INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE, INDEPENDENCE. OWfOOK r Social and Personal. rfc-air i T ivtmw ft V t - John K. John-on returned la Kugetie Saturday. A new line of fancy itattouery due at Craven A Moore's. Mm. Bertha Carriers was a passenger to Portland Friday. Mm. Lay ton Fmlth wim a passeuger to Portland Friday. K. K. Paddock aud little ho, F.lmer were lu Corvallla Friday. Nuts, candies, cigar aud latest Utor ature at Craven A Moore's. Julien Hurley has been appointed ageut for the Jouruul, vice Dean (Joed inau resigned. J. C. Hayter, editor of the Polk Coun ty Observer, spent Saturday eight lu Independence. 11. L. Fen ton wan over from DalUs Saturday, shaking bands with Inde pendence friends. Win Mackay returned to Porllaud Friday, after visitiug bla daughter, Mrs. 8. K. Oweu. Vou can get any piier or iiiaga.lne pulislicd at the publishers price at Craven A Moore's. J.S.Kibbey ims none to Morrow coun ty to visit relatives and expects to pur chase a claim while there. Dr. W. I). McNary, one of the asylum physicians at Hulem, speul Sunday iu Independence. L. U. Kibbey is visiting in Wlnlock, Wash. lie will visit Morrow conuty, Ore., before returning home. Our Oak Point correspondent lias moved to Pendleton, and we hope soma other enterprising resident of that place will take up the work. Mrs. C. E. Ferguson, who lias been visiting her parents, Mr. mid Mrs. Luther Grouud. of Monmouth, left Suudav for r-'alt Lake City, Utah, her future home. S.E. Leinmon, of McCoruiick, Wash., came In (Saturday evening on the boat, returning Kunday afternoon. His s.I.ii. Hrnu mliuuliitlful 1... mujllll .,f l.llul- ue.'ts Interests he has here. James Callahon, who lives on the Clarion county side of the river, was iiuijced up in an acoident last wek. A log rolled on his foot and quite bajdly. He will be cn crutches for several weeks. Mrs. A. J. Goodman and son, Dean left Monduy for Albany, thence to Eugene, for a visit. From the latter point they journey to Pendleton, where Mr. Goodman has bought an interest in a hardware store. Polk County BanR, INCORPORATED. Monmouth, - Oregon. J. II, JJawley, P. L. Cami'bbu., President. Vice Pres. Iba C. Powell, Cashier. Paid Capital, 3o,ooo. Dibkctohs: J. H. Hawley, P. L. Campbell, I. M. Simpson, J. B. V. Butler, John B. Stump, J. A. Withrow, F. S. Powell. f Transact General Banithig and Exchange Bamsoss Drafts sold available throughout the United States and Canada. 4 4 ...THE... lHonmoutb Eaundry . II. O. tVii Ira aa , t'rop. Should have your Work. Washing called for and de livered. Washing called for on Tues day and delivered on Satur day Work Guaranteed. Monmouth, Oregon. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ft I). V. Hoars waa in roruanu u... Hunday. Mla Pearl Pcrelval visited Portlaud this week. (. A. Hurley md Al Herreii were Salem visitor Mouduy. II. Hirschberg, the banker, was i Portland the ll rat of the week. Mlxa Lela ilerren lett Monday, for a several weeks' visit In Portland. The M. F conference Is to b held lu 1 udepoiidenoe some time lu May. Harry Steele, a boy' of Iluena Vwta, whs committed to the reform school last week. Mrs. A. McLaughlin, of Buena Vista, was a visitor in Independence the llrsl of the week. Dr. C. C. Poling, of Dallas, will presch at the UwisvlUe church Sun day at 11 ;00 A. M., and at Bridgeport at 7:301'. M. lv. C. F.Ulredge was a passenger to tfr.,r.,i MnMitav. on business. He expects t visit HHkaue, Wash., on bllsluess this coming week. About a bilker's doxen Knights of t..,i,i r,f this eitv. will m to Falls Citv this eveulnu for the puro-e ol in stitutinsra K. of P. in the thriving town of the foothills. V uimin cull attention to anyone owing us or we owing them to call at once at this office or Wagoner store ..) hivn an iindcritai.diiii; with the undersigned. This Is the hint notice Clarence It. Wagoner. Independence Chapter No. t'.'i, B. A, M.. Installed the following olheers Frl dav eveiiiuir: K. L. Ketchum, High Priest; A. K. Lot-ke, King; 1". M. Kirk land. Hcribe: H. llirachherg, Treas.; H. It. Parrlsh, Hec.; O. I). Butler, Cant, of Host: Clarence It. Wagoner, Roval Arch Captain-, J. VV. Kirklnnd, U. of 3rd V.) II. H. Jasperson, M. o 2nd V.; J. Dickinson, M. of 1st V. A wind storm of much intensity oc curred at 11:00 A. U. Sunday. It was preceded by several deafening claps of thunder and (lashes f lightning. 