INDEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE, lNDErKfl''fv " w..v I Social and Personal. li-iimiTiTi-iT - - New Yur'n t'renmioii at Wag oner's. Mrs J. E. Hubha.d ae in Salem Monday MUt Hewie Butler returned from Portland Monday, j.'or anteMy peddling owl" and other property. Cull at ond a I dftro to sell immediately Business1 pay well. Flynu, Mon mouth, Ore. Xew Year'a Oregonians will bo here tomorrow. Leave your order wild im now so vou will be sure to get tin desired tiumler you want. At Wagoner'. Kov Belt, assistant at the depot Mrs. A. S Locke was a passenger L, LU fll0l bajv maahtil Mmday afternoon py a trim fulling on it to Sttleui Monday, Mr. and Mr. Chas. Gibson visit- It in thought the bones were, brok ed Pallas thin week. fen in the foot. besides crushing the Mm. PJyuiale visited relatives in fl,'"h kodly. Salem d urine the week. The orchestra hall Christina f .T. ir fi,.lh.,. . .mntf id. 'ght ! reported rs being one o ...... - , ! .1... rmeho-ra to Salem Monday. me largest aueimeu amura ui u. IKinu ever ivh in town. uur rimcuyeuow nr saaKea lor numbflP from nallrt. Monmouth 6ale. 11. U. MiHer reae. t'rgon. r u,ttrrt r 1 l I . 1 I I i.. iMmon ana uaugmer, iou.e. R.,r , wi,h vuuted !alem the urst ot the week. , , y , 0reRonian. If Senator Doughty, of Monmonth, I your order ie placed now there Mill waa a north bound passenger Mon-1 lie no danger of shortage. Single day. copies 5 cents. Vrapoed ready for tr , r. , ., . , sending 0 cents. Mail to any ad U. L. Fraier and wife visited , , , , ' North Yamhill and Portland this u,r" 4U' " vc"ka- " mm " week. &roe of our correspondents are i . u r. w tv conftdying with the request to send Rev. 12. C. Wigmore, of Eugene, If ? waa fl nA.sPnonr Ift Ynrth Vumh " 1 ' r I ii rr T- aniv vaca pca.n on luesoay. in oincr worut uiviuing meir curro' mih aura Miiiorriaia epena- .imndence into two letters. This ing the holidays with her parents L.blea us to. print more matter in iaiayeue. f . j0n. .,., nfi nnihincr . We understand that Don Dick- left owr for the ensuing week. We insr:n, who went East a few weeks hope all will fobw this example ago, was married Christmas eve. t n n nf "on.ri.l. rU- "I - - V",H"I ' rado, writes Peter .Kurre in this been visiting relatives in Mon I city to purchase two more houses mouth, returned to Portland Mon- for him at once, and Acting on bis instructions adoal was consum mated whireby he became owner qf Mrs. A. E Turner's two houses near the Christian churob. This makes four bouses Mr. Reeves has bought, and he is negotiating for the purchase of a farm. He sayi day. Mr. Kitchen, of Centralia, Wash., was visiting here during the week. Mr. Kitchen is a aon-ia-law of R. J Taylor. Miss Pearl Squires, of Mon- u i ' im ill .( im Bnanmni w n n i ri .. . i .... , . uu.i.b UD uunuttvB nianv of h i town arft w I no- tn witn Miss Ura llarKness. Albany comfi her when Ha i lori,t "eralcl. Tki.t. r t Mildred" and Olea Jamison, to encourage. In addition to these daughters of E. B. Jamison, went purchises Mr. Reeves expects to en 10 amity Monday to visit their Baf?e m Dusiness in towc grandmother. A. tft,i:t. Mr. ami Mr. A. i. Cloorfiimit vWled retatlvei III lUlgene till week. , Karl Morjia'u. of IWtUnd. H'iit niriMtiiiu Willi relallve ere. A. J. Oilman Ifft t'Hiy f"r IVnUle mu.' ills fMiuily will follow In few week. Mm. Ted JUI.Ira ami children, "f Portland, spent the holiday with ln-r parents here. liiKlalUtlon of K. of f. .'lf:fi-rs uext Wedm-mUy evening, All KultiU are rxtitMttMl to Ih prewiit. ar liiformed that Ml Teurl Kntilre, of Motimoulli, will move lier ntwk of g(HNl to lndenndeiiee. At the fnllwl Kvanijidleal elmreh H. H. al m.lK) A. M . K. U. V. K, at 0 ..TO 1'. M. AIo ireaihliig al ll.iKland 7-tO 0o, Ituef, who l In Portland treaty lii( bla eyes, waa atrlekeii wiin unai bllndneiM reeently. lie later regained lilt night, and la Improving. Watch for H. M. Daniel'" I'lg ad next Week. It l a great etiatiee lo uve money, and K"l a nlwilon from the itHMt complete st.wk In I'olk