DEPENDENCE ENTERPRISE AND WEST SIDE. ,vi:nth YKAit. ini)i:i'j:ni)i:nci:, volk county, oukgon, dixkmijku 21, 1003. NUMItEK 4 ! of J. . V. Bailor. MB"oth, Oa. av Ms 'r v is Ari'iii-i rtTivi: I'orritnl, Whll Appr-U. It of the Compliment, Tut ltulna Before Politic. i .' IjljUiJMC, the. 21 ti(K Editor: I nolle In your lua of Hi 17lb church. Mr. Ilsud.aker advanced Sottas new thought along the line f Hi Uiixrt movement, mid I con fident of great cl belug done from tli campaign now belug Inaugurated lu Orrguti, a well " In (be eastern atnlea for so ltr. W hop that Mr, ll.i.,t..k.r will txi able to Wake us another vlU durln lb summer end give us several lecture along tbl lln. Mr. Handsaker ha elocutionary now era of ratability, and w cm U- iir Match wt I'ttrkcr. The shooting match Inal Haturdsy Curt Milter spent holiday with Li parsaU at Kln Valley. A. IL Lawlaamf wife lot lid peud- wm declared a wan dswplU the high ; jog Christmas lu Purtiand. winds and bard rain whiuu prevailed all day. A Uric crowd from all (lie neighbor IrilC (Hilnu came. Among thefu were partit-s'fiom Huver, l,u-klamiie, Air he and Jefferson, aiioul twenty good msrkmn and many otlirr, making ; up a crowd of thirty or mora perbsps. Mis Ethel Story, who ha bea Tti turkryi and dui-k wrra put upmtayhig iti Cortallu, returns) Lome Mm. Ir0 Ialton, of MuniUtb vUHed Uar uiothar, 5lra. Ktaat, Huu- day. Floyd Wllliama and i'ercy Cupiwr ar liKte to jtd tlitflr CbrUtuiaa va cation. lll'i:.VA VISTA. and wuu uvr and over till It would b (lirtlctiW to loaru who carried tlii-m aaay dually. A targe trnt u m-t uj and bot Cuf fi and luucli wfra arrvmi. lltt tik Itobbrry lit lnrkr. , aula Ib.t frm .rim. atlor,. of ji flublj wutitf word romra .. I ha.a. ' wU,n, U called to 3 Uiarttliil aa irolalila eauui fjf Jilit rrjirpavntatlva of tba ra- Ccnn trty, I wui to afc your u!a by lai?log my wtba ruy trfnU ihntugti your valuad I tM)iw4 column, by aiknowl lug to Ihem ttiat I raU-vui ttiflr d una) and uitrtt Ukn In my ta r, but at rwut my bulBa In. t dunand my undivided attau , Thanking my frlod for Jl w ntnat inwrly, I poalllvely da- Um boD-r of booonilng caudl 1 fr aay unlet. Youra truly, W. V. I'KRCIVAU A Church Wedding. !il from Iluaua Vlata. , JiBday, lNNnibr 20. at 12 1 M., Claranr t'banlrr and Mia i Loek heart war uultad In mar ) tha U. K. church, twfora ti:oibr of frtand and iectalora, W, C. Thompson, D. D. t t '.d waa drrajMsl In m beautiful 0 tf dark blua trltumiHl In whlt. 1 R7uHfl wora tha uaual black. t. Ctilcr U a young man of high Hi t'JUidlng aud RtXHl irluelpU la member of Hi ChrUtlan r'j. MIm Iirkliaarl la well wit (4 and arurr! Hiiona Vixta. !rry ,lviUaou actwl a grooma t, and MIm UtTttta Lockheart a mm mlil, ftff l ftN) arotrlle word by ', Thompaou auU on grain la- of the many frlwinf jih-wnt, the py couplo depwrtfd for l'arkcr, w tlMfy twk th trln for I'ort I, at which lm tlu-y will H'iid r IsoiwyuimMi. r. C'linnlcr lm a furnished houe t'lly, wher lit) wilt taK hU i after the honcyiuooii. lunny frli-ihln all join In xvlxh theii hnilni and propcrliy lu r new life. ' C'urod 1'itruljKU. II. lUlly, I. ). True, Texas ;: My wife had been autlerlnit ycra Willi mrnl.VMla In it-r arm, n 1 wh n rii)H(cil to iimi liallurd'a w Ltnlment, which cured her all it. I hnve alxo umd It for old a, froatblun and nklit eruptloim. It i the work." 6(K aud 11.00. 1 by A. K I,ck. Teinperimco lecture. entertaloed poak. Far well. cll from Icwlitville. othe eveuluK of 16th Mr. Hand r prewnted hi theme, "Uncle i'i Golden Calf" to large and hlgh ppruolatlve audleuce Id the M. K. Willi ItiU iamie of the Kstiehi'MWK wa rvalgn our toiUoo of eornwpou- deol to lu column. Our future occu paliou ha called ua to other flelda of labor, aud It l with genuine sorrow and true regret that wa tender our reaigoatluu. Our jouroallUo work baa been moat plraaautand profitable to ui, and to klndoeee and courtee that have Dean aeoordad U u by the I'-dltor aud hi valuable oo- worker have endeared to our heart many food memoriea, the preeuce of which aoftena the bitter new of tbe parting hour. We have labored earueatty la behalf ofour coinmuuliy aud the lulereat of our county paper; endeavoring to write that which would be mol appreciated by lu reader. And we truat