West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, January 21, 1904, Image 3

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II... si.l.-ii.hJ worUi of thi-w
gannonis i" rvl...nl the .oiuH.t
on amii. ll'"tn. "J
ilylo and .,u tl.ty I". :' "'V1
tvrr K tr... .1. UK'
tili.rii.li" t fiiahiormhle ma
t.TMil -e:.i.ivr style '!
IraufUtmry lo prices-theae
gr- th f.-ntur" thu make tin
..iirt thai ,houhl i.ollw iniH
tl by lhi practical woman.
Any Late Fall Style Tailor
$13.50 to $18.50
j5a&k Tai,or
$20.00 to $27.50
- ------
-in ' I
Forcignern, it are taking
kindly to pacers. Harry Fancher.
New York buy" for tho Kuro
market, recently shipped
fourteen head to one Loudou Jnan.
They were purchased on ord,r and
wcrt mostly pacers with records
rating from 2:08. to 2;23J.
Df. Brook, 2:10 by McKinney,
bMbeen bought by D. 0. McDon
U, of l'ituburg. Ta., for matiuee
4 road use. The doctor is said
to be a hard horse to boat in these
cU:ae. ,
Crsodroarea are bringing good
prices. Kxpressiye, 2:I2j sola for
1 1700 at the California, Old Glory,
r-le and the bay mare, Quoddy Girl
z'.Ui has twensold by J. L.Tarlton
cf Lexington, Ky., to 1). J. McDon
t!i, of Aurora, 111., for $1500.
potor Zombra, a geldiog eired by
r,mbra, 2:11, well known ia this
Ticinity and at Salom, is boing
hamllod at l'leasouton this year.
Peter Zombra is said to be one of
the beat gaited youngsters ever
s?en on the famous Pleasonton
track. He is out of a mare by Gon
IJenton and w 11 be four years
ell in the spring. He is a full
brother to Lord Kitchener. He
does not wear a boot of any kind,
is a free and open gaited horse
that promises to be a very fast
At the requost of a number of
owners of high class mares around
Ealem; Stam B will be brought
to that city about June 1st. 8tara
B is considertd by many horsemen
ti one of the coming sires. Stam
Es record is 2:lli and is classed
cl as one of the greatest colt trot
ters ever seen on the Paciflo coast.
Tie made a trotting record of 2:154
t three years old and reduced this
ie next year to 2:lli. lie is
ader the management of Samuel
amble and is now keptal Tleas-s
. - i
Soim-thiiiiC Miituhlo and l
romiiK for every woman, all do
niralilo material. Tim new ad
vance Moan in Kpring Waists
have arrived -lii ill their dainti
ness. The lino contains the lat
est1 conception of the greatest
desiHin-rs in th world. !' not
fail to see these More leaving
tin- More. IIiirn-mlxT they uro
iial itl.-il in tho great sale.
On our Second Floor we have
m ilif !;iy ("'Hit- special lines of
Flannel and Cotton Mftii-t in
Whiif. I'hnk ami Color?. I'luin,
riuiti.otul Knihroidercd eflWt.
Price ontoti. fifty miles south of San
Francico. No stallion has he en
ulked about in California
during the laat few months than
this son of Htamboul, 2:07 1. As a
race horse bis reputation is nation
si. His ancestors hae proven to
be progenitors of world's champions
both on the traces anu m Ba
rings. ,
A cood second hand buggy for
sale, chesp by Frazer & Rice.
First class yellow fir shakes for
sale. H. C. Miller, Pedee, Oregon.
Mr household goods are for sale
and can be seen by inquiring at
the Restaurant. Geo. Stoll.
Don't overlook our first clearance
sale it means a saving to you.
Friday, January 15th, at W. A
We have a quantity of material
for constructing Anchor fence, on
hand, which we are offering at a
discount. Frazer & Rice.
I have closed my bakery, for a
few months. The Restaurant will
continue under the charpe of Mr
a nd Mrs. Klzie Osborne. Geo. Stoll
Ladies' and children's capes and
jackets at less than cost at S. M.
Daniel's. Monmouth.
Polk County Dank,
Monmouth, - Ossoon.
J. II. Hawlst, I L. CAweswx,
rreaident. Vice Pres.
