West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, January 21, 1904, Image 4

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    WEST SlfK KXTKKl KI5K, 1.Mm-it.,u.. -
West Side Enterprise,
..'tend l Iml rimtniw. "" I"""1' "
SBftscrirtica Price, $K50perVr.
81-lbH'RIinTuX KATKS.
(strli-lty In ilno)
II so
4ml "rll 4
Loral nolhv ar S viu rr straight
...... ,iv na ntliiftiua for ny nww
Kate on dlrly tlwilKlnu made known
n rpMetlou.
A committee of citiens represent'
as Pallas ami IuJepemlence ex
ended an invitation to delegates to
ha National Livestock Convention
Portland last week to
.und the coat show tt Dallas.
he invitations was supplemented
vith aa offer of a special train eeii'
rouslv tendered by W. E. Coinan
f the Southern Taciiic and the visit-
ira, had the invitation been ac-
-nnte.1. could have counted on a
r '
fee spread of Polk county s best.
But the invitation was passed
genejr in question no one may fore'
tell, but a materially nuarge-a tie
i,i.t f.ir Anii-rlcaa brti from
whatever source will increase
price, and producers should share
iu whatever hnancial Dsneai wnicn
might a:crue to our meat-making
industry aa a nmult or war Between
Russia and Japan
Meat is the conquering aoldier'i
staff of life. It 1 the materia
which supplies him with energy
and force, civea huu the power
endurance and puts into hi blood
and fiber the element that make
arinie brave, courageous and vie
torious. Meat-eaters rule the worl
Ixith in ieaee and war. For this
reason the country whose meat-
making industry has assumed such
l.ir.'e nrouortiona as that of the
United States seems not only se
fiirt from successlul invasion, but
is in position to profit by wars be
tweeu foreign powers. America is
a Iar;e producer of meat and oiler
it for sale to the world to use as it
may see fit to feed soldiers or the
atretics of peace. In the prosecu
tion ot Oriental wars, bellig'-r
ent nations must seek tood sup
plies in , the Occident, and should
Russia and Japan come to blows
ti largo quantities of American beef
.'tsitors never came, lhe grunt ot 1 .
;. I.t t, ib.l.W nt ailfeen a,m ouler Pveimer uu,u
iLed goats Ynd long-wo.l eheep Moubtedly find their way to th
ever reachtd tbeir ears. The
distant climes.
roud cackle of hens nor the cock-
.-doodle-doo of the chanticleers
hat woka the echoes iu the
oultrr department of the Polk
ountv coat show was music
inheard by the live stock delegates
.ad people of Portland. The dele
'te8 were kept close within the
;orporate limits of Portland, with
he exception of a brief excursion
town the Columbia where fish and
iot livestock run. The trip would
taye been perfectly proper for a I am monarch of all I survey,
- almonconvention.The delegates no I but the department won't allow me
loubt saw specimens of the world to . survey anything. Surveyor
euowned Columbia river Chinook. General Daly.
f i 1 Dnfilr.ova oolmrtn Hilt! T""
1CC1 UCau auu oivi. v cuiuju is s w v
:hese could give them little idea of Katber tian see another aemo
.he livestock of the Pacific coast, crat elected, I would stand for the
Ta Portland thev may have seen nomination for governor. Henry
-he "animals" sometimes two Ankeny.
Governor Geer is a good editor
and all a-round newspaper man
if he did wait until after he was gov
ernor of Oregon to take up the work
But readers of his paper need not
miss what he might haye written
for the Govenor is running a
column of happenings and com
merits of fifty years ago.
MAKItli:i IN VANtOUVI.lt.)
Si 'j TZJ w w " v--' i
lhllli..NaiMt a Wrrat for V " m I CT1 f BO Vxl
iu Ilia Arrra Follow a. J.m II I I. A I l I f f
. i ii i trs via n n r-i l b u i n c ri t
: m I' I'M iilill! 4 BiiUB
At a ilirH rvnult of tti nwrrUir In
Vanmvr Friday, of J. 0ro Stoll
to MU KlUetwth Olive l'hllllHi war
rant waa to dy lued ut ' Ju'ce
Wllmin'a court fr arret nt Htoll.
