West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, January 21, 1904, Image 2

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Social and Personal.
stock of Key-ton field
ifence at Eraser v. KioeV
Th.. ... earner Pomona is oh the
run aizatit hotwcen Corvaili.. and
Horn to Mr. and Mr. Jasper
Craven, ou Wedm-sdur, January
JSth. a girl.
' ' AJolph Tuegy, of Palmer, Ore
gon, visiting his eider, Mrs. I.
U, Jos.'e.
Bom. On Tuesday. January
12th, to Mr. and Mrs. l.obert
Steele, of Buena Vista, a fiirl.
G. M. Tie, district deputy for
the Independent Order of Odd Fel
low, was in Independence the past
week. Mr. Tice resides in Falls
Thera ia to ba a wedding in In
dependence. It will he "Moloney's
Wedding'' and will take place at
the opera house tomorrow (Friday)
Miss Laurie Burnett, who lr
been visiting her mother ami sis
ters here, left Monday for Cory-all.,
where she will slay for several
The members of Homer lodge
No. 45, K. rf 1'., will take notice
that there will be work in the Es-
quire rant on Wednesday evening
Jan.. 27, 1904.
Mrs. A. M. Hurler returned
Tuesday from a trip to Lafayette.
The Keystone is a continuous
woven wire fence, sold by Fraisr .v.
Investigate the tuerita of the
Keystone fence sold by Fraer &
Mrs. J. It. Miller, who ls nt the
lnt tew month with friends bora nl
In Monmouth, left on Sun. lay's (rsln fr
her home tn J'orlUml.
I l l1!. IT ll.,,Wl.i f.irnmrlv nf
, v- mi v nvii - i-i -
till tilm. tin! nn of M.Mfow. I.Uho. II
. ,.. i i. .
taking a post graduate courw iu .no
pilalsot Chloattosnd St. !oul.
Our (Wk Point eorrwunimlell t lian
IllilVJ... If, lMlllll..llll. Mllll Ml. IllO
some oilier enterprmmg reelilvnt of
t 1 ...! i t
to hi I r'aee win isrb up inn worn.
lloquiam, Wash., on a visit
Notice To VoUra.
I have received Manka for the
Wtiiiu lillllniia Irv a iloaa ill ( hfinilirr
- - - - - -
Iain's Honnu'li ami Liver Tablets suit
l'retty girls in ultra costumes nntia foronee how quickly tlmt clio
will be seen at the opera house up tn-dat medlelim will oornvt the
Friday night
G. V. Johnson A Co., gents' fur u cll,rrJ K'"'1". dan.l.u.r of
. . . , a , , Mr. Slid Mr. 1. r. V. Iilti-sker, Ml
llir-l-liiic K"Vll-, nk Cflt.' Ill, 1111'Bt I ... , , i ,,
o W .ii.iim.i1hv iii.ii iiuitr fur nk. Cull
fomia, where she will join her IuihIiiiihI,
who is with the hnox-Kantiirr Mimoal
registration of voters in Folk coun
ty, for the benefit of the Clerk1!
....,... ....I ... .in tt i nss lo
the county, rtHpiests you to regis
ter early,
II. Wilson,
J tint Ice of I lit' Peace.
Company. Tltov w ill tour the state of
California during tho next fevr months.
I. O. O. F. Install Officers.
ploto line iu the valley
C. A. McLaughlin and wife, who
have been visiting for several
weeks at Fordwioh, Canada, re
turned home Tuesday.
