Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, December 31, 1903, Image 8

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    5 f
11 l
g The Costfi
r if
IftK'v1- f a typewriter is not inoroly 2;
lMI the priee. You must consjil 3;
tier the tjuality uixl amount
of yn,k ii or doesn't; tho tune it Haven or
lost; aiul, how well it "wear. The lowest-prho 3;
machine may ho mighty exjH'nsivo in the i-ml, S;
while a higher-prieo one may pay ilivitlontls. A 3;
little investigation will'ehow that the -3;
smith. priii;: r nsn.
The tVorld" Het Typewriter, U the imntt economical w riling machine
ever piade. It not onlv doe tho lvt and speediest work, but it con
tinue domg it without repair or breakdown fur longer than sm
other make of writing machine. Write today lor our little book which
explain why. 1 1 ifti--i .)o Typewriter supplies. Machine rented,
tviiegruphfr furnished.
Diuphy & Dickerman,
CAPITAL STOCK, $50,000.00.
II HIRSHBEKG, Precedent.
C. W.IRVINE, Cashier.
DIRECTORS. II. ll.rechbcrg, D. W. fears, B. F. biuitlu jl.'
A. Nelson.
W. Stewart and
A general banking and exchange business transs-ted. Loans mad. Bill
. discounted. Commercial credits granted. ?c?ott received on current account
a ojeci w cneca. ,
Mrs. E&SiefarthwenVJo Salem
to visit thiaweel
Quite a mi&iber attended the
trap shootingtere Saturday.
Jud Case w t aller thl wH.
A. It. I acey I at the capital lor
a short tday.
Mm. Ja. Heltulik returned from
Albany Wednesday.
Mr. I.aoey and family rrn.
Christina at 11 ii-k n ull.
Mm. Ja. I It'ltntok wa a passen
ger to Albany Monday.
Mix Lillian Co U spending tl
holiday with her mother.
Mr. Swink tnl(t a business trip
to Independent' Monday.
Mr, and Mr. A. J. Hall took tho
train fur Cervallia Thursday.
Miss Mapgio Kerr I staying
with Mr. Fuitia for a few day.
Mr. and Mi a. K. C. Thompson
took tho train for Amily Friday.
Mi France Iloltuick eame
home Wednesday for tho holidays
Wm Murphy shipped several
dressed turkeva to Portland Mon
Mr. and Mm. Percy Dickinson
were Indopendenco visitor Mon
Mia Dura Critchlow i aprndiu
mi; holidays at her home near Air
lie. .
Prof. Cart Groves went to McMlnn
vllle to spend the holiday. School
will open January 4, IiKH,
A banket ball frame wai played here
Monday lietweeri the Dallas public
ecbool and the school boy here, result
ing Id a victory for Dallas of 7 to 13.
Coughing Spell Canard Death.
"Harry Duckweli. need 25 vear.
chocked to death early yesterday
liiornltiir at hid home, in the nrmence
ofbiawifeaud child, lie contracted
a Hllifht cold a few day ago and paid
but little attention to It. Yesterday
morning be wan seized, with a tit of
eoughlng which continued tor aoine
time, ills wife sent for a nli vIHn
but bi'fore lie could arrive, another
couKhlnir hix'II came on and I)iiekwll
V , , ,. , - . uicu iroui miiiiKiauou. rM.i.oui (ilotie.
"US upena tne nouaayg at Jiemcwrat. Dec, 1. liKil." Uallard'
Mrs. J. T. Vaughn went to Port
land last week to ypit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. ltzer spent Son
day with Mr. anMrs. W.E. Good
ell. 7
Mr. and M Ed Richmond, of
Salt Creelc, ylted relatives Christ-
Burch came down from
mas. r
.Mies Mattio Stevens i visiting
with her cousins, the Missea Hal
Mra. Lasey and Mr. Kerr made
a business trip to Independence
Miss Sarah Jloltiiick returned
from a prolonged vixtt to relative
in Washington Wednesday.
