fffDm'IWMttfCE BNlKKri'JHK, I N ft E P E N I ) I5N C E, OKEtiOX ) ) y W. A. Messner mm OUR GREAT t W. A. Messner a o Commencing Saturday, December 12, Wo will plan on talo tho following goods at prices that will appeal to tho purchasing puhlie. We mwt close out these lines before our Hpritig Mock arrivt c, theiefuro wo havo cut tho price to cot and in many instances below cost to close them out. Hero is an opportun ity to make your Christina dollars do double value, get new and up-to-date goods and betides these are all appropriate for Christmas piT'HenU. Them? are all nice patterns. Men's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing. Men's Suits. StX)iiuit at f0 4O 1J.00 . 7.20 10.00 7.!Ij 12.S0 0.95 l.-i.(X) 11. U0 16,00 l-.M) IS .00 H.CO EXTRA PANTS I.W) imnti lit 11.20 2M) l.V.t 3 V) 2.75 5.00 '-i.W HOYS' OVERCOATS 12.25 coaU tl 85 2.50 2 00 3.00 2.40 .1.50 2.75 5.00 3.0 Men's Overcoats 7.50 coal at 16 20 8.00 40 0.00 7.05 11.00. 8.80 12.50 0.05 15 00 .11.00 ROYS' CLOTHING $2.25 suiti at 11.85 2.50 2 00 3.00 2.40 4 00 3.20 5.00 3.95 f.00 4 80 7.50 5.05 9 00 7.20 10 00 7.05 We have some great valued tn hoys knee pants. Ask to see them. NOW FOR THE LADIES All our Ladies' FkirU, Wrapper. Underskirts, Shirt Waists. Fasci nators. Ice Wool Shawls. Ladies' and Mist-en' Car.a at cost. Also oar entire line of Dress Patterns in plain and fancy Zibelines. Here are the prices: Our 111 patterns at fS.OU; orir 8 50 patterns at 16.50: 17 patterns at to.CO: G pattern at 14.80; ah-o our bo!t goods in Zibelines 75c goods at 52c; f 1 goods at 73c; 11.25 goods at 88c; $1.50 good at $1.10. Christmas Goods. We have the largest line of Chr'etmas Goods in the citv, consisting Of Toys, Games, Books, Picture Books, Albums, Dolls, Toilet Stta and hnn. dreds cf other articles that we hav'nt room to mention. We also have a nice line of Men's Slmes, Men's Slipper. Men's Dress Gloves, Suspenders, Fancy Hose, Neckties, Handkerchief. Ladies' Shoes, Slippers, Gloves, Waist Sets Broaches, Shopping Bags, Purees. Wool Blankets, Comforters, Towels Table Linen, Napkins, Trunks, Valises, Suit Cases. , Wo are hero to stay and hope to merit your kind patronage by fair dealing, honest goods at living prices. Call and visit our Btore, let us show you our goods and get our prices. We are here to serve and please you. Highest market price paid for produce. We carry a nice line of Groceries and at Bottom Prices. Yours for Business, W. A NER Josse fc Bice, UNDERTAKERS Fine Parlors in connection. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Day phone 2T3 Night 393 Main St, Independence, Ore. 7. I j. HICK. Kuibal titer and Funeral Director. St County Correspondence. 1 FAM.S CITY. M t I'oarl Bryant is visiting her ierj . t def Dodd was too ill to preach last iy s again hoar the hum of the Coast ;o Co's planer. '. and Mrs. L. V. Hollowell departed Saturday to spend the winter in oroia. l, i. I. Illlngworth and her ttauglit t, F. C. Ireland, formerly of this i, are back on a visit. . and Mrs. F. A. Lucas expect to tills week for a short visit with lui Mrs. II. C. Courier at Salt Lake .re rice Harrington was kicked by receiving an ugly cut on the side of m. Dr. McCallon, of Dallas, was I to attend the injury. novelty In the line ot social gather iras that of the Japanese party to i Mr. and Mrs. 8eyuioar invited ,h, 8th and Oth grades of the school Saturday evening. Twenty-three i were present, who eujoyed turn imelvet tUpi but concluded or a permanent home they would a little rather stay tn the reliu of Old Glory. lletter Tlmn a Plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Halm and bound on the allected parts, Is better than a f Waster for a lame back and for pains n the aide or chest. I'alu Balm has no superior as a liniment lor the relief of deep seated, muscular and rheumatic paius. For sale by Kirk land Drug Co. ItlCKKEALL. Peter Cook drove to Ballstou Mou day. " . - - Mrs. T. D. Lucas is able to be up and around. W. Kak Id's daughters came up from Salem Tuesday. The family of Bam Orr will have a family Xniaa tree. C. L. Dlok came over from Salem to remain