1'art of the Iron railing from the top of the Independence National Bank building w as blown down. Several of the fuses at the local telephone office were burn d out. but aside Irom this there was little other damaue. The storm ti'sui abated, twlng succeeded by an Ore gon steady rain. The ladies of the Heading Club were entertained on Wednesday evening, by Mrs. J. S. Cooper, Mrs. P. Bowden and Mrs. A. J. (ioodmau at the home of Mrs. A. J. (ioodmau. After a de lightful evening a delicious lunch was enjoyed by all. Mrs. A. J. Goodman having resigned her olilce as president of the club, Mrs. (). I). Butler was elected to fill the office. Those present were: Mrs. V. Jiooge, airs. m. cressey, Mrs. L. Damon, Mrs, A. Nelson, Mrs. O. D. Butler, Mrs. G. L, Burton, Mrs. J. Ii. Hubbard, Mrs. Geo. Conkey, Mrs, E. E. Paddock, Mrs. D. B. Taylor, Mrs. H. B. Walker, Mrs. It. II. Knox, Mrs. K. D. Cravens, Mrs. A. M. Hurley, Mrs. E. L. Ketchum, Mrs. May Babbitt, Mrs, Harah Irvine, Mrs. H. E. Owen, Miss Nellie Burke, Mrs. J. H. Cooper, Mrs. P. Bowden, Mrs. A. J. Goodman. Mr. and Mrs. Goodman will bo greatly missed In the social circle. Mr. aud Mrs. L. M. Butler are in re ceipt of a letter 'from their son, Jona than Butler, who is doing se.-vlce for Uncle Bam as a member of Company C. Seventeenth intantry lu the Philip, pine Islands. The letter recounts a more or less perilous hlke" into the wilds of that country and concerning the habits of the natives encountered says: "At one place we canoe to a amalltown (and vou could smell It for two miles) of savages in front of the homes of whom were from one to ten poles with a human head or arm on the top of each. While there we were very careful not to get separated, as to be found alone by a party of them would mean death and such are the people some of the newspapers at home are talking about oppressing and wltholdlng from them their liberty. There was a scout cut with ft bolo while guarding two Moro prisoners at work. The guard killed both the prisoners as one grab bed bis gun while the other cut him with the bolo. The man will recover the doctors say." t'lrrlo Instillation. Hpeeial from Iluena VUla. The Circle met Friday night, Jan uary 8, and Installed their th prv.enool a large number of visitors. The following otllcets were Installed bv Mrs. Geo. rn'olt, of Dallas! Mrs. Malvlii Baldwin. Guardian Neighbor; Mrs A. M. McLaiiKhlln, Past Guard- i... N.-luhbori Mrs. Beveus, Advisor; Miss Lula Locke, Maglclau; Mb M. J. Lee, Clerk; Mrs. M. J. Kreuu, Bank er; Miss A Ida Fruni, Attendant; Mrs. M. A. Winn, luner Henllnel; M. A. Wluu, Outer HeullneJ; Mrs. Ethel Bev ens, Captain of Guards; (I. Iocke, Guard; Chas. Mastersou, Guard t A. M. McLaughlin, Guard; Elu Be ens, Guard. The following stiort program was rendered after the installation: In strumental music. Will and Abel Por ter; welcome aildress, Bertha Wlnti; Instrumental solo, Miss Alice Knigh ton; recitation, "Train to Bracken burg," Mix Fled C. Thompson; Molo, "Won't You Be My Hwethearl," Lena Baldwin; recitation, The First Letter," Miss Ida Mae Hmlth; duel, "My Pauline," Misses Alice and Ethel Knighton; Instrumental music, Will aud Abel Porter. At the close of the program, supper was served oonsUtlug of oyster u chiekcii. cake. etc.. to which all did ample Justice. The Circle, as well as the other lodges of this plaoe, Is rapidly bulldlug up, owing to the active woik of It members. The enrollment of the Cir cle Is now nesr fifty, and new iiiem hers are coming In all the time. A f!iurprls Tarty. Special from Buena Vista. On Tuesday evening, January Mh, Miss Alice Knighton was given a stir- prle party. Quite a number of friends attended, Including Miwe Mae Smith, Lucy Bolter, 'Fresin Pralher, Eva Baldwin, Maudle McLaughlin and Beiiit ArlaiidMin; Mrs. Melviu