West side enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 1904-1908, January 14, 1904, Image 7

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lluckiiitf florae,
111 IlUSlia Vista.
hot bs too carelul with (lit
limy seem to aa gentle mid
lie ran l at times, wnlle at
r Iim will prove to hsjuat tlm
i' Tm-aday morning M. A.
Irlio hint Imwii working fur (J.
Bghllll, of lor getting KUpl
area sharpened tit dm black-
op, mounted hurae m id
I sum; hut iiorna ix-came
i at tliu plow khan mill pro-
timtoal hla rider. Mr. Wild
. la aeat until tlm Iidcm) bucked
) fttnce In trout of Mr.Mct'lulu'a
, where lie wu unoiaU-d nod
11 r gtilint Ilia fuiiin, 11 Mlriii'k
4 and rolled uuder the fiet of
11, Tl liorae sprang forward
i : a did mi'i"l on Mr, Wild
. leg Juat below tlm kuee, Injur
ry badly, although It did not
: .tier flh hone. Bi-aldca III.
! la kg, lit ri(lil arm and aliul
I bit back ucra mote nr leaa In
i It will 1st aoiiia time before Mr.
r will be able tu da arouud.
Mlu Nellie Cox, from Portland,
ii home en visit.
Mra. Powell Ii enjoying the picas
urn of visiting with Ikt mother,
who cams Haturday.
Miaa Alice Mack la visiting her
aunt, Mra. Fay Brown, at Bait
G. L. Zumwalt issponding the
winter with hla rnettier, at Perry
t'oiigrut ulutloti.
Juliit II. Culloui, Editor of. the
ndj'Texaa, Xewa, liaa written a
of congratulation to lliu iiiumi
eta of Chunibcrlalu' ('oogh
'y a follow: "(Sixteen year
' t our flral child wt a Unby he
Jtf"i to eroiipy sjx-ll anil we
L very uneaay about Mill. We
ttaliitf Chamberlain' Cough
'y in 1HS7, ami finding It audi a
rt-iii'-'iy f"r coioa aim croup,
ve never been wtllmtil 11 III
alili-n Hint Hum. We hava five
i'ti and have given It to all of
with good rvmiira. One good
Mf this remedy I that It U not
rull" to taku and our liable
Ilk It. Another Ik that It la lint
row, and there i no rlk from
an overdone. I congratulate
Hill the aucrra ol your mined',"
by all drugglal
Vflena Fu'jua haa been out of
school several days on account of a William Uojinaky.of Mt. I'iagoh,
severe told. waa in thia vicinity Friday,
M Hteole waa visitor here hat- (, Bcott, a cousin of U. II. Kigge,
urday recently died in Idoho.
Mr. llttlrd, assistant roadroasUir W.M. Kiddle received a thorough
of the 8. P. Co.. dined here Monday. brd goat Wednesday from Mo-
VnibvI Pratt hr anil D..1I rirlffahv Minnvilln.
wrre aouth -hound panHenuera tMon
Mre. II. Winn wan a paPMinger
on the aoulh-hound train Tui'mlay.
Miaa Fratiocn Ileliukk ia attend
ing achool in Halem.
William Ilerren waa a county
seat visitor Monday.
frank ptaey, formerly of true
place, ia now Jiving at Crab Tree.
Charlie Osborne recently paid
Allen Towua 1220 for 20 acrea ol
Kil Steele in contemplating th" grub land
i .115.1
purctiu t.i a new u.rHi.ing jr T Crtinel haa purchased an
tlia(.lllllO, llfnrirnvl fw.l rhnrtru.r
I he H. r. C, making nreuar- Ot iriilo Addiaon. of Darton.
TIio past BeaHon wo made several hundred photo
graphs for Art Calendars, and now any person who wiflhes
a duplicate photograph from any of tho old plates can se
cure them at a greatly reduced figure. Thia ofler ia only
open for the next nixty days, and it will pay you to come at
onco beforo the Christmas rush.
PicReFs Resales
Remember. I have in stock all of the negatives taken
by h. Pichel at his gallery in this city. If you wish photo-
ationa for a etrele bridya on the y.mbill county, waa here WeiW KraI,,lS frotn any of the old plates it will be to your interest
Luckiitmuto in the near future.
Mr. Daniel, or Monmouth, wai a
psHnengor to puma Viata Tueaday,
Minn rickett waa a piiaxengor to
Suver Monday.
The H. T. Co., haa four large caie
il'alanna of iron on the aide track to be
tptt'd in foundation ot the new steel
day vimting hia aunt, Mra.
j to call at once, as I shall probably not keep them
any great length 01 time.
in stock
d McRNiicr'a ml. thia
ilia aomething to you.
