Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, December 31, 1903, Image 3

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    indi:it:mi:nci: i:ntj;i:ikisi:, inuki-hndkncic, oueuon
j a has not TiilwJ. Jr. Blown i.raiwi
not dcci'leil. I'r. IliownV liraltfi
l-olMNd W.Af K.
ha nceti pwr llm j-t yearjaml he I t-;rilt Ward City 1111.
nM!k a iryr iliumte. W -S.,Mni Ward 011 Wt . .sjdV
All kin N ami price rant-o from 1
to :5..i j iuil u few oi.l t iich while
j thry Iflft fT
75 Cents
;ivo us a call anl I think we can satisfy you
in tin x-n line.
O A Kramer (& Co
"8 .1
i Ktigene lletfiMer. Mrs. Hudson i
! former rt?f ident of this section.
M. S. (io(T Ifft last Friday '
it FalN, Montana, where
I ppciul the winter nith her
jority of the ministers of
douce have arranged for
to lx held At the Baptist
Nov, 27th at 11 o'clock a.
rmon by the pastor.
'Halm Mann-IIodsan, of, has preset) ted her
J with a daughter.
fitto. Huntlfv marketed Tuesday
he two largest hog- of the season.
The combined weight of the two
was 1015 pound and one tipped
the scales al COO pound. Several
car loadi of hoga were shipped to
Portland this week by V. W.
Pr. V. C. Brown will move to
Eastern Oregon about the first of
the year, exactly to what place he
him every inMur f fuceifg in
hid new (ii'ld.
A fn)ii-'fn tiai ciu'.eii' con
vention i cl!' d t' nn '(at the city
hall, at 7;o0 o'clock, on Monday
veiling, Nove n! ' : i V r 1 1. j-ur-p
ihu i.f iioiiiiuiiliuj; city oilicer.
Moik holder .Mvrllnjr
N tkc If hrr-by jiven Unit the
Annual iiK-elini.' of the rMoek-
holders of the Jiii3ej.t.' and
M Millionth r. iihvay Company for
lti e!-iti.u of lir-:tots and
OH'ieers, will bn held al Indepcn
d'm ce, tr-n on Wedim-Jay, l)c.
th .'I!, l'02 at the boor of 10
o'clock A. M.
1 1. V. Skahs,
Dated November 10, l'.n
Stockholder Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the
Annual meeting of the Stock holder
of The Polk County Land Company
for the election of Directors and
Olficer, will bo held at Indepen
dence, Oregon on Wednesday Dec.
the 21, 1902 at the hour of 1
o'clock P. M of said day.
IX W. Ska K,
Dated Nov. 10. 1.H)2
O'lict; "ii Firxt street.
Third U'rd At il ie"jil-ii-c of
Mr. Sclldder.
City IStecllon Notice.
The annual election for the City
of Independence "will b held on
Monday. December 1, 1002, when
the following city officers will be
Mayor, for a term of one year.
Recorder, for a term of one year.
Treasurer, for a term of one year.
Marshal, for a term of ono year.
Ontj Councilman from each ward
for a term of two years.
A large shipment of
Just arrivt'il and still more coming, consisting of Bed lxoom Suites, Iron, Fine Rockers, Large Mirrors, Pictufft.yi facta complete line of
('hritnias (Jootls, for .
Wood Bedsteads
Blart 1 A(
I at H,J-:V-'onup
! A good wool top
Mattress $1.95
90c and up
Window Shades
25c each
- -
n seed Ccucb
F'or $4.50 and up.
A nice Bed Room
Suite for $12.50
16x16 inch Stand
50c each
Dining chairs at
l owest Prices
Tliese arc regular prices and everything else in proportion. Discounts given
on larger amounts. x
North Main Street.
Campbell Bros.,
Three jii'lit- .nut ;iinud in
each ward, tli hi-t t'" "1' - " -'
aa clerka of ele M"i).
Firt Ward 1). Call re.itii. J W.