Ira C. Towill, Cashier.
Paid Capital, sso.ooo.
Dibrctors: J. H. Uawloy, P. L.
Campbell, I. M. Simpson, J. B.V.
ltntler, John . Stump, J. A.
Withrow, F. 8. PoweU.
Traneao Oenei Baoi-
aad Eachantie lineas M, ,-..-,
Drafts sold available thronahout
the United BUtes and Canada.
Always nn nccuion of pro
nounced money naving, this
huge stile is broader in its
economics and greater in
magnitude this year than
ever before. As everyone
knovs, thei-o swectnif reduc
tions are not hlmllow at
teiijj.ts at trade inducement,
but masterful efi'orta based
1-2 and 1-3
I rogM--i
Ad-utnUtrator'n Notice.
Notice it hereby iriven tliat I have
been duly ppoilt,'1 by the county
court of 1'olk county, Oregon ss the ad
minUtratrix of the eitate of Bertha
Ohm.. !-iuxl. All rwmons liaviOtf
claims attaint il tt are required
to present the same to tlio undersigned
at the law office of Butler A Coad, in
Dallas, Polk county, Oregon, duly veri
fied In manner provided by law, wiimn
sis months from date thereof. -
Dated, December 30ll, 1U03.
Emma A. Onus,
Executrix , of the estate of IkrtU
Ohms, deceased. .
Mr. John H. Cullona, Editor of the
Oarland. Texas, News, has written a
letter of congratulations to the manu
facturers of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy as follows: "Sixteen years
ago when our first child was a oaby he
was subject to croupy spellj ana we
would be very uneany about blru. we
beirau twin Chamberlain's Cough
ltemedy In 18S7, and fiudlug It such a
reliable remedy tor corns ami -ui,
t lr n.VAr liwn without it in the
i.. Hint iIiiih. We have Ave
children and have given 11 to an o
them with goofl reruns. vnw b"""
r....., .f tlii. rom.dv ia that it la not
diB-greeable to take and our babies
really liKe It. Alioiner ib
.i ........ Hian i no risk from
giving an overdose.. I congratulate
you upou the suoeees oi your cvmcujr.
For salo by all druggists.
t --piniif iMjinod nut of thf
I.T vinur ... " - - -
Count? Court of.tlie Slate of Orrgoi., lor
the Ctiuuty or i-oik. on no .-
... .u iMnrlc nf .Hid . -OUntV.
nl ex-offlelo clerk of said court, to me
eral trartH or imrrel. of roal proporty of
in the delinquent tax Hat of mid County
for the year im, or ium- iu.-.
will natMy the amount of al taxes
. . i ,,iiin. lth mit. and
CnarROIl llli-i-ni, wB;... " - - -- --
. ..v. i . l ,l.i..in ! whtrh list ox
delinguent taxea. toRi'thcr with a descrHi-
tlon ot tn real proiiri- -iu
auie la levied, and the naiuea of th re-
..... K-hnn. thm -nl.i -Mil
oronerty Is aaaeaset, la hereunto annexed
' . . . .. . .l Mn.lAu , nil. 1
anu maue a pan u iu
Itaaaett. Auituat I-ota 4. 6, 6, blk.
. . i k,m'm OliJ IA TlHl.
i.. s t.u
n - f r 1 sint 9 hlk A.
Mrmsntown . Dnllag ... ....
- utl II 41 T-nta K Bntt A Mb.
in 11 A I. Co. add to Dallaa. . S.S0
Clodfelter, Bertha L. Lota and
7 and w H of lot 8. blk 4. Cat-
...II .i I i. R ,A
tha town of Monmouta ........ S.VB
DavU, Cjrus Beg at N. 85. cor ot
ujon laigo and judicious catdi
pure-buses of cotton goods at
prices which our enormous
outlet permits of. We point
with prido to tho superb
fctock involved in this great
Kegular ttoek at
Clearance Prices
Special lines reduced
.. 12: W to crwk. 8 W to a
inlnt of 2 cha N of renter of
12: K 4' cha: N 2o eba to
p o b. In aec 12. townahlp 7.
atmtli. range . meat of Will.
