Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, December 31, 1903, Image 7

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v 4
Monmouth Correspondemsj j
- J
SU..W. of 8.1...., "..W IUHl.-rl-mily l.elJ a r,
i union and ChrUtiuM tree at h
fM '.l.fJ.B-V.BUtro0Chr..l.
Vatm and f4.mly.iTMf i(nM pmih)K Uei.iiren from all
, uy-nl t.'hrialmaa in town. ; were n ,lU;naancfl
loagUlj, of Portland, U ao,l the usual succe and pieman t
tnkii lunula witli friend . ,jm0 were j .vtiieuca.
un.nh .ml wife, ol McCoy, are
aiicliral Christina Iff .r,frtli wwk.
:i ,U 1 mi'l tltrt l-l'rHm ; (jB I'erclvel la worklug iu tue
Piil l ever. ? tlfliuur otllow
f. Under Hi,. family, 0! ! Ml. Aim lia went to uer home
., . ,1 ; v.uu tw.uililv came ui from
tid FoulVfanl of lrrW(
. i I ' ...
were visum menus am , - Doughty came op from l'on-
jLd Wednesday., to take Curou.u
dinner at liome.
A large Krwiiage of our people are
uttering from kagrippe ,u " ft
A few eaaea are very aevere.
Mr. and Mia. Denny were Rueta at
the home of Mr.. Frewr at inoepeu
deoce, where a reunion waa held.
having member
iHt and are looklo forward to
'"y ... .... r..n.r.
big oyster eupper 10 u r
Kred Huber made a bualnees trip to
Dallaa Haturdaj.
in tin 11 week
otUo (i round, of Portland,
ng the holidays with
,d relative irUnwn.
it-rl Kiaber, of California,
j at the ln..m of her hue
irenii, Mr. and Mra. W.
Irani and family r the
Mra. Grant's mother ana
and sisters, Mra. Doughty
er electric light has been
1 Main street, above the
rket. Another light or so
n would lilt our town as
my around, And would add
to the cot. What say
ping up with the custom
ed by them several years
It. F. Mulkey and wife apent Bun-
day wlib relative nare.
MIm IVa Smith came borne from
ferrydale for the holiday.
Es-BlierlfT Plutnmer, of Dallaa, waa
in town on official bunlneaa etaturuav
Mra. Clarenoe Mulkey, of Pleasant
Hill, spent Christinas wun ner eime.,
Mra. Denny.
j respondents' Contest
pondenu th . co. .g . . - e"g cf the
roke in for a couple of month at tne nwrv a
kt-n from a IUI furnlnlietl by me correi-ii....
. n nrnaiiiont to any noi
..A act of Kogor Bros 147 silver Knlv-i and ork.
A lmnilHoniB t'lioiogmpii
" : A flcxlH7'K-aber-l)ack Ible
' , . . . . pheof tho popular books
.Any one of rte doluir year marline
PttlZK .
o,5 V of a "poraf Load. If an .tide be a,UHy - "J
heeitflit of the iiianamrof tbi department an extra 15 ,K.i. t. ill bj
K 'Ivirinew yearly ...barriptlon 85 poinla. For every yearl, njU
,or a faubacripllon three month. 25 point.; - monlli. and to., than
, ..1 a.ivnrtlHtment or Job Mom
will be announced along.
In other way. will Vrror M inrred in your point.
in h i and atra ht A0'' t', , 'X horouuh inveat.gation.
1 within tho weea loiiowiiiK nu " 2:W9
nil. 10M
ill, O
itith, H....
iutb A
mis, 1
iutb, B....
ri.nii Noble and wife, of llepner, are
vIkIHiik K. M. rwllb and finily.
I'rf Cli fiord Kuntucr and
wifu are viHitinj; her parents,!
Mr. ond Mrs. H. F. Wliitenker.
Mr Kni Davia. ft frc&limaiii
in the Tortlaiid Dental College,
visited Ins nunt, .Mrs. i.
Uefore yon place your order for
auoimcr calnndars let us talk with
you and show you a few samples.
MEI'EXIKS( K i ATmrmsK.,
1 v ri'ii Kuii hrnl ihtwiii to trav-
n,- i - w- - - -..1
... -,..11 ..iHl.tiali.ul I10WHM in a few
oouutliM. llu it on retail merehanta
and agenla. icl urruory. "'f
lKXi ler wk with eipeimee addi
tional, all payable ill li eacli wk.
