West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, January 21, 1904, Image 6

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County Correspondents Sweep The Fielt
A M7,fth of Timber Turned
Loose and Floated to Find
Its Way to Saw Mills
How Mitlicns of Fct of Oregon' Fint
Tunbtt a Annually Coavtyd
From the TImhrr Wis to
Lumber MinufiCturm
Several million feet of logs have
been cut near Bald Mountain this
summer, for the Spalding Logging
Co., of Newburg. The only way to
get them to the mill is to depend
on the Luckiamute rising suf
ficiently to allow the logs to float to
thfl Willamette. That time came
last week. The boom was cut by
the loggers and the jam broke
starting the logs on their watery
journey. Many of the neighbors
; took great pleasure in standing on
the river bank and seeing the log
gera manipulate their peevies in
breaking the jams and starting the
eea of logs again. It was amusing
to watch the great logs as they
would come crushing through the
brush or whatever debris might be
in their path", and many times they
seemed to be almost alive. They
would pile up on one another, of
ten throwing the water like a
spouting whale, from beneath the
Again it waa interesting to Bee
with what alacrity the loggers
would get from log to log, with th
ability of a squirrel. The river
wa3 cleared of logs the first of last
At 7:30 Friday evening small
parties from all directions began to
gather at M. SerafTord's and short
ly all were engaged m playing diff
erent games. All snjoyed them
selves to the full of their best. At
11:30 all partook of a delicious
' . i
supper supplemented wun
great pitchers of cider. The
guests were much pleased with the
event. Those present were: Mr,
and Mrs. M. Serafloril, Mr. and
Mrs. E. Chamberlain, Mr. and Mrs,
K. Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Jas,
Hiltibrand. Mr. and Mrs. S. It,
Tetherow, Mr. and Mrs. K. llilti
brand; Misses Daisy Steele, Sadie
and Ollie Cockle, Nellie Fredrick-
son, Maggie Kerr, Bessie Morrison
and Edith Bae'ev: Messrs Kirk
Seratlbrd, C. J. Graham, Free
Cockle. Ross Chamberlain, Ed
Steele, Eddio Bagley, Elmer Fred
rickson. Glenn Hiltibrand and
Archie Tetherow.
Hurled at Falls City.
Isaac Hughes. Jr.. living five
miles west of Pallas, who accident
ally shot himself laet week, was
buried at Falls City Sunday. Mr.
Hughes was a young man in the
prime of life, and was soon to be
married. . He leaves a father and
mother and several grown brothers
and sisters. He was the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Isaac Hughes, of Dallas.
"itovival meetings will login
nt tho Christina church next
K.Y. Mulkev returned Satur
day, after n six weeks' stay nt
Grants Puss.
II. S. Port wood has lately
purchased the Get i . property
and is now occuying it.
Mrs. Worth, .who has been ill
for several weeks, is much im
proved. Mr. MeRevnoldx. Intel v of
Salem, has purchased Mr. II. S.
Portwood's house and moved
Tho feathery flakes which fell
for two days this week and cov
ered tho earth with its white
mantle, filled tho hearts of tho
youngsters with delight, and
coasting and snow-balling prov
ed a most alluring pastime. A
lew snow-nicu still stand on
guard in some of tho lawns.
are in charge: John A . Aleisii
dent: Joe Horry, vice
president; Winnie Unborn, were.
Ury; Lew Stapleton, treasurer; Joe
Laundry, door keeper; Rudolf
Simon and Itoii Miater, oniom.
(Question for next Saturday nigl'l.
"liesolved That Steam I More
Useful Than Eleelrieity."
Normal School.
Mr. W. R. Rutherford, of Hunt
ington, Eastern Oregon, has re.
turned, lie hopes to be graduated
in June,
The basket ball game between
the Riikrcal and Normal teams
resulted in it score of 10 to 1" in
f"t vir of ilia latter.
W. II. Porter lias g.ne to Port
land, where o will study mualc
and lesru the barber trad.
Win. Kurre, who has been In
California, ban returned home,
('has. Moore, to keep up with the
times in linens Vista, has pur
chased a graphophone.
(Juito a number of people, of lhi
vicinity, wei on the sick list ihe
fore part of this week.
11, V. Murphy hat been sick for
the puxt two weeks.
M. ,. Wilder in improving from
his injuries rather slowly, I
the poultty show at D.ilm.