Mr. Win. H. Crane, of California
Md.. auhVred tor yeura from rtieuiiia-
tuin and liiiiihiiK"- He waa hnally ad-
vIwmI to try t'huiiitierlalu'a Palo Halm,
which lie did and It cuei'ted a com-
ifli'locure. Thia lliilinenl U for aala
hy all dniKKlata. ':
Felix Labranch ia now in bum-
ncas in balem.
Pig Kibboy and mother epunt
the holidaya here with his aunt.
John Sevier.
Mra. Iloaa Ilerren was a Mon
mouth visitor Friday.
William Warfle after ("pending
the holidays here returned to hie
home at Boine City, Idaho, Tues
Itannte Jtiggs and Mary Ann
Shepherd have returned from
Jteaolut Ions of ltesftect.
lEnlarg'ing Pictures
I am prepared to enlarge any photograph and fur
nish frame for same at a very reasonable, figure. I stand
back of the guarantee that no pictures will be lost and that
satisfaction is guaranteed in each and every instance. Call
and inspect my work.
iridiiv, Ah'UkI i.'0, likKI, wo coiniiienml our Eleventh Correajiondents' Con
il wlll bring it U a bU at 1 ;IH) o'clock I. M. January 30 next. Many of
riWioinlciilwdired the rloainR dte extendi d lMcat) hiirventini; uud hoft
: broke in for a rouple of moiiUm at the atart. We ulve a lint below of the
laken from a liat fiirniMhml by the correspondents:
PKlZlv Au elegant IreBH'r, an orniimeiit to any hoin
D VH17.E, A set of lioer J5ro silver Knives and Forks
i t'lUZK A handsome Photograph Album
'ft I'KIZK A flexible, leather-back Bible
f HIZK One of the popular books
I'HI.K Any one of the dollar year magazine
fll I'KICK Isnici'KNnKNca KsTKid-yiHC to any address for one year
' u nut nil llio news tlmt happens in Polk county and wo want tbe Entkh
vlHit every family In the county. We want to help you and we want you
js. Our interests are mutual. Wo will give points as follows:
ie point for every item of news worthy of publication. 25 points for every
orthy of a sepurate head. If an article lie specially meritorious or start
ke sight of the munamer of this department an extra 15 points will be
or every new yearly subscription 85 points. For every yearly renewal
b For a subscription' three months 2& poinU; six months and loss than
i points. For every dollar's worth now Advertisement or Job Work se
am receipt of pay for same wo will credit the correspondent with 60
nd we will gladly furniah vou prices on any kind of Ad or Job. We are
feniika a campaign for some new corrcHpomleuts, and we will announce
tlm places in this column. Watch for them, as we will make it to your
to Bin-lire representatives in the sections we want represented. Other
will be announced along.
For one-third less" than other people charge
you. Call and see us if you want a violin. ,
Special prices on all musical instruments.
c!i week wo will nnnoiineo in this column your points. No article is
antil after it appears in the paper, although subscriptions and points
D oilier ways will no Biitioiineoil as they come in. wo want to keen
ig fair and Htralght and If you think an error has occurred in your points
iihin the week following ana we will make thorough investigation.
, O.
. 743
kiaiuute 3S2
h, II.
ovo . . .
, P..
h, It.
Whereas it haa pleased our
If 1 C.I
uciivcui r n win u remove irjiH i mm -m -m
our midst by the hand of death, a Xliae UeilaeilCe,
Christian Association, Mary A
rcrry, wno aiea ia tMonmouth en
the 28 of December, 1003, and
whereas by her untimely death we
have sustained a most grievous
loss; therefore, be it rcsolvod, that
the members of the Ycnnc
Women's Christian Association of Q)
the Uregon state Aormal school of
Monmouth extend to the parents
and friends of our beloved member
the heartfelt sympathy of the
Association. The tody was return
ed to the dust from which it came,
but the spirit has gone to be with
IInu who said, "Blecsed are the
pure in heart, for they shall see
Resolved, that a copy of theee
resolutions be spread upon the re
cords, a copy be sent U her parents
and a copy be furnished to the press
for publication.
!Uuth Cooper,
Ellen Allen,
Fanny Ziegler.
A Ucry Close Call.
"I stuck to uiy engine, although
every Joint ached aud every nerve was
racked with pain," writes C. P. Bell
amy, a locomotive fireman, of Burling
ton, Iowa, "I was weak and pule,
without auy appetite and all run down
As I was about to give up, I got a bot
tle of Elect no Bitters, and after taking
it, 1 iuit as wen as x ever dta in my
life.". Weak, sickly, run down people,
always gain new life, strength and
vigor from their use. Try them.
Satlsfaclon guaranteed by A. 8. Locke.
Price 50 cents.
Jack Wilson returned last week from
Illinois, where he visited the past five
we?ka. He has resumed his work as
O. A. KRAMER 8r CO.,
engineer on the motor. I