11 i..r v,uiitMi advuiieeo. roal-
lion periiiaiieut. liualiitme auooea-ful
and ruHiuon. c-i"u,u .-,
Dearboru frt., . uick
. ut.i. if trt-on. for
vv 1 ,,u" . .. rj ... 1. v, of
V. 'itmn uixlrr lh 1in. eni lb
! ". . .... i'l..rk (.f Mll rouuir
rn.i ri oflirl., rl.rt of Mll ',''
. . . . . mhI nrriliftT Of
llr rwprrtir -Uniiiil uiyi winw
.III fcniUly the munt of alo x
...ruin -nIUr. Hr..o ; Ul.a
lion of th ral pr,.tvi uh,b
,,r..H-rir H BMmWf. I iH-rotmto enoMwi
UnnwH. Anut-l-;n 4. a. a, Ma.
H'r. M UV' 1 'and S. Wk. 4.
nirrmniowni 1II ... . ...
CaniiriM-ll. II. J 6 an'1 wlt-
ill l. I., k I. 'o- l to lulliw. .
rimiwirr. Iriia 1.. It
T and w V ot ioi o. i" .
ront iilKllvllnn of out lot 0 to
h town of Monmouth
Davla, I'rrua at N. B. cor or
anr 1 2 ; W to errrk. 8 W to a
point of 2 rha N of cntor of
arc 1. ; K 4J ch.: 2 2o cli to
p o b. In aw 12. township T.
aoutU. nnt 6. t of will.
Mrr. rontaltilnf (lit acre, more
DennlaT V ' V. K i ' of ' E" " of
aw. 1". tonhlp H. auulli.
rani: 6. w,t of Will. Mr. con
tnltilnv 80 arrpa. more or !.. .
Dwlrr, Kil K. -B K of MJ.
SI, towntltlp 8, aouth. raniti 8.
vmt of Will. Mr. eonulning
Irtu .TMi. more or lewt. .......
Ellin. Hubert lta 3 and 4. of
arc T, townlilp . aootli. ranira
. wmt of tlie Will. Ner. con
tnlnluir 03 rri. more or lw. .
Ferituiion. It. 8. Lota 11, 12. 13
ami H. blk. J. Kalla Tlty.....
Krliik. W. 8. "hei-' W Vi of
K. V. 14 of ne N-ttO arrea. aold
to John Hltonl ao 7 town
ahln K. aouth. rniiK 5. weat of
th Will. Mer. containing IT
f arrea. mor or la
(inrrlrk. W. V. ft Eva Lot of .
It. and lot 1. of ac 14. town
ahlp tl. aouth. ranit 7. west of
the Will. Mer. containing 62
arrea, more or le
onr, r. i i-t in. bik. a.
SihiiIi't'i amended plat of Out
4. Monmouth
Hull. II. K. All of blk. 2 8 and
U V U.n. Vluta
HnnnHi. Kohort H. H R of
IOWUr4tlI I. WIUIII, inu.r (,
wmit of Waii. Mr. rontalnlng
..... a ...l. m . . A iiT- ..US . ...
iinrria. Mm. Snloma lteff. at K
... . s ..k fl.....& T. T.
ch : K 5 clia : N clu ;
W 5 cha to r o b of ec. 0,
township . aouth, ranir 4.
wHt of Will. Mer. containing
acrnM. more or lesa.
Ilolnrlth, rhllllp Lota It) and 11,
ItlK. I eryu.ue
Itlll. l.eoiil.lna S 8 W of sec.
m-ct of the Will. Mer. containing
i.ui u.i.n nmr or leKA
Jotiea. Mra. Susan Itejr. 1.02 cha.
F. ail.l t' 'll. " OI 4 WT. ruinrr
l...t. sec. 35 and 3tl : 10 cha:
7K 5 cha : N 10 cha : W 5 ch ;
to o b. of aee. :trt. township
7. willh. rane 4. west of Will.
Mer. containing 5 acrea. more
f.e lss
Keyser, A. N W 4 of aec. ll.
townslilp 7. soiitn. ranee n, .
of the Wll. Mer. containing lrtO
a.M or less.
KlmsevJ. Lelln U All of blk 9
r'.'ll.MKV mm I" . . .
r.w. W. M Peg. 108 H ft. of N
..a ..... .t uir
rorierr m iniv. ... ....
to lllll'! Indepe'ndenc : E SO
ft ; 8 132 ft ; W fiO ft ; N 131
ft to n o h
Law. II. K. S W Vi of N W H of
sec. It!, township N, Bourn, range
fl. Weat of the i il. Mer. con-
nl..lnff Hi BiWS. niOl Of leSS.
Law. II. and IT. E.-N Mi of S V
4 or aec. H. Townsmp
'rung . west of the Wll. Mer,
....... ..!.... uo a.cA mnru or IfWR
IrfH-t. V K. Reg. at 8 W corner
of claim o. ; n i" n.
15 -.Ml chs; N 40 cha: E 1.1.2" ch :
i-i see. txt. aeea. 10 and 20: 8
. 21 hs: E 14,o cha: N 150
cha: B S.03 cha; N 60-100 cha;
W 22 cha to p o b of aec. 20.
township S. south, range west
of the Wll. Mer. and containing
110 acres, more or loss
Lewla. R. 11 Reg S5 chs K of S. W.
corner of Marr nilllam P. I..