A mimlMr of our vd. r r.-
Rev. ThompHMt, and Rev. J.'ii. , , lht cinUitY ,,b1 .-fj,l,v
W. M. Riddle was aw.r,,,
era I premiums on goats anj 1
at the Angora Goal 8Imw ,
Psllas last week. i
(I I Ziimwalt, of P,J'
was an Autlech viitir ovi-ff
day. f,
Charles X. MeCaleb, wjf.lc
daughter, after spending t
hero vUiting. returned to l
home st Moro, HImtimsii cI
Saturday, j
1. M. Calhreslli'a
rockerels made a great howj-
Although tho night w stormy . of Amity, hava been h-lding a re
vival in the M. K, church.
Joe Sum has finished netting his
PA UK Kit.
Claude Boone made a business
call nt Independence Monday
James Davidson and wife, of
California, are visiting friends in
Mr. Fuqua is on the sick list
week, and the loggers took the boat with a severe cold.
and went down stream, picking up Rila Bolter ig out of schooj
the strays that floated out into the account of .
eddy pools to be high and dry .
Wbn th. wtPr enhsirlea. Mr" and MfS- D" A- 1IoaS, ?f
Washington, were passengers on
LITTLE LUCKIAMUTE.' thn fimith-hnrmd train Snr.nrdav
A number of farmers of this yi- Miss Katie Gentry and brother
cinity visited the goat show at Evart visited Mrs. Kerr Sundav.
Mr. and Mrs. Richardson re
turned from a visit to Portland
Ed Steele was a visitor here
Robert Phillips was in Parker
M. L. Baldwin was in Parker
It. Scrafibrd was in Indepen
dence Sunday.
C. W. Stuart has finished
ward Warenold's new house.
Mrs. Lizzie Scrafford visited at
J. A. Tetherow's Friday.
Hon. I. L. Simpson has greatly
improyed the looks of his orchard Wednesday.
Henry Winn returned to his
F. N. Stump sent two fine home in Indenendonca Whines.
1 i - TaJ 3 ,. l T
pvuvia vj -muepenuence markets jv
Mrs. James visited her sister,
Mrs. Fuqua, Thursday.
Mrs. Powell spent Thursday
night assisting Mrs; McElmurry
to nurse her little daughter who
Edward Steele has finished cut
ting 24 cords of wood for next
winter's use.
Spalding & Co. made a very sue
cessful drive of logs the first of the
week succeeding in getting down verjr
about 15,000,000 feet.
The Spaulding logging crew
I i Tr ' l , r -1 .i
G. C. Mathews, of Salt Lake VUi liua oaturuay near
City, is visiting hia wife's parents, nere on ine creeK anvmgioga.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Tetherow. Miss Maggie Kerr attended
The Fair View Literary Society the rarty at Mart Scrafford's last
debated the question. "Resolved week-
That Electricity is More Useful The postoffice inspector was a
Than Steam." The judges de- passenger to Buena Vista Thurs-
ciaea m iavor oi tne aflirmitive. dav
JVirs. A. h. letnerow has been Mr., and Mrs. George Bolter
qmieeicK dus Jater is much lm visited at the home of Mr.
Pr0ved FnmmSnnrW
I - a " j
Luckiamute is Pro win t from
Luckiamute to overflow in low vear to vear. The Snauldinrf
places but it has been a benefit to Bros. Logging Co. has driven
the roads in packing and settling from the mountaina 6,000,000
the mud, . feet of timber in November and
The first snow of the season fell last Satnrday evening finished a
drive of 8,000,000 feet. They
have returned for another drive
formerly of Dallas but late of The . It. T """""""""J
t Ti . . a : I ... Put through as soon 83 possible.
Dalles, armed at J. W.,HUti- They employ a number of men
The residents of this city were
startled by the new whistle of the
motor. Its sound gives rise to
dreams of an overland train steam
ing in.
Miss Grace Klsio Smith is at
home for a visit with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Smith. Miss
Smith has been teaching in Wash.