Mr. J. 0. Davidson took the
train for a visit to her son. James,
at Culistoga, California Thumday.
Wo are reliably informed that
A. JJ. I.acey won ten eeese and
four ducks at the abnotiriir match
at Suver Tuesilay.
Make Her How.
Me. and Mrs. Chas. Roy came
dowa from Buena Vista Friday, re
turning Saturday.
Mias Nellie Haley, of Portland,
visited the Mig9es Grace and Alice
Burch, over Christmas.
Miss May Price, of Needy, visited
her grandparents, Mr. and Mra.
Peter Cook, Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Orr leave Wed
nesday for several weeks stay in
San Francisco, for the benefit of
Mrs. Orr's health. ' I
Horehouud Hyruo would have aavced
him. 60o and $1.00. Hold by A.
8. Locke.
Rev. K. C. Thompson returned trom
Amity Saturday.
j Clarence Tedrow wu seen ou our
streeta Mondny.
Jeff Miller returtieil from a vllt to
Portland Kumlay. I
Mrs. Kerr had two fine hog killed j
and dreiwed Monday.
Charlm Allen agisted Mr. Lacey In
butchering hogn Monday.
f'anj McKlmury and family vlnitd
at Willia I'owell'a Humlay.
8ecial from Parker.
JUviii eoimentrd In the U of our
able arid much-loved correaitondeiit to
write for a hort time for the K.stkk
rfUsK, we eider the new ami
hope to brvathe the new atmosphere
no a vrurr irnjneu writer ana more
Hair Falls
! trld Avr's Hair Vigor to
ton my hair from Mlhnt. On-
balf a botil cured mo."
J. C. lUxtor, ttraidwood, III.
Aycr's Hair Vigor is
certainly the most eco
nomical preparation of its
kind on the market. A
little of it goes a long way.
It doesn't take much of
it to stop falling of the
hair, make the hair grow,
tnj restore color to gray
ir twr limrmHI ctiit (xieflv vxi.
mm! tw UI li-.iur ftutl wm trill mltmm
bullto. Urn ami !, Um mm in H)., .eavM, Mm.
A treoi(lh In your utu
Have fulth and aeor
Their faith In your
For life la th mirror t.f
Jut what you hi,
Thau tlo lu lha Wui
And lb" beat will ryini h
III lha County Conn uf
OrKoii, lor lb oom.ty ,j
lu the matter of IhrK'h
themiateof J. M. Waim
ToC. I.. Want,. J. IJ.
M. A, Ortm.ley. T. A. W,
K Wtr, Mr. M. J
Mr 8. K. Dmlaoti and
greelliif; f
lu the oani of I lie ui
yj are trebj nted aiu
ajMr In Ihn tViouly
Nti of rerfoti, f..r ti
folk at the t'.nirl 11 k.,
all, In the IVxiiity
We.lnewlay, (he Doth il.j
;xl. at WW o'clock In Hi.
I hat day. thiol and t!
rill .ten to the front ' au-. tr muy thm I.
' I .l.ii ,
liould nut he gralitr.1 i
ol lit Mtal of the ativpf
lu wll rral ett Ulm
ward a folo: . IU-kIihb.
K Kvan and family are pudlng a
few days visiting near Corva!iin.
Ernest Burch came up from
Portland to spend Christmas at
the home of his father, T. S. Burch. c,lest'-r Warren returned from Si lets
, Friday, accompanied by Miwi (lay
Mrs. Eaken and .daughter re- j Spencer.
turned to naiem Monday.
Mr. and Mra. J. W. Fetzer attended
the Chridtmaa dauce at Independence,
and report having a good time.
Impressing It on Him
With Emphasis
Is what our fine laundry work does
Mra. T. T. Peterson entertained a
nurnler of her friend at dinner on
ChriHtma day.
Mr. and Mra- It. W. Bwink timk the
train for Portland, en route to their
new borne at Crabtree laat Friday.