Bald win and Messrs. Clrve and JUrley Prathor, Arthur, Will, Alsd and Hoy Porter, Willard Met Main, Grant Mc Laughlin, Martin Conger aud John ArlundNun. The evening was spent In playing games, singing songs and with music. Light refreshments wereserv. ed about midnight, and shortly after wards the party broke up. 100 acres of bottom land, 15 acres in jiruiieH and '! acres of good open land suitable for Iiojib, For further particulars enquire of . L. Cauthorn, Wells, Ore. A Wonderful Nerve. Is displayed by many a mau endur ing pains of accidental Cuts, Wounds, Bruises, Healds, Kore fret or stiff Jolts But there's no need for It. Buckleu's. Arnica Halve will kill the pain umi cure the trouble. It's the bcst'sulve en earth for i'iles, too. 'Jots, at A. H Locke Druggist. m Mfj Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that I have been duly appointed by the county court of Polk county, Oregon as the ad ministratrix of the estate of Bertha Ohms, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same to the undersigned at the law ollice of Butler A Coad. in Dallas, Polk county, Oregon, duly veri fied in manner provided by law, within six months from data thereof. t Dated, December .10th, 1903. Emma A. Ohms; Kxecntrix of the estate of Bertha Ohms, deceased. REE. CMURCM5UPPERS v;ociETYADlNNEI vvirri purchases or F. S. Wilson. Carpel and R9 Weaving. Patties wixhlng aotk done in this line will pit aw tall at my .-KI nw one i,n seslHiid hall Mock north ol Palace Hotel. Mix. II". . Ilfii iirr, INDKI'KVi'KNCK, :- , OHUCON ( I have received l registration ofvotsrJ tjr, for the twnelit of; ollice. and to save i jt the county, rctjuesti tcr early. i II. Justice (; J. H. MOOlti;, Tonsorlal Artist Only hrst-cliiss workmen fin ploytl in tin "Wigwam." tfhop situntcd on North ntdo of C Street. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. R. ALLIN, D. D. S. ...Dentist... I'slilliMM Kxlruetltm a SH-i'jnlly. oiMr llullitliis, luilrianitiic, Mr OSCAR HAYTER, Attorney-at-Law, CAMPItKU. DALLAS, tariLDiNii, OREGON. round u Curt for Indigestion I use Chsmberlain'a Htomncl and Liver Tablets for luiilgesilon and find they suit my case better thai) any' dya pepsla rented, I have ever tried audi have used many dilli renl reuiedlea. I am nearly Ufty-one years of age and have sullered a great deal from Indlges tlon. I can eat almost anything I want to now, Gko. W. Kmorv, UK'k Mills, Ala. For sale by All Druggists, llow'H Thla? WeofterOne HunilreT Dollars lte- ward lor any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. NEW the 90 I cu KAMAKF.U CO. I' jid to iiju'ti II fUtfi J'OluU'DCW fr I'tlft I It liH l'ti fcCVi. tmico In-hpciidci Imttut of u piano t lifiiisc, but by tlie' nrticlt roarlic ii llicro will bo on in llr-nklu btiildiu' lilii'sl goo.! ever j Iltdf Jt'Htlcnt, or tmy other j'liue. jutiy nuikts n r itiftrti! ut tlio mine ti me i to ht ll thoin ut a t j.rolit; benct tho gets iheitt for wwtibl otherwise tnt'dintn or chef Tht-y will ex!ulH lirst limp tho . r HARDJ Ll I'inno riuycr, the iiuist coinplctt; the rnnrkct. U worth your while tftl, ntxl hear this woiftfB Htnifuent ilay thige Thcv will ttlo bavbb Vi i o.b, ton rhonornpli bin C5rniIiojthunenJ ttitcrtaiti their pare something that wfiyln jtreriftted by our j W nitMiibtr this mh ono week, tttitl if thinking of purclgon inslruniftit it will t . . . 7be wen to invesvigiue 'a I o-d rdi mi $f 6: RAMAKER KshIU nM lair. ijvnrtu jjium., i MarK II. Suva ban Doinestic TroubleH. It Is exceptional to to find a family where there are no domestic ruptures occasionally, but these can be lessened by having Dr. King's New Life I'IIIb around. Much trouble they save by their great work in Htomach and Liver troubles. They not only relieve you, but cure. 25c, at A. 8. Locke's Drug Ktore. Carl Herren, who has been working at Wheatland, has returned home. IN to IN AN Did You Ever in i Use a Bath Cabins They arc on almost sure cure for Cohhr and Rheumatism. I will sell iou euc (Jilne BUCKEYE VAPOR CABl-ism AE2 for kiL rkei fr. tor 41c: am iV. S. LOCKE, Prescription Druggist, Independcrf61