
pleased to see you and render any
helpful services. ;
Cavary Presbyterian Cliurch.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Morning worship 11 o'clock.
Endeavor meeting p. m.
Evening worship 7:30.
Prayer meeting Wednesday even-
j ..-j--
ings at 7:30.
Heating stoves and Steele ranges
at cost lor a while at Frazer,X
'Injun Evening."
The Lewis 'and Clark club will
give au entertainment and social in
the opera house on Saturday even
ing, the 30th.
The following excellent program
will be rendered:
l'iano Solo..... "Hiawatha
Reading . . ."HUwavlm'i' Woomu
Vwal Solo. . . . -LaughinR Waters"
Male Quartet
SohalU tMt UJih'
Vooal SoU. "lUnuma"
Kwitation ;...-tfaeaJwl
Veval Solo. ."SaeajawfaV Lullaby"
'Ten Little lijun-." by elovt'ii
' little Sittaxlus.
i iiui i..ii of lint nroKruiu the
ladi.-s will Mrv light rvfroshmenu
U nil present.
Come and ee the -Injuns- ami
enjoy a social evening.
Adu.is.-ion, ineludniR reiresn-
ments, 15 cents,
Miwquermle 111.
Given by ladies of W. U at
G. A. U. Auditorium, inuepen-
dencv on Friday evening,
Feb. 12, .' ' ' ' -
Tries will be warded ns fol
lows: Most handsome '-ady's ns.
turne, t4(H); most liandsome gent
lonmo's coftom. W.Ot); bt-st s
tained character, both lady and
..,t Lm. ,i Piich f 1 00; most conile,
both lady and n.ntleman, each
SO cents.
- Music by Indepi'ndt'iieo Orches
tra. Clipper st-rvnl in Anditorium
F. S. Wilson.
Shout Line
AND Union Pacific
Thrwicli Pullnmn HlalidHnl mid t'w- rfwxv
1st sleenititr cars daily to Oniafm. UiyllgJJ
i-cm rtnokanp; tonriHtHloepind-carilaiiy
to Klines City; through I'lillrnaii tonr-
iHtl.'fpiliL",arH (ieroiiaiiv i:ramiu mmj
weekly u Chii-Hjro imj Kannaa City;
reeiinintr chair cars (seatH frre) to the
KuBt daily.
Tl M K S C 1 1 F. m; LE a nit i vi
Chlcapo Halt Lake, Denver,
Portland Kt Worth, Omaha, '
SjMM-.ini Kansas City, Kt. 4 .:(0 p. in
9 :20 a m vin I.ouiH, Cliicat'oand
Hunting- KumI.
Atlantic Salt bake, Denver,
Express Ft Worth.Onmha,
8 : 15 p in via Kannas City, Kt 10:30 a m
ton. ' and East.
PtPaul Walla Walla.lwis
FastMail ton,KpokBne,Wal
6am via lace, 1' u 1 1 in a n, Bum
Spokane. MinneapoliH, Ht
Patil, Duluth.Mil-
wankee, Chicago
, and F.ast.
70 hours. Portland to Chicago, ho
change of cars. Tickets East via all
rail or via boat and mil via Portland- .
The past m'lison wo mituo wvitui u"' r..-
.Mti.hs for Art CalomlaM, and now any kthou who wishes
ix auplieato vJiftopraph from any of tho old plato can w
euro thorn at a groatly ro.luoo.l figure.
PicKcFs negatives
Komomhof, I havo in Hck all of tho iiogativea taken
... it ;.. ..:.. ir,.ini wich iiluitn.
era hs from any of tho ukl platen it m bo to your jiitoru-t
frn,.ii I T K,nl1 nrnlul ) V not kl'OP UlOHl in Stock
to Call 111 omv, j I
any groat length of timo.
I am prepared to enlarge any 'photograph "and fur
nish framo for nanw at a very reasonable liguro. I stand
back of the guarantoo lhat no i'Ums vill U hixfr tbat
satisfaction is guamntfed in each and every instance. - C all
and Inspect my work. " ;
i ' '
of the year when
nee ls a liuuii wahii.
a good . Assortment to select from.
Com e
O, 8,
Albany Has lleforiiiwl.
All oa.'mhlinir games have been
shut down in the town of Albany
Saloons liaye been ordered to close
their doors at midnight and keep
them closed all, day Sundays. .Slot
machines have been barred. .This
very forceful moral wave struck
n. Tnnarlav nicht and is in
line with the recommendation of
Mayor Dayis. upon tne reaumg
of his message the council acted in
accordance with his recommenda
tion at once,
i 1 1... ...1 ...,.! ,.1w-i(.ti
' Oregon
. ... '. (1(4 I
Vvety Working Mr.n
lO, 12, and 16.75
look them over. . ;
ItiiKiness Opening.
For Sale County Htore in Tolk
county. Good location. Probable
value $3,000. 'For particulars en
quire at this office.
For Sale.
. '
12,000 shares of mining stock in
the Gold Creek Mining and 'Mill
ing Company. Certificates 1000
shares each. Price 0 Cts., per
share. S. B. Ormbby.
112 Court St., Salem, Oregon.
fZ fSs PS S