Mr. A. B. L(y la the happy po-
ftfHnr of a rtuuulir..! ....i.j .
to the manwbo ia looninV fnr ,.,. . . " walc" Pr"
thing exaulHite In color and finixh on 8enu'a her huaband as a Chrlatmaa
ins linen, we aim to make our laun
dry work peerleue in beauty and In the
perfect condition lu w hich we aend it
home. 8end us a sample handle and
we will surpriae you. Naw proce
and new pricea.
Orders left at KuhdTs barber ehop or
he Halem stage will receive prompt
Salem Sicam Eaundry,
Colonel J. Olmsted, Prop. Dorou
D Olmsted. Mgr. Phou 11. 320
Liberty Street.
We would suggest that all who wlnh
to be happy the coming year lend their
trouble. There will be little difficulty
in finding borrowers. ,
The alarm of fire one day laat week
was heard at Percy Dickinson' house,
but fortunately only a few shlneles
were burned from the roof.
Mr Anderson, of Buerra Vista,
was seen on our streets Monday.
"I tan't think nM keop
Aou wiihnut Theilfor.l'i Hln- lr
I'nutht. W h.v. 0,d ,
fiml., f, .rover two y-ar, with !
b-t of tiwiiu. t h i i h,l a
Wuirln lh bottH fr th.t length
f Unw. li t, . ,iwu,r , ltMlf ,,
Z ,V" '""i H' """" P"-a wll
Becaune thii gnat medicine
reln-v.'n atomacli pain. fr.n the
constipated lum-i'lii ri nivftror
ate tli torpid liver and waJc-iii-d
Ho Doctor
il'T'7 '.n,t,,e '"""a ere
Ihedor,), Illiuk-Jiranght I.
kept. larnilm, jv, th
country, ,,,,1., fr(,m any',,!,,., have h..n Joj.t in Lilth
for year, with thi, mlieiMM
rr,. T'r itor. TLe,lf,J?
;JKJ"f'""t c""- bilious N
rev"; lTHP"n'C!''J;c,,illJ
and alnuwt every other ailment
fed Li I "on"u'h'
rlK'orou thinker
and take our pi am.
We want a young eran, man or
woman, who realize the opMtrtuoitiv
IIimM alv far .11 Itflt.i kfrl,. ll 1. Ihn
, , . ....,
know, that are no ui.-altde - ".
I'. i . rianil -o. 37, i
Tow klilt, U H. Kluii i ?
l.x.k tooiirown fsertloti for our ad- VViKamelte MeriiMao. h
vaoo'tneOt, arid that wx'lely owee u lOrrgiin, and ruitninir Hi
uotbltig but a fair chance. t lili.; tnoiicw a0Ui SO !'
Io practice we may come m.ethlng ( -, , W "ZH
hort of our Ideal and make tul.take. mi m,.tm Ui.e or !. f
a w have ofteu doue lo the aut, but) Wllutnanre: The I Ion, t
will lie leady at any lime lo make '" "unf y t our
amends and while we are .lll. 1
some eiuhulatl, young Jotirnaliet, f uruuer. A. D .. t
we will take a look into,a Mir AlUwl: U. H IMivharf
ror" by Madeline L. Bridge, and give - ,
vou our oet. I . .
There are, th-re are spirit Amiurt ,
.,'rV,' ... . . N"ce hereby given, r
There are tout that are (pure and toe f aa order duly maat
true I ,.t
Then give lo the world Ihe t. you Urtn.ty, Oreg.w, hi the a
. . . . . . eelftleor Adella Mlcliell,
And the tiet will coin beck to vm. ym ..,.l..r-i .i .j...
(live love, and love lo your heart wHlLd after I be .'ml day of.
IK, li'l otrer for ale ancfif
vale ale l h hlglirt bs(
III hand the following dew 1
m ulJet in the apM
oonrl. lo wit:
It SA, except Ihen-fron'1
In ihe north wet r,rn. t tn
lot Ml, 37 31 ail
block "K."Md al.o lou
bl.wk "D," all In II,- uh.