C: N 20 ct.: E 12 cha; S 20
cha: W 12V cha. to p o b'of
aec 32. townshln 0 aouth. rang
ft. west of th Wll. Mer. eontale-,
' Ing 2.1 a.-res. mor or leas
Liicbb. John N H of 8 W 4 and
township 0. aouth. rang 8. W
of the Will. Mer. cmtalnlug
1ft acri-a. mor or la......
Martin 8. 8 and M. M. '" "
and 2.1. blk A. and lota 1 and
2.1, blk K. Wat Salem........
McKlnnon, A. C Fractional lot 1.
blk 15 and fractional lota 1
and 2, blk. 5. McCoy
Murphy, P. H. Lota 3, 4. 5 aad ,
Eta !
. ... Mn.ia. (Ai-orftl hundred photo-
f 5 "ikaL photograph from an, of th. oM ptag n
cum Wm at a preat y reduced fipire. Thu olltr 19 only
open for tho neU .ix.y days, and it will pay you to come t
once uetore ine Viirienuaa -wo,..
PicKel's negatives
Remember, I have in stock all of the negatives Uken
. A. Vi uul - ii, tTii. ritv. If vou wish photo-
grapns iroiu auj 'i.v.i nt Wr. them in stock
to call at once, as i snau r
any great length of time.
Enlarging Pictures
, T am prepared to enlarge any pi otograph and fur
nwh frame 'or same at a very reasonable hgure. I stood
Jack 0? he guarantee that no pictures will be lost and that
Saction I. ga,ranteed in each and every instance. Call
and inspect my work.
hik. 1. Whltea add. to inacpru-
S: 'bin- 3a: .WSl JfaJt t i
enaenc VI. V , a
Irwcott Veneaa E H ,of.,ot"
and 4, bia i. urn ""'i"
,ncf. . . ... ....
Putnam. K. "nelra Beg. at w
cor. of N S ,0 V.K."
10 chs: W 2o clw; 8 10 cha.
W 20 chs ; 8 20 cha ; E 6i chs :
N13.10 cha; S 18 E 2 cha: W
ship 7 Booth, range ? wear, oj
the Wll. Mer. containing -i
acrea. more or leaa. . .
Redman. Grant Lota 1.
and 5 of a-. 85. township 6,
aouth. rang 7. wear of the Will.
Mer. "1 I' 4 of sec 26 of
said township and range, con
taining 124 acrea. more or lesa
Uelii. K..lart A Beg. 1 ch. S 7 cleg
K of 8 W corner of blk. 5. I.ln
coln! 8 7 deg B 18 cha ; E fl cha ;
N 6.80 cha : 8 83 deg W. 6 cha.
to p o b. Also beg. at 8 E cor
ner of blk. 7. Lincoln: W 11 rda.
6U ft; 8 17 rds; E It rds.
ft N 17 rds. to p o b of sec
tion 2I, township 0, aouth. range
3. west of the Wll. Mer, contain
ing 5 acrea more or less.......
Kohl!: W. Il.-N K t-i of aec. 21.
township 7, aouth, range 0 weat
of the Wll. Mer. containing loo
acres, more or lesa. .
Ilolwrtaon. U W. An tindlvlded j,
Intereatln lots 7 and 8. bk. 1,
Whlte'a dd. to Independence...
Hjaii, James S W 14 of 8 V ,
..r see. 17. townshl- 8. Bonth,
range west of the Will. Mer.
Also K. of S. E. '4 " r- .
, 151
, 124
. 40
f S W C of S E of bcc. JJ.
west of the Wll. Mer. Also 20
acrea off of -E side of N
ofX E 4 of eee. 10, In above
township and range, containing
t(i0 acrea .. v.'",-;, .
Samuels. L. S.8 W . of 8 E
of aec. It?, township i. south,
range 6. west, of Wil. Mer.. con
taining 40 ajres. more la, , . .
Sherman. W. II. Lots 7 and 8, MIC
24, Talmnge
Slor, S, E 4 of N B U of.
aec Sr.. township l. south. ,
ranae 7. west of the Will. Mer.
containing -40 acres more or less
Smith. W It lAts 7 and 8, blk
37, and lots 1, i nu o, u...
Smith. K. R Lot 8. blk 3, S. 3 E.
Ilnenn Msta... ...
Spanldlng. II. "-Bp 01i!4cl,I9-
i. O 8 14 84 chs; W 13.47 V
ch:'N 13.23 cha: W 20 chs ; 8
S22W chs: W 16 28 cha: N 24
deg 30 mln. E 4. 5, chs; K
. i. . ... n V, seil. 84
IIII.J.O cn. t" " " ,
and 85, township 7. south, range
4 west "i me " -
Stevens, A. 5 ,- ,u
..w- in. Townsnio o.
