WEST SIDE ENTERPRISE i;:;tii yi:aii. INDErKNDKNCK, rOUC COUNTY, OKKGON, JANUARY 14, 1901. NUMBER r county court IN BUSINESS SESSION deuce; James Roydntoo, Da.Ias; I Boyle, Dallas; Stephen Bralcy Jackson; K M Branson, Doutjlas Q D Drown, Jackson; C E Brooks Independence; II B Bropby, Eula E M Brown, Dallas; T S Brown n.ii i r Ti i-.n. r;i e Sibley and commissioners Kiggs, ana Reason Brunk. Eoi-, Cyrus ueii r I Tk n n 1 1 1 1 ft ' . - . mi - jacaeon; r r uuuier, .uanas; a a Jr .If? th? ,1X l.PW tO Off Zh 1V1111S P.nr,.., Rtrlrrniill- J t Rnrfnr.l Dallas; T W Barch, Rickreall; linrlf KfllLor IUlUa: J II Hum ilu-iesand 1 hree (Jerks Appointed lor nacn .election Bridgeport: Frank Butler. Falls recinct: Road Supervisor for each Road District and , Two Hundred Names Selected as Eligible for Jury Duty. . as, Jao. A. Tbo Polk county n elon this week fixed the 'tax levy, apx.ln ted election and clerks, road upirvior, ulueted a iurv list for the TAX LEVY. tax lew was fixed at 20 livided as follows: rand Stat 19 J mills. 5 " : J " CTION Jt'IWKS AND CLERKS. swing is the list of election and clerks: jlas precinct John T Lady, iKey, A M Dickey, judges; Howell, Dave Meadows, ' Scrosgin, olerks. son precinct. N F Gregg, '1, J A Baxter, judges; Carl . Henry Butler, Alfrei ell, clerks. Lake precinct. O N Town ill Jones, D L Key t, judges llliott, Otis Byerly, C L Gi rkt. '; :i Valley precinct. Geo TJ Jeuninga, W J Craw 3am Phillips, Wayne LI; a Purvine, clerks. pr;jmct. J W McDowell, !)Bon, H B Bropby, judges ann. Goo C Mitty, B I Fer jlerts. eall procinct. M F White, ewia, Samuel Orr, judges Citaon, T S Burch, Geo erkt, i Independence precinct. on. D P Stapleton, I H judges; Clarence Waganer, 111, W II Craven, clerks. Ilonmouth precinct. Jo- aven, Evan Evans. S C ;udges; V 0 Booth, J B V V J Shipley, clerks. i Vista precinct. James Richard McCarter, Peter r., judges; A N MeLaugh- i Mcl.ane, Dow Baldwin, City; A B Bush, Luckiarnute; II S Buti. Dallas; Leroy Byerley. Luck iatnule; Wm Butterick. McCoy; I 0 Byerley, Bait Lake; D M Cal- breatb. Monmouth; J W Caldwell Dallas: J D Cameron, Falls City Andrew Campbell, Ballslon; J M precinct. J T James, W is, M N Suver, judges; J J !, 0 11 DeAr,rnoud, C X clerks; nute precinct, R A , Frank Gilliam, F" M 'gos; Jessie Yunt, E W i Bronson, clerks. ort precinct. C C Gard J.aith, W E Burns, judges; rccum, Aanun Myer, Ed clerks. Dillas precinct. James I) Smith, Jas Boydston, I G Campbell, Ralph Hill, rison, clerks. precinct. A M Holmes, y, G A Shields, judges; C 'James Ball, J D Slagle, South Dallas precinct. Sol Blessing, Amos Holman, Cbas Black, judges; II B Co per, Walter Card, Dallas; II T Cartmell, Mon Williams, Thoa Butler, clerks. mouth, W II Craven, Indepen North Independence precinct. J dence; F J Chapman, Dallas; E D L Hedges, Jos Hubbard, P M I Chamberlain, Suver; A L Chute, Kirkland, judges; C W Irvine, D Monmouth; J A Compton, Inde- A Hodge, Williard Craven, clerks, pendence; Geo W Conner, Ballston; North Dallas precinct. A B H W Clifford, Dallas; James Claw, Muir, F J Coad, Joe Black, judges; Dallas; E 0 Cole, Buena Vista Linn Chapman, Loo Crider, Ralph W W Collins, Suver; Athony Butler, clerks. Dent, Salt Lake; O E Dennis, Dal- Rock Creek precinct. Clarence Us; R C DeArmond, Indepea Atkmap, Jack Morrison, Joe Edgar, dence; Albert Domes, McCoy; N M judges; W J Keeoey, Frank Mor- Dickey, Douglas; Don II Dickio- rison, Ralph Henry, clerks. . son, Independence; T L Dunsmore, North Monmouth precinct. J II Falls City; W R Dyer, Jackson; Mulkey, J Powell,. Henry Butler, Isaac Dyck, Dallas; Edward Dor- judge; E II Hosner, E II Craven, ton. Jackson; J E Dcgar, Eola; K C Lorence, clerks. C Eldredee. Independence; Finley Falla City precinct. D J Grant, Edgar. Rickreall; William Ellis, Frank Butler, Geo Sfeifarth, judges; Falls City; I W Elliott, Dallas; N Ralph Ford, Ira Mehrhng, Wm R A Emmitt, Falls City; Evan Hinshaw, clerks. Evans, Monmouth; C H Farmer. road supervisors. Salt Lake; Ray