i IJNTKIiritfSK, INIEFKNI)F.NCK, ORB West Side Enterprise. tl'Ul.iNllr:i KVKUY TIll'IWPAY. fclllvml Kl iHileiwnileuee. Or (Hmtumw a wpuiI-'Imii mailer. Su$crlpticn Price. $1.50 pcrVr. TKI.KI'IIONK Ulil. Hi'iwi'Rirnos ratks. (Slrktl,in atlvitnw) pvt yr Klx mouths .11 W . M . eft Lorn I million ie 5 rent" irt line sli-anilit lMliiily do reduction for any ruu wbaUoever. Km on dllH-mWrilln mail kmiwa on application. , Imleeiuleiire has Iwn the blrtliulnee of a newspaper known as th Wkht Sidk and of another called the Entkr-i-kihs. l?oth flourished in tlieir tlav ami the West Side EsT.KrKias succeeds both with this issue. Newspaper nomenclature" possilily might (urninh a more euphonious but not a more appro priate name. It i strictly a west side enterprise. In assuming charge, the proprietor lias no appology to olle r beyond the state ment that his action is based on faith in Independence and Tolk county. To this section the Wist Sids Entkkprib is dedicated and it is a source of gratifi cation that this issue appears with the assurance of a cordial and hearty support on the part of the people. The best In terest of a community and a paper published in its midst are Intertwined and inseparable and a progressive . coin ' munity cannot afford the maintenance of a paper that is indifferent to the re sources and opportunities of its locality, Immigration is now pouring into the Northwest at a more rapid rate than ever before. The transportation com panies report bringing about 44000 people into Oregon last year. Polk, in natural resources is one of Oregon's leading counties. Here is the bop-raising center of the west, In fact of the United States. Here wheat, oats, barley and orchards annually yield profitable resturns. In the foothills stands the finest timber of the West. Livestock is being bred up and is one of the paying industries of the county. This section is particularly adapted to dairy ing and yet the output of the creameries falls far short of the demand. Land can be had at reasonable figures and those seeking to better their conditions in the vest are entitled to know of Polk county, Oregon. Independence, advantageouily sit uated on the banks of the Willamette river, with water and rail transporta tion facilities olfers a promising field for lumbering mills, power and other man nfacturing plants and capital seeking ing investment is entitled to a means ol knowing of the opportunities here pre sented. Oregon is nndergoing a development she has not felt before, The coming Lewis and Clark centennial, the awaken ing Orient, the prospective Bussian and Japanese war combine to bring 'about conditions favorable to the state and the plodding methods of former years would be out of tune with the times. To faithfully represent this locality under the conditions with which we are con fronted is the purpose of this paper. Correspondence from the surrounding country will be kept up and the Wkbt Side Enterprise made as nearly as possible a symposium for the discussion of all subjects pertaining to the public weal exclusive of anonymous communi cations reflecting on lndiyiduals. It perhaps is as well to state in advance that grievances of a personal nature may as well be related to the police for they will find no place in these columns. In politics the West Side Entkhpribe is republican. The characteristics of the Japanese and Russians will be studied more close ly than ever before while they are be fore the world as belligerents. Seem ingly the Japanese are handicapped at the outset in superior numbers and ex tent of territory. Russia, has 00 times . the area, three times the population and seven times as large an army as ' Japan. But the fact must not be lost sight of that the Japs have developed natural weakness to national from etrengh in a wonderfully short time. They proved their virility as nation when they fought China less than ten years ago. On the march to Pekin tbey prov ed their mettle In comparison with the soldiers of other nations. The Japs have Rieator sympathy fiom the world at larg than the KumImw. In this country England, France and Italy particularly public ayliiutliY favors the Japs. Germany according to the paer 1 pro-Russia, but the tns isnotlieoto relkwt public feelintf in (Jerinany. Thia sympathy is due to s nno extent to Japan's ungual rhanee in point of mmilKTiBild eiiii"t the war and to her willingness In mess lire sword with so great a world power at tlie challeng". Japan s oi' frank diplomatic cuiirso with Russia In the events leading up to the rupture has commanded the administration of the world. Japan has insisted from the start upon an unequivocal ariiiiigmnent with Russia as to their respectiv spheres of influence in