Sloll ha brt-H a rwililenl of lnilKfii-
deiiMlwo year or more anil Mr ine
past tlx uiontlu lia been eniidueliinc a
restaurant her kuowu " HtoU'e rw..
taurant. Iurlu in May nero "ii
has Iwen'kuowu a a married mau and
h haniUHlttliH'il marital wlallona wild
his wife and muiiH iatherniJ i
thflr little .' vt-ar .il mn. Hence hi
eel ion In inarrylm; Mi I'limip in
o mat rued by iiilUfrt bs a tlenanee r
tlie siate law
.-eMi Phllllpa mvv Mr. Stull
No. U iiuito vmimj auil wat in me
employe of Mr. Stoll . a w allrew In lila
rwtaurnnt. A "love" atL.lr apraim up
ami about th ree wn-U ago, Mra. Moll
No. I will" lier little b.hi left for the
Hiuee lier marrlHKi' wlih Mull, wife
No. J ret u reed to Iiuleiiileiic
and In nmiiHKluK U Hull nutBurriit.
'I was nmrri.Hl to Mr. Moll lait week
and lil former wife ha gone et but
will not talk aUnit it li'iw," slif snlil
to Wl-ST St UK K. I KIU'KISI: reprrm-ll-
tlve to day.
The omipU'iiim; witiien a;;iiiiiil
Stull Is the newly married k'H' father.
The charge n lewd and liiaelvoo e-
haliitaliea with Anna Stoll. Stoll ik
in l'ortlund where lie hn aaid he ex-
ject to ri to work. He la aald to lw
one of the best cxk In the country.
He waa recently citlVred the place of
head chef ill the hotel l'ortlund.
Found it Cure for Indigestion
I use Clumit erl:iiu's Stomach and
lver Talileta for Indiestlini a:nl find
thev suit inv case lK-tt-r thiui any ilvs-
jH'pf-ia remeiK 1 have ever tried and 1
have used many different remedien. I
am nearly fifty-one yems nf and
have suffered a j;rtul hul frmn liillen.
tlon. I can eat almoct aiiytlih'K '
want to unw. ito. W. Kmokv, Hi k
Mills, Ala. For sale by All pruUm.
School IN-port.
vhere there was only one, but
pportunity to see real livestock
ras lost when they failed to accept
iu invitation to attend the Polk
county goat show.
The best advertisement of Oregon
hat could hare been presented to
he eyes of eastern livestock mea
vould have been an excursion up
' he west side taking in the Dallas
-tock show, and Independence
hence to Albany and down the
.-astside with a stop at Salem.
,t would haye been a nice thing on
he part of Portland to have seen
-kat such a program was carried
nt. Though Its mid-winter, the
isterners would have carried
Don't go outside of Portland
vou might see some nvestocic.
Portland to the Livestock Dele
I am opposed to smearing forest
reserves ail over tne state, vive
us more reserves. J. N. William
The State Board of Health and
the press are givine us a rest
Microbes in Willamette Water.
I will now give you a correct
imitation of how to handle Oregon
republicans. Frank Baker.
Drinkini? mar shorten one's life
it i r I
aome wun mem pictures oi green t twice much whie
ieids, cattle, sheep, goats and
-wine on many hills with evidence
f prosperity everywhere. As it
vas, they left with memories of
.vell it's no use to' guess what.
drunk The Drunkard.
I've had enough of trying to
steer Oregon democracy. Sam
I guess I'll try the governorship
of Oregon, a rattle. C. A. Johns.
Wars are invariably productive
f an increased demand for food
supplies in the countries involved,
:onsequently the. prices of certain I will vote for Herman until the
Irticles of food, especially meats, crack o' doom. B. F. Jones
, ise in those nations from which
the bulk of such supplies is ob
tained. It is therefore certain that
ihe American beef trade will de
rive stimulation from the aug
"uted requeBt for beef which is
i come in the event of an
inflict between Russia and
nas aireaay been re
former country ro-
million pounds
mcking house
lepartment of
itimated by
ive at the
t his coun
ter drafts
i in war.
of T?eef
1 cfifltm-
Do the public, or the public will
do you. Geo. C. Brownell.
Following is a report of the
Sunny Slope school for the mon th!
ending January 13, 19U4:
No. ot days taught 10
" ' " attendance 281
" " " absence 12 j
Ayerage daily attendance . ... 15
Total numer enrolled Hi
Average belonging 10
Those neither absent nor tardy
were: Pearl Fishback, Lettie Fish
back, Lennie Fishback, llattie
Ilerren, Elda Clark, Millie Clark
and Nellie Shipley.
Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Baldwin went to
Independence by steamer last evening,
for a short visit with relative States
I am mayor of Independence.
J. S. Cooper.
I feed 'em on cascara
Plum ni er.
bark. Hi
I am a republican this rear. E.
I am a full fledged editor. T. T.
