WK8T SIDE ENTEHMISK. INDEPENDENCE, OUEGON sMom4uL' OHR REGULAR S. M. DANIEL, Monmouth QUAV ANI VKHT. ', Ars ho Duiiioii niit I'llli of V"HI HIilM Hrnitte. 4 f Istora for (Jusy Vent I wore lmoti and l'ythin f ....... Heiiate, fct i"'"1 i int. iitMiti' really Ji . mntriMiiltl Companion. N " n . men. apparently, can funds ..roiiouniTil contrasts than i two Hi-imlvr. (Jiuy a North .'nun; Vest from the Houtl fa pronounced ItulHciii jppholder of protection; Vest a v. Liii.tWwoul IriMMTl ami uo I it in ff" trade; Juay ft colour tb Union r'y; Vrt P'01"' ' be fin t Hint he foiiRltt for the Con i.Jmcy. Hut given two fishing i it- m ltd at ixt nf bail, and these et rans experienced that one h .,f nature Inch makes thu rhole world kin. tw vi-ars siro. a a result of : flerc-w fallional fight tn IV nn vlvanU. (iuay reached Washing- hi with a crrtifieate o! appoint- jemt to the Hi-nato from the lov t'in nt till! Kevtoue Btate. The .rriilntUM had been deadlocked; , (Himtion Immediately ftfOcn iu i t'oit-'l fW Heinle I the ...,.li,iin..i.t rniiHlitulioual? The iwver of tho upiHir house of Con- 1 thu j i ro I ami i to it fur ihn tiractical Houston i.mt,l i.rses. It was admitted r both fltlf that it a k id im.k cmU-st Unit n cinKle ,(. ..nt.l ili-ciilii thu issue. At AttlllXtit was tt!t-J and bo vJ that if i'.tay rro not senti-d would sound tin- l'Kth knell of j.ului'Ml supremacy. The inyit chwim-d Vitn it niatttr conr-v. Th Missouri Senator had b''n ry ill. n ml it wit feared would t, be i:i l.i n-at wh'n tho vote . taken. On th luurninn of the t f U t ' 'fiioii the Kre.-a htiizo .rs i'f th SitmUt Mfio jtili'l .,11, iuil Vi-m!1, looking Jm'iUtt il worn, w.iH n.-i-t' l tuhi phtre. n'j tin iilK loll-t l.5 liiolJH Iit- to hr'utg H latin from hii) kick 1? 'J hi' toll eall jiroi-t rtloj ttlni'l trt't int'n!t inU"(t. Every i.i.r wh in hi lii-o kcrjiing on ttio vat. Th" nuiii rt' ilJ iii ulj'liAbi-lii al onier ami . uh'rk near the t-mi c.f tho 1. It w us a tin Atui l hrnrt-hn-ahing oitenco tv f ui.ui in the cluunhi'r almost ftt c r-ttnie instant rt-ttUzcJ that Vent iuld httvn tho deciding vote, ould hu vote "Yv" t ) ticcfjit tho etiotitd cwh;ntiftl of liia Hh X ehimi. or "No," to rjwt them? Mr. V.hI," Cftllod tho chirk, ih ii luoontououB dranl. Kviry yo ws tumod In the fqtion of the Mtnuourt wnator. nut niotijnlesH, unheeding the "Mr. VcHt," repffttwl tho clerk, a irimiig voice, as if piqued at the y Steal efl'ort reipuirnd to call a lilt twice. Once more every eye turned to ird tho veteran from tho oiith, d every ear was turned to hear 5 renjMHKio. lie half rofe in lii it. and then iu a voice that was unhliniz and husky he annwered: "I, vote 'No.' " Ihen the man who could nol eroome hia constitutional convic ni sank hack in his seat exhaust , and the wires flashed forth the ws that his bosom friend had it with disister Quay's partisans ro frivolous, but Quay's voice i$ silent and his face inscrutable. That was the act of a drama lit was only half seen and not derstood by the public. But its ;ael was truly Quay like. Two "rs later the Pennsylvania Legis ire re-elected Quay to the Sen Flowers were dumped into Senate ty the wagonload; mm 7 0 egms And Will aturday, January th Continue Until Further Notice. Ml oar Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing, Women's and Children's Jackets and Capes, Rain Coats and Mackintoshes, our entire stock of Dress Gooas, Fancy Waistings, etc., to go at sale prices. Don't wait; early buyers wity secure best bargains. Clothing Men's 115 00 suits for flO.M 12.W) 10.00. 7.y 000 . fi.7.1 7..M) 5.K5 n.M) WK) .IMS Dress Goods We have left severs! p. aces, nice shades, heavy skirting. All regular 11.50 Rood for. 11.20 pT yard 1.2" per vd dress goods ferlKte. . . . .'too. TOc .7,rK5 r,',c .C.',c 4-jo..;. .G'lc 45c All our Eadles' Jackets at lm THAN COST 2 Ladies Tan, si?e 3S-40 111.50 Jacket Jor. . . .