Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, December 31, 1903, Image 4

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    inii:i i:nii:n i: rNTi:uri;isi:, inimmkniunci:. okkcon
i't !!i.i.iiKi rvia:v tiu i;iiv.
K. i: iii.v, r.ii it"ii .xi' fifi K t k 4 'ii.
Kulvrvd nt 1 111' ''M..-nr. . r.'.. I
htt'uiut-i'uiv mutter.
Siihscriytion Price, $1.50 pfrVr.
ii'lt for that jmrpofo. I'mlrr tin-
I'M stlit cli. IT M. III Mli'l v ''
tt.iir-l uiilv nl tin- f Hftttii't of run
vi'i.ii i en mi. I convi nii'iu-K fun l''l)
c.Hn.t-.I only by UstvHrliii ' i
el iiu'iit nl' ; tv. Tin' I'i-t Clici k . yj" '
( i Mli iMiivtn.ii'hi ini'J !' j
ll.g co I jUM
S- W V...- V,- vw " W- ' - - "- I
,1 I,
Willi t till
TU I flloM-. I,
riii Kirri'iN n vri.
Ml tuontlio
Sltith- '.v '
ih'ai ii.KitT mi' "t ct'iii". M-r lino trii;ltl
Mt.ll!r!v OD rf.lui-ttoil I.T 14 1 1 y ivuhuii
IInIc on J:Uh h.1 wriisnitf iiui'l1 know n
on ttpi'MCHtU'ii,
fubilC llf'-'is III l Itl "V 1 ll" t'u
lit'!- ililciti-H tt ml t!ii' iTi'i f.ivori
it h itu virtual i
.... i :.. ...
II1IIIV IH HI III. 111 lll-i lit- H- j
un of' popularity it him won ;
warrant it not mi order 'or i: j
adoption by I'ongre,-,
i . . . .
liol Mcmnw - v
I H- i VI
Indcpeudenci wiil on 1'fciMiili r
1: select ollici-rn for the cntming
year. A citizen meeting i culled
for on Mon. lay evening to phtee in
nomination suitable candidate?.
Everybody should turn out. It is
a duty you owe the coinuaitiitv in
which you live to take some in
terest in its civic a flair. This
opportunity will b given you on
Monday evening. Nov. 2t. The
meeting will be held at ":')() at the
Citv Hall.
Standing cf CcrrcspondcntJ. jg,)
linen ViMn, II . .
IjiWilVlllc.. , .
IliittiUini". Ii
Mmny t- !
A i r I if, . .
Cum lev, (i . .
I'aiker,' (1 ... ('...
Clviir , l .
M"iihiotttli, A e. P . ..
Monmouth. 11
lialKnii, It
;;i i' i
1 1
1. 1
Mr. Dun t, an extensive Califor
Bi'a hop buyer and grower, w ho in
looking over the hop fields of Ore
gon, thinks hops will go to 30
cents. He says in the Telegram:
"It is rather difficult to forecast
conditions or prices of hops in the
future, bat I am of the opinion
that before the first of next May
the price will reach .'JO cents though
I don't think this price will be paid
before the first of the year though
eome people do. I am an indepen
dent buyer and haye 3100 Bales in
California of my own growing. I
am not up here to excite the mar
ket neither am I here in the in
terest of any firm, I am looking
oyer this country for hops and I'm
going to have them. Asked con
cerning the t'etnamJ, he replied:
"I he demand is strong. I am buy
ind hops for export and ship direct
to London. I will say further that
tne i-ngiish market bus not yet
ready opened and when it docs
open up there will be something
The fifty-seventh congress will
n-a.sHuible in a few weeks and a
part of it work will be the passage
of the post check currency bills,
which provide for a practical and
convenient method of fending
sma.j sums ot money by mail. A
great deal ha? been writt :n on this
subject, and thorn are few who do
not know that this method is eimp
ly an i.-sue of currency that can be
circulated as cash and also be safe
ly remitted by mail, because when
mailed it will be made payable
only V the perron whose name
writt n in the blank ppnee that
Kails City Leader.