We are makinc prices on steel
ranges that move the goods. Spec I Officers of Lodge No, 42 I. 0. 0.
lal discount for" the next sixty I r.,for the year 11K) I, were installed
days. R. M. Wade it Co. by district Deputy U.M. Tice, Falls
titty, Thursday night. The roster
is as follows: C. P. Simpson, N.
n another page of this issue and r,; l,e0rpe Co"key' (J'; ' r l'
flew some rare bargains. U Krtl"' 'Tetary; A. S. Look.
c. si. i'aniel, ..Monmouth, an
nounees his annual clearance sale
!!. . IP IV i ii l
1 ICi Tint AVnP ibT rvn I frUi rn na ' ' '
.,. t. . V L " . Hnntley, Conductor; C. Mat
Bute, miuary 10 10 reoruary id. . r ., - jN ,,
i, . . ,, ,. , ' tison, I. (t.; L. )anion, t. (.; K. E.
make room for our new goods. W,
A. Messner.
Rev. E. C. Sanderson, Dean of
the Kugene Divinity school will
preach next Sunday in the Christ
ian church both morning and eve
ning. S. S. at 10 -A . M.. Y.P.S.C. E.
at 0:30 P. M.
The ,erie. of meetincs continue!)!
at the M. E. church. There, was a
J. E. Wi'son, of this city, wag
the business salesman of the Page
Wire Fence Co.. in this state last
year. He took the first prize w hich
was Jf40 in cash.
Ferguson, IV, S. X. G.; J. E. Hub
hard, L. S. X. G D. A. Hod-..,
11. S. S.; J. N. Jones, L. S. S.; J, 11
Craven, Chaplain.
tmi: iil'kchi:s.
packed house Sunday evening.
,r D. , Tne largo choir did srdendid service
Mrs. r. 11. Burnett loaves the , , , , .
, . ,,, , f . ,, , , nu is snowing marked improve
last of the week for Ashland, where . r,-, ,
!! i t i,. nient. 1 he ladies quartette a so
she will visit several weeks. Miss ... ,
t-,, , . , , was very eileouve and many persons
.,, . ,r ,f. . , ,, uesire wiem to con
will visit in McMtnnville and Port- L ,
, , ,-i together. Cor. Ed
land. -' ! . ,
j dressed the congre;
desire tlieui to continue sin?iti
Mmondson ad
'at inn nn t!i
There will be a sho at the t subject
opera Jjouse touwrrw (Friday)
night. The play, is known as "Ma
loney'e Wedding," and will apjieal
to lovers of clean comedy, catchy
music anc1 specialties.
G. A. Hurley has entered a nart- i
' nership with W. II. Holmes, of.' b.v. Jaww Moora, of Dallas.
Salem, and three davs of the week!
he wiil" ,Wn 5n Satm :A . e i.e 'of fancy . stationery due st
, . , 1 ""(Craven A Mooro's.
last, inree uays o! tne week he will
be in Independence.
Methodist 1'iIhcoiuI Church.
Cottier of ath and Monmouth
streets; Rev. W. W. Edmoud.-on,
Sunday s h o! 10 a. in.
Morning mtvich 1 1 it. in.
Class meeting 12 m.
L'veniiig services 7 .'() p. m.
Prayer ineetin eery Wednesday
evening at 7:0.
The ji.'ir.siMiiijje is next d.i.ir i
1. .. ... I. .... . l.i .
c " - i ou cimrcii ana me pnstor will be
Manna, A Type of 1- pk.t)d ,,, ,.,. v.,u . , . nn',
vation Special services diiri tsr I helpful service,
the week and on Sunday next the! -
RAMA KF.Il, Ct. lias do. id
cd to open n store iu ludo-
pciidtMii'o For ono week
It has been nevera! years
since Independence could
lionet of a iaiio and oi mii
hotiso, but by ihe time this
Article reaches iti r udeis
there w ill le on cvhibitii-n
in Ilel.kle iilliluiii some nf
finest i;doiU ever hln'wn in
Indi 1'eiidein e, or in fact in
any oilier place. This enn
pany inake.s a specialty of
hijlli-ju'iitdo instriiiuciiiH, !i:t '
nt the same time are willing
to sell lliem nl a iotiiilde
profit ; Iioik'o I ho pu feh.iser
:jets tiulll for what theV
wutilvl olliervi.
inciliiiiii tir i.ieap
lir-t time the
it for the
1'iinro 1'ihyer. t'.e lut.t and
niot eoiupa (e p!:iyi-r on
ii y-Mir whi
ii' .! thl.s u
it will l,t,
'e io drop in
'li't!n:l !it-
subject wi'U bo "The Logic of Penti-
costal, iu the morninsr. "The
Stoning of Jesus," in the evening.