Jler. ronlalnlng 6a acre, more
ill t r am ... ... ... ....... - -
Iniil, J- V. B H of E of
lu-f. 13, i OWOlll I p o. mnu u
nine- 6, m-Mtt f Will. Mer. con-
mi aiM mors fir lift . . .
lwler, Sadie F. S K of aee.
21, tontup , um. ran- o,
r,t of Will. Mer. containing
nui acrea. more or leaa
Ellla. KotMTt Ixita 3 and 4. of
aec. 7, townnhlp . aoutn. ranfro
3. weat of the Will. Mer. cou-
ininiiiK . i .... --"'
rerKuaon. . o. ., .-,
and 14, blk. J. Kalla City..... 1.87
Frlnk. W. . "helra" W of
8. W. 4 of (exc) N-O" acre, eoia
to John Haieltonl aec 7 town
ahlp K. aouth. range 6, weat of
the will. er. cuniaiuiua
acrra, uior or i
Garrlrk. W. K. ft Era Lot of aec
11, ano lot I. or aec !. mwu
ahlp . aouth. range 7.- weat of
the Will. Mer, containing 52
arrea. more or lesa
Grlffa. C. . It 10. blk. .
8tanley'a amended plat or. uut
4. Monmouth
nail. B. K. All of blk. 2 8 and
3 K, Buena Vista
Hanaen. Kohert B. S R 14 of aec
, vownaiup i. puuiu. i-'ri
weat of Wul. Mer. containing
Hill arrow, more or leaa
Harrla. Mra. Saloma Heir, at S
W cor. of Joseph Mctiiiire i u
C; 8 6 cha: E 3 cha; N 6 cna;
W 5 cha to P o b of sec 9,
townahlp fl. south, range 4.
weat of Will. Mer. containing
acrea more or less....
Helnrlih. riillllp Lota 10 and 11,
Illll. I.eonidaa 88 W H of see.
Mi, townsnip o, e"uii,
wi'st of the Will. Mer, containing
aoii nnr., m,.. " - - - - - -
jinitt, .i i . ....
K and 2i' ens. or
bet. aec. 35 and 3rt : 8 10 cha:
TE 5 cha: N 10 cha: W 5 chs ;
to p o b. of aec. 3rt. tcm-nah. p
7. south, range 4. wst of Will.
Mi-r. contalutug 5 acres, more
or less
Keyaer. A. N W "f see. i.
township 7, somn. reiiKr ...
of the WH. Mer, containing 1BO
..m mum nr leas .........
KlmscT,' Leila L. All of blk 6
8a lues add to n .us.ron... . . . . .
Law, W. M. Beg. 108 Htt. of N
W corner ot oi. . ""2:,
aec. 1. township 8. south, ranee
6. West ef the WU. Mer. con-
raining nn., -Law.
It. and IT. E N, H of 8 W
U of aec. IT. townsnip
ranire H. west of the WH. Mer.
contatninit 80 acres more or lesa
15.20 cha; N 40 chs: E 13.20 :
t; sec. pot. sees. -. -20
chs; R 14 ..o chs: N 19.50
""ha; B 803 chs; N 50-100 chs:
W 22 chs to P o b of sec. o.
. . a . I. n A -Ht
townsoin -. emuu, ,.-
of the wll. Mer. and containing
t0 sores, more, or '"
Lewis, K. B. Beg 85 ehs E of 8. W.
corner of Mary Gilliam D. U
C: N 20 cha; B 12. clia; 8 20
chs; W 12H chs. to p o b of
aec. S2. township 9 south, range
S. et of the Wil. Mer, eontaln
irg 25 acres, more or leaa. ....
Lucas. John N H of 8 W an
8 H ot N W K af aec. 2.
townahlp 0, aouth, range 8. W
Right in the- face of an ad
vancing narket we dare and do
reduce tho price in our men's
hosiery department. The price
quoted below seems incredible
but the values are ABSOLUTE
The line consists of men's
half hose in plain Hack and
Colors, each a desirable pattern
and are of a standard grade and
recognized bUcn throughout
the furnishing goods world.
Think of it, men, regular 50c
quality hosiery at the absurded
ly low price of
25 c.
of the Will. Mer. containing
lrtrt acres, more or lesa 13.48
Martin 8. S. and M. W.lAtu 24
and 25. Mk A. sol iota j anu
2.1. blk K. Weat Salem........