City, In I'olk eouniy. Ot
for m will 1 removed sO
lice of ilutlrr A mi In k'.0
comity, Oregon. .,
J. 8
AdotlnUtrator of the imi)i
Mlebell, dcC4-awl. ,
ako union Pacific
niocitlMiidern Slwyif
Notice i hereliy givcAo
aiiiitial meeting ot the inj
of the lndeiiitMlenci:i
it " car. (tmraSoalle d,. , f ""UH ' "V ,i,,M-
w.-ekly to Chtcaio ami Kan.a City "MlhtltlA. M. at"'
reehwing chair car (wat fre) to the M . t tint Bank, f ir the h"
hH"1 ' ei.TtinK Bard of Ihrth
mti-AKT TIME SCHKIil'f.K akkiv h' tratiHuction of oit h fj,B
....... ni i.4 mi ritoM liens as inav come Imlorr
Throiigli Ppllman standard and toor
at iveping rawiljtlv lo Omaha. Ill,
........ Pt I Ull. ,. .. ..... X... ..I -i. . . '. ill.... ... k .
. .....i trv'ievpingM'aroauy uanit will l held of
o rvansaav ityitl.ronl, Pollii.ari tour- Jaiuiarv 10 io,rt I,
('hiengo Hult Ijike, Denver,
Portland Ft Worth, Omnha,
"peeiai ham.!! ntv, St. 4 .10 n in
-" i.'"iii, V liii'iif'i lllol
Iluiitliig- EhnU
Atlantic foilt Luke, Denver,
Kxprew Ft Worih.Uml,
K: Ift It m vtu K".i.,u.. l .'. ...
ii...,. .. . '- "', n jo;ju a in
...iniilK- J.OUIR. I ,l.n,.
ton. and Kat.
7:.1i a in
?tPanl Walla W
Kat.Mail ton.NiM-kan'u U'i.
a .. , '.. : :
" o ini mee, j'tl I I in a n,
HpokHiie. MiiiiieaiMdi. Kt
Paul. Duliith.Mll.
waukee. Cliiiago
and EaKt.
ra ,.v.,ir;' .. 'P".VI 'r'.via all
oroi a . : , . 11 vm Portland.
U. W Invivt:.
Dated this l'JUi day
her, UHl.t.
re i
via.r DR. JORDAN
nUKFJIfJ nt? Mil!
io6i nAiiHEr sr.. $h ruc
111 Ui U, t ,
Uraiett nttr-nrttm ft, r'
1 lUwn!, nra 1 1 4
thtt iii. hiK, i;im- ,
8 p ni
All sailing date
subject to change.
For San Franciseo
Hail everv 6 day.
coi.pumA Rivaa
pni To Astoria and way 4
turday lnn(lj T
r-nmm Mr. m u
Men li e: ....
li. .m Ilia i llwl. A I H
Tm, N ...... , ,i pin .i, i imi ap
Wmt.t, Lo., Muhu..a ui
'iiiliH..: Ml ti-w a ...v . ..... ft li n
ll.rrka-, umt. ft
f I rlu.llii.. mim. Iiv k n. mr
unnmnntnl hi. Irntliu.-nl lb
il)f ir.M ll,.l..,ll.l rrll.f.
I I" 'I'"'" ll"l '
tiilrrle, but I. well kn., n bi P"
lu.,..f .
I .. . IhnrmiirhlT ni U!
I Hie aoteui kiiImxu ,), .,4 H
Tr..M, HiimI I. . i. .
I eure (,,. u-. . ... lit
mf.f rilr., i... re T '
I Or. J..r,l.n . aim-liU twInlrM
rlr.Kr MAW ..ivin
I wirVrt,,,,,,,,, , I. r,
II. Wtf Uv.mi.iM -
.'na.iicaiin Kite K n.trirtf
til AHUM VtCKY kKAmiSf
relU.ul .trliv k'f
M'HfN ... U W UU..M' u ...... i.MM. ,
l"k lor ni.ii. ckii ut mrtu
OK JOStMIt a CO.. 1011 MM
AL "WfM.AfU. Ind.r-oW