The new house of Mrs. Mattie
Rail is Hearing completion, and
adds very greatly to the bountiful
ite, long known as tho Murphy
Messrs. E. II. Craven ami J
E. Simpson, two young business
men of this city, delightfully
entertained a number of their
friends Saturday tivening of last
week. The first on the program
was to attend the Knox-Kuntner
concert given at the college
chapel, after which, they, with
their invited guests, enguged in
playing whist at the parlors of
the "Noble Ilosner," until mid
night, when they were ushered
into the palatial dining room,
by Landlord Ilosuer, and a de
lightful repast, such as i9 be
fitting a like occasion, was dain
tily served. Those who had the
pleasure of enjoying the hospi
tality of Messrs. Craven and
Simpson were: The .Misses
Stuart, Watkins, Snelling, Jes
sie Reese, Johnson and Savage,
Messrs. Roy Smith, Alva Cra
ven, Willis Butler and Fred
a largo audience greeted the ICiiox
Ka it t nor Company on Saturday
evening. 1 he concert -i trellis pole.
unner uie auspues o i ne , ,.(,v- r A(llilVi ,, Kfr,,
ilion League. Tho gru.s receipts .,-,,, f ,,!,,..
were large. 'ducting n very nuceex.iful revival
Mi Whealdou began hfr work l thi plaoo. At this writing the
in the Training school mi Monday j meeting Imve been in progresw
morning, a weed earlier than was : i-leven nights and tliirty-six jht-
anticipated. For the present, he sons have been up to tho mourn-)
will Ik in the losrer grades, as : pr's bom li. j
ashistant critic to Miss Smith. ,. ., ,. ... , ,.
I IvuV. ( . C. J)ling will deliver af
All the grades are much interest-' Kermoii in tlm Kmigeljc church I
ed in basketry. The lestons re t,f Dm .uifhtr. January i
given during the scho.il hours, thej'JIth, nt l!;ti) A. M, j
Charlie Ifaynen whi n
I mouth visitor Ial wrrk.
itu ui(t:i.i,
. A banket ball uarue will I o
ed hr Friday nlifl t, Utwfvt'
lus and Kick r'(ill. '
M. A. burch reiiiriusl from
lanil Saturday, whern hn b f
viitinjr the pt two weikn.
Mrs. ( an (libtun, her
friemls wiil lm pleaaed to
is improving slowly, hi
v . .. . i r. S'i
n im ime,Trl ireill
niol if. nIiu are In Cal.ff
Mins JUel ,yr. from inar J f-
'tlintlhey arr nn),-! p!raed
California and that Mr.
work being complete. I nt In me.
lieiin iiiro, tvilli lio. tirriioit u',-i.t
" ' lersoit mii'iil Suinr.l.u ...1 I....,
the literature has lieen changed inj..; , . , . , ' heallh is improvjnt;.
vi-uiiij,' luenus in Miena jHta. I
Mis Ma. Pickett took a trin to I A Mr M,,""," )f Stn-at.,6 Jf
U visiting ina fousin, Mr. I
several of the grades. tira.l i.iue
will take Webster's liunker Hill
oration, grade eight. The Vicar of ( 1 ortiaml .Monday.
Wakefield, grade live, biographical j Mrs. , A.J. Richardson was a
study of the men connected with ! passenger on the bout to Portland
tho early history of our country, j Monday.
wun mo special view oi nicuicaiinc t
Owing to illness Miss
turned to her home in
- S
Dr. E.
J. Young, and wife
bramd's Sunday evening and will
spend a few days with frienda and
relatives in this vicinity,
during the summer cutting and
getting the logs ready for the
high water during the winter.
The farmers haye been very
busy plowing throughout the coun
try during the pretty weather.
There has been several sheep
buyers in this vicinity the past
week, buying mutton sheep.
The recent rains have been euf-
ficent to float an immense quantity
of Spaulding's logs down the Luckiamute.
Quite a number in this vicinity
are suffering with severe colds.
Mrs. Charley Huntley is teach
ing the Highland school now. She
stops at the home of Rev. J. Ob
Verdie McElmurry has been
quite sick, but is getting better,
Dan Atkinson, a former resident
of Parker, was married at Van
couver Noyember 30, 1903, to Miss
Myrtle Graves, or Newbegr, Ore.
.Nash ro
on Wednesday. Mr. Resaler wil
take charge of much of the music
during her absence.
The February class has almost
completed, the chapel appearances
Misses Kowe and liowmau read
essays on Thursday morning on
"Bolivar and Our North-webt Poss
essions." Mr. Forbes gave an in
teresting chapel talk on Tuesday
morning, taking "Water" for his
Johnnie Hastings was an Inde
pendence visitor Saturday.
Miss Nellie Glasford returned
Sunday to her home at Corvallis.
Rosco Staats visited at McMinn
ville last week, returning Sunday.
Asa Staats entertained a num
ber of his friends here Sunday,
with ais phonograph.
Several of the farmers nea' here
attended tne goat show at Dallas
last week.
Miss Bessie Ireland was an Air-
lie visitor Sunday.