for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cook west to Dallas Tuesday on business. Mrs. Ed Belfarth and Mrs. Al Long- Decker went to Balein Tuesday. Mrs., Oliver Walte went to Bali Friday to vhdt relatives a few days. Bad colds seem to be a general com plaint throughout the neighborhood. Mrs. L, Nelson, we are glad to say, is able to walk around the house once more. Father of C. L. Dick goes to Port laud to remain with bis family during the holidays. Warren Burch was taken sick Satur day night, and Dr. McCalluni was called. He is improving at this writ ing. The Christmas tree here will be a very enjoyable affair. After an Inter esting program, there will be a Christ mas tree tor the little folks. Fight Will Be Hitter. Those who will persist In closing their ears against the contiuual recom mendation of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, will have a long and bitter fight with their trou bles, if not ended earlier bv fatal ter mination. Head what T. it. lieall of lieall Mass, has to say : "Last fall my wife bad every symptom of consump tion. (She took Dr. King's New Dis covery after everything else bad failed. Improvement came at once aud four bottles cured her." Guaranteed bv A. S. Locke DriiKgist. Price 50c and $1.00 Trial bottles free. , Portland aiul fteturit Only The Southern Pacific Co. ia now selling round trip tickets to Port land from Independence, lor $2.50. good going Saturday or Sunday, returning Sunday and Monday," giving ail dy Sunday and Monday in Portland. The same arrange ment applies from Portland, giving Portland people a chance to visit Vallev points at greatly reduced rates. ' Old papTs in any quantity for sale at this office. 2) cents per hundred. There is nothing you want in PAPER that we can't supply from our stock We are saving money for hundreds o paper consumers in this valley and we want you among them. The merchant the printer, the fruit packer, the build er, the hop buyer are legion among our customers and they are satisfied. , 6eo. T. Rogers $ go., Wholesale Paper Dealers Salem, Oregon. em Mies Nellie Burke will spend the holi days with relatives in The Dalles. Polk County Bank, INCORPORATED. Monmouth, - Oaioow. J. II. Hawlkt, P. L. Campbell, President. Vice Pres. Iba C. Powell, Cashier. Paid Cpitu. sjo.ooo. Directors: J. H. Hawley, P. L. Campbell, I. M. Simpson, J. B. V. Butler, John B. Stump, J. A. Withrow, F. S. Powell. Transact Geneaal Banking and Exchange Business. Drafts sold available throughout the United States and Canada. Needed in Every Home f WEBSTER'S J ) Up to 2ateji TI7crc"rT:rvc ' T T 1JJ 1 li J International Dictionary A Dictionary of ENGLISH. Biography, Geography, Fictloa.ete. The New and Enlarged Edition Contains '& 25,000 New Words New Gazetteer of the World with more than 85,000 titles, based on the latest census returns. v New Biographical Dictionary oontaininir names of orer 10,000 noteworthy persons, with nationality, occupation, date of reigns, date of birth, death, etc Edited by W. T. HABBIS, PhD, IX.D. tmiea estates lomniissmner 01 juiucation, Now Plaloa Rich Blndlnca 2380 Quarto Pacos S000 Illustration We also publish Webatar's Collaa lata Dictionary wit h Glossary of Scottish Words and P hnwes. ' First-class in quality, second-cUss in siae.n LET US SEND YOU FREE "A Test ia Pronunciation" which affords a pleasant and instructive evening's enter tainment. Illustrated pamphlet also free. G.dC.MERRIAM COMPANY, Publishers. Springfield, Mass.. G. A. HURLEY, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Collections Promptly Made Titles Investigated. East Side Main Street, Independence, -:- Oregon. MOTOR LINE TIME TABLE. INDEPENDENCE & MONMOUTH RAILWAY CO. Leaves Indenen- Leaves Alrlle r dence for Mon- Monmouth and mouth and Airlie Independence, 7:30 a. m. MO a, m. 8:30 p. ru, iM p. m. . . Leaves Dallas for Leaves Indenen Monmouth and dene for Mon- independence, moutoand Dallas 110 a, m. 70 F 8:15 p. m. . Lves Honmonth L'ves Monmouth Iot Independence for Alrlle. 40 a. m. 7:30 a.m. IS P"m :50 P. m- - S;og X,'ves Monmouth for 11 Ian. leaves InaVpen- l!:3n a. m. dence for Moa, e.3p.B f M5p.i.CJC Q 'A