China, an arrangement that meant on its face w hat it purMirt- i..l to ini'iin ami one that would ! scrupulously olwerved to the letter I both nartica. If they have at any tin had the opportunity to Income the part ners of Russia In the spoiling of North ern China, as seems probable, they hate refused to accept it, and they have Ux firm for their original policy. The Issue of war with Russia will de cide wheatherthe Japanese are to hav their chance among nations or whether they are to be forced back to a future of poverty on their islands, where they must always remain on the defensive, Beyond this, war wilt do much to decide even if the Western European powers do not become involved, as to whlcn nation Russia or Japan is to have the beg' mony over the yellow race of China, The "lellow. Peril" Is no unreal thing. China Is waking up. Her 600 000,000 of people are able to fnrni armies to the power that can master them, drill them and pay them, such as perhaps no other region on the earth can equal. What Russia would do with such armies, if she gained them, her whole hiBtory tells us. She would use them to sweep Asia. In Europe, Russia is European, more or less. In Asia she is Asiatic Tartar, If you will. Would the Jap, from the point view of Europe and America, be a more desirable ruler of China than the Tartar? Would huge China tempt half European' ized Japan back once more into the status of a Mongol power, made more dangerous by her new-found brains and skill? Would a Japanese Yellow Peril be better or worse for the world than ess eeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeseQt ken Field Feaee Weighs of Russian Yellow Peril? Iti a case appealed to the Superin tendent of I'ubllo Instruction it baa been held that a pupil of the public schools must write the vertical system in order to pass the grado examina tin n s. The ruling may be technically correct. In fact tbt vertical system was adopted by the Btate Hoard of Text Book Commissioners but the pu pil that la denied promotion on the ground that the perpendicularity of his lines does not conform to that par ticular system of writing need not be discouraged. Though the state be against bim the one turned down may make the greatest mark of them all. The world at large does not care whether the lines of one's pen manship are at an angle of 75 degrees, 85 degrees, or perpendicular. A legi ble handwriting is required by the practical world and he that writes a neat, easily read band will pass muster in practical life whether or not he meets the requirements of theory spin ners or conforms to any one particular system of penmanship. me vertical system may appear more beautiful to the eyes of some than the slant system and some may write a better vertical band than any other but it is a fact that some of the best penmen write the slant system and there is no lack of advocates of the slant system In preference to the verti cal. Either system is accepted In the business world and the public school system is at fault when it attempts to restrict a pupil to either system of pen manship and refuse him a graduation diploma on that ground alone. It is given as an absolute fact by W. B. Northrop that Joseph Chamber lain's great fight for the establish Meat of a protective tariff in England la be ing made at the Inatlgation of his wife, who incidentally is an American. Mrs. Chamberlain bas more than once played an Important part In the politics of England, and now her hns- 01 0) e 0 m 6) m 0) 0) m OOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ on' jut rol nnl l dtronijer than other win IVih .-h. W'v buy in Imp' u;tntiti'H ami nro in n tuition to muku tho See our Elwood Poultry Fence. R. M. WADE & GO. hand has thrown hla whole career In her bunds. Chamberlain laid down hla olllce as Colonial Secretary and stepped as once from the position of the forvinoat man lu England to the status of a plain cltlieu In order to fur thrr the cause he had at heart a cause Inspired by his wife, who firmly be lieves that American methods of gov eminent and American Internal poll clea will greatly benefit the English folk If adopted. Mr. Chamberlain l now speaking to the people, requesting their Indorsement of the protective policy. Against htm is arrayed Mr. Henry Asquith, M. P., one of the moat powerful orators In England, but Mrs. Chamberlain Is confident of success of ber husband's cause. Never before in the history of Eng land have so many American women had under their influence posts of power and politics a they have today, and this is being felt throughout the length and breadth of the land. Mrs. Cham berlain now intends to fix this fact more firmly In the minds of the Britishers, for she purposes