The school was closed Mon
lay to avoid the spreading of
the dread diseuse diptlioria
unions the children. It is prob
able that no more .school will be
held until after Thanksgiving,
as every possible precaution is
to be taken.
Owing to the danger in public j
gatherings until the danger of u
spreading of diptheria lias pass-1 V V
ed, the entertainment which wasjQ.'J)
to have been given at tho M. K. !t"S)
r i. i . .i . ..... i"'
v iiuicii i;im u filing was post-i
poned. No Sunday School will
be held next Sunday for the I
same reason. i
The bainjtiit which was to
have been given next Saturday l
evening in honor of the second I
anniversary of the founding of
the I. O. 0. F. lodge here lias
been given up to avoid the dan
ger of a public gathering and
the possible spreading of dip-!
thena thereby.
Liver Pills
That's what you need; some
thing to cure your bilious
ness and give you a good
digestion. Ayer's Pills are
liver pills. They cure con
stipation and biliousness.
Gemly laxative An&.t..
Want your m'iUu:he or beard beautiful
brown or rich bJark ? Then u
Of 0ywi- r n r Mill CO.. .,
Mrs. Fred,
IrNlilfct 'nnlry Iib, Hellion
llarturt Blleli.
"Afttr my first bby vr born I did not
eem to regain my itrength although the
doctor gave me a tonic whkh he consid
ered very suerlor, but liutead of getting
better I qrew weaker every diy. My hui
band frulitid that I take Wine ot Cardui
for a week and see what it would do for
me. I did take the medicine and wai very
grateful to find my strength and health
slowly returning, fn two weeks I wai out
jj of bed and In a month I was able to take
up my usual duties. I am very enthusi.
aitic in its praise."
Wine of Cardui reinforces tho orpariH
of generation f.jr the ordeal of nreff
naiicy and childbirth. It prevent mn
carriatre. No woman who taken Wine
of Cardni iud fear tlie coming of hor
child. If Mrs. Unrath had taken
Wine of Cardui bufu hi r hnlivmmn
I she would not have Wn weakeni-d an
she waa. Her rexjvery uliould
j commend this (reat remwly to every
!j exfxictant mother. Wine of Cardui
regulauja ttio How.
For one weak on all articles of Furniture.
Wr arc lu ttt r ! tii.iu i-v.-r t
Polk futility. Wr liavr jtit im Lit;
great r i rt um l!n in l!a-ti rn
ami wall?
tj'j'l y tin' w ant !'
-!iij'ini iit- id " i
which ha- lilliil n'lr
jlCltJlll' d
.'''"i. thr
'it'll', trlllli
I-"il lowing in a tow of' tin many l.;ifg;iin wr htr ( "H'- r ymi
I .'hi
J i it t
I N-iiu'h top t l.k I'i'iiti'r'h' ......
on inch .In d i bi'ltrr urmli" . , . .
J f inch do do
ColibliT cfat Kocki m, ii'ddi'ii or loiih.ipiiiv,
('ohl'li'r-n'iit Koi'Urn. oak . . .
i'mioiii'iit Uoi'krr I
Wooil-rical KiH-kcr. . .
CuiiC-Heat 1'ilUHT , . . . .
Osk Dinner I
I.sdifK Writing lk. '.
Coinbination Writing I '.-k . , 1),.o
(.'oiu hi-d covcrfd in valour ...... .'i oO and up
A good wool-top iiiHttrisH . ..... I. '.'i and up
(Jive tin call, hmk over our good mid a i'oiiviiic,d that our koihIh and pri'M ar rij;!it.
Picture Framinit at Reduced Prices.
Xcxt door to I 'nddoclv's.
To buy for Cash
50 Doz. CHickens
Oat- Wheat arpd Clover Baled Hay and Potatoes.
I have in stock at all tiim
Baled Hay; Wheat, Oat, Speltz, Rape, Cheat
and Clover seed. Mho a complete line
of Poultry Supplies.
Produce and Commission MeiThant,
Tit Old Jlibktic Building, Independence,
,m4 y