Mr. Wm, S. Crane, of California
Md., suffered for year from rheuma
tism and lumbago. He was finally ad
vised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm,
which he did and It effected a com-
ilete enre. Thia liniment is for sale
y all druggist.
"I enjoyed Rood health until about two yearn
am when I noticed my back tgan to ache fre
quently: it became ore and lume.nnd headache
soon added to my mihf-ry: atwo found that my
general health dimini-iluci. I became thin and
weak and nervous, having severe p:iin at regu
lar intervals," write Mr. Auxutu Kmorv,
Treasurer New Century club. 34 Uean Street
(Roibury), Boston, Mais, She continue: "Mv
work which Iwfbre had weined an easy taifc
oon seemed like a heavy burden. I decided i
to try l)r. Pierce's Favorite l'reecription, which 'j
several of my friend praised mt hijrlilv. I felt
relief within a week, my appetite came buck, the
pains trranuaily uecrensea ana I enjoyed sound
sleep. Within fourteen weeks I had completely
recovered my health. 1 seemed built up anew,
my pulsa, which had been weak became nor
mal, and new life animated my entire being.
I gladly endorse your medicine.
Doctor I'ierce's Favorite Prescription
restores weak and sick women to sound
health, by curinfr the local womanly dis
eases which are (renrally responsible for
the failure of the general health. A wom
an's entire beinjf is centered in her wom
anly nature. When the delicate womanly
organism is attacked by disease; when
there is irregularity or a disagreeable drain;
when inflammation burns and ulcers gnaw -the
general health will reflect the progress
of disease, in increasing weakness, nerv
ousness, backache, headache, loss of appe
tite and sleeplessness.
So sure of it is the World'a Dispensary
Medical Association, of Buffalo, N. Y., pro
prietors of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion, that they offer $500 reward for women
who cannot be cured of teucorrhea, Fe
in' weakness, Prolapsus, or Falling- of
Womb. All they ask is a fair and reasona
ble trial of their means of cure.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate U I
stomach, liver and bowel, . 1
UViVJis iiu.iv jmt ml itinl in Htroimvr t n d!i'r wiro fi'iin-.
No l.itv in largo pmutitii'. ami m in h Hisiti.ii t lunko thrt
See our Elwood Poultry Fence.
rffT . . . 1 . " . . ' . ... A .t.. UK m m.,Sk Ak & tM.Vt aA MAt..
lleiul Mtaxiier'a ad. thi
It iiit iiii soitiethint: to y. u.
Sick Headache?
Food doesn't digest well?
Appetite poor? Bowels
constipated? Tongue coated?
It's your liver! Aycr's Pills
re liver pills; they cure dys
pepsia, biliousness.
25c All druggists.
waul vunr jMutrb r bwara a bsMUlsi
Do your Children
Of counw tlier do. It i their
way of learning and it L your duty
tosuruswor. "i'ou may tu-ed dic
tionary to aid you. It wuti't an
swer every question, but them arc
thouuantla to which it win invo you
true, clear and definite answer,
not about words only, but about
things, tho un, machinery, men,
placea, Btoriea and tho like. Then,
too, the chiiaron can una tneir
own answers, norne oi our
irroatotit men haro ascribed their
power to study of tho dictionary
Uf course you want the mat dic
tionary. Tho most critical prefer
the New and Enlargod Edition of
you hait any ipttttioni
about it vrite tw.
I wnoine
rnorEssiONAL cahss.
W. R. ALLIN. D. D. S.
t'stinl" trti' lltin
cam 1 r.n.i. nrii.i'iNt;,
HUI.Ai?, ti;liON.
1. s. jiotiiii:,
Tonsorial Artist
tniy iirnl-eiu.' virktii'-n etu
il(v-tl in the "Vijftttiiii., Sboj
situated on North nide of V Street
Not what you pay' for
Coffee, but what
Coffee pays you,
There arc two value? to every
article, what it costs and what
it's worth.
Cork r;ts 8 cents a pound,
but if you arc drowning half a
mile from shore, its value would
be "not what you pay for cork
but what cork pays you."
You arc not drowning, but you
arc usin up strength and vitality
in voitr daily work. You'arc tret- S
ling back that strength and vitality 1
in part from your morning cup c4
col Ice.
It makes little difference what
you pay for it ; the important ques
tion is " What does it pay you?"