soon to give an elaborate bsnqm.it to the Anglo-American women who have made themselves felt in British society. ' Yamhill's delinquent list Is more than double this county's. ii 1 i You will have to go to Dallas this week to learn which Is the butt end of a goat. 1 in perfect Ilrllou. The National Livestock Association; the National Woolgrowera Associa tion; the Northwest Fruit drawers Association In session In Portland and the Btate Uoat Show In sosslou at Pal- as this week, look like something Is doing in Oregon. A stats that does not raise sheep, goats or other livestock orylold fine fruit could not secure such conventions. It Ii a great advertise ment for the state and significant of the fact that Oregon's resources are re ceiving attention thsy never did be fore. Joint Representative B. F. Jones of jlncoln and Polk counties has tem porarily dropped clam culture and turned his attention to the extraction of gold from the sands of the baach. He reports having received 17.60 an ounce for some platinum gold sand sent East. Mr. Jones had serious In tentions of removing to Polk county In the spring but alluring gold may hold him by the ocean's shore a while yet Secretary Hitchcock has doubts as to the moral qualifications of Asa B. Thomson for the position of receiver of the land office at LaOrande and Al Roberts will probably be appointed to succeed Thomson. Then the Secre tary will be himself In disrepute in- eea wun Eastern Oregon people who are now demanding the re-instatement of Thomson. All the Oregon girls escaped from trie Chicago theater fire. They do not burn readily. Salem Journal. The above should be supplemented Ith an explanatory note giving the reason why. Eugene Register. iven an editor ought to know it'a because they keep out of the fire. The advertised list of delinquent tax sales of Lane county covers an entire page of a 7-column newspaper. Polk's list occupies less than two columns. Means loo nutrition and In cons, queue ! vitality. When the Itvvr (alia to secret bll, the blood become loaded with bilious prowrtlt, the dl rest Ion becomes Impaired and the bowels constipated. Herblna v. Ill rec tify tlilai It hivm tons to the stomach liver and kldueya, strengthens the a petite, clear ami Improves tlie com plexlmi, Infuses new life and vigor to the whole system, ou ct'UU a bonis, sold by A. H. Locke. Free motor to Monmouth after the dance Saturday evening. A good second hami buggy for sale, cheap by Frazer & Kice. First class yellow fir hakes for Hale. II. C. Miller, I'edoe, Oregon Mrs. Dr. Brown, of Tacotna, Wash., is visiting at the borne of Mrs. A. M. Hurley. My household good are for. sale and can be seen by inquiring at the Restaurant. Geo. Btoll. Don't overlook our first clearance sale it means a saving to you. Friday, January 15th, at W. A Mess tier's. . We have a quantity of material for constructing Anchor funce, on hand, which we -are offering at a discount. Frazer it Kice. I have closed my bakery, for a fow moaths. The Restaurant will continue undor the charge of Mr. and Mra. El.ie Osborne. Geo. Stoll. IS GIVEN TO DETAILS At our school. That Is what couuta, and Is one reason why our students are successful. Business men annreolale this fact, and many ask for no recom mendation but ours. If you are Inter ested In a usable education, and wish to secure It for the lowest posalble cost and in the shortest time consistent with thorough work, It will pay you to Investigate the advuntBges we offer. Bend for catalog. CAPITA L IJU8IN ICSH COLLEGE SALEM, OICEGON. W. I. Stnley, Principal. Your Tonf If It's coated, your s1 is bad, your liver Is1 order. Aycr's Pills wi your tongue, cure yoi pepsia, make your live Easy to take, easy too lie. All Oaf fUIl. t Woo ol IMS klrk f THm u ; BUCKINGHAM'S D YE w; Clearance tale at Men day January 15th. Greati In al) lines. Goods m plain figures. Produce tat George Htoll left Wedtu Portland, where lie has ac position in a hotel In Portl D. A. Hodge left Satu Montreal, Canada. Mr. 11 p-cts to b gone about if?1 combining business with l Mrs. Monroe Mulkey a"" Clark Hembree, of Mf" went to McMinnville Turf attend the wedding of Mist Ileuibree, at that place W H Bargains! Bargains! K Bargains in dry goods, bar clothing, bargains in h gaius in hataand caps, bar groceries, in fact we will gl of the boat bargains ever of Independence, at our a sale Friday, January 15th . miss it V . A. Messner. ; She ?eC Davidsor; & Hedges, P Ciffurts OiKarottosi,'J" oos unci Conlectiou IRST Class Soda Fou.vg, Connection. lit' B G L Hav E. ; Dallas, Cy i (wi Marble ai lu ki 7, Monuments 4a stones Cc work J but ink ' H. H. JaspeKl Undertaker; Enbi; and Funeral Dire;aer liMpcndence, ft . LADY ASSISTANT WHEN DESIREDC