Last Saturday evening a pleas-
Ant. nnrtV warn rrttran 4 I. I. ...
J m vuo nunit) .)
of Mr. and Mrs. McCan, in honor
A. J. Richardson inmio a, l,ni.
ness trip to Portland Wednesday.
Dr. Ilutler made a professional
visit to Iiueua Vista Friday.
W. J. Steele and wife hft on the
boat Friday ajorniug, for an ex.
tended yisit to .Seattlo.
Harry Pickett got his foot uevere
ly burned Wednesday evening, t'y
.! !.. . i
I'myiuK wim are.
Joe Liggett was an Indeix-ii-
uence visitor Thursday.
M. J. Kreutz is improving Lis
property with a new fence.
Dr. Ketchutn made a profos
sional visit to Buena Vista Tuei
day night.
S. M. Daniel took charge of the
store fast week, during the absence
of Mr. Cooper, who took a few
dayB' vacation.
Lester Murphy was an lndenen.
deuce visitor Thursday.
Abel Porter-was a visitor to In.
dependence Thursday.
Geo. Muriate and son were in
Buena Vista Thursday.
Cleve Prather was an IndeDen-
dence visitor Thursday.
Arthur Porter and JCdd Prather
were Independence visitors Tues-
The literary society is progress
ing nicely. The following officers
ot Miss Stella Brown, of Salem,
who was visiting there. The even
ing waa spent in playing whist and
other games. At 12 o'clock light
refreshments were served, and the
gueets soon departed for their
homes. Thoso present were: Mr
and MrsWm. Collins, J. L. Caron
and family, Jim Withrow and fam.
uy, Miaa btefla Brown and Messrs
Wiley and Johnnie Williams, Gyn
.mum won anu ivaipn UOlllDB.
School report of Airlie school for
the month beginning Dec. 7, '03
ami enuing jan. , 'U4:
Average daily attendance, 16.5;
number of days absence 62; num
ber of times late 14: those neither
absent nor late are: Kannie Rose,
Elma Williams, Vergil Bevens,
Myrtle Ilastincs and Harr Will.
iams. .
Mrs. .Henderson, of Watortown.
N. J., arrived Wednesday, to spend
a fw days visiting with her moth
er, Mrs. Miller, of this place.
The telephone lineman was in
this city Tuesday, repairing the
uamuge me lightning did to the
Miss Maudie Mack is sponding
mo wimer with her sister, Mrs.
Nina Brown, at Salt Creek.
Ernest Thoreton. of Portland. ...
here Friday on special business.
Jason Barnes, of Corvallis.
seen in these parts Saturday.
Ernest Thurston has hnnrrfif
1 J TW
The Rickreall basket ball Pa
went t Dalian Saturday nigh:'!
played th Dalian Ixiys, who fat
victorious by a rre of 15 to ?'
Mrs. IVtrr Cook and Mrs. jfr
Fetter went to Independent
Mr, V. Kakin returned t
Salem Sunday, where she htiih'
a couple of weeks. jf,a
Tom McArthur, ol PortIs.J:i!
up putting out a holly grove ft"
mother's farm. f "
W. K. Clark is somewhat.'
proved and is able to be upr,
around. ;,,
W. Eaken went to HaleV:
business Monday. W
Frank Dempsr and wife ekl"
down from Harrisburg, to
mother, Mrs. V. Dempsy, wbol ,
been very sick the past week, f"
is some better.
ton Saturday.
is good.
lHtr rv,,i, ... ... r
He says buif , ,
. :
Mr. Nailor, of Forest Grov.
ited L. C. Koser and family T:.
dav. returninff Sf nr,1 W"
' '
I'eter Cook went to PoW
Sunday, on business.
tit a
Mrs. May Barnaul, of Shcrl"
county, paid Falls City a visii f
A stranger coming In town I
tearing tho number of di:T- ",
whistles would get tho huprer
Mi.. : ! . .... . , ?vv
hub in wiiniueranie oi a raanuwx
ing center. S
G. W. Myer, of Sm ith field, M
!een visiting his daughter, nit
Seymour, hero. Itre
A recent meeting of teachoinfw
parents at the school house '
well attended. The suVthi
considered was co-opera tioD u n
paronts and teachers in impro' : -the
school work. Papers brf
teachers were follewed by addrrt
by Messrs Bon Duranl. Dodd. M
and others and Miss Parrib f
Dallas, presented her nlan for if
lal physicial and yocal traiw
after which there was light f
fresbments and a general
time. i