I.'ey. Ediiiondson is being assisted
F. M. Mathena, the well-known
agent for the Penn. Mutual Lite
Insurance Co., was in the city
Tuesday, having iu his possession
a check for 11000, payable to Em
ma A. O ims, as life inswjnce on
the late Mrs. Bertha Ohms, of
There were 423.217 cattle in Ore-1
gon at the beginning of 1902, of
tbe assessed value of $5,734,853.
Considering livestock alone, Ore
gon is one of the most important
Xuts, candies, cijfars and hiteHt liter,
ature at Craven it: ifoore's.
Curl Ilerren, who has been workinj
at Wheatland, hus returned home.
Win. Cockle left Wednesday for mi
extended visit in St. Joseph, Missouri.
Mrs. J. S. Bohannon left Wed
for a several weeks' visit in San Fran
Mrs. F. A. Patterson is visiting in
Portland with the family of her son,
School Superintendent C. L. Starr, of
Dallas, paid the public school a visit on
You can get any paper or magazine j
Colvary . I'resbyteriiui Church.
Sunday schonl at 10 a. m.'
Mirnieg worship 11 o'clock.
Endeavor mueiiiip 2 t. in.
Evening worship ":;.'().
Prayer meetine Wei! m'xiln v nv.,., .
ii)Ka at 7:,'.0.
Mn:vu nt play (he
I lo-y wiii a
SOI) Phono-
hl;l C
:.i- I'.
Heating stoves and Steele ran "eft
at cost tor a while, nt Frazer ,t
eta.es. Livestock" ii. Oregon i: " r.V: maKHimB
v 1, (mii.u.u i, hid imuiiHiiera priio at
o.u.,ujru iu u7w w,wv; la I craven Moore 8
1901, $12,000,000. That tame vear
the actual value of Oregon live
stock was about .125,000,000.
Mrs. M. W. Wallace ia in Chicago at
present, and will visit in New York be
fore returning home.
Miss Susie Fery, of Staytou, jg
spending: a couple of week's with
Gertrude Dickinson.
The leap year social party given
at the home of Mr. and Mrj. John
r.;i-:o.. : i r.. ,
ji-aiuowi in uunur oi .mes rerv. t t- t-m ...
fc.f a ,r -r. I L' Xj-Klbbey ig visiting in Wlnloek,
Of fetayton, and Mrs. Thas, of Wash. He will vimt Morrow count;
ubnu, too a ejucucbs ufcTeioping ! ure., reiore returning home
11- . .1. ii. i ii 1 T - - 1
the fact that the ladies of Indepen
dence are not afraid to malra
Mrs. M. M. Davidson and her niprn
Mrs. Chappell, were passengers to l'ort-
.... ...... ( ? . . v. . t. jaca(iKn
good use of the opportunities leap . lalJd Sunday for a week's visit,
year offers. At about seven o'clock Mrs. Gertrude Thomas, of Ogden,
tney Degan to assemble and there
were about tbirteea couple present.
The evening was sput p'aying
. i. i . i
v.ii ulu, tatua mm crosini.ia in
which all willingly in, I
Ctati.is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
John Dickinson for a few weeks.
Mrs. Dotbier, of San Francisco, who
I has been visiting at the home of J. M
-v'i ,. i Mltc'ie" 'or several months, returned
joying themsuK, ? eu:J . j home Wedneday
tent of the occasion. A 5uf - ven ' J B" V' BntIer of Monmouth, H.
.'clock a refreshing . mcK w "htr5niDrc?-.D- B,atler ot thl's
. "-"- W4H citv. attended thn fchrin.r.' m.., .
rred which was folloy ,1 b4- reci-1 Portland Saturday niaht.
! ain" .BOng8 WUn IV Ses The Lewis aud Clark club f im.