Uichardfnn jr , A llnti?'ni.
Secoii'l War-1 S. J; Waiici-r, I
15. Taylor. D. II. 11.!.
Third Ward I. Hart, W. W.
Huntley, Forest Finch.
The election !! commence nt
'J o'clock in the rnornir.jr anil f iiill
continue til' . o'c!ix-k in the after
noon of the same day.
By order. W. U. Siiakman,
C'ily Recorder.
ltut-iiit 'itii.
. A. Hecker, of Well:!, wa a
Uuena visitor Tuesday.
Hryun Nixon is working on one
of the river tteamerc.
Sam I5aldin, of Independence
mn a businers Ciller here Satur
dty. Gus Pagenkopf and II. L. Hall
attended a meeting of the Artban
lodge at Wells Saturday evening.
Prof, and Mrs. Murphy at tended
the institute at Dallas last week.
Ament tiobat was a visitor in
pjiiena Tuesday.
New goods of all ports are arriv
ing daily at the Cash Store.
Mrs. Rryon Nixon now drives a
top buggy on the mail route,
having traded toe back lor a rig
better sivted to the misty season.
: The Gray Eagle loaded with
wheat at the IJuena wharf. Tues
day. - .
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hall, of Wells
visited here Wednesday.
Clear skies on Wednesday
cheered the rancher's heart.' after
the heavy rains and wind that bad
prevailed for nearly a week.
Mrs. (. E. Hall returned Sunday
f'om Corvallis, where she had been
for mviiI di) having I'-nlal
work done.
(in Pugerifco;f wan n bo-ire.'
vi-itor t' lnd'x-nd'-rico Wclns
dy. Reineiii!fr th" diin" '('iiil in
lluer.a No- 21'..
Why not t'll the it'-n ti hiar
tu th l..inr -irr-j.uiil nt? It
wit: f,e!p lit" i-r, h i the
inunity, uiak". yn bnj.y and
pease the editor. What other
little a:t of kindri"- c-uld iH-coiii-plith
Luck in Ttiiri4-ii.
V.y MinlltiK 1;( luile Wiu. .'(.in'y, tf
'H H l-urnare, 't., got a tx-x of
J m-k. I t-n'ii AriiW: tint tnlly
cun-d it hor-rlMf fevt-r 'r- on liin I'if.
.Nmlii'ig t-iwj iM iiUJ. J'i-ilivf!y cure
tiruiw , frloim, ulcern, i rup:icii, t 11,
burns, coriin nI pilen. ii)y 'Sn
(iimriteel Ijy Kiiklamt I'tn'C".
In IbeJuat Joe's Court fr J'intii-e i.f
the iVai-e ond Conntnijle'a District
No. 5, in the County of I'o'.k and .State
of Oregoo.
Alt-any Brewlag Company, aefrpor
atioii, plaintift", v. Sim II. Wallace, de
fendant. To Kaiu" H. WiiUace, the defenciaut
a!iwe named, In tbe name of the State
of Oregon, you are hereby required to
tppear and answer tbe complaiut filed
ligaiuct you in the above entitied bc
tion wllLiu six week from the date
of tbe firnt publication of this sum
mons, to-wit, on or before tbe 10th day
of December, 1902, and if you fail so
to answer, for waut thereof ttie plaiu
tiff will take judgment against you for
the aura of S.20, together with the
costs and dit-burseaents of this action.
This amnion, by order of B. WiJ.
on, Justice of the l'eace for said Dis
trict No, 5, made at Independence,
Oregon, on the 3d day of November,
1902, is served upon yoii by publication
thereof for a period of six.consecutlve
aod successive weeks in the Iodepen
detice Kuterprise, a uewspaper of gen-,
eral circulation published weekly at
Independence, in said coun'y. The
date of the first publication of this sum
mons is Nov. 6, 1002. B. WILSON,
Justice of the Peace for said district.