$7.50 2 ' ' " 2W0 15.W " " ....10.00 2 " Wue " 2 9.50 v " 6.00 2 ' I5lack " 31-33 5.W " " 3.75 2MissmRed " IS 9.00 ,: 5.75 2 I.sdif Tan " 3S-40 H'jO " '.... 4.50 Ladies $10.00 Uaincoats now 17.50 6.00 4.50 5.00 3.50 Men's $10 and 12 50 Box Coata 7.50 Minxes $3 Bain Coats 3.50 Men's and Boys' 11.75 And 2.50capfl coat '. 1.25 We are overstocked in these goods and must close them out. BESIDES THE ABOVE BARGAINS WE GIVE YOU A 7YT PFlt CKXT DSCOfAYT F0JI CASH on all oilier linos of goods, except Muslins, Prints, Rubber !5oot3 and Shoes and Stamped Shot' at l"fi!c prices ore dru'thj cash. We want to bo koj.t busy dui ing tho dull month of January . We need the room these good occupy anl w'int tin in out of our wav. Ust but not leant we need eomo extra cash to pay our bills. If you owe us anything on account we will appreciate an carl v hottlemcnt. y followers packed the galleries. i -r- -hest Fr-ioe for iFtnalt iry , Bacon; Lar'ci,. Klggs YOURS FOR BUSINESS, ' ' V V 1 1 uth 3' Or goo fie t.w.k the onth calmly, po?pibly with an inwnrd filling tf elevation over Lis victory, but af'.or that disij p ur-d in a most inyi'tcrious maimer. Admirers who wanted to (,'ive him a diimer were nonplused. When he returned four or five hours later a nieirihcr of the family in quired anxiously: ' Where have you been? Your friend have hen looking for you everywhere." 'I have Iwen taking dinner with an old friend," ho said, quietly. Who was it?" Quay shifted about, like a school boy about to ho scolded, and said, with just a touch ol defiance: "Jt was my friend Vent." And so it'wa. and the friendship of many, ninny years still con tinues. lTtica Globe. Notice to Voter. Notaries Public throughout the County, in the several voting pre cincts, have been suplied with' reg ihtration blanks. All voters are re quired to register on or before May 15, 1901. llcginter early and avoid extra expense ot tho county RcgUtraiion is required erery two years. U. S. LouoiiAur, County Clerk. Dabbling In Stocks. Does it pay to dabble in stock? That is a question that a good many can answer. The manner of answering, however depends on which side of the fence the man jumps off. Some are losers and some are winners A man cannot win all the time unless he ia an ex traorinarily keen man, and there are but few of these. The best of financiers have their ups and downs, and you can count on your fiogtrs ths really suceeeful spec ul'tors, t. ,, men who aro in tho ganie all tho titntj. When you u(e the !);t'ts who put their money into ki'ks, in u e ultiv sense, you cannot htlp but bnve a pity for them, mid this en- . ' . . '.1. . ;k - pecmiiy S' mo case nun iumi who ha hud the Kii-miUtive fever and gets oyer it. We have one in iuit.d at the presnnt . tiin, and when he sees tlie merchant, the professional nisin or the .mechanic nlneine hi money in the bands of the mob down thero on Vvall street to cat up and !oat o'er, ho s;ivs, 'Poor fools!'' ph ftrllealthh 222 Soutb Peoria PL, Chicago, Iu... Oct. 7, 1902. Eight inntitlis aao I so ill Uist I was cumiHilit-d to lie omit tlown nearly all the time. Sly etoniach wai to weak arul upset that 1 could keop nolhinff on it and I vomited treqeenuy. I could not urinate without great pain and I couched so much that my throat and luupa were raw and sore. The doctors pro nounced it PriRht'a diwHise and others said it was consumption. It mattered little to me what Uiey called it and I had no do sire to live. A sister visited ine from St. Louis and asked me if I had ever triud Wine of Cardui. I told her 1 had not and she bought a bottle. I believe that it saved my life. I believe many women could save much suffer ing if they but knew of it value. Don't you want freedom from pain? Take Wine of Cardui and make one supreme effort to ba well. You do not need to be a weak, helpless sufferer. You can have a woman's health and do a woman's work in life. VThy not secure a bottle of Wine of Cardui from your