MrKlnenn, A. C Fractional lot 1. '
blk. 15 ard fractional ioi x
A O I. ) k- K I , "l ,V .....
Murphy. P. II Lota 3, 4, 5 and 6,
hiK. 1, one a auu. w ,ui-i-denre...
Patterson. A. D. Lots 1, X 8, and
4, tilk. o, aoti ioi o, o.
8. blk 3, W'hlte'a ad. to Indtp-
. . ......
.-i.i.ii. . ... ... ... . ,
Preacott ft Venesa R of lots 3
ma a, dik uu. iuueuu-
PutnattL N. ""Helra" Beg. at N W
cor. fi r. i w ' v. x v ,
10 ehs; W 2o cha; 8 10 chs;
W" 20 chs; 8 20 cbs ; E 60 cbs;
N13.50 chs; N 18 E 28 chs; W
30 chs. to p o b of aec. 19. town
ship 7 sooth, range 3, west of
the Wil. Mer. containing 259
, ra mors rp lrfui . .... ....
66. SO
Redman. Grant Lots 1. 2 3. 4
and a oi aec. j, wwwuiii
south, range 7, weat of the will.
Mer, and lot 4 of sec 2 of
add townahlp and range, con
taining 124 acres more or less
Beld. Kobert A. Beg. 1 ch. 8 7 deg
E of W comer or out. o. i-iu-roln;
9 7 deg E 16 cfcs; E 6 cbs;
N . SO chs: S 83 deg. W. 6 cha.
to p o b. Also beg. at 8 E cor
ner of blk. 7, Lincoln; W 11 rds.
61. ft; 8 17 rds; E 11 rds. 6H
ft ; N 17 rda. to p o b of sec
tion 20. township 6, south, range
S, west of the WIL Mer. contain
ing r acres more or leas
Kobu. W. II N E of sec. 21,
township 7. aoutn, range o -.e-i
of the Wll. Mer. containing 160
acres, more or less
Robertson. L. W. An nndiylded H
Intereatln lots ( anu o, .
.i'lh .. . tn.l.,nen(len.-e. . .
Kyan, James S W V of S W V
of see. i(. lownsn.- o.
range 6 weat of the Will. Mer.
Also E. V, of S. E. U nt E.
of 8 W i of 8 E M, of see. 18,
township 8. south. range e,
west of the Wil. Mer. Alsr 20
acres il of E side of N W V,
ofS E "i of sec. 19, in shore
township and range, contalnins
ltiil acres
San uels. L. 8. S W U of S E H
of s.c. I. townsnip . aouiu,
range 6. west, of Wll. Mer.. con
tain iiiar 40 acres, more! or less...
Sherman. W. 11. I-ota 7 and S. blk
24. Talm.ige
Sloier, C S E H of IN i E H ot
a.c. .. lywiiMiqi
range 7. west of the Will. Mer.
containing 40 acres more or less
Smith, W H. Lots 7 and 8, r-ot
37, and luts x, -. i " .
Smith, K. B Lot 8. blk 8, S. 3 B.
Buena Vista ... ... V
Spauldine, H. H. Beg. 14.84 chs.
L C S 14.84 etaT W H
chs: N 13.23 cha: W 29 cbs- S
S22t ehs: Wr 16 28 chs: N 24
deg. 30 mln. E 4. 57 chs ; B
hu m i-hA. tn n o b of sees. 84
and 35. townshi- 7. south, range
4 west of tne ii.. mer. iw
tslnlntr 27 acres, more or less...
Stevens, A. S W VJ of S E 4 of
sec 19, townshlrt 8. south, range
6, west of tna .-i. aier. wu
tulnlnir 40 acres, more or less...
Thacker. Loella Lots 12. 19 and
v . T IV . fial.m .
Thoiups. n", A. V. Lots 16 and 17
nia. f. wear iaieiu. .
Waller, T. O. Lot 7. blk. 43, EoJa
Ware, J. H N H of N K H of
sec 9. township 8, south, range
6 weet of the Will. Mer. contain
ing 80 acres, more or leas
Weather-rax, J. M. N B V of sec
- M! m m
m4 ittil I E
This department h growing
more and more popular as tiue
people realize the creat economi
cal event that is in progress at
this store, an you wonder at
it when ail (non excepted) of
our immense stock of men's
Suits and Overcoats are placed
before you at sacn radical redac
tions? Were you anions (lie fortu
nate ones to make sections?