You can see the strength you have,
but you can't see the increased
strength you would get if you drank
"Bfflb Grade0
This is a fact I You can easily
test its truth. It will cost you one
pound of coffee that's all 1
Carpet iU Hug Ulcaplrni.
t'nrliifi ui.-liu l' Hoik iK-i'i' in this line
will t it-it m rail nt mv reii.li-(uu one dlix-lt
! ami I nil liiiM-k lii.tth (( I'ltlner
Jlfn. IT. . U tintrr,
'1 lu re I bottling juu wim t Iu
thnt we can't supply fri.m i ur elttrk
We Hro snvlnit tiiiihi-y for hutitltnla
piiix-r rmiHUiiier in till vmit-y anil we
tt itn I uu ttniin tliriii. 'I lit- iiii-rrlmlit
the prlnli-r, the fruit i.in-ki-r, the Imilil
er, the hop liujrer art li-wlmi kiiiiuik our
ctmioniera nml limy re sit! Mini,
Geo. t. mm $ go.
Wholinale i'nMr Iienlera
Salem, Oregon.
Iiuvp Indi-piin-rti'li
fur l oil
mouth snt Airllo
TffM) a. in.
S:;) p. in.
!iavs Iiiilcptin'
rttinn- for Mon
iiiiitit iinnd Knlliut
IWI it. m.
6:1A p. in.
L'vi's Munnioiitli
for Alrlln,
TrT) it, m,
S:'o p. in.
t'VPS MllllllKllltll
lor I nil
ll:2rt. m.
6:11 p. nt.
Ij-hvos Alrlln for
Moiifnoiith mid
a. m,
sVi p. in.
14-nvcs I'ullsa nr
Moniniiiilli suit
!:' p, in.
7:.K "
l.'vi-s Moiimmith
lor ltnlffi!ili-!ife
Mi, m.
I : p. m.
r,-.v '
H.llU '
).i-HVl'H Inili'inl.
ili nre ftir .Mon,
fct p. in
J ( - 1 roiibli-ii, j
h i i it j'il"iiil to tit 11 ml a r,u
wlit'tn thrfti lti lio lloint .lli' rtij .
tK-f-atili'tinlly, l lit tii-rli Iw It ur,
by lfiii I'r. Klnu'a Nw I. Iff
ari'tlllil. Min'll Imiililn lliry :Hn
ttirir Kf'it i"k Iii Htoiiiuili t
l.lvt-r irouiilr. 'I bty tint fiily t;.
juii, but 1 1 1 . liV, at A. e. I.iks
'I'ltiK Mute. 1
Fine Vlnc, '
Liquors, .
Cigars, and Beer;
or Draught,
or in Dottles, at ;,
Independence, - - Orcp
I. L. SMITH; Proprietor.
UiMon Pacific
i'liruiiKh l'lillumn stnti.Unl ami t"'
iitl uleeiiiiitf cars dally to Oaiaha. t-
eatfo, HiKikitiic; Uttirlst sleepltiu-eanW
to Kanana l ity ; tbrnucli I ullmaii U f
si altHMiiiia ntra f tiermiiiMllv eotultn,t1
weekly to t hicatjti and Kaiifas C"
ffcliimiir rlmirrara (sealafree) It)-'
hunt daily. f
rou ruoM loirn.AM) rw'
C. Street
near Clitic palace fioicl
First-Clas Roaort.
Courtaoua Trastmsnt to All.
t'hli'mto Hull Lake, IVnver,
I'ortlitml Ft Worth, (limtlm,
hifx-olitl Kiiiibhs City, Ht. 4
ttil'Oa m via l.uiH.CIni-nu'oiiti.l
1 1 ti li ting- 1' iint.
AllHiitli! Salt Ijtke, IVnver,
Kxns I t Wortli.Dmiilin,
8: l-'i p in vIh Khiiwis t'iiy, Ht lOu'ldi
lliintltiK- Lou la, ,'lileni)
Uin. nml Vmh,
St l-aul Walla WilllH.UwIa.
KitNt Mull tin(S,kitim,Wnl.
H it in via Incii, I'ii 1 1 mutt,
Spfiknne. Mimii'itilla, ,t
wutikre, Chit!iii;o
anil KiiHt.
7:35 sal
70 hours. I'ortliinil to Chleaito. s
chmure of curs, 'j'ieketa KiiHt via H
mil n. vin lu.ot .,.1 ...:t ti. .l-.l 1
" mill rim via l oriilti'o,
fi p tit
A p in
All tniliiiK dati'g r
Ptlbjt'Ct In change. t
P'or Kan Franelaeo 4 p a t
fcail everv & dnya.
coi ram atraa I
To Astoria and 4 P
laiKling-a. Bs. i.
iu p m
ALlIEKUEN.ig, Iadtpendanc :