druggist to- . day? He reasons this way, ami it will bef.iund tru. in the majority of case. There if a greater inequal iiy of the amounts won or lont, fig uring winnings and los.ses the srirne to begin with. This is clear ly proven by the following: A tnn buys 10) shares of stocks, s ty nt 70, ctnieg it thirty days and then sells it at 72. His gros prof it is $ 200. Take fronvthis his com mission of $23 and the interest on the $10,000 at a dollar a day, and he has a net profit of 1143. Take theery same proposition, change the two point profit to a loss and seo. Ilia gross loss is $200, which with the commission and interest wuold make a net loss of $235 Here is a difference of $110 against the loser on a proposition apparent ly the same' Admitting that he makes six turns always the same and breaks even, lhat is, makes three winnings and three losings, his account will stand as follows: Three losings at $255, $763; three winnings at $145, $435. Therefore, he is out of pocket $330. Now to avoid losing at all, ho must win sixteen times at $143, making a total of $2,320, against losing nine times at $225, making a total of $2,205. So one can see in- the end he will be $35 ahead. That is a good average, too. Now, tako in consideration the wear and tear of nerves, loss of sleep and the chance of losing your whole investment, and a- conclu sion is arrived at that a job of carry ing bricks at $2 50 a day is an easy thing in comparison. Geneva Re yiew. ' A Wouderful Nerve. Iter. Carlisle I 15. I L. D. Marttu, Of Wawcrly, Texas, writes: "Of a moriiiiij.', when !irt nrisins,', Icften find a troublesome collection of phlegm, winch pr iuees a cough and is very hard to dUlnilce; nut a small quantity of Italian!': llorehouitd Hyrup will at once dil'i:e it, and the trouble is over. Ik now of no medicine that is equal to it, and it is w pletsaut to take. I can mot cordially recom mend it to all persons needing a medi cine for throat or lung trouble." ijc, 50c and $ 1.00. Sold hy A. t. JLo:ke. Johnson, the clothier, at Salem, is the popular place for Polk coun ty people to trade. Finest display in the valley. G. A. HURLEY, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Collections Promptly Made Titles . Investigated. East Side Main Street, ISDEPE.VDE.VCE, -:- OkEGO.V. Is displayed by many a man endur ing palna of accidental Cuts, Wounds Bruises, Scalds, Sore feet or stiff joits But there's no need for it. Buoklen't Arnica Salve will kill the pain and cure the trouble. It's the beet salve en earth for Piles, too. 25c, at A. S Locke Druggist. HAVE YOUR MEASURE TAKEN for your new Fall frarment3. It is the only proper and sat isfactory way of buying yotir clothes, being: that "GOOD CLOTHES ARE ALWAYS MADE TO ORDER." Make your selection from the tail oring line of STRAUSS BROS. Chicago, Est. 1S77 Good taUors for over a quarter century You'll find a world of pleas ure in wearing the clothes made by Strauss Bros., faultless in style, fit, finish and materials. They're bo much better than the' ordi nary run of clothes, yet prices are astonishingly low, and your perfectly safe in or dering1, because if pannenta are not satisfactory, yon needn't take them. WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU OUR GREAT . LINE OP SAMPLES CALL OK P.M.Kirkland E. T. IIESKLE, BarberShop. MAIX STREET, One door south of Post Office. Fine Baths in connection with shop Independence, - . Oregos. isk tlie Agent for Tickets rid TO SPOKANE ST. PiCL, DULUTH, MIXSEirOLlS,CHIClGO AND ALL POINTS CAST. 2 IIIAIXS DAILY Fast Time NEW EQUIPMENT TMHOUOMCUT 2 -Iay Coaches Palace and Tourist Sleepers. Dining and Buffet Smoking Library Can. DAYLIGHT TRIP THROUGH CAS CADE AND ROCKY MTN 8 For rates, folders and Ml lafosma tion regarding tickets, routes, sH eail on or address H. DICKSOK, Oi Ticket Agent. J. W. PHAiOS Thw. Pass. Apt., Portland. A. B. C. PEJIWTOK Q. XT, P. A. 6HF1MAVB ,. HmOUs VsO.