that we have offended uo uue j but If we hare, It baa been unlnieotloual, and we are truly aorry. Tbua, while with keen regret we re Il'h tha work that ha afforded u auuh irenultie pleaaure, we have tecured m uur uixwMr m uioat able repreeen Utlve, aud feel aured that be will All the poelllott with dignity to her Mlfand creIit to the Kntkki'KIsk. And In parting we dolr to thank the kind Editor, the noble co worker aud the gunerpu friend wh have contrllni.ed to our happlneea during our y here, and to wtnh for the Kn tuhpiuhk, for I'olk ctMiuty aud for all of our friend a most bright and proe-IN-rou future. Wit It (leepeat regret at parting Imtu homo and friend, we bid you all good bve. It. W. AN1 Miw. K. W. Kwixk. There w III be preaching at the Itapn tint church lu th'. city both morning aud evening of next Sunday, and every evening of the week following. T theee eervtcee we Invite all, but e lecilly thiae w ho are not member of any church. The mihject lor Sundy evening will le "No Man Caret It for My So ul." Arthur S. Aileu. piuitor. "I wa much aftllctil with aciatlca," urllea Kd O. Nud. lowavllle, Hedg- wick t'o., Kan., going about ou crutch-1 ea and autlVrliig a deal ir pain. I Induced to try lillard'e Huow Llui uietil, which relieved me. I eae d threw .Vki Uitllea. It la the greatest liniment 1 ever ud; have recom mended It to a numtier of pereout; all expret themetlvea a Iwlug beneflted by It. I uow walk without orutchea, able to iwrforut a great rteal of light la bor on the farm." Sic, 60o, and 11.00. Hold by A. 8. ivocka. A HpecUl from 1'arker. A bold, bad burglar broke Into the houan of Mr. Mary Kerr lt k and opened the bauk owned by Walter Kerr and pocketed the content, which amounted to i"o. lie lo found pocktt book cuoUinlng 'So and took that amount. '1 hi hap(jeiied 1(1 broad daylight while Mr. Kerr waaatHuver, b having rldJeu up with Mr. Halnk aa he went to acbool, and expected to apeud the day there. No doubt tbe burglar waa aaiuaiuted with the facta aud alo with the premiaee, and therefore he had little trouble aud little chance of discovery. A I It LI I K. B. Jameaon waa here ou buaioea Monday. 'HupU Burr vUlted our achool at Thursday. Mr. Dyer, of Pedee, waa an Airlie visitor Sunday. Mrs. Km ml it BtaaU visited In Moo mouth laal week. Ed Taylor aod faaallr are her to pend Christina. la Monmouth Tuesday, Ml Lillte Rose on buiineea Tuesday J. W. Wilson and wife went to Mill boro Saturday on a visiL Tom Hooker aud wife were Indepen dence visitor last week. Riley Craven, of Independence, wm here on business! Monday. II. P. William and wife were Al bany visitor last week. Mrs, Llllle Hltupson wa a Mon mouth visitor laet week. Joit a Httte too far and tfc woman wno rescues over the cliff for the coveted flower go a crashing down into the abvas below. Just a little too fr and the woman, who, day by day, neglects to cure the woiuanmliseaoe which weaken Jer is prostrated upon a bed of sickness. No woman should trifle with the disease peculiar to her aex. Neglect to-lay means a worse con dition to-tnorrow. I)r. Pierce' I-'avorite Prescription is a safe and reliable remedy for the cure of disease pectiliarW womanly. It estab lishes regularity, dries enfeebling drains, heals inflammation and ulceration and cure female weakness. MV wife, Mrs Mry Ktr. hss l taking your niclh-ine ami rrv-ivi great hcnrnl i'rom lt, writw Mr. C,ro. Wm. HU. erf Sprlnsffi"re, Va. Waa tnxihletl wtlh Irmale wukuM, hravr. brarine -Uowa paiu, aerertt pain in back snd hrait. am! a tirr.1. wortuHil terUntr all the Iim. Trird all the rmirtlim we could hear off but thry di.i no swd. Finally we to roa sn1 mv wilt CiTmuiroced tnkius' ' Hawnte Pre-at-riixioii.' To-"!! ten bottlra. sol la In brtter health than betwr in a Ions; time. We ahalt aiwava rscintnen.l Ir. Ptm.T'a ParorUe lrt ariiioti to all who are thus alilu trd ' "1'sTorlte IVescription " make weak women strong, sick women well. Acct-pt no substitute for the merltcine which works wonders for weak women. The Common Sense Medical Adviser, mo8 large pages, in paper covers, Is sent A. nn rcopini of twentv-ooe one-cent stamps to pav expense of mailing ov. Aadres IX. - v. iiercc. ituuo, n. i. I'A ItKKIC Cbo. Allen relumed from Cor valli FriJa. KJ tileele, of Suver, w Fun day visitor at Parker. Joe nJ Frank Berry viated at P T. Peterson' last week. Evan h'vanr i shipping cream to I nuVpeiidcryce creamery. There will be a Xma. tree at Mrs FaijUa' on Xtnas night. Jaa Helniiclc ia ebipping wheat to Portland flouring mill. Lois Osborne, of Highland, waa a Saturday visitor at Parker. P. J. Dickinson and family visit ed Tuesday at Independence. Dell Grigsby waa a business visit' or at Independence Thursday. Willis Powell and family spent Sunday at L. H. McElmurry'a. Claud Boone made a business trip to Independence Thursday. I. C. Peterson, from Highland, visited relatives at Parker Sunday ' Mrs. Kerr and Lura Critchlo visited Sunday at Mrs. Peterson's. Kirk Scrafford, of Little Luckia- mute, was a Parker visitor Satur day. Miss Jtary Uelmick. of Mon mouth, spent Sunday at her home here. Mrs. ihiqua and daughter Velena, were passengers to Inde pendence Saturday. Wedding bells are ringing to a thuosand merry chimes in our neighborhood today. Mbses Maggie Kurr and Lura Critchlow were passengers to Inde pendence Wednesday. Everett and Glen Hiltibrand, Little Luckiamute, were guests at Mr. Fuqua's Saturday. Oren and Henry McElmurry, of Highland, were basket bujers at the social Friday evening. Forest-ranger A. B. Lacey came down from Detroit to spend Xrnas with his family at this place. R. V. Swink and family will leave on Friday's train for their new home at Crabtree, Oregon. Jas Ilelmlck sold his last year's crop of hops last week. They were sold to A. J. Lively, of Portland. Willis M. Powell, the new agent and post master at Parker, is prov ng himselt a moet competent official. We are requested to announce ; that there will be a spelling match at tbe Highland school house, on January 2nd. Mrs. P. J. Dickinson and Misses Mageie Kerr and Lura Critchlow were initiated into the member ship of Royal Neighbors Saturday, at Suver. Mr. Adams was an Independence visitor Wednesday. Geo. Krutz was an Independence visitor Wednesday. Rjbert Steele was an Indepen dence visitor Friday. Ed Prather was in Independence on business Wednesday. Arteruus Winn and wife were Indejiendence visitors Monday. Boro To Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Wells, on December ISth, a boy. W. S. McLain was a business visitor at Independence Wednesday. Quite cumber of hogs were butche.ed in our vicinity laet week. W. J. Steele and wife were busi ness visitors Friday at Indepen dence. Albert Davidson and wife were business visitors at Independence Monday. Mrs. Polly's niece, Miss Lizzie Hamersley, of Corvallis, is visiting her this week. M. N. Prather and wife were passe ogrs on the boat to Salem Monday morning. A number of our young people at tended the basket social given at Parker Friday night. Mies Mae Smith will leave Fri day for her home at 7ena, Oregon, where she will spend her vacation with her parents and friends. Mrs. T. P. Oglesbee waa ft pass enger on the Pomona to saiem Friday morning, where she will spend ft few days visiting with ber mother. Bids Wftoted. Sealed bid will be received by the undersigned till 12 M. January 18, 1904 for 100 cord of oak grub wood not lea than two Incbe in diameter. Bald wood to be delivered on Normal 8chool grounds in basement ricked not later than September 1st, 1904. Right reserved to re)ect any or all bids. J. B. V. Bctler, Sec, Itegenta. E. M. Young was a passenger to ortland Friday. Glenn Ireland went to Portland Friday t spend the holidays. Dr. W. R. Allio made a profess ional call to Suver Tuesday. J. F. 0'Donnell and Henry Wilkes were north bound passen gers Friday. ' Glenn Goodman is now on crutches, the resalt of a weight fall ing on his foot. Glenn Goodman and Samie Da- m6n came ia from Corvallis Fri- ay to spend the holidays. Mr. Fowle, who has been visiting t Lewisville, returned to his home at Los Angles, Cal., Tuesday. M. A. Baker returned last week from Roseberg, he having been at the Soldiers' Home there for several months. Moore's Hair Invigorator and Herpicide are the world's greatest scalp cleansers and hair invigor ators. Both are for sale at J. S. Moore's barber shop. Call and have Mr. Moore give an applica tion of either remedy and yon will never be without one or the other.