i I . I r ' I I i ' ; i -" ! , ' ' i i H.' I i ; i ! : 'ii j: ' i 1 1 ' ! i - i " i f i 1; " ' !j - ' f; ' i ' It ' i : ' f ' :.( , '. 1 i , i f i t i 1 1 ' I ' . .4 ' I d 5 t' f in: ' INDEPENDENCE KNTEkTKISE, INDKITDECK, OlttflON S. M. DANIEL, Monmouth OeiR REotlLrVn S. M. DAJf Monmou fowsifl (stews ssfl egins Saturday, January 9th And "Will Continue Until Further Notice. Zi Vlji'o nrtrl I Htlrtrnn C I inttlinCT I i Jli Til I'Tl V rAZLI IIllLLLfUfl A flOCOU' Capes, az Coafc azc Mackintoshes, our entire stock of Dress Goods, Fancy Wai 4 - . . T.4- .- -i Affile fr i crri i m fmct i f rem in c i. etc., u C at uttr primus. ljuu i ivu.ii, vu.i iy uuyvia wni Jtv,ui i v,dv,.-. Clothing Men'i $15.00 suits for 110.50 J 2.50. 10.00. 9.00. 7.50. 6.50. 5.00. 9.50 7.95 6.75 5.85 4.95 3.85 Dress Goods Wo hv left neveral p!cea, nioe hades, heavy skirting. All regular $1.50 goods for $1.20 per jard 1.25 per rd dress goods for90o. . . . .90o..." 70c.... .75o 55c.... .65c 45c... .60c 45c.... Jill cur Ddics' jackets M less THAN COST 2 Ladies Tan, size 3.S-40 $11.50 Jacket for 2 " SH-40 15.00 ' " " . 2 " Ulue " 32 9.50 2 " Black 34-33 5.00 " " . 2 Mimes Red 18 9.00 " " . 2 Ladies Tan " 38-40 0.50 " " . .17 50 ,.10.00 . 6.00 . 3.75 . 5.75 . 4 5o Ladies $ 10.00 HalncoaU not C.O0 t 5.(M).... I Men' 110 aii.I I'Jfat ii, r' r Mine 15 Itain Coats Men's and Hoys' $1.75 ioAl'A coats Ws are orerUcksd In tlx J must close ihein out. t . : . m BESIDES THE ABOVE BARGAINS WE GIVE YOU At TEX PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASE on all other lines of goods, except Muslins, Prints, llubtar Hoots and Shoes and $' Shoes. Goods at sale prices are strictly cash. We want to bo kept busy duiing the dull month of January. Wo need tho room theso Kxxi..' and want them out of our way. Last but not least we need some extra cash to pay our bills. If you owo us anything on account wo will i;nf an early settlement.' ltl I-IigHest Frioe for Foultry, Bacon, Lard, H3g " T YOURS FOR BUSINESS, , . DANIEL, iVJonmouth, Oiregci S M Monmouth Correspondence Miss Maggie Butler has la grippe. People here heard thunder Sunday. William Kobinson, of Airhe, was In town on business Saturday. W. P. Fisher is in Portland, and bos been there for a couple of weeks. The Evangelical meeting is still go ing on. Up to the present, there has been six conversions. Jefferson Robinson, of Lewiaville, is stopping at his sister's, Mrs. M. . CKelley, for the present. I The Kev. Btrope, of Kings Valley, has moved into one of Mrs. Whitney's houses and is helping in the meeting at the Evangelical church. Miss Phoeba Hiatt and sister, Ber- nice, left this week for Washington, -where they will visit friends and rela tives for a couple of months. ' Professor T. O. Huchihson, of Wood burn, Marion county, was the guest of Uncle Ira F. M. Butler the first of the week. We always like to greet old timers again. Joe Kose has'fized up the sidewalk in front of the livery stable, and while Monmouth sidewalks are good, yet they have been fixing them up for two months or more. We are making prices on steel ranges that more the goods. Spec ial discount for the next sixty days. R. M. Wade & Co. Itev. An example of patience was furnish ed by a man driving through Mon- jnouth the other day. His horse balk ed in front of the post office. Instead of using profanity and a club, he sat on his seat, deliberately smoking his pipe and talking with passers-by until his horse moved on. Carlisle 1. L. L. D. It. Martin, Saved From Terrible Death. The family of M. L. Bobbltt of Bargerton, Tenn., saw her dying and was powerless to sare her. The most and skillful remedy was used, failed, while consumption was slowly but surely taking her life. In this terrible hour Dr. Kings New Discovery turned despair into jey. The first bottle brought immediate relief and its con tinued use completely cured her It's the most certain cure in the world for throat and lung troubles. Guaranteed Bottles SOc and (1.00 Trial Bottles Free at A. S. Locke's Drug Store. Of Wawerly, Texas, writes: "Of mornnlg, when firstarlslog, I often Hud a troublesome collection of rihWm. which produces a cough and is very bard to dislodge; but a small quantity of Ballard's Horehound Hyrup will at oooe dlslodne it, and the trouble Is over. I know of no medicine that Is equal to It, and It is so pleasant to take. I can most cordially rooom mend it to all persons needinir'a nieril. cmefor throat or lunu trouhln." RL. .. A I rut C-t 1 . . - m . . - . uvi nuu vi.uu. doiu y A. B, ljOCke. Notice to Voters. John McMelon jumped out of his wagon one day last week, and as he struck the ground, one of his horses lucked him on the leg above the knee, fracturing one of the bones, but he is getting along very well. Notaries Public throughout the County, in the several Toting pre cincts, have been suplied with reg istration blanks. All voters are re quired to register on or before May 15, 1904. Register early and avoid extra expense ot the county Regintration is required every two years. U. S. LOCO HART, County Clsrk. a. m. jfaniei, Monmouin, an nounces his annual clearance sale on another page of this issue and offers some rare bargains. l'ortiaml and Jteturn Only The Southern Pacifio Co. is now sewing round trip tickets to Pert land from Independence, for $2.50, good going Saturday or Sunday,' jckuiuiuK ounuay ana Monday, giving all day Sunday and Monday m Portland. The same arm-. ment applies from Portland, giving Portland peonle a chancA in Valley points at greatly rednd rates. Do not Overlook our clearance sale, January 15 to February 15. Bargains in all lines. We must make room for our new goods. W. Wessner. Ladies' and children's caiw and jackets at less than cost at 8. M Daniel's, Monmouth. iwm TROUBLES "fflndnwdfoni't RlMk-Drmaihl nol uiMlloln for Urn iHmmlm. 1 -""""n". it Ihimnl. MARTIN, I'trkonbarg, W. Va. If your lirer dooi not art reg ularly go to your dnif uint and jncure a parka, of iWord's Xl!aok-Irauglit and take a dne tonight. Tbi, gnAl fluaii niicine frew, the cointipatd bowl. rtirs up the torpid hrer and can healthy .ecrstion of hue. ThHford'i Black . Draught will clfnnM the bowels of im punttet and itrengthen the kid-"7T- .A,. wpil liver invite colds, hi lomnws, chills and IfT'-r arid all manner of lick ne and contagion. W.ak kid neyi result in liright'i disaose which claims a many victims M consuniption A 25-cent Mckam of Thedford'i Dlark- tetoutld "I liT. iii:nkm; i t Barber Shi MAIM STREP, j I One door south of Par' 3 Fine Hatha in connects Indetkjsdence, :f " M Ho Apt b VIA TO P0KNI ST.PAt'l.DCLUTH.JIIXXFJrtJS AND ALL POIMTMClj j 2 Tit A IKS JUIl Iitit Tiintlmh. NtMf IDUIPUINT TMS0- Day :oi.rhwr Ptlaee and Tourist Dining and Bullet Smoklnjkio Lm DAYLIGHT TRIP THBOjg CADE AND ItOCKI.B.. tinov '. For ratAa. fnlilnra and ''n'' tlon reKardins tickets, m",. on or address H. DKK r --, Ticket Agent. J. W. l'BeT N , Pass. A ut., Portland. . . i A. n ?i nir.HaiM'rruf.f . eiflFliMA sV " AIM