INWTKSl'KNl T. BNTBIUMtlSB. I.NIWKSl'KSCK, .' v.. r County Correspondence, I - Mr. T, l'.rown an.! eineiren u... Salt Creek oain- down T '"l.v visit Mrs. I.. Br'" t Vw '''O'' N,v. 17 l'.'ifj K. M. Smith. of Monunuilli. was in our vicinity SulurJ.iv. A number fro n here iiUehclcd tlui F.rjiion cil" at Tiliiiii'-. Vln'it!'iy . Willirtiu IVnival, of your city. Inis lrt n t!irouh here buyiivi hogs. J.iun s (Joochnun, who left lierv in Jcilv for Lakeside, Wiisliini-toh, his returned ami will spend th- winter here wiih bin sider, Mr, h Clark. William llerren bought a team at the Ferguson sale ftr $ 100. Our fall term of i-eliool started Monday. Nellie Addison, of Dayton, litis opent severs! Jays visiting his aunt, Mrs. J. I.. Fishbuek ami family. F. C. Haynea has raised and sold two very tine Scotch colliep tit s for $" each. Frank Smith drove to town with eix dressed hogs for Sperling, the the butcher. He received 7 cents a pound. He is Retting 40 more ready for the market. Pick Owen took a load of hogs to Monmouth for C. C. Yeater last week. The Luckiauiute has raised eeyeral feet during the last week of hard rain. Earnest Thurston baa not sold his crop of prunes. He is holding them for a higher price. C. E. Wheelock recently rented Joe Craven hop yard at Talmage and John Collins yard north of Monmouth and he will put out 10 acres on the home place in the spring. Key. N. Mulkey, of Bethel, will begin a protracted meeting here the 7th day of December. Kickreall. J. V Fetzer and wife went to Independence Sunday to visit rel atives. Thad Lucas lost one of his horses Monday. Geo. Smith and daughter Stella tvent to Portland to visit hi sons. Grandpa Nance uume back from Corvftllis Fridav. days io Salem l.i-1 w.'i The UlSld' of til" school lions h,H been pnintc-t and adds mm I. t the looks of lh" mow. Stuilltici:, Kt True. ' Ifeverv oho Uiu w wtiut n nrmi(l medic ine l'r Kimt'n 'New I.HV fill. Is" ii'.- l. l Turner. Unif-v, r , "rnnl M il 'l y"l '"v" '" H iUv. Two rck' n Ion iim-le n new limn of ton." infill lilV fr i-onntH'"-ti.ui, HtKimieh ml liver trotil.u. nt Klrklnnd trutr Co.. "lltjjIlliUHl. 15en Mason 'uts a borne sick with pink eye. Rev. liriscoo preached a very able sermon to a large audience at the school house last Sunday. Frank Dennett bus Ink en possession of the Keeves place. l!ob Shafer leaves for Winloc Washington, this week. P. l. Alexander is plowing and otherwise working up the Lou Stapleton place. Sunday school is waiting on literature to arrive. Grandpa Laundree has been adding some improvements o bis buildings. A dainty lunch will be served at the Chrysanthemum Fair for 10c. Wo ' secured the e luiv- u ' uv JJonieia f..r rii i i i Plow m 61 The lightest draft plow in the world. Tlu'V arf faM taking ih- " inouM-Uar.l .. Kvi-ry wish of tlu' i.o.-t cnli.-al i l- iu;ui ha- h. e i. Mn-I i l, au.l tin- ivsiill has ho.-ii a pl-w uhi. h wv n-nli-hMUlv re sent U" th lll'.ST, in - iy parli.ular.ex. r .dhn-.l. Samplo can be seen at our store praze-r & Rice, HARDWARE MERCHANTS. Calvary John Compton is quite sick. Clay Bush and Willie Ilelmick were in Albany, Friday. A literary has been organized al the Elkins school homo and meets at 7.."0 Saturday evenings. E. Evans and wife visited Mrs. Evans brother, H. I). Cauthorn Sunday and Monday. Miss Fannie Helraick, who is attending the Normal spent Sun- Jay at home. Miss. Ituth Cauthorn is in Cor vullis. Judson Smith and bride, of Cor vullis, visited at the borne of Iv Evans last Sunday. Miss Cotton attended the teachers institute last week. I). Hewitt is attending court in :i Portland. Goooooooooooo Uudolf Simon killed a goose from bis kitchen window recently. A Startllnif Surprint". Very few eonltl U-lleve In Uiokintr al A. T. Hiwilley. liealtliy, ruliunt b aeksmltli of Tllilen, Iml., tht for ten yenrs lie nult'erwl ui li lorturei from rlieiiiiiiitinin as few coiilil cmluie unit II vs. lint a wonilerfnl ehaiiK MIowtMl Ills taking F.leetrlo Kloem. Two IhiK 1- m w holly etirel iikj,1 he writer, anil I have not ieii n iwinuo TluM'f is iitilltiii; that inijiruves the appear and' of a youiij: l.tily so miu h as a ir " " " " " " " " " " ' " " ' : I; i) R FUhLi HOUSE Is hard to beat. Our housis is full of fine Furn itmv, Carpeting, Wall Taper, Shades, Picture Frame, ooui .Moulilincs. 