Fawk, Rickreall; Appointed for the year were: I J M Farley. Dallas;, R E Ferguson, District No. 1. Samuel Pettyjohn. Indenendence: A W Fink. Dallas: I r -i - - -f , Jacob J. Buhler. B I Ferguson, Eola; John J Finn U.S. Nelson. McCov: W S Fitts. Eola: P W it 2 " 3 " 4 W. H. Elliot. " " 5 Reason Brunk. " 6 W.E,Goodell. " " 7 Dave Stapleton. " 8 M. Mulkey. " "9 Jasper Rhodes. " " 10 H Maxfield " " 11 WE Williams " " 12 Aanon Myers " " 13 James Boydston " 14 C L Hawley " 15 John Farley " " 16 Newton Jones " 17 J M Sears " 13 F J Morrison "20 J II Mulkey " 21 J C Talbott fUKY LIST. The jury list for the year 1904 follows: E F Aebi, Salt Creek; Andrew Andeon, Buena Viata; A I Anderson, Spring Valley; A M A rant, Monmouth; A B A they, McCoy; J L Atwater. Lewisville; Jacob Baab, Monmouth; J Bagley, Luckiarnute; J W Baldwin,' Buena Vieta; James I Ball, McCoys R M Bullard, Rickreall; C L Barnhard, Bridgeport; P Bartholomew, Jack son; r A iintcneior, ijUCKiamute; J 1) Bunghman, Moitmoutb; A J Baxter, Jackson; E B Bedwell, Monmouth; C W Beckett. Eola; B F Beezloy. Dallas; Edward Bell, McCoy; C A Bennett, Dallas; W II Beeocker, Dallas; W A Brown, Falls City; II M Berry, Luckia rnute; T O Bevens, Luckiarnute; C W Bird, Dallas; E E Black. Dal las; Jos Black, Dallas; J A Blank enship; Eola; H A Bly, McCoy; J S Bohannon, Independence; G C Bolter, Buena Vista; Claud Boon, Buena Vieta; J J Bowler, Indepen- Flannery, Perrydale; U L Frazer, Independence; T J Gradner, Eola; ('ass Gibson, Rickreall; L D Gib son, Eola; W L Gilson. Bridgeport; N F Gregg, Jackson; J A Grigsby, Independence; J II Ground, Luck iarnute; W D Gorsline, McCoy; T J Grayes, McCoy; W L J Gray, Spring Valley; S P Greenwood, Dallas; L Grice, Eola; A H Gut try, Jackson; B S Hastings, Luck iarnute; C II Hogue, Suver; A M Holmes, McCoy; L M Humphreys, Dallas; W W Huntley, Indepen dence; Percy Hadley, Luckiarnute; J M Haggard, Luckiarnute; Geo T Hale, Bridgeport; . Ira Handley, Falla City; J A Hannum, Luckia- mnte; Peter Hanson, Dallas; C E Harmon, Bridgeport; C A Harold, Jackson; E L Harris, Rickreall; T L Hartman, Independence; U G Heffley, Monmouth; James Hel- mick, Monmouth; Homer Hill, In dependence; W T Huffman, Mon mouth; I II Ingram, Independence; S B Irvine, Independence; J T James, Suver; E B Jameson, Mon mouth; Thomas Jennings, McCoy; J H Jolly, Ballston; J N Jones, In dependence; B F Jones, Salt Lake; G L Kelty, McCoy; L Kimes, Falls City; W II Kraber, Dallas; D L Keyt, Salt Lake; Samuel Kimmel Falls City; J E Kirkland Indepen dence; J R Koser Rickreall; F M Lacky; Douglas; J T "Lady Doug las; G A Larson McCoy; J it Lar son Suver; J J Laveck Luckia rnute; R F Loe Rickreall; C W Leonard Monmouth; A R Lewis Rickreall; A R Lewis Luckiarnute; L R Livermore Salt Lake; C Lor ence Monmouth; Frank Louzhary MO.VMOUT Luckiarnute; Jesxe Lucas Eola; Predion Lung Halt Lake; W II Mack Bridgeport; G W McBe Dal las; K II McCarter Buena Vista; John A McClane Buena Vieta; W Conditions of a I'roxpcroiM Town Set Forth In Annual Address. To the Common Council and W McDowell Eola; W II McKee "zon" of the City of Monmouth: Halt Lake; A M McLaughlin u becomes my duty under the Buena Vista; W P Miller Dallas Joseph Murphy Falls City; C E McCaleb Monmouth; D G Meador Douglas; Ira Mehrling Falls City; William Metzler Monmouth; George Mitty Eola; John Morris Charter to make a statement of the financial standing, together with such i deemed of interest. First, then, allow me U make a statement as follows: Cash received (mm .n " nil Eola; Henry Olmstead Douglas; iotai warrant tVWPercival Independence; J S i88Ued including warrants outetand- Pettyjohn Douglas; C J Pugh Falls ,n at end of year 1902, eleven City; J L Purvine Spring Valley; ""ndred thirteen dollars and six- Ed Patras Luckiarnute: I O Reese J-iree cents (1113.631. leaving Monmouth; William Riddell Mon- a baIanoe f present indebtedness mouth; Lee Rowell Douglas; 01 1176 hundred ninty-one dollar Thomas Rant Jacksoi; J A Rein- and fi"y-flve cents ($591.55). hart LuckiamuU; A J Shipley uommeni nnnecessary. The ba- Moomoutb; Ralph Savery Jack- 81e for thi" indebtedness is found son; J M Sabring Luckiarnute; Al- n the fact that we haye defended fred Simkins Spring Valley; J B aQ tensiye lawsuit brought Smith Bridgeport; I M Simpson "gainst the City by Laura Adkins, Luckiarnute; Robert Tarter Luek- which is not yet settled, aa tha iamute; C B Teats Bridgeport; Geo 8aid s on the Docket and will M Tice Falls Citr; A R Tozier Mc- doubtless be tried at the May term Coy; AM Vernon Jackson; W E of tho Circuit Court; and not-- Williama Luckiarnute. withstanding the cost, there is a resolute determination on the part DEATH CAME SUDDENLY, of our Citizens to itrht it tn th I a wmmM end, for the reason that we do not believe the claim is a just one. I would next remark that our people are as a rale peaceable and law- akilInF T!,. LI' Death came in h s swiftest . 6 UU1W mora' are chariot, Sunday afternoon and 6 , , . Kenerai neaitn is ex- rt.;muixir. v;n;.m t tmr ceuent. if it would not be consid. estimable lady of this city. Mrs. :' "Ui "l Piaco- VU to Iliff wiLh her husband had snenl M auowe1 "ggest a more earn- theday with neighbors, Mr. and e8t TO-P"aon, if possible, on the Mrs. Nelson. Wbsn death came o? with your City she was sitting in her room at . tu mauers Pertaining to the home reading a letter. Mr. IHff tte."n our street and the had just iteppad out of the room "TT OI 8iae wuta la ood re- lira. William Iliff Expires While Sitting In Her I loom at Home Sunday Afternoon. pair, also the keeping of premises clean tnus establishing an inhibi tion against the spread of infectious disease. Very respectfully submitted. J. H. Hawley, Mayor. when she fell asleep in death with out a struggle. I lure was no I warning, no suffering, no good-by. mpressive funeral services under the direction of Dr. E. J. Thompson, of Calvary Presbyterian church, were held at the family residence I Wednesday and the burial followed in the Odd Fellows cemetery at CITY COUJfCIL AT WORK. Independence. " As a mark of sympathy and respect business was SnJr ne Member Meet Tuesday suspended during the services. I wight Bills Audited. Mrs. vmiam umi uiaiuen The sUtoa of th rndn name was Nancy J. DeLong. She council that has been reported in the was a native of Ohio and was outside press as having some trouble married to William J. Iliff in a-borning, under the new charter is as fiVVmarir 1S71 H-Vvn with frtn I fIloWa: children survive her. One daugh- w" jnl .or, Mn.rmucivao, .un mioir incn, V. B, Taylor eouncilmeo of Prof. Rice of the Monmouth The charter provides for six council State Normal school. Miss N men nd there remains one to be Maude Iliff the other daughter is th bi-monthly meeUng, a teacher in the public school of """V evening.. this city. The sons, Charles S. and Harry D. both reside in Indepen dence. Mr. and Mrs. Iliff tame here from Illinois a year ago and had chosen Independence for a perma nent home and Mr. Iliff has made considerable investment- in Polk county. In their one year s resi dence Mrs. Iliff had won tha esteem of a large circle of friends that deeply mourn her loss. Wanted A Boy A Bright Boy that dosn't whistle "Hiawatha" and wanting to learn the printers art can find a place as apprentice at the West Sipe Enterprise office. At a special meeting of the council on Friday of last week, bills were pre sented and allowed as follows : Independence Water fe Light Co. $106.00 D. B. Boydston, drayage 5.00 M. S. Goff, dray age. 1.75 J. L. Candless, tile 2.45 J. Pickens, street work 25 no Frank Osborn, street work ..... 25.00 J. W. Richardson, Jr., treas. fees 82.60 8. B. Irylue, election judges 6.00 Independence Enterprise. printing e.25 Josse & Bice, framing city plat . 2.50 A. J. Tupper, salary and work.. 54. 45 W. G. Shaman, recorder's fees. 11.05 Frazer & Rice, hardware 3.50 Independence Fire Department 25.00 For bargains in dress goods, see S. clearance sale ad. clothing and M. Daniel's