. weat of th V -1. Mer. con-
. . , wrnwa nff Mtt. . .
Thacker Loella Lots 12 1 and
20. blk. J. West Salem. . . .. .
Thompson. A. V Lota 16 and IT
i. rjLi nt 7 hlk. 43. Eola
Ware. J. 11. N 4 of N E V. of
aec. w. townsnio cs
6 w.t of the Wl.i. Mer. contain
ing 80 acres, more or less. .
Wafherwa. J. M N R V of aec.
3V township 7. Bonth. rang 8.
weatof tha Will. Mer. containing
160. acrea. mor or lesa
Wilcox. O. W. Lota 2 and 3 and
s part of lot 4. blk. 1. an4 aU ot
It A
Woodardf C. U.-Ceg- at lE cor-
Ti.. j kiw i K 1 Fr H iten
'Ttat N 75 ft; W 62 ft ;S 75
wooow.r... w a t"
and 8 K .ft oi c -j
of 8 E t and 8 E V of 8 8 Hi
of sec 16. township 7. aortth,
?angT7 west of the Will. Mar
containing 240 acrea, more or .
Oregon ' Agricultural 'Compaay Ufflv
south, range 8. weet of the WU
Mer.. Also beg. at N W corner
of sec It; E 80 chs ; S 10.4a
chs. W 80 chs ; N 15.45 chs. to
p o b of sec. 11. township 10,
south, range 7, west of the Wll.
Mer. Also beg. at -N W .forner
of sec. 9; E 80 chs: S 15.45 chs,
W 80 chs. N. 15.45 chs. to p o b of
.j f. ....... l,ln -til sAiirh ruin. 7.
pec. tf. i 1 ' " uo.i , i- , .
west of th Will. Mer. contain-
. , - AAa mnra n, ImI
1IX ccil .Mm, " . " i;
. i . i I, -ot .i,'le ro 8 Vt .
loal iiiiv, - " - ,
and 8 n oi s w wv.
ship 10, south, range i. west,
of the Will. Mer. Also beg. at
S W corner of sec. 9: E 80 chs ;
S 15.45 chs: W 80 chs : N 15.45
chs to p o b of sec. t. township
10. aouth, range 8 west of the
Will. Mer. Also beg. at N W
corner of set-. 11 ; h 80 chs; 8
15 45 chs; W 80 chs; N 15.45
chs. to p o b of sec. 11. town
ship 10 south, range 8, west of
the Will. Mer. Also beg. at N
W corner of sec. 7; E 8o cha; S
15.45 chs; W 80 chs; N 15.45
chs. to p o b of sec. 7. town
ship 10 south, range 7 west of
the w ui. .Mer.. communis, w
s.ks .m-ivr. more or less
Brvant. IlublMird Gllson Lota
: . i ..v a.11. IT ITa 1 1 a VHtV
Bryant, Hubbard & tlilaon Lots 1,
"J. ami 4, Vj, ll wa.
iKalla. 'ltV ...
Owner Unknown Lot 7.' blk. 6.
and lots l. , a . v
I.mntmlth .
Owner Unknown Lots 7 and 8,
and S lots a, a
iv iiia mi v v o
Owner Unknown Lots 3. 4 and H,
blk ox immon a uawirj a
Owner Vnknown Lot 2 and E H
of lots o an.i m-
.,1,1 ntira Independence
Owner I nknown W H of l"t,. .
and 6, blk. 6, Uin a aaa. 10
Kettnoff. A. W. "Heirs Lot 1 of
aec. 34. townsnip i. so.un. uSc
6, west of the Will. Mer.. con-
Tsimnir ox a- - - - -
lr7 2 o. ..7e,4. etaol. tao tao taol etaaoa
Each. verv and all of the above des
oriil lots, nlecea and parcels of hnd be
ing and lying In the County of iolk.
State or tregon. ,
And on FRIPAT. the 22nd day of JAN
TAKY. -tOiH, at the hour of 10 o clock, a.
m.. of said day. -
t ourt tioiise in m -----countv.
I will sell the above described
real property at public auction, sunjeci
to redemption, tor casn m .
person who will pay the taxes thereon,
respectlvelv. with accruing penalties, to-
! . . ' L- -m mwxA awTnaansuaM Or
BPtner wun mc - --
x w- . ...PtlHara 4-HaPtfor at th
. a..ut- n av milch nf MAItl
rIl p.rtv"s win WlsfT ZWfZn.
witn penai lira .. ' : . v
Dated this 19th day of j008-
SherltT of rolk Tonnty. Oregon.
Not In making remittances on the
abov taaea. add thereto 10 centa for each
line or part of Una to cover accruing coats.
J. T. FORD, SnarlS.