U4 : hutt been presented with three copies of
i)p.-,.,i.1. ( "Th Cjfnnn&ut.t Kr mi-U. if
rortl.ind and Iti turn
Tho Southern Paeilic Co in nmv
selling rouml trip tickets to Prt
land from Iiidenendenee tnr . r,(l
good going Saturday or Sunday ,'
returnim. Sunday and Af,,d..,.
giving ail day Sunday and Monduy
in Portland. The mime arrange
ment applies from Portland, giving
Portland people a chane in vimit
vaney points at greatly reduced
rates. '
Cured I.tinibago.
mcinl er liii
Ollii Vee-
tliiiikini,' id' piirchiiMn
iii-tniiiieiit it will imv
a v' tit.- 1
l :"' 5 1 ,md ( 'n!!
j. !...!,., ; , !,,.!;
ih'i- vi-ii..r,
tl.a' wil! P..
y our penpif. J.'e.
ah' onlv is
''d if vim a co
FJifltflCTk (Ilea;
'I I... u,,.M,lll
j:ni'li! f-r Art ( '.tlfmlar. ami nw !!. -rn..u u, ,
n ilui.lii'ato plii'tngnipli fi''tn any -f lto old jdni. r,,
I .1 1 1 llnm-.t Tli!i ..'... I I
Ctlt'O llll'lll III l Jlvll-M O'lllii 'i 1!...,. I I t
..jitMi for tho lu'Vt nixty Isi.vh. and it will !y ymi t,ir,,
Pickers llegaiivcs
Hfinoinln'r, I li.tu1 in Kt-ck nil f tho ficfalivni.1
t... v i;,.i.'..i ,,. i.lu ...ill. .ii- in 1 1 ! I'itv If inn ii ;. i. .i 1
iy i ii iii iii. iii .m 1 1" f . . j ii j - (i j.?
mapliH from any f tho M j-latt H it will ho to your iuj,
to call at unci', a I ili;i It j'rohahly nt kooji them in , ;
. i . i i .
any grout lontii d unio.
Enlarging Picture:
I am prcpari'l to i itliirL'o anv t'ht't;raith juh! ,?
iiif-h framu hr h'uuio at a erv rouotiahjo hiruro, 1 1
hack of tho .'uuraiili o ih.it no i.ictutv will he o-l and '
hati.-faction in j.'uar.i!iti ! in i .u h atol t-Vi-ry iutamv. i(
a !: I in.-'(i t iny work. ,
J. M. McCaleb, j
Independence, -:-
$ o f o o m o o o o o r o o o ai
Mm giien
V ')
A . '
i-. 1 Jf
'ler at the ocean
rted alt expreesiag ' amI
a witn the even ,;3-'eutr-.
Eva Emery Dye, of Oregon City, in con
eideratjon gf the club's prompt payment
towarda-the atatue fund.
A. B. C'ttiinian, Chicago, wrltee
March 4, 1003: "HavinK been troub
led with Lumbago at different tlmi-
and tried one phynician after another;
tnea uillerent olntmentH and lim.
ments, gave it up ultoirether. Ho I
tried once more, and cot a hoftl r
JLiallarU g Mnow Liiiaiiienr. u hlnh ,.
" f."-"
me almost InHUiit relief. lean cheer-
fully recorumend it, and will add my
name w your list or former Hiifr,.rr, "
25c, 60c aud f 1. Sold by A. 8. Locke.
Saved From Terrible Death.
The family of M. L Rohhitt nf
Bargerton, Tenn.. saw her dvi
wae powerless to save her. Tho most
and skillful remedy was used, failed,
while consumption was nlotviir k..i
surely taking her life. In this terrible
nour Dr. Kings New Discovery turned
despair into jey. Tbe first bottle
orougnt Immediate relief and Its con
tinued use completely cured her It's
tbe most certain cure in th world for
throat and lung troubles. Guaranteed
Bottles 60o and 11.00 Trioi .!..
Free at A. 8. Locke's Drug Store.
J -l
F. S. Wilson.
i T . t
T v . , , ' .
. D. WHITMAN, Proprirlo,
Home Industry Institutions