9 eft We will serve you well and economically. - On tho evening of leceinl r l i the K. (. T. M. will eelcbrnte. the 11th aniiiversury of tho . gaiiiatioii of the local tent with a costume social. An invitation to the L. 0. T. M. has hceu ix trmded. Miu h couple is tocomo cosiumeii to represent sonic nsriod, nation or vocation and n In ovir a yeur." They r. Klt. Ili nrjf will he awarded to thv kldnem, purlfv the IiIihnI ami cure;' . ., rheiiiniitlmii, lieuraUla. iiervousne. i most rojircseiitlVP rmiplo. !. i.i.prov.1 illation ami iv PTf'i fresh m ! t und a progrum- will henlth. Trvtheiu. Only .'.uc at Kirk- 1 " ' laud DruittJo.'n. aid in making up the evening. I'alltC'ty I mailer. Hitico school has closed and all public gutlieiin's have been; given tip the responsibility of; W suppressing tho danger of; spreading diplheria rests with E) tho parents. An action in time I tuny save iniiuy lives and keep tiny new cases from breaking: f out. Keep the children at home I for a few duvs. Asshur, N'o. 17',), 578, ; Shorthorn Herd Book, Fee f 1, pot j P nt Frank Butler's. . J. II. Teal has been siiiliciciitly ; ( mi 'It r th" weather to cmi-e him I to I; ftp his bed several daytC , within the last ten days. ( 'onsidi ralile ronstcrnatittii j f way caused hy the death i' the V infant son of .Mr. and Mrs. K. .1.; Keyiiohls of diplheria Sunday 11 oyening, and the fact thai the: W next ohlor child, Mori, was sick with the saijn.' disease, i f Tho Ivcynohls homo being a lil-j tie out of town and only a few ; having hie.-ii exposed before the nature of tho disease was known it is hoped that the closing of school and the giving up of all public gatherings will check any !Jv It li 1 w N. we inn Id. indu am lte par er. iildr li Feed your team th) nn FALLS CITY Ui Own Livery & Feed SU J ui iieawlml.le ltr lr UnC l-'v' fy H'tt keep Dennis hucs, Prf FALLS CITY. ORE I'lituio oroer retvirp 'oiiit at Stylish Mi turi Ur Uk' f PI til) Id p mi ii pi n p We run iiiuilitv -tut ymi Ixith as in prico ami to v Our lUa. k Volvet Hals with " jet erowns and lung stvlisli plumes M' i . iff an- inuiii in vugue. I ry (die, rer- I y, haps vou wmihl like urn- uf utir l anev PJ 1 ' r 35 Sliteheil Felt, Turhans. Thev are Wu have them emu i dolt luueli worn this fall. in all culm's. A chihlrens Hats. Hat made to unlet. OtM , an to XI i . . I lie ul P8S t t MISS PEARL SQUIRE, Monmouth Ea b i The House Furnisliiiig Co., ( 30C Commercial St., Next door to P. O., SALEM, ORE. Stores at Salem and Albany. J P f iff mm iff m iff w tier t w r v O THE INDEPENDENCE NATIONAL B(S. er.. Iial CJVI3.xaiA.XJ STOCK, Jh50,000.00.r ... : S 1 1 1 i 1-. ! ; ( ; . JVeniil.-rit. AHUAM M:.S(S, Vice ft, II lilt spread f the clanger. No uthci (Cases have niado th ir appear-, n ,io ,.,. 'V.n . : 1.1 . ( .u ..:..i. I uiis-v rt iuv. j iiu liiu'i null r , i. - J . i o. w. ii;vini:, cian, ,is lnipvovmg. Mr. and Mrs.! m,,,-iv.. . ., ,, i, 1 ,, I ""iW ')I;S.-H. Hirml,l..-r, i. W. S,.ur-. !!. I" .s Keynolds have the sincere sym-j A NiNon. ; pathy of the eoiniuunity in thou severe nlliiotion. Ln 4 L'l'lll Till lull. kiln, ni.,1 ..v.. I cimroiinteii. I (Humeri ulijeet to el.c( k. milli, M. W. S;e!blOO leOi .a illllle hllflni'Hb TiMMkii......! I..,i in'. errditH liiHiiteil. I ('i,iiv.ii r,.... i iincnt .inn. i 1 t,M... tnou B... i c i'oii . 7r ill?"