Oscsr Hayter, attorney far tbe plaintiff
v.; '
y :; A
v "J
Hi ' M
ft s' if
K," '4 iJ-,-,
The healthy
woman cectl not
fear the change
which conies as the
benyiing of life's
autumn. It is the
woman who Is worn
out, run down and
a sufferer from
In theJustice'8 Court for Justice of
the Peace and Constable's District
No. 5, iu tl3 County of Polk and State
of Oregon. " f
D. Gernianus, plaintiff, v. Sam H.
Wallace, defendant.
To gam H. Wallace, the defendant
above named : In the ' .atue of the
State of Oregon You are hereby re
quired to appearand answer the cotu
plaint filed against you in the above
entitled action within six weeks from
the date of the first publication of this
fuumion-s to-wit, on or before tbe 19th
day of December, l'.H)2, and if yiu fail
so to t-nsiver, for want thereof the
plaintitl' wiil take judgment against
you for the sum ot"$78 nO.toaethtr with
the codts and (ilsburserxa-uis ot this ac
tion. This summons, by order of B. Wil
son, Justice of the Peace for said Dis
trict No. o, mude at Independence, Or.,
oir the 3d Jday of Noveml er, l'Jlt, is
makes it the duty
ot every w o tu a n
who would avoid
unnecessary suffer
ius; to take especial
care of herself at this time.
The ills which vex so nuiny women at
the change of life are entirely avoided
or cured bv the use of Ir. Pierce's Fa-
; vorite Prescm-tuMi. It makes weafc
women stmnt'. and enables the weakest
! to p:ss throv.ih this trying chnuge with
i the tranquility of tx-rfect health. -
. . v . - - .,i
lime has been wrv liarU wilh nit." write Mrs.
M.iRSie Mnn. of Mi!"on Slaiion. Cleartifld
Co., r., o is. "I om come to thy time of
duller of inc. and I have Ixxn sick irr.U i'.ciiI
off ami on. when Wrx Hemmis mcvcJ H-sitte
tc 1 was jack in bed, and when she came to sf
me ami we wt-re talkinit over pur Mrs.
Hemmii ttJd me to Itv Ur. lienVs t-'iivOTUe
l recrn tion and c.nldcn Medical nUcov-ery,"
alo IV.lets. I 5 h r to buns tne a hotf'ie of
ench ft .wu the uin; or and I "fed them.
Thev ilid me rent of good, I got t-o
mote twiilcj of ' Hivontc rrcscriiMimi.' I never
vlt sncb a wmidcri'ul cure, lltore 1 com
menced your remedies I wfis good Kir nothing ;
w.-is iu such miscrf hardly knew what to uo
wuh myself, now 1-cjia do all my work myself
and feei welt.'
Pr. Tierce's I leasant Pellets are easy
ami pleasant to take.
womanly diseases
who naturally
dreads the change i eervej nj,oll v'u, i,v publication thereof
of life. ; 11ns is the I for a .,0rtO(j ,",f slxcouscutive and suc
cntica penod of ! wive wwks iu tl)e I, de; ndt nee Kn
wotaan a life, and ter,,nse a newspaijer f general eircu
the prevalence of i 1:tlJO puidjed weekly at IndeiH-n-
woniauiv . ,,e,,tVi lu Mid c,Huty. The date of the
first pulilii'atiou of this siinnuons is
Nov. ti, l;0l. B. ILSON,
Justice of the Peace for sitid district.
" Oscar Hayter, attorney for plaiutiil".
PoIK County BanK,
Monmouth, Oregon.
J. H. Hawi.kt, P. L. Campbell,
President. ' Vice Pres.
Ika C. Fowkll, Cashier.
Paid Capital,
- Pikectoks: J. ,H. Hawiey, r. L.
Cantplc'.l. I. M. iriiiippoii, J. B. V.
r.utler, John B. tninp, J. A.
Withrow.F. PoNvell.; - ,
...'..Transact, a General Banking
and Exchange Eiieiisess