Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190?, December 17, 1903, Image 3

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f s zow; me or oz? and all to begirt and look after Christmas.
Wo jut want you to call and himj our n.-w lino. It in u big on. for a mall More to have, but it wan bought at the rijrht price and our
customi-nt get tho benefit of the buy, not only in price but in assortment.
This year wo have the fntext lino
of hooks ever brought to the city.
Von will bo ut.ab!i lo RiprrMuto
them, (hut volume until you havo
called hi our store anil een them.
Something new in a lovely leather
binding jt'iot out this season. Also
n largo variety f chillru books
You kIiouKI call anl see thorn.
Here is a li"' ft"" value that ran
riot bo excelled in the valley. We
were fortunate enough t go into a
big hoima that wanted to clone out
their nitinplo lint' and we bought
lh entire lino Ht alxint 0 cent on
the dollar, mi.i1 wo ri going to ue
thin an run of our big value leaders
that you always find at our store.
Toys, Toys, Drums and Toys
Come in uii1 ri our nice linn of
mechanical toys; they will
the old an well as the young.
Engines that run, loau that run,
nuloiiiobcles, etc , ure among the
U)ya present. Our liiiH of me
chanical toys are much superior to
any line that we have bad the
pleasure, of iiif peeling so far. The
price on these goods have been
placed at a low eiih to cOfH out the
entire line mid have non Jilt.
Made ol the very boat material
it ml at all price. Wo have a num
tier of kid dolls with movable
limbs and cloning eyes and of large
size, too. .Something exceptionally
nice for the little girl's present.
Candies for Christmas
We would lik to have you call
and figure with uh on candies of
ar.y grade or make. No dillerence
we will furnish you the good and
Mive you money. Christmas can
dir for all and at all kind. of
price. Fine chocolates and tallies,
always fresh, made of qnly the
purest sugar and colorings.
What would make a more select
gift than a box of our fine station
ery? We have the snellest line
ever brought to the city.
- tm. k s.
I'harlii) Collinn returnod to So
nttht Friday, alter n few day' vitiit
wilh hi parent, Mr. and Mr. J
II. Collin.
I'ulk county in one of thoM' "eco
nomical countiiti, to economical
that a grand jury ia an unneces
sary expeimo.
Agoodjoka oo tbrei Moninoutb
inMtructon is that they have never
ally liwn arretted and convicted of
unlawful trcppAHdinK.
WoiTt in hT.'t. ae'greo at MaKonio '
I.olgri meeting thin coning Satun
A half dozen of the hunting
liere have renteil ft lake
At the regular eion
Lodge, No. IS). A. K & A.
of Lyon
M. held
near Huena ViaU, and are enjoying j Saturday evening the following ofh-
the exclusive privilege of hunting cers were eiecieu. .
on the ,.n... ! '-cke: S W- ,L "'riborg; J . N .
. L ,. ... Clarence K. 'A agoner; Treao., II. II.
Vnr imrff rwmir iuit ' call ami let . . n ., it,
iim allow vou our line. Wo have
some very fine, all wool and llce
lined underwear, all cu'', and our
prices are an low a any uu. W.
A. Mesmier.
From various Huctiot f the
Lti.itMlu wnril tftmOit that .
Unr!Al nfthisitv. chairrti.t of !
! county central committee, wiH be
' .l I.' ..:.... t.i l.iint
day eveniny. All ore reuuenteu to; 1
attend, -nj r order W. M. rcprWUt,ve.
The Lewis and Clark club of i Model Lncampmenl. ."so. oo. nan
Monmouth are to give bnaket
uncial at the chapel Saturday even
ing. A motor will run from hero.
W. II. Kingery, of McMinnville,
wan in th city Tuesday. Ho in a
graduate of the Normal, and is now
engaged in the real estate business
at McMinnville,
In pursuance of a former custom,
wo wish to giVo tho new officers of
every lodge. Many of the secre
taries have already handed in litUs
and wo trust all will do so
elected the following officers for tho
ensuing year, J. U. Hubbard, Chief
Patriarch; D. Calbreath, S. V; J.
N. Jones, High Priest; M. C. Will
iams. Scribe; C. W. Irvine, Treas
ure; E. S. Hillard, J. W.
Tho Independence orchestra will
give a dance Christmas evening at
tho Auditonnn. Tho orchestra is
to bo augmented for the occa
sion, and indications for a good
time are promising.
Jiisnerson; Sec: R. U. I'arrish;
Tyler, I. H. Ingram; S.- V., U. .
Butlor; Cha-. IliiT, J. 1).; Dr. E. L.
Ketchum and Mr. Dickinson, Stew
ards. See U. M. Wade & Co's., display
a'lon page 4. tyverjj away We
have a full line, of jjuckle- plated
ware, table cutlery, carving et.
scissors, shears;. with-every 1.00
purchase of the above articles we
give ono l"o boy's pocket knife;
$2.(0 purchase one boy .or girl's
25o knife; $4.00 to flQO purchase
one boy or girl's 50c knife. At
It. M. Wade & Co's.
We trust eyery church will have
a Christmas tree this year, as a
Christmas without th? sacred and
mythical associations of the occas
ion is lacking in two of its fundi-
luental necessities to gain the true
beauty of the : most universally
celebrated of all events of history.
And let us not iorget to remember
those who are letH fortunate than,
perhaps, we are, and to see that
every little urchin in our acquain
Unceshall have been made happy
becaufe Santa Claus did not
forget him on Christmas day.
Xoto Change of Address.
Frank Butler, same residence,
near Falls City, but postal address
is Dallas, Oregon R. F. D. No. 2.
Manhood More Titan Machinery.
. . ...
(From Bishop Henry Codman Pot
ter.) '
The wonders which mechanical
appliances in c mnection with man
ufacturers, and, indeed, with al
most all forms of industry, have
achieved; the greater cheapness)
and the greater consumption which
have followed upon this, the in
creased incentives to trade and
commerce which have been a re
sult of both; these, it must be own
ed, have dazzled the eyes and
blinded the judgment of men as to
their effects upon that which is
more precious than machinery, or
manufactures, c wealth, or nation
al expansion, and that is manhood;
and e?pecially to the well being os
that vast majority of the race
which, under the most civilized
conditions of life, niuet alway
mainly earn its bread with its
The orchestra wifbes o impress
unon all dancers that thev will
have a good time if they attend,
their Cnristmas dance at the Audi
torium Christmas evening. It will
be the ewellest of the season.
6a different games all new
r one ia each package of
Lion Coffee
at yonr Grocer's.1
i iai lrA'AU.::.CAi r:
Kcducod prices on all furniture and toys during tho holidays. Commencing
Saturday, Dec. 26, and . continuing until Jan. 1
Komembcr we have tho largest, finest and most complete stock of everything in the furniture line
over carried in Independence. Also our largo line of toys should not be overlooked." It will pay you
to call, look ovei our goods and got our prices, fonv e know wocan save you money. We have large
shipments of goods arriving every day, so that our stock will bo kept up as long as sale last, so you
will be ablo to get just what you want. We are, Yours to please, .. : .
Josse & Bice.