If not it' t- yoar advantage to
to do so without d!ay.
$10.00 Values .$6.75
$J5.00 Value, $9.50
$20.00 Values $14:. 50
$25OVaIu $16.00
3fl, township 7. snnth, range 8.
weatof the Will. Mer. contain g
16.J acres, more or less
Wilcox, ti. W. l)ts 2 and 3 and
part or lot . Dia. a ana iu oi
hlk. 7. B&lJstoo
Woodard. C. H. Beg- at 8 E cor
ner of lot 4, blk. 1. 1 ti tiuens
Vista. N 75 ft; W 62 It; S 75
. L- ' ft ... rt t H
Wo-xiwardT K. O S of S E Ji
and 8 K oi r. n nmi i
of 8 E hi and 8 E V. ct S E ,
of sec 16. townahtp 7. sooth,
range 7 west of the Wni. Mer.
containing 240 acres, more or
Oregon ' Agricultural Company Lira-
lteo aii o- aec i. wwm-h.,.
south, rsnge 8, west of the Wil..
Mer.. Als beg. at N W corner
of see. n; E 80 chs; 8 15.45
cha W 80 chs ; N 15.45 cha. to
p o b of sec. 11. township 10,
south, range 7, weat of the Wil. ,
Mer. Also beg. at N W corner
of sec 9 ; E 80 chs : 8 15.45 chs ;
W 80 chs. N. 15.45 chs. to p o b of
sec. 9, township 10, south range 7,'
weat of the Will. Mer. contain
ing 887 acres, more or leaa
Coast Land ft Livestock Co. 8 V,
and 8 H of N Mi of aec 6, town
ship 10. south, range 7, west,
of the WUL Mer. Also beg. at
N W corner of sec 9 : E 80 chs.
S 15.45 cbs; W 80 chs; N 15.45
chs to p o b of aec 9, township
lo. aouth. range 8 west of the
Will. Mer. Also beg. at N W
corner of sec. 11 : E 80 chs : 8
1545 chs; W 80 cha: N 1545
chs. to p o b of sec 11, town
ship 10 sooth, range 8. west or
the Will. Mer. Also beg. at N
W corner of sec 7 ; E 80 1 ens 8
15 45 chs; W 80 chs; fi 15.45
chs. to p o b of sec 7. town
ship 10 south, range 7 west or
the Will. Mer., containing in all
888 acres, more or less.
Bryant. Hubbard " son,TT S
13 and 60. blk. K. Falls City...
Brvant. Hubbard ft ;ilsonr-M,i' to
2 3 and 4, blk. G, 1st add. to
Kails City... -"i -y-V
Owner Cuknown Lot 7. .'
and lots 1, 2. 3 ana , u'--Monmouth
Owner Vnknown Iots ffnu -
and 8 Mi lots I. .
Srviln of out lot 2. Monmouth
2 22
Owner Unknown Lots 3, na ?
blk of Damon -
Slid tO aiUUUlUU.u .. - - -
Owner Unknown Lot 2 and E M.
of lots y and . i""- -H.t
mir indeper.U'iice
Owner Unknown W H ,0,LJ"11.?
and 6. blk. o, liiu a .u- v- -I
ndeoendence -
Keltnoff. A. W. ' Heirs --Lot l oi
sec 34. township i. aomu. .-a.
6. west of the Will. Mer.. con
taining 81 acres, more or leas. . .
lr7 3.o. ..7e.4, etaol tao tno iaoi
Each, every and all of the ab
eribed lots, pieces and parcels o
lug ami lying la the Coun
State of OresrH .
And on FUUMY. the ?
UAKY, 1904. at the ho'
m.. of said day, ?t t'
Court House in 1"
county, I will
r.nl oronertv a.
to redemption, t
person wne wl
respectively, w
,.rher with
sale, and takf
lowest rate o
real property
with, penalttt
lg'.ea inw
'.ce U
aHo?-fc taiei
line oi v
16. S3
2 45