county. J imt a we go to prrm we learn that Horac Hutler Jolinmm, one tf the little twin of Mr. and Mm. J. K.Johu- Bon.'rft Kugvlie, died latt erenlng lie will be brought here for burial, .Mlaa Ferry, an eellmaMe young by in $i iThe Keystone 1 Of Otll' l)UHillOH-4 flltTI'HH llUK U'i'lX th m1 ir-y ivl.'i'tnl "of tin.' Iw-Ht fur tin llomy.,, N-t )l Imt gul valtio for oviry dollar tvuU V do nut claim to havo a inoiKHy n all ot-rv kimmIim-hu ilou't lu'lifvu in iiioiiojKilicH nny J ilo Im Uovo in tho (im!ity of mir gool, linvint r,ati pariil lo Ktalni U h'unl ui1 uaranti o any htati im i ninko. W Iio.i you j;ct tin Ik-i goMi ai uhj m that all tlu-ro in in it. Our tock in alwaya frohh ainl m?w, aiul v.c II ly tanful ami juilioiou iMiymj;. We nro ahvayi Imvm our fricmln coino in whi'thor yoti wihh to htn Wilson's Grocery, Tin? firnt corner north of Inikjx'ndencO National AduiliiUtrator'a Notlt, Notle l l)rolijr given thai I le Un July aixiliild V tlo euuuly A.Mirl ..f I'.tllc iiifittf (IpMjun urn 1 1 . Mil lady .tudent at Ihe Normal uWuu,IhhI u( , JU,rUal (M-oured Wedinnday. Hlie came rmvnt- ly from Dakota, aud waa here for her health. Next week l the "World Week of rayr" aud will be observed by Ihe different churchea of the city. Her- vice will be held at the I'renbyterlan church each evening. All are Invited. I)r. Thompson wUhea to expn hi rlncere thank lur the kind aud geuer- oua renieuibraneea on ChriHtniaa. HI oldeHt mm renldc la liwton, Maa , and he gave hi father an elegant Morn chair. For Hale One oak extension table, oak bedroom suite, sofa bed, chalra. email tablet), refrigerator, eoaloll atove, takji and kitchen furniture. OIiiii, il.--aoJ. All jron l.avttig claims aainal said elta are repilrrd to preeent the lame to the undctriitel at the law olllre of Duller A Coad. In Dallai, I'olk county, Oregon, duty vert fled In manner provided by law, wiiliin six mouth from data tlierwi. Dated, Ieeeiiiler 30th, l)J. Fay A. Ouw,' Kiwulrix of the iat of lVriha OIiiiik, leceatd. Hutcr .School Kxt-rciaca. Hpeclal from Parker. We would like to exprena in the col umn of the Km KKi ainic our pleature aud appreciation of the Huver achm.1 (all enieriBinmeut ami thrlMtuaa tree. fine of the fl-jiwt rformiii evening waa given by phmi when It reuderel Aw" with chiming bIU. wa fllled lo IU utliioet c lauding room waa at a pt.j The tree and houae wtirrJL, dm-tireted under the dlrtx'ti . ilagley Willi ber atafl of -Ou thing eHtclally in f . evening waa the excellent Ulned throughout the enllJ,r1 The Utile folka wr .Wi.will lheapiroachliig aleigh N llil, coining of Mania Claua, but ; o.-ou about when It wa It Kia Ham brought a Mr. Hantpei with the dletrlbutloii ot tj aud to help cwrry the extn,,,u He i 'bablea' aa John Ieveek Hiaat can twellfy. Mrs. A Wiss Lou Moore, formerly of Monmouth, was married in Port land the 28th of this month, to a Mr. Donahue. Kugene Damon, wife and eon, of LaGrand, Ore., yisited his brother, . L. Damon, over Sunday, going to Portland Monday. Mi 88 Dorothy Cooper, who has been teaching in Centralia, Wash., visited at the home of her father, J. S. Cooper, this week. "Vm. McLaughlin and family, of Buena Vista, returned from a sev eral week's viit with relatives in Woodburn, Tuesday. Prof. B. F. Mulkey and wife re turned to Ashland Tuesday, after riaiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Hawley, in Monmouth. II. C. Miller, the bicycle repair man, was in from his Pedee home stead Tuesday. He expects to re eide there for eeveral months yet to come. Moore's Hair Invigorator and Herpicide are the world's greatest ecalp cleansers and hair invigor ators. Both are for sale at J. S. Moore's barber shop. Call and have Mr. Moore give ah applica tion of either remedy and you will never be without one or the other. ' Episcopal church bugining with next Sabbath there will be a'; series of special services lasting until further notico. 1 hfl first week the pastor, V. V Edraondaon will conduct the ser vices, the eeennd week, he will be assisted by the Rev. James Moore, of Dallas, Or. The subjects for the week begininng Jan. 3 11)01 Sutiday A. M. and P. M. "The Governors Question." Monday, "God is Able." Tuesday. "A Med iator." Wednesday, 'The Abso lution of the Cross." Thursday, "The Biography of a Sinnor." Fri day. "No UilTerence." Everybody invited to these seryices. There will be hearty congregational sing ing.' Be sure and be present. The. night meetings at the BaptiH, church will continue this week and next. Kev. W. F. Clifle, of Saiem, will preuch for me all next wek. 8aviexe next Sunday morning and evening. Subject in the morning, "The Future of Our Church." Arthur 8. Allen, pastor. A Timely BiiggeaUon. Tbia is the aeaaon of the year when the prudent and careful house wif ; re pleulHhes her supply of Chamberlain's Cough Jtenaedy. it la certain to be needed before the winter la over, ami reaults are much more prompt when it Is kept at band and Is given aa soon aa me coia is contracted and before It baa become settled In ihe syetem. I n everv inHiance a severe cold may las warned off by taking this remedy freely aa soon aa the flint Indication of tbe cold appears.' There la no danger in giving it to children for It contains no harm ful subalauoea. It la pleasant to take both adulta and children like it. Duy it and you will get the beat. It always cures. For sale by Kirkland Drug Co. ear.'y tfyou want a bargain if (Joodtb,!!. Walter Kiinmia, while butchering liow, alipited antVfell agalimt a knife. The Made cut the' baud In a fearful manner, caualiig apaln4tn woiturflfe is Improving, and axlde frnuj"' authoring imicu pam win experience no in re sult, 'v The Pomona ran on a anair aiir Newberg Monday, and soon went i?W the bottom. The boat him Ihh'H ralm and taken to Portland for repair. No freight waa loat and no blame wa placed at any one' door for the accident. Nearly all of the patron aud pupil of the l'arker achool attended, and all agree that too much cannot be aald In praise of both teacher and pupil. An interesting program waa very well rendered, which reflected much credit on teacher aud pupil. The W number ou the program, "Ooodbye," mo pupiia, marching in lino to muiu, each gave their hand to their teacher, It. W. Hwlnk, aud a henuifful. void 'JfJ locket from the pupil waa preauiited '; N-y V. K. McLane, Mr. Hwlnk thank- fU them in a few well cIhmcm word. The Maccatae are to give a New Year's ball Friday evening, January 1st, al the Auditorium. An orrlmMra from MeMinnvllle, cotiHinting of wyen piece will funiinli mnnic, ainl the Mari-atee Jadiea will serve nnpier. A eci;il motor from Dalla and ponnihly from Corvallis will la: run, Al! arc welcome. Chrlattiiua ut l.ewlavlllc. Hpeclal from Maple Grove. nhrlttniaa evo wa wlehraled here with two beautiful tree oftho fr,wt. With a well rendered program, the evening waa pawl very pleasantly. IkeHlmpaon was over with ,l graph ophmm and delighted the audience with some of hi choice Medio... A t'oatly NUtar8' - Fri Hluiider are aometlmr &am alve. (XH'aslonally life In price f a mlatake, but you wrong it you take Dr. K" Lite I'll! for l)ypewla, Liver or liowell trouble, geutla yet thorough, i LiH'ke'a Drug Htore. l PROFESSIONAL CAR W. R. ALL1N, D. ...Dentist.., I'h.iiImm Kilrnetlnn a Hjwlaliy, flKIl " lii'li i OSCAR HAY7 Attorneyat-b OAMPHKLL Itl'II-l) DAU.AS, . ( Your Opportuniti 9 r ... .........-rtitj.r-Lr.' 1. '4k-iMwijaeAf Ti...: . i . . -'uringuie month of January we are going f' ofler our entire ato. k of ated ranges and heV weZ T- .l,H.k 1 v.ry complete ar ne are confident there never waa ollered j If pendenc lM.foro m dilTerent styles at p ces a greatly reduced. Below we name a V 09 i, hHt '0U "'7 Me w business. P fe,!,lmu. tgalu price ,H IK) sale price K 1 ,K! r o.hi 1 ill Kj " 182 Garden. Acorn 122 Syph 41 --MS - -' . f ' MM " 7.? " 11. Ot) !. " M.Ot) II.' Iange-I7."0 -lli " f)O.(K) " l.U " 40.00 " " ,l."i.! CS 18 H 18 National . f u 15 . 1 "ftve mrvoirs. These priff Jomplete" J" Cm0 whil ths 't,K"k;- m grazer & Rice